Obama's Homosexualization Of The Military Continues: Navy To Name Latest Ship U.S.N.S. Harvey Milk

It's obvious you never served Pussy Puppy. Why is that? You're such a vocal "patriot", why didn't you ever join the military? How is it obvious? Because you lie with such comfortable regularity. You have no honor.
I have more integrity and honor on the tip of my finger the size of a pin head than you have in your entire body and that is a fact. You're pissed off that I provide the truth (backed up with links) and that speaks volumes about you.
So...when did you serve? Which branch?
What does that mean?!? One cannot have integrity unless they served in the military in your mind? Wow...a little detached from reality are we? :cuckoo:

No, Pussy Puppy, that's not what that means. People who did not serve can absolutely have integrity, but if you had served, you would not be able to lie with the startling regularity you do. Like when you said that supporting a Navy ship being named after Milk means you support child drugging and raping. That's a lie and if you had served, you wouldn't not feel so comfortable doing so. You like easier than breathing which confirms you never served. How come? Anal cyst like your hero Limbaugh?
It's obvious you never served Pussy Puppy. Why is that? You're such a vocal "patriot", why didn't you ever join the military? How is it obvious? Because you lie with such comfortable regularity. You have no honor.
I have more integrity and honor on the tip of my finger the size of a pin head than you have in your entire body and that is a fact. You're pissed off that I provide the truth (backed up with links) and that speaks volumes about you.
In other words, you are still a virgin..
The liberal childish intellect and crass world views on display right there.... :eusa_doh:

Anyone who isn't an asshole is a "virgin goody-two-shoes". I'm married and I have two children genius. Now tell us again about the times you committed statutory rape because no grown women would even consider climbing into a bed with you. You're on record right here in this thread proudly declaring that you are a pedophile who preys on "underage girls".
I have never committed statutory rape, that is your fantasy...
It's obvious you never served Pussy Puppy. Why is that? You're such a vocal "patriot", why didn't you ever join the military? How is it obvious? Because you lie with such comfortable regularity. You have no honor.
I have more integrity and honor on the tip of my finger the size of a pin head than you have in your entire body and that is a fact. You're pissed off that I provide the truth (backed up with links) and that speaks volumes about you.
So...when did you serve? Which branch?
What does that mean?!? One cannot have integrity unless they served in the military in your mind? Wow...a little detached from reality are we? :cuckoo:

No, Pussy Puppy, that's not what that means. People who did not serve can absolutely have integrity, but if you had served, you would not be able to lie with the startling regularity you do. Like when you said that supporting a Navy ship being named after Milk means you support child drugging and raping. That's a lie and if you had served, you wouldn't not feel so comfortable doing so. You like easier than breathing which confirms you never served. How come? Anal cyst like your hero Limbaugh?
So let's get this straight - you refuse to believe anything I say but then you ask me to tell you details about my personal life. Wouldn't logic and reason dictate that you won't believe what I tell you and that you'll subsequently accuse me of "lying"? :lmao:

Oh wait.....that's right - you're a libtard. You have no idea what logic and reason are. You also have no idea what honesty and integrity are.
Nobody here is supporting or laughing at "children being drugged and raped". The 16 year old that Milk had a long term relationship with was not drugged or raped by Milk, He was a hustler, a prostitute, that Milk took in off the streets. I do not condone nor support Milk's relationship with a 16 year old young man child, but I'm much more enraged at a 16 year old having to hustle on the streets to survive, aren't you?
Wow! I'm shocked. And I applaud you for being the first libtard on USMB to actually denounce Havrey's despicable and disgusting actions.

Though you did have to go and ruin it within milliseconds by returning to lying libtard form by referring to him as a "man". I have corrected it for you above so that you don't sound criminally insane.

You obviously never served and you obviously don't have children. I have two teens and you would not dare call my 16 year old a "child". Yes he is MY child, but I am also my mother's child, but he is not a child, he is a young man. I don't have to buy a fishing license for a child, I had to buy one for my 16 year old young man. He doesn't get into the movies at the child rate, but he can't buy cigarettes either. He's a young man.

I also noticed, Pussy Puppy how you completely ignored the part about the young man being a 16 year old hustler out on the streets. Are you at all outraged about that young man's situation that he would be out on the street at 16? You seem a lot more outraged by the man who took him in and spent a number of years with him in a long term relationship than you are about the young man's situation in the first place?

