Obama's Lies And The Lies Of The Media


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Obama's Lies And The Lies Of The Media

Former President Obama has no shame, but don’t count on the mainstream media to tell you this. They are in on the deception. His talk at the University of Illinois on Friday contained all of the divisive rhetoric that he and the mainstream press accuse President Trump of engaging in.... It is surreal for Mr. Obama to attack Mr. Trump for wanting to “use the criminal justice system as a cudgel to punish our political opponents” when Mr. Obama’s IRS systematically damaged his political opponents, and his FBI and Department of Justice spied on Mr. Trump’s political campaign. For years now the press has made false claims about Mr. Trump in the most vicious terms. But have Mr. Obama make the absurdly false claim that Mr. Trump is a Nazi sympathizer and you will wait in vain for any castigation by the press.

The issue isn’t just Obama breaking with the tradition of former presidents and his demagoguery, he is becoming so political criticizing his predecessor. The problem is his lies and the lies of the media.
Then again, IMO, Obama made a judgmental error reappearing and stumping against Trump on the sixth anniversary of the Benghazi terrorist attack that he and his henchmen lied about until he was safely re-elected.
Americans are not fools and recognize Obama's lies and his actions while president from Obama-Care, Fast & Furious, IRS, Iran deal to his criminal interference in the 2016 presidential election to spying on Trump and his attempts to frame him.
So, Obama is an issue for you? Why is that? Why have you not been able to 'get over' Obama? Is this terminal?
Tell us about Obama tapping Trumps wires

Spying On Trump: Was Obama Behind CIA, FBI Plan To …

Spying On Trump: Was Obama Behind CIA, FBI Plan To Elect Hillary?
As Robert Mueller's chimerical Russia-Trump collusion probe grinds on, a real possible crime has been revealed: the collusion between the Justice Department, the FBI, the Clinton campaign and, possibly, the Obama administration, to plant a spy in the Trump campaign.... As the New York Times reported, the project began in earnest in August 2016 "after the CIA director at the time, John O. Brennan, shared intelligence with Mr. (James) Comey showing that the Russian government was behind an attack on the 2016 presidential election. Intelligence agencies began collaborating to investigate that operation. The Crossfire Hurricane team was part of that group but largely operated independently, three officials said."
Obama | unmasking scandal | Samantha Power | hundreds
Samantha Power Implicated in Obama Unmasking Scandal. ... could be used to spy on them. And then the redacted names of the Americans could be unmasked by Susan Rice, Samantha Power and other Obama allies. It was a technically legal Watergate. If both CNN stories hold up, then Obama Inc. had spied on two Trump campaign
NSA Adviser Susan Rice Helped Obama Illegally Unmask Trump ...
NSA Adviser Susan Rice Helped Obama Illegally Unmask Trump Team
National Security Adviser Susan Rice is the official who helped Obama illegally unmask members of the incoming Trump administration. ... Home News NSA Adviser Susan Rice Helped Obama Illegally Unmask Trump Team NSA Adviser Susan Rice Helped Obama Illegally Unmask Trump Team ... Your freedom matters. Your voice matters. You have the power

Who gave Susan Rice and Samantha Powers the go ahead to access Trump and his campaign advisors communications?
Tell us about Obama tapping Trumps wires

Spying On Trump: Was Obama Behind CIA, FBI Plan To …

Spying On Trump: Was Obama Behind CIA, FBI Plan To Elect Hillary?
As Robert Mueller's chimerical Russia-Trump collusion probe grinds on, a real possible crime has been revealed: the collusion between the Justice Department, the FBI, the Clinton campaign and, possibly, the Obama administration, to plant a spy in the Trump campaign.... As the New York Times reported, the project began in earnest in August 2016 "after the CIA director at the time, John O. Brennan, shared intelligence with Mr. (James) Comey showing that the Russian government was behind an attack on the 2016 presidential election. Intelligence agencies began collaborating to investigate that operation. The Crossfire Hurricane team was part of that group but largely operated independently, three officials said."
Obama | unmasking scandal | Samantha Power | hundreds
Samantha Power Implicated in Obama Unmasking Scandal. ... could be used to spy on them. And then the redacted names of the Americans could be unmasked by Susan Rice, Samantha Power and other Obama allies. It was a technically legal Watergate. If both CNN stories hold up, then Obama Inc. had spied on two Trump campaign
NSA Adviser Susan Rice Helped Obama Illegally Unmask Trump ...
NSA Adviser Susan Rice Helped Obama Illegally Unmask Trump Team
National Security Adviser Susan Rice is the official who helped Obama illegally unmask members of the incoming Trump administration. ... Home News NSA Adviser Susan Rice Helped Obama Illegally Unmask Trump Team NSA Adviser Susan Rice Helped Obama Illegally Unmask Trump Team ... Your freedom matters. Your voice matters. You have the power

Who gave Susan Rice and Samantha Powers the go ahead to access Trump and his campaign advisors communications?
Pure fantasy

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