Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Jan 10th, 2019

It's not a mess Lesh, it's trying to protect our nation from foreigners willing to break our laws in order to take advantage of the generosity of millions of working Americans.

He's increased my support for him in standing firm on his beliefs. If he backs down then it says to me that he's a coward who doesn't actually believe the wall is important [when /I/ do think it's important.]
Fun facts.

The government has been shut down 18 times since 1976 for a total of 125 days, excluding Trump’s shutdown.

The Dems are responsible for 98 of those days compared to 27 for the Republicans. And the 3 longest shutdowns belong to Dems - Clinton, Obama & Carter.
Trump: 'Cryin Chuck' Schumer lied about me slamming the table
"Cryin Chuck told his favorite lie when he used his standard sound bite that I 'slammed the table & walked out of the room. He had a temper tantrum,'" Trump tweeted Thursday morning. “Because I knew he would say that, and after Nancy said no to proper Border Security, I politely said bye-bye and left, no slamming!”
You libards are really lucky I am not your President, for I would of picked up the table and slammed it on the peabrains of UpChuck and "Blinkie, because if you say that I did it, well I might as well do it. The more you guys LIE, the more normal US citizens will hate you even more.
With congress at a all time low back in 2017 at 19%, this year it will be even lower. 2020 is going to be a RED wave, unless the libs step up and stuff the ballot boxes like they did 2018,
Congress has become increasingly unpopular since Trump became president
The House has already passed several continuing resolutions including for Homeland security.

Just a few weeks ago the GOP Senate passed a clean CR by UNANIMOUS vote. They have refused to bring that back up for a vote in this Congress.

Cause ya know...Ann Coulter and Rush Limpdick freaked out and Trump said he wouldn't sign it because of their freakout
Schumer LIED claiming Trump "slammed the table" and stormed out of the meeting yesterday. People at the meeting said Trump did nothing of the sort. After Pelosi told Trump she would not approve funding for the border wall even if Trump ended the government shut down he politely left the meeting.
No reason to doubt that he is correct, again.

Of course you have "no reason to doubt", because that would require you to have an independent thought. Anything that Trump says is subject to reasonable doubt.

Last year Trump made a deal with Chuck and Nancy to give the DACA kids a path to citizenship in return for $25 million for his dumb wall, but Stephen Miller said "No fucking way" and Trump renegged. Trump should have taken that deal when he had the chance. He won't have another offer even half that good.

Buried in Trump's appropriation bills is 4.5 billion to lock up asylum seekers until their cases can be heard. That doesn't sound very cost effective to me, considering that the USA would have to build for profit prisons to house these families, and then there's those pesky laws about incarcerating children, and having to pay for guards and all.
Last year Trump made a deal with Chuck and Nancy to give the DACA kids a path to citizenship in return for $25 million for his dumb wall, but Stephen Miller said "No fucking way" and Trump renegged. Trump should have taken that deal when he had the chance. He won't have another offer even half that good

I'm surprised that has not returned to the table....~S~
I suspect Satan himself is more honest and honorable than any Democrat in Congress or any Democrat that has ever been President or run for President..
Trump loves his commie buddies and thugs. Who and what Trump loves his supporters love. Trump is the last person on earth who should speak of honor.
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