In fact, you seem a lot more outraged over the Navy you didn't serve in, naming a ship after Milk than you are about the 1.6 million homeless youth (40% of who are LGBT) in America.
It's obvious you never served Pussy Puppy. Why is that? You're such a vocal "patriot", why didn't you ever join the military? How is it obvious? Because you lie with such comfortable regularity. You have no honor.
I have more integrity and honor on the tip of my finger the size of a pin head than you have in your entire body and that is a fact. You're pissed off that I provide the truth (backed up with links) and that speaks volumes about you.
In other words, you are still a virgin..
The liberal childish intellect and crass world views on display right there.... :eusa_doh:

Anyone who isn't an asshole is a "virgin goody-two-shoes". I'm married and I have two children genius. Now tell us again about the times you committed statutory rape because no grown women would even consider climbing into a bed with you. You're on record right here in this thread proudly declaring that you are a pedophile who preys on "underage girls".
I have never committed statutory rape, that is your fantasy...
You're on record right here in this thread stating you did asshole... So you either lied about raping "underage girls" (which is really sick) or you actually raped "underage girls" (which is even worse). Either way - you're a disgusting piece of shit. Which I always knew anyway. Now, everyone else does as well.
It's obvious you never served Pussy Puppy. Why is that? You're such a vocal "patriot", why didn't you ever join the military? How is it obvious? Because you lie with such comfortable regularity. You have no honor.
I have more integrity and honor on the tip of my finger the size of a pin head than you have in your entire body and that is a fact. You're pissed off that I provide the truth (backed up with links) and that speaks volumes about you.
So...when did you serve? Which branch?
What does that mean?!? One cannot have integrity unless they served in the military in your mind? Wow...a little detached from reality are we? :cuckoo:

No, Pussy Puppy, that's not what that means. People who did not serve can absolutely have integrity, but if you had served, you would not be able to lie with the startling regularity you do. Like when you said that supporting a Navy ship being named after Milk means you support child drugging and raping. That's a lie and if you had served, you wouldn't not feel so comfortable doing so. You like easier than breathing which confirms you never served. How come? Anal cyst like your hero Limbaugh?
So let's get this straight - you refuse to believe anything I say but then you ask me to tell you details about my personal life. Wouldn't logic and reason dictate that you won't believe what I tell you and that you'll subsequently accuse me of "lying"? :lmao:

Oh wait.....that's right - you're a libtard. You have no idea what logic and reason are. You also have no idea what honesty and integrity are.

Okay, so tell us what branch and when. Me, USCG 1983 to 2003. Retired CPO. You?
It's obvious you never served Pussy Puppy. Why is that? You're such a vocal "patriot", why didn't you ever join the military? How is it obvious? Because you lie with such comfortable regularity. You have no honor.
I have more integrity and honor on the tip of my finger the size of a pin head than you have in your entire body and that is a fact. You're pissed off that I provide the truth (backed up with links) and that speaks volumes about you.
In other words, you are still a virgin..
The liberal childish intellect and crass world views on display right there.... :eusa_doh:

Anyone who isn't an asshole is a "virgin goody-two-shoes". I'm married and I have two children genius. Now tell us again about the times you committed statutory rape because no grown women would even consider climbing into a bed with you. You're on record right here in this thread proudly declaring that you are a pedophile who preys on "underage girls".
I have never committed statutory rape, that is your fantasy...
You're on record right here in this thread stating you did asshole... So you either lied about raping "underage girls" (which is really sick) or you actually raped "underage girls" (which is even worse). Either way - you're a disgusting piece of shit. Which I always knew anyway. Now, everyone else does as well.
I was 15, she was 15..No laws were broken..Cause the legal age of consent was 15 in Okiehoma..you are trying to use that as an instance to exploit and abuse...you are most disingenuous if that is all you have to make your arsehole pucker...Or you are a complete idiot...daft and blind to the truth..
I have more integrity and honor on the tip of my finger the size of a pin head than you have in your entire body and that is a fact. You're pissed off that I provide the truth (backed up with links) and that speaks volumes about you.
So...when did you serve? Which branch?
What does that mean?!? One cannot have integrity unless they served in the military in your mind? Wow...a little detached from reality are we? :cuckoo:

