Obama's Speech - comments

I am signing off.

Either we work with the Dems, my fellow GOPers, or we will be in the minority.

BHO kicked out butts in the eys of America. I thought McConnell was going to weep when BHO called him out by inferrences for being an obstructionist. Good.

I'd rather be in the minority than to sign onto Marxism.. you go for it Starkey.
I am signing off.

Either we work with the Dems, my fellow GOPers, or we will be in the minority.

BHO kicked out butts in the eys of America. I thought McConnell was going to weep when BHO called him out by inferrences for being an obstructionist. Good.

are you gonna tell us how mcconnell obstructed anything with a 60/40 split or are you gonna tuck tail and run?
I am signing off.

Either we work with the Dems, my fellow GOPers, or we will be in the minority.

BHO kicked out butts in the eys of America. I thought McConnell was going to weep when BHO called him out by inferrences for being an obstructionist. Good.

repubs have been trying to work across the lines...but they keep getting left out of closed door meetings...how the hell are WE (not sure if you fit in here) supposed to have faith in that system?
Wow ... he's going to have a busy year. Him and his left-winged progressives. Between all these new promises and pushing thier socialistic agenda, he probably won't have time for the numerous speeches and other engagements. So does this mean he won't be on our televisions as much as he was last year? ( hands clasped ... looking up and praying to God )
that's first thing he's said that I agree with all night.... alot of American's don't believe he can deliver
Wow ... he's going to have a busy year. Him and his left-winged progressives. Between all these new promises and pushing thier socialistic agenda, he probably won't have time for the numerous speeches and other engagements. So does this mean he won't be on our televisions as much as he was last year? ( hands clasped ... looking up and praying to God )

sure he will....he's got pelosi and reid to do the hard stuff.
Notice the faces on the military members when he said that? They will fight it.


Except the ones that are gay.

Gay soldiers from NATO walk though our Pentagon with Secret Clearances given by our military because they are allies.

England and Germany put up recruitment booths at gay pride events. Those soldiers serve right next to ours.

Why do Conservatives think our soldiers are pussies? They are adult men and women. Strong people. They are NOT more afraid of gays than terrorists, like conservatives are.
Oh woe is me ... this is a hard job y'know. Oh please feel bad for me. Cause this is all about me!!!!!! And when I say me, I mean Barack!

Seriously, how long is this speech?

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