Obama's Shocking Margins in 2012; GOP Should be Worried


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Hello and good morning.

I spotted this graphic highlighting a very specific subset of voters that may spell doom for the GOP in 2016:


What it represents is our President's margin with women in swing states only. In nine of the fourteen states, the President was able to post double-digit margins with women.

The GOP should be worried because of two things.

First and foremost, the odds-on favorite for the 2016 DNC nomination is Hillary Clinton. If she appears on a national ballot, she will garner similar numbers and likely even better numbers with professional college educated married women. Women will be energized to install the first female POTUS so turnout will be strong for Clinton.

Secondly and perhaps even more troublesome is that the states where Obama posted some of the largest margins are a mix of regions, demographics, and ethnicity. He had a 22% gap in Minnesota which is mostly rural, industrial Ohio had a 11% gap. Out west, Nevada had a 16% gap (as I recall in 2008, NV was a Clinton stronghold as was OH).

I am on record as stating the Dems should think long and hard before nominating Hillary. That still stands. I don't think these gaps remaining are contingent on Hillary being the nominee. But in terms of exploiting a pronounced advantage with a key demographic in battleground states...she may be the best man for the job.
It seems that the woman who just lost the election in Australia was depending on the woman's vote too.

Perhaps imagining that women all vote the same way is just that, an imagination.

obama has completely lost key demographics that have nothing to do with gender. He's lost young people, hispanics, jews, the people who really did put him in office. Whether the public will take out their ire on democrats generally is question that will be answered by the next election.
If Obama had told the truth as he knew it at that time about Obamacare, he would not have been elected! That is an important example of voter fraud. Add Benghazi and IRS, and it should have been a Romney landslide.

Cover from the MSM helped Obama, and Christie helped him, and Romney could have been stronger. Even with only the truth about Obamacare, Romney would have likely won.
If Obama had told the truth as he knew it at that time about Obamacare, he would not have been elected! That is an important example of voter fraud. Add Benghazi and IRS, and it should have been a Romney landslide.

Cover from the MSM helped Obama, and Christie helped him, and Romney could have been stronger. Even with only the truth about Obamacare, Romney would have likely won.

Want some cheese with your whine?
If Obama had told the truth as he knew it at that time about Obamacare, he would not have been elected! That is an important example of voter fraud. Add Benghazi and IRS, and it should have been a Romney landslide.

Cover from the MSM helped Obama, and Christie helped him, and Romney could have been stronger. Even with only the truth about Obamacare, Romney would have likely won.

Want some cheese with your whine?

I like cheese, but was not whining. I was telling the truth, but you likely have a problem with that.

Perhaps it's the time in your life to come clean. Admit that I am correct, denounce extreme liberal thinking, and you will feel so much better about yourself! :lol:
If Obama had told the truth as he knew it at that time about Obamacare, he would not have been elected! That is an important example of voter fraud. Add Benghazi and IRS, and it should have been a Romney landslide.

Cover from the MSM helped Obama, and Christie helped him, and Romney could have been stronger. Even with only the truth about Obamacare, Romney would have likely won.

Want some cheese with your whine?

I like cheese, but was not whining. I was telling the truth, but you likely have a problem with that.

Perhaps it's the time in your life to come clean. Admit that I am correct, denounce extreme liberal thinking, and you will feel so much better about yourself! :lol:

That you think there was voter fraud on a scale big enough to flip the vote is a sign that you're anything but correct.
Want some cheese with your whine?

I like cheese, but was not whining. I was telling the truth, but you likely have a problem with that.

Perhaps it's the time in your life to come clean. Admit that I am correct, denounce extreme liberal thinking, and you will feel so much better about yourself! :lol:

That you think there was voter fraud on a scale big enough to flip the vote is a sign that you're anything but correct.

IMHO, it was voter fraud when Obama failed to tell the truth about Obamacare! Plus, lots of indication of traditional voter fraud.
If Obama had told the truth as he knew it at that time about Obamacare, he would not have been elected! That is an important example of voter fraud. Add Benghazi and IRS, and it should have been a Romney landslide.

Cover from the MSM helped Obama, and Christie helped him, and Romney could have been stronger. Even with only the truth about Obamacare, Romney would have likely won.

Fluked over but good.

Want some cheese with your whine?

I like cheese, but was not whining. I was telling the truth, but you likely have a problem with that.

Perhaps it's the time in your life to come clean. Admit that I am correct, denounce extreme liberal thinking, and you will feel so much better about yourself! :lol:

That you think there was voter fraud on a scale big enough to flip the vote is a sign that you're anything but correct.

