Oh Libs this has GOT to hurt. Rush Limbaugh Ratings Up 60% Since Fluke Controversy

Face it, he is good at what he does, and his best format is Radio. It's hard work and talent, not luck. Agree or disagree, he has good instinct. He may misstep, but that does not take away from his ability.

So hitler, saddam and bush, can't take away from their ability to fuck over the people for power and money. Ok, Hush you have an ability to sell your sole and can careless about the future of the world for money, how is that talent and its the ones writing the checks to Husk BTW? It’s a show that needs to make money. by spewing hate and fear thinking to ones that follow this crap, for profit now that talent! And glad they are so few and will slowly die away (even faster when the fat head fuck has his heart attack what will they do, and will the suicide rate spike for the year?) as people truly can get to facts and truth these days and that keep the sick types in check that banner Hush.

So let’s get a head start on who will replace this clown, that would be fun. BTW have you ever gone to a bar and spotted a Hush listener and started chatting with them?
Have some fun with them even buy them a few drinks
stroke their Hush passion, lie to them make or even expanded on wrong facts to them and get them spewing hate and video record it.. sweet…. And a fun night!

I dually NOTE your comparison here...when there isn't but between Saddam and HITLER.

The rest of your yaksqueeze is thrown out.

All I name only spew hate and fear as Rushy too! As rushy has limited followers for life and will only be a talk show to ignorant sheep as the master stroker... so yes rush is less deadly but you dont need to be dead, walking dead are funny
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So hitler, saddam and bush, can't take away from their ability to fuck over the people for power and money. Ok, Hush you have an ability to sell your sole and can careless about the future of the world for money, how is that talent and its the ones writing the checks to Husk BTW? It’s a show that needs to make money. by spewing hate and fear thinking to ones that follow this crap, for profit now that talent! And glad they are so few and will slowly die away (even faster when the fat head fuck has his heart attack what will they do, and will the suicide rate spike for the year?) as people truly can get to facts and truth these days and that keep the sick types in check that banner Hush.

So let’s get a head start on who will replace this clown, that would be fun. BTW have you ever gone to a bar and spotted a Hush listener and started chatting with them?
Have some fun with them even buy them a few drinks
stroke their Hush passion, lie to them make or even expanded on wrong facts to them and get them spewing hate and video record it.. sweet…. And a fun night!

I dually NOTE your comparison here...when there isn't but between Saddam and HITLER.

The rest of your yaksqueeze is thrown out.

All I name only spew hate and fear as Rushy too! As rushy has limted followers for life and will only be a talk show to ignorant sheep as the master stroker... so yes rush is less deadly but you dont need to be dead, walking dead are funny

Really Gracie? ^^This from someone that probably doesn't listen to Rush, or takes the cue from Media Matters and George Soros like a good soldier with no mind of his own.

Good form, I must say. You parrot well.
Gee.....if calling a young girl a slut gets you those ratings

Imagine what he has in store for us next week?

He apologized indirectly for going down that path...the slut openly refused the apology.

Don't worry. Rush said he won't travel down the road of Modern Liberalism again.:eusa_shhh:

(Or didn't YOU hear the apology)?

Did his sponsors hear the apology? That is who it was directed to
I dually NOTE your comparison here...when there isn't but between Saddam and HITLER.

The rest of your yaksqueeze is thrown out.

All I name only spew hate and fear as Rushy too! As rushy has limted followers for life and will only be a talk show to ignorant sheep as the master stroker... so yes rush is less deadly but you dont need to be dead, walking dead are funny

Really Gracie? ^^This from someone that probably doesn't listen to Rush, or takes the cue from Media Matters and George Soros like a good soldier with no mind of his own.

Good form, I must say. You parrot well.

So wrong but that ok!, and yes you parrot well. As reality is on my side that rush is the face that you hide behind. Get some balls man...
All I name only spew hate and fear as Rushy too! As rushy has limited followers for life and will only be a talk show to ignorant sheep as the master stroker... so yes rush is less deadly but you dont need to be dead, walking dead are funny
The American people don't care to be called "ignorant sheep." That's probably just one of the reasons they like Rush. He thinks other people are important; he calls cads out on the carpet for public scrutiny; and he encourages good citizenship in matters of state.

The free press is getting under your nails, perhaps? :lmao:
Face it, he is good at what he does, and his best format is Radio. It's hard work and talent, not luck. Agree or disagree, he has good instinct. He may misstep, but that does not take away from his ability.

So hitler, saddam and bush, can't take away from their ability to fuck over the people for power and money. Ok, Hush you have an ability to sell your sole and can careless about the future of the world for money, how is that talent and its the ones writing the checks to Husk BTW? It’s a show that needs to make money. by spewing hate and fear thinking to ones that follow this crap, for profit now that talent! And glad they are so few and will slowly die away (even faster when the fat head fuck has his heart attack what will they do, and will the suicide rate spike for the year?) as people truly can get to facts and truth these days and that keep the sick types in check that banner Hush.

