“Obama’s economy” tanking this morning.

Sadly, Republicans have found a new God.. A new God much more closely aligned with their values and morals.

i was just about to make this thread,,,,who's economy will it be the next time we tank 1000 points? right?

Who started the trade war that tanked the market?

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The causation principle....the Kenyan was a scared bitch...he didn’t have the nuts to ‘rock the boat’ with China...His nutlessness compelled a real leader to act...TA-DA!

Under the current trade deals we have...

Record setting sustained unemployment.

An on going record of the most consecutive months of positive job growth.

Two months shy of the record for the longest period of economic expansion in the history of the country.

More than a million more open positions than people to fill them.

Till the start of the trade war we had record setting financial markets.

Why do you want these things to end?

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Haha...the ole “Americans can afford to get fucked so let them be fucked” sort of thing huh?
It is the Obama economy until something is done to alter the trajectory. Like, say, starting a trade war with China.

Get it? Of course you don't, you're a Trump supporter.

So when the economy was tanking in 2000 and went into a recession in 2001 that was Clinton's economy?

So you are saying when Trump started the trade war that is when it became Trump's economy, so over the last year and a half, it has been Trump's and not Obama's economy? That's fair.

Yea..that was the remnants of the Clinton Dotcom and real estate bubble

When the economy crashed in 2008, that was on Bush
Liberals claim its Obama's economy when the market is up. When the market is down they claim its Trump's economy. Tune in next week when they flip flop again.
Trump has taken the reins of the economy by changing course and taking on China. If the tariffs work he alone should get the credit. If they don't he should get the blame, pure and simple. As an American, I hope his tactics work. Unfortunately I don't think very highly of his track record so far so I'm not optimistic.
The Dow has crashed >500 points already....Thanks Obama.

Trouble is Trumpbot...Obama won't lose any votes for a crumbling economy...your messiah will.

Looks good on him.

And as far as I am concerned - the economy is the responsibility of the POTUS the day he took office. I never voted for Obama and I never said it was his economy past January 21, 2017.

This DOW crash today is 100% Trump economics.

Like I said...looks good on him.

Oh....and it's 622 points down.

And all this because Trump is a terrible negotiator...who does not even know what a tariff is.

Fox News Turns On Trump And Shatters His Lie That China Pays Tariffs

The Dow has crashed >500 points already....Thanks Obama.

Trouble is Trumpbot...Obama won't lose any votes for a crumbling economy...your messiah will.

Looks good on him.

And as far as I am concerned - the economy is the responsibility of the POTUS the day he took office. I never voted for Obama and I never said it was his economy past January 21, 2017.

This DOW crash today is 100% Trump economics.

Like I said...looks good on him.
so you're saying that Trump is actually man enough to risk votes to do the right thing? And then you wonder why you lost? too fking funny,
This trade war will end and the US will be in a MUCH better position because of it. Moronic Democrats just aren't smart enough to think more than 1 step at a time. Most don't even see how the tax cuts have benefitted the economy. They believe the dribble coming from dolts like Sanders, AOC and Biden. Those folks are preying on young, naive millennials. The truth is that Trump has helped the fundamentals tremendously with corporate tax cuts and de-regulation. We have great employment numbers, near zero inflation and low-interest rates. We are now in a position to weather a trade war. We were not before. Folks who think Obama did this are just plain ignorant with regards to the economy.

If one of the Democrats gets elected, watch the market tank. It won't get a big bump the day after like it did when Trump was elected. Raising taxes and adding more regulation will kill the fundamentals, but alas, the Democrats will then blame Trump. It is astoundingly idiotic.
This trade war will end and the US will be in a MUCH better position because of it.

So you know more about the U.S. economy than the U.S. Chamber of Commerce?

Yes or no, please?

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

Tariffs to this extent won't stay in place. They are being used as a negotiation tactic. We have a massive trade deficit with China. That has to change, but China understandably likes it the way things are/were. Obama and many other past Presidents both Democrat and Republican allowed this to go on. It needs to stop. The US economy has the power and leverage to level the playing field. An agreement will be reached that will ultimately be much better for the US and not horrible for China, but either way, China will take a hit, as they should.
This trade war will end and the US will be in a MUCH better position because of it.