Or sane.

The president’s reelection was a clear rejection of the politics of division and hate practiced by many on the right.
I like cheese, but was not whining. I was telling the truth, but you likely have a problem with that.

Perhaps it's the time in your life to come clean. Admit that I am correct, denounce extreme liberal thinking, and you will feel so much better about yourself! :lol:

That you think there was voter fraud on a scale big enough to flip the vote is a sign that you're anything but correct.

Or sane.

The president’s reelection was a clear rejection of the politics of division and hate practiced by many on the right.

Yeah...clear as mud.

Seems they were willing to keep the senate about the same and left the house in the hands of the GOP.

I like cheese, but was not whining. I was telling the truth, but you likely have a problem with that.

Perhaps it's the time in your life to come clean. Admit that I am correct, denounce extreme liberal thinking, and you will feel so much better about yourself! :lol:

That you think there was voter fraud on a scale big enough to flip the vote is a sign that you're anything but correct.

Or sane.

The president’s reelection was a clear rejection of the politics of division and hate practiced by many on the right.

P-K-B and Dumbass Alert!!:cuckoo:
If Obama had told the truth as he knew it at that time about Obamacare, he would not have been elected! That is an important example of voter fraud. Add Benghazi and IRS, and it should have been a Romney landslide.

Cover from the MSM helped Obama, and Christie helped him, and Romney could have been stronger. Even with only the truth about Obamacare, Romney would have likely won.

The truth about ObamaCare...

It was actually Romney's idea.

What I find hilarious is that you guys are screaming about ObamaCare when it was a Republican idea.

Democrats would have just imposed a single payer Canadian style system, given their druthers.
I like cheese, but was not whining. I was telling the truth, but you likely have a problem with that.

Perhaps it's the time in your life to come clean. Admit that I am correct, denounce extreme liberal thinking, and you will feel so much better about yourself! :lol:

That you think there was voter fraud on a scale big enough to flip the vote is a sign that you're anything but correct.

Or sane.

The president’s reelection was a clear rejection of the politics of division and hate practiced by many on the right.

Projection alert.......:eusa_liar:
If Obama had told the truth as he knew it at that time about Obamacare, he would not have been elected! That is an important example of voter fraud. Add Benghazi and IRS, and it should have been a Romney landslide.

Cover from the MSM helped Obama, and Christie helped him, and Romney could have been stronger. Even with only the truth about Obamacare, Romney would have likely won.

The truth about ObamaCare...

It was actually Romney's idea.

What I find hilarious is that you guys are screaming about ObamaCare when it was a Republican idea.

Democrats would have just imposed a single payer Canadian style system, given their druthers.

But then imposing such a thing would have insured a defeat, so they decided to force one later on through regulation by literally destroying the current system.

Democrats would have just imposed a single payer Canadian style system, given their druthers.

But then imposing such a thing would have insured a defeat, so they decided to force one later on through regulation by literally destroying the current system.

That's debateable.

Medicare for All: Chart of Americans Support

65% would support MediCare for all.

In fact, phrasing the question different ways get different results, but a majority supports universal coverage.

The real roadblock is that the Insurance Company has billions of dollars to spend to cloud the issue. But even they went along with this because they know their model is dying.
Obama's women: Dumped from their healthcare, on unemployment and food stamps.

Yeah, that's a winner

Democrats would have just imposed a single payer Canadian style system, given their druthers.

But then imposing such a thing would have insured a defeat, so they decided to force one later on through regulation by literally destroying the current system.

That's debateable.

Medicare for All: Chart of Americans Support

65% would support MediCare for all.

In fact, phrasing the question different ways get different results, but a majority supports universal coverage.

The real roadblock is that the Insurance Company has billions of dollars to spend to cloud the issue. But even they went along with this because they know their model is dying.

"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period"
But then imposing such a thing would have insured a defeat, so they decided to force one later on through regulation by literally destroying the current system.

That's debateable.

Medicare for All: Chart of Americans Support

65% would support MediCare for all.

In fact, phrasing the question different ways get different results, but a majority supports universal coverage.

The real roadblock is that the Insurance Company has billions of dollars to spend to cloud the issue. But even they went along with this because they know their model is dying.

"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period"

"Mission Accomplished".
That's debateable.

Medicare for All: Chart of Americans Support

65% would support MediCare for all.

In fact, phrasing the question different ways get different results, but a majority supports universal coverage.

The real roadblock is that the Insurance Company has billions of dollars to spend to cloud the issue. But even they went along with this because they know their model is dying.

"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period"

"Mission Accomplished".

Yeah, another lie by the left.

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