Obama’s net worth EXPLODES after leaving office

He's probably making a fortune on the talk circuit. He is an eloquent and good speaker.

He's doing what all past presidents have done.

I'm sorry but I do not understand how anyone can say that Obozo is an "eloquent and good speaker."

He hems and haws all the time and cannot put one phrase together without disturbing pauses. I don't think he even writes his own speeches.

Can't agree with you on that.

Obama was and is a great public speaker. I don't like the guy but I give credit where it is due.

Obama at least had one saving grace. LOL

Sounds eerily similar to the Clintons, doesn’t it?

Former President Barack Obama said he went to Washington to look out for the little guy, but new financial records show his family’s net worth has skyrocketed since he took office.

The Obamas are worth a mind-blowing 30-times more than they were when he was elected president in 2008 – and possibly much, much more than that.

Obama was worth $1.3 million when he was elected president in 2008.

He’s now worth an estimated $40 million – and that’s a low-ball figure.

Unlike most current politicians – from both parties – President Trump earned him money BEFORE entering office.

More @ Obama’s net worth EXPLODES after leaving office
Yep, just another corrupt POS career politician
Of course, Obama is a very expensive whore whenever he sees fit to dine on muslim semen. It's the same way the Hilarious Hillary campaign was funded by almost a dozen muslim countries; which is why she spent so much time performing Islam fellatio during her campaign as well. That's why Democrats are so out of touch, they don't realize that most Americans are repulsed by Islam and don't want to import more of it into this country.
Ah...now the money envy comes into play.....as long as it isn't a Republican..........

Sounds eerily similar to the Clintons, doesn’t it?

Former President Barack Obama said he went to Washington to look out for the little guy, but new financial records show his family’s net worth has skyrocketed since he took office.

The Obamas are worth a mind-blowing 30-times more than they were when he was elected president in 2008 – and possibly much, much more than that.

Obama was worth $1.3 million when he was elected president in 2008.

He’s now worth an estimated $40 million – and that’s a low-ball figure.

Unlike most current politicians – from both parties – President Trump earned him money BEFORE entering office.

More @ Obama’s net worth EXPLODES after leaving office

Yes, eerily similar to the Clintons, and many other world leaders who left office.

On talk circuit, George W. Bush makes millions but few waves

On talk circuit, George W. Bush makes millions but few waves
Since 2009, the former president has given at least 200 paid speeches, typically pocketing $100,000 to $175,000 per appearance."
Just another career politician... They are all the same you silly little fucker
He's probably making a fortune on the talk circuit. He is an eloquent and good speaker.

He's doing what all past presidents have done.
Also overpaid for book deals that'll end up in the bargain bin. You'll see his books at Dollar Tree for a buck on a year.

I don't have a problem with him TAKING ADVANTAGE of his position, but he is a major hypocrite.
Both his books so far have been best sellers.
Many people want to hear from a president who’s only scandals were Republican conspiracies.
You too would eat the shit out of his ass if he asked you to...
Is obama a socialist? Are democrats socialists? No
Yes. And, Most are.
You think most democrats are socialists? That's crazy. It's not a binary system. It's not Patriots vs. Venezuelan wannabes. Democrats don't in majority want to get rid of a primarily capitalist system. Some policies may lean towards socialism but they are typically attempts to address the negative externalities of capitalism that are hurting people. We are sooooo far from full implementation. Bernie says a lot of stuff that isnt going to happen. You cant use him as a representative for the whole party. He actually still claims to be an independant I think.
Progressives are socialist when it comes to other people, they want to control people they disagree with. They obviously are all hypocrites
Working the “Mashed Potato” circuit is quite a lucrative gig for former presidents.
Millions of people want to hear the Great Obama speak

President Obama and the First Lady both signed book deals for two a piece with Penguin Random House, they have a Netflix deal, and, all the speaking fees he gets on the circuit are where they've made their money during the last two years. None that matters to those with a seething dislike for the previous president, though. They need to believe that this money was has made through foul and perfidious deeds to confirm their biases.
Is obama a socialist? Are democrats socialists? No
Yes. And, Most are.
You think most democrats are socialists? That's crazy. It's not a binary system. It's not Patriots vs. Venezuelan wannabes. Democrats don't in majority want to get rid of a primarily capitalist system. Some policies may lean towards socialism but they are typically attempts to address the negative externalities of capitalism that are hurting people. We are sooooo far from full implementation. Bernie says a lot of stuff that isnt going to happen. You cant use him as a representative for the whole party. He actually still claims to be an independant I think.
Progressives are socialist when it comes to other people, they want to control people they disagree with. They obviously are all hypocrites

Tell you what! You amass all the bows and arrows you want and WE promise you can keep them ALL. Well unless you get pissed off and 'shoot' someone with one.

Sounds eerily similar to the Clintons, doesn’t it?

Former President Barack Obama said he went to Washington to look out for the little guy, but new financial records show his family’s net worth has skyrocketed since he took office.

The Obamas are worth a mind-blowing 30-times more than they were when he was elected president in 2008 – and possibly much, much more than that.

Obama was worth $1.3 million when he was elected president in 2008.

He’s now worth an estimated $40 million – and that’s a low-ball figure.

Unlike most current politicians – from both parties – President Trump earned him money BEFORE entering office.

More @ Obama’s net worth EXPLODES after leaving office

It's just not the President, it's the same throughout the Federal government.

This is where all our money goes, and they have all the power.

This was not how Federalism was set up to work, however. This is a result of collectivists, like Obama, subverting the system to enrich themselves.
He's probably making a fortune on the talk circuit. He is an eloquent and good speaker.