So let’s get a head start on who will replace this clown, that would be fun. BTW have you ever gone to a bar and spotted a Hush listener and started chatting with them?
Have some fun with them even buy them a few drinks
stroke their Hush passion, lie to them make or even expanded on wrong facts to them and get them spewing hate and video record it.. sweet…. And a fun night!

Hitler ans Saddam were both Despots. Bush was not. Rush is not. I'm guessing English is your second Language, and that The USA is not where you were born. Do you cross dress when you make your Videos??? Repeat after me...."Fuck Totalitarianism". Here is a new word for you.....Soul. You do not feed it by forcing others to your will. You feed it by serving Justice and Truth, through Prayer and Fasting.
All I name only spew hate and fear as Rushy too! As rushy has limited followers for life and will only be a talk show to ignorant sheep as the master stroker... so yes rush is less deadly but you dont need to be dead, walking dead are funny
The American people don't care to be called "ignorant sheep." That's probably just one of the reasons they like Rush. He thinks other people are important; he calls cads out on the carpet for public scrutiny; and he encourages good citizenship in matters of state.

The free press is getting under your nails, perhaps? :lmao:

CausingPain is into mindless insurrection, nothing more.
Tell it to someone who doesn't know any better.

I imagine you listen more to that stuff than I do.

:eusa_angel: I travel through two counties daily (job) and sometimes I listen to music, rush, hannity, levin and a local glenn beck wannabe. Gives me a good idea what y'all are talking about when you post.
Funny, I listen to none of the above. It could be conservatives look alike to you online because our adherence to constitutional issues and admiration for those who do right causes us to draw similar conclusions about any given event. Most of us have fought to save a business, fought for the Constitution, fought obstacles to get charitable organizations funding for helping other people who need to receive assistance, sustenance, or counseling or other help. We're realists, and it's not easy to fool a person with a calculator in his or her hand, determining if a proposal is fiscally a possibility or isn't.
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'Rush Limbaugh Show' Ratings Up 60% - YouTube

That's got to hurt.

I know libs will scream it isn't true, and we only have Rush's word.

But consider this. Some of you IDIOT LIBS on this board were predicitng that Rush was done. Gone! Finito!

And he's still here, doing fine, and ADDING sponsors.

The libs war to get rid of Rush fell as flat as all their other astroturf efforts.

I told you libs. Your liberal media didn't make Rush, so your liberal media can't take him down.

Only if you are stupid enough to believe the pathological liar, but then again by his own "word" he's LOST about 50% of his audience, from over 40 million to 22 million!!!

March 28, 2012
RUSH: We haven't lost any audience in this program. The audience is larger than it's ever been... But the advertisers who've really been hurt are the ones who've abandoned here. I just assume everybody understood that. Let me tell you: We have 22 million people here who have stopped patronizing these people, stopped patronizing them. It's major in many instances, the harm that has been inflicted.

May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.

Notice no links to that. Why? Because it's Media Matters and he knows it and doesn't want him to laugh at that obvious point.

Why? Because we KNOW Media Matters lies.

Nice try.

Again, these mindless drones are programmed to block out everything that exposes their MessiahRushie as the worthless lying America-hating scum he is as coming from MediaMatters or some other "Lib" website. I don't post the links for a few reasons, 1 I don't want to send traffic to his site, 2 I know you mindless boobs will say it came from some Lib site and 3 I shows just how lazy and incapable of thinking or doing anything for themselves DittoNutzies are. I also like to challenge you morons to link to the Lib site that you say I got the quote from knowing you can't!

All you lazy saps have to do is take the quote and put it in quotation marks and then google it to not only find the link to the Pinko Slime of Politics' web site, but also find every other web site that used the same quote. Of course, if you had the drive and intelligence to do that you would not be a lazy mindless CON$erviNutzi!!!

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May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.
That was a quip. Limbaugh has had measured audience in the low 20 mm a week for many years now.

Anybody who cares to know the facts knows this.
Anytime the pathological liar is caught in a lie by his own words the DittoNutzis are programmed to mindlessly parrot that it was a joke, sarcasm, satire, illustrating the absurd by being absurd, etc.

Of course, deep down in your soul you knew your MessiahRushie was still lying even if that quote was a "quip" which is why you deliberately left out the other quote!! If the pathological liar has been claiming low 20 million listeners for years, as you have just admitted, then he has either been lying about the size of his audience for all those years or he's now lying about his newly grown by 60% audience of 22 million being the largest it has ever been!!!

March 28, 2012
RUSH: We haven't lost any audience in this program. The audience is larger than it's ever been... But the advertisers who've really been hurt are the ones who've abandoned here. I just assume everybody understood that. Let me tell you: We have 22 million people here who have stopped patronizing these people, stopped patronizing them. It's major in many instances, the harm that has been inflicted.

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