So you know more about the U.S. economy than the U.S. Chamber of Commerce?

Yes or no, please?

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

Tariffs to this extent won't stay in place. They are being used as a negotiation tactic. We have a massive trade deficit with China. That has to change, but China understandably likes it the way things are/were. Obama and many other past Presidents both Democrat and Republican allowed this to go on. It needs to stop. The US economy has the power and leverage to level the playing field. An agreement will be reached that will ultimately be much better for the US and not horrible for China, but either way, China will take a hit, as they should.

I will ask you again:

So you know more about the U.S. economy than the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and most of Wall Street (because both of those sources are saying the tariffs are a bad idea)?

Yes or no, please?

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach
Liberals claim its Obama's economy when the market is up. When the market is down they claim its Trump's economy. Tune in next week when they flip flop again.
Trump has taken the reins of the economy by changing course and taking on China. If the tariffs work he alone should get the credit. If they don't he should get the blame, pure and simple. As an American, I hope his tactics work. Unfortunately I don't think very highly of his track record so far so I'm not optimistic.

At least Trump is trying to make these other countries trade fair and stop stealing from us. You would think the left who claim to support the poor and middle class would support Trump at least on this but no.

You can’t take over the great economy that Obama left, add tariffs, give tax cuts to billionaires, do everything you can to completely screw it up, and then say see this is what Obama left me.
Liberals claim its Obama's economy when the market is up. When the market is down they claim its Trump's economy. Tune in next week when they flip flop again.
Trump has taken the reins of the economy by changing course and taking on China. If the tariffs work he alone should get the credit. If they don't he should get the blame, pure and simple. As an American, I hope his tactics work. Unfortunately I don't think very highly of his track record so far so I'm not optimistic.

At least Trump is trying to make these other countries trade fair and stop stealing from us. You would think the left who claim to support the poor and middle class would support Trump at least on this but no.
Nobody is stealing. Except Trump. We know that from the tax returns they found so far.
The answer is get better at competition, not shut down the game.
Nobody is stealing. Except Trump. We know that from the tax returns they found so far.
The answer is get better at competition, not shut down the game.

Democrats in blue states disagree with you. Plus you are a moron China has been stealing from us for decades.
This trade war will end and the US will be in a MUCH better position because of it.

So you know more about the U.S. economy than the U.S. Chamber of Commerce?

Yes or no, please?

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

Tariffs to this extent won't stay in place. They are being used as a negotiation tactic. We have a massive trade deficit with China. That has to change, but China understandably likes it the way things are/were. Obama and many other past Presidents both Democrat and Republican allowed this to go on. It needs to stop. The US economy has the power and leverage to level the playing field. An agreement will be reached that will ultimately be much better for the US and not horrible for China, but either way, China will take a hit, as they should.

I will ask you again:

So you know more about the U.S. economy than the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and most of Wall Street (because both of those sources are saying the tariffs are a bad idea)?

Yes or no, please?

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

I agree that long term it isn't the way to go, but this won't be long term. BTW, notice the link you sent from the Chamber of Commerce has a map showing the impact of tariffs but it hasn't been added to include the tariffs on China. They seem to be for Canada and the EU only. These tariffs were implemented over a year ago. How has our economy been doing since that time? Yes, I disagree with the Chamber of Commerce and certainly disagree with the opinion piece from the ultra-liberal Washington Post.
Liberals claim its Obama's economy when the market is up. When the market is down they claim its Trump's economy. Tune in next week when they flip flop again.
Trump has taken the reins of the economy by changing course and taking on China. If the tariffs work he alone should get the credit. If they don't he should get the blame, pure and simple. As an American, I hope his tactics work. Unfortunately I don't think very highly of his track record so far so I'm not optimistic.

At least Trump is trying to make these other countries trade fair and stop stealing from us. You would think the left who claim to support the poor and middle class would support Trump at least on this but no.
Nobody is stealing. Except Trump. We know that from the tax returns they found so far.
The answer is get better at competition, not shut down the game.

Do tell about Trump's tax returns. It is "stealing" to claim losses to offset gains?

You can’t take over the great economy that Obama left, add tariffs, give tax cuts to billionaires, do everything you can to completely screw it up, and then say see this is what Obama left me.

It is hard to believe that you could be so confused and misled.