He's doing what all past presidents have done.

I'm sorry but I do not understand how anyone can say that Obozo is an "eloquent and good speaker."

He hems and haws all the time and cannot put one phrase together without disturbing pauses. I don't think he even writes his own speeches.
The Great Obama pauses in thought to get the right phrasing
The result is a coherent thought process

Crooked Donnie speaks at a fourth grade level and cannot maintain a chain of thought......believe me
Obama's election tapped into a deep vein of escapist hope, that it would be a simple, painless way to heal our historic wounds. we projected onto Obama our desire to crush bigotry with enlightened democracy. Obama as a stalwart of social justice and a boy wonder of political rhetoric, was the unifying force of our national identity and spoke redemption into our bones
So how did he make all this money???

Selling himself. Presidents of the US are very much in demand. Books, speaking events etc.

But in the last 2 years??? Because he can't do that while in office...….can he?

They give you money just to get the books published. It's not like he's some unknown author. Publishers will literally be throwing themselves at him to get him to write a book, because people will buy it.

And doing speeches, I mean, if you do three a week at $200,000 a pop, that $600,000 a week. That's a lot of money a year.

Yeah I get it about the publishers giving you money upfront and the consulting fees & all. Either in a link here or I had looked it up and found he made 20mil (I think?) on 2 books while in office, but didn't see anything about the speeches. Although those would have come after leaving office. But as I'd said he was more or less MIA for quite a while. And I'm pretty sure he didn't do 20 mil worth of speeches at your rates in 2 years. He didn't work that damn hard while he was in office

Well, just because you didn't see him, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

It's very easy for him to have made a lot of money. Are you suggesting he's doing something dodgy? If so, what?

Selling himself. Presidents of the US are very much in demand. Books, speaking events etc.

But in the last 2 years??? Because he can't do that while in office...….can he?

They give you money just to get the books published. It's not like he's some unknown author. Publishers will literally be throwing themselves at him to get him to write a book, because people will buy it.

And doing speeches, I mean, if you do three a week at $200,000 a pop, that $600,000 a week. That's a lot of money a year.

Yeah I get it about the publishers giving you money upfront and the consulting fees & all. Either in a link here or I had looked it up and found he made 20mil (I think?) on 2 books while in office, but didn't see anything about the speeches. Although those would have come after leaving office. But as I'd said he was more or less MIA for quite a while. And I'm pretty sure he didn't do 20 mil worth of speeches at your rates in 2 years. He didn't work that damn hard while he was in office

Well, just because you didn't see him, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

It's very easy for him to have made a lot of money. Are you suggesting he's doing something dodgy? If so, what?
Of course he can't tell you what dodgy thing.

Dodgy? IDK, it is Obama, after all and that's why I had asked. Doesn't it seem rather strange to make so much in such a short of time? Especially if he'd been on numerous vacations after leaving office? If it had happened (that he'd made all this money by book deals and speeches) the MSM that worships him so much would have made it headlines instead of quietly passing it by.

BUT after reading thru the link in the OP (too bad neither of you did), it actually says he made 20million on 2 book deals while he was in office....and that would put it into better perspective of making 40mil in 2 years.
Selling himself. Presidents of the US are very much in demand. Books, speaking events etc.

But in the last 2 years??? Because he can't do that while in office...….can he?

They give you money just to get the books published. It's not like he's some unknown author. Publishers will literally be throwing themselves at him to get him to write a book, because people will buy it.

And doing speeches, I mean, if you do three a week at $200,000 a pop, that $600,000 a week. That's a lot of money a year.

Yeah I get it about the publishers giving you money upfront and the consulting fees & all. Either in a link here or I had looked it up and found he made 20mil (I think?) on 2 books while in office, but didn't see anything about the speeches. Although those would have come after leaving office. But as I'd said he was more or less MIA for quite a while. And I'm pretty sure he didn't do 20 mil worth of speeches at your rates in 2 years. He didn't work that damn hard while he was in office

Well, just because you didn't see him, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

It's very easy for him to have made a lot of money. Are you suggesting he's doing something dodgy? If so, what?

But in the last 2 years??? Because he can't do that while in office...….can he?

They give you money just to get the books published. It's not like he's some unknown author. Publishers will literally be throwing themselves at him to get him to write a book, because people will buy it.

And doing speeches, I mean, if you do three a week at $200,000 a pop, that $600,000 a week. That's a lot of money a year.

Yeah I get it about the publishers giving you money upfront and the consulting fees & all. Either in a link here or I had looked it up and found he made 20mil (I think?) on 2 books while in office, but didn't see anything about the speeches. Although those would have come after leaving office. But as I'd said he was more or less MIA for quite a while. And I'm pretty sure he didn't do 20 mil worth of speeches at your rates in 2 years. He didn't work that damn hard while he was in office

Well, just because you didn't see him, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

It's very easy for him to have made a lot of money. Are you suggesting he's doing something dodgy? If so, what?
Of course he can't tell you what dodgy thing.

Dodgy? IDK, it is Obama, after all and that's why I had asked. Doesn't it seem rather strange to make so much in such a short of time? Especially if he'd been on numerous vacations after leaving office? If it had happened (that he'd made all this money by book deals and speeches) the MSM that worships him so much would have made it headlines instead of quietly passing it by.

BUT after reading thru the link in the OP (too bad neither of you did), it actually says he made 20million on 2 book deals while he was in office....and that would put it into better perspective of making 40mil in 2 years.

No, it doesn't seem strange at all. He was President, people want to hear from Presidents, especially a President who was liked quite a lot by people with a lot of money.

And then you go 180 degrees and show how he made his money. Huh?

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