No, Pussy Puppy, that's not what that means. People who did not serve can absolutely have integrity, but if you had served, you would not be able to lie with the startling regularity you do. Like when you said that supporting a Navy ship being named after Milk means you support child drugging and raping. That's a lie and if you had served, you wouldn't not feel so comfortable doing so. You like easier than breathing which confirms you never served. How come? Anal cyst like your hero Limbaugh?
So let's get this straight - you refuse to believe anything I say but then you ask me to tell you details about my personal life. Wouldn't logic and reason dictate that you won't believe what I tell you and that you'll subsequently accuse me of "lying"? :lmao:

Oh wait.....that's right - you're a libtard. You have no idea what logic and reason are. You also have no idea what honesty and integrity are.

Okay, so tell us what branch and when. Me, USCG 1983 to 2003. Retired CPO. You?
Did you still feel the waves on land from being on a boat for days?
It's obvious you never served Pussy Puppy. Why is that? You're such a vocal "patriot", why didn't you ever join the military? How is it obvious? Because you lie with such comfortable regularity. You have no honor.
I have more integrity and honor on the tip of my finger the size of a pin head than you have in your entire body and that is a fact. You're pissed off that I provide the truth (backed up with links) and that speaks volumes about you.
In other words, you are still a virgin..
The liberal childish intellect and crass world views on display right there.... :eusa_doh:

Anyone who isn't an asshole is a "virgin goody-two-shoes". I'm married and I have two children genius. Now tell us again about the times you committed statutory rape because no grown women would even consider climbing into a bed with you. You're on record right here in this thread proudly declaring that you are a pedophile who preys on "underage girls".
My my....the things you make up......:eusa_naughty:
It's obvious you never served Pussy Puppy. Why is that? You're such a vocal "patriot", why didn't you ever join the military? How is it obvious? Because you lie with such comfortable regularity. You have no honor.
I have more integrity and honor on the tip of my finger the size of a pin head than you have in your entire body and that is a fact. You're pissed off that I provide the truth (backed up with links) and that speaks volumes about you.
In other words, you are still a virgin..
The liberal childish intellect and crass world views on display right there.... :eusa_doh:

Anyone who isn't an asshole is a "virgin goody-two-shoes". I'm married and I have two children genius. Now tell us again about the times you committed statutory rape because no grown women would even consider climbing into a bed with you. You're on record right here in this thread proudly declaring that you are a pedophile who preys on "underage girls".
My my....the things you make up......:eusa_naughty:
I warned him, but noooooooooooooooo.........
Nobody here is supporting or laughing at "children being drugged and raped". The 16 year old that Milk had a long term relationship with was not drugged or raped by Milk, He was a hustler, a prostitute, that Milk took in off the streets. I do not condone nor support Milk's relationship with a 16 year old young man, but I'm much more enraged at a 16 year old having to hustle on the streets to survive, aren't you?
No. Because I don't know the circumstances. Did he have two loving parents who simply refused to let him skip school and smoke pot in their basement so he told them to fuck off and left? Or did he have two abuses parents who ruined his life?

If it's the first scenario (where he's simply an asshole), then I'm not the least bit enraged at his homelessness. It was well earned and well deserved.

If it's the second scenario, then I feel bad for him. But unlike your astoundingly ignorant ass - I'm not outraged at society. I put the outrage where it belongs. First on his parents. Then on the rest of his family (grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc.). Then on his friends.

When you consider that so many people left him out on the streets - it's highly likely that he's an asshole. But I can't make that determination definitively because I don't have all of the facts.

See the difference between an emotional, irrational libtard like you being outraged over a situation you know nothing about and a logical, rational conservative? Your post right there is a prime example why a Dumbocrat should never be elected to public office.
It's obvious you never served Pussy Puppy. Why is that? You're such a vocal "patriot", why didn't you ever join the military? How is it obvious? Because you lie with such comfortable regularity. You have no honor.
I have more integrity and honor on the tip of my finger the size of a pin head than you have in your entire body and that is a fact. You're pissed off that I provide the truth (backed up with links) and that speaks volumes about you.
In other words, you are still a virgin..
The liberal childish intellect and crass world views on display right there.... :eusa_doh:

Anyone who isn't an asshole is a "virgin goody-two-shoes". I'm married and I have two children genius. Now tell us again about the times you committed statutory rape because no grown women would even consider climbing into a bed with you. You're on record right here in this thread proudly declaring that you are a pedophile who preys on "underage girls".
My my....the things you make up......:eusa_naughty:
I warned him, but noooooooooooooooo.........
It's right in THIS thread asshole. You can't deny it....
I have more integrity and honor on the tip of my finger the size of a pin head than you have in your entire body and that is a fact. You're pissed off that I provide the truth (backed up with links) and that speaks volumes about you.
In other words, you are still a virgin..
The liberal childish intellect and crass world views on display right there.... :eusa_doh:

Anyone who isn't an asshole is a "virgin goody-two-shoes". I'm married and I have two children genius. Now tell us again about the times you committed statutory rape because no grown women would even consider climbing into a bed with you. You're on record right here in this thread proudly declaring that you are a pedophile who preys on "underage girls".
My my....the things you make up......:eusa_naughty:
I warned him, but noooooooooooooooo.........
It's right in THIS thread asshole. You can't deny it....
I never said I raped her
We were both consensual in our lovemaking.
It was all legal.....
So you never got to knock boots in jr.high or high school...poor thing..You must have been a real turn off...............
And according to the article, it is going to be an oiler. Go figure! Harvey Milk was a Rev. Jim Jones supporter. He has accomplished nothing positive, did nothing for the Navy.


Navy to Name Ship After Gay Rights Activist Harvey Milk
Does it have uni-sex bathrooms and adorn a white flag??
I never said I raped her
We were both consensual in our lovemaking.
It was all legal.....
So you never got to knock boots in jr.high or high school...poor thing..You must have been a real turn off...............
Jack-ass...here is your post. #36 on page #3. You not only admit to statutory rape, but you double-down by defending it with the fact that you claim "Elvis Presley was dating a 15 year old into his late 20's":

When I was young I had sex with underage females, so...Elvis Presley was dating a 15 year old in his late twenties...Yet things were different back then, as it is today on that issue..

Now - an "underage female" cannot "consent". That's the nature of being underage. You admitted to statutory rape. And now you're trying to backtrack by claiming you were in junior high and high school. Well, then the girls would not have been "underage age".

Finally, you stated females (plural). Now you state that ONE girl consented. You're lies are piling up faster than you can keep up with.

So again - either you are an asshole who thought he sounded like "the man" by falsely proclaiming that you raped young girls (plural) or you actually committed statutory rape. Either way - you are the ultimate dirt-bag. But like I stated already - I knew that all along. You're immature and ignorant. Now everybody else knows.
I never said I raped her
We were both consensual in our lovemaking.
It was all legal.....
So you never got to knock boots in jr.high or high school...poor thing..You must have been a real turn off...............
Jack-ass...here is your post. #36 on page #3. You not only admit to statutory rape, but you double-down by defending it with the fact that you claim "Elvis Presley was dating a 15 year old into his late 20's":

When I was young I had sex with underage females, so...Elvis Presley was dating a 15 year old in his late twenties...Yet things were different back then, as it is today on that issue..

Now - an "underage female" cannot "consent". That's the nature of being underage. You admitted to statutory rape. And now you're trying to backtrack by claiming you were in junior high and high school. Well, then the girls would not have been "underage age".

Finally, you stated females (plural). Now you state that ONE girl consented. You're lies are piling up faster than you can keep up with.

So again - either you are an asshole who thought he sounded like "the man" by falsely proclaiming that you raped young girls (plural) or you actually committed statutory rape. Either way - you are the ultimate dirt-bag. But like I stated already - I knew that all along. You're immature and ignorant. Now everybody else knows.
Underage females compared to today's age limit is what I was referencing for the ability to sign a contract, since you have the notion that Harvey had sex with an underage male, by law he was not since the legal age was 16, he is still considered under age to sign a contract...
I have never had sex with anyone younger than 15, i was 15 then also, and if it happened today, it would not be considered statutory rape. Statutory rape is by someone who is of legal age to sign a contract and one who is not old enough to sign a contract...or a minor...I know you need fuel for the fire, but..The act was clearly not one of pedophilia or pederasty....

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