Obamaq knew about Van Jones's comunist background !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
and if you say he didn't you are insane !! when you get a job in the White House you can bet they know almost everything about you !! what school you went to,criminal history,jobs ect !!! so does it bother the left that Obama appointed a self proclaimed communist as his green jobs czar ??? how can the left defend this ?? and the only reason he was let go is because Obama is so arrogant he did not realize that American repubs ,and moderate dems would be outraged !! only his socialist left wing base didn't have a problem with VAN JONES !!
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He was a radical for two weeks in college ya brainwashed moron....and the NBPP is a figment of Fox's imagination too, like ACORN....Pub dupes!!

Bullshit. And I can do him any time I want asshole. No figment of imagination.

I've got everything you ever wanted to know about him. Van Jones was this weird tried but true Kennedy bullshit like Obama. Oh and the attachments to him are just wild like Panetta. Do you really think that we are that stupid? Like your base?:lol:

Tried to make the man green. Yeah. Green on the outside red on the inside. A watermelon man.

Go ahead little man. Keep going on and on about dupes. I know who he is. I know all of them.
And now so do others. But he really interests me. More than the others.
and if you say he didn't you are insane !! when you get a job in the White House you can bet they know almost everything about you !! what school you went to,criminal history,jobs ect !!! so does it bother the left that Obama appointed a self proclaimed communist as his green jobs czar ??? how can the left defend this ?? and the only reason he was let go is because Obama is so arrogant he did not realize that American repubs ,and moderate dems would be outraged !! only his socialist left wing base didn't have a problem with VAN JONES !!

It bothers me that there are so many uneducated idiots that allowed a man like Barry to be in a position to make such preposterous decisions.
and if you say he didn't you are insane !! when you get a job in the White House you can bet they know almost everything about you !! what school you went to,criminal history,jobs ect !!! so does it bother the left that Obama appointed a self proclaimed communist as his green jobs czar ??? how can the left defend this ?? and the only reason he was let go is because Obama is so arrogant he did not realize that American repubs ,and moderate dems would be outraged !! only his socialist left wing base didn't have a problem with VAN JONES !!

Bottom line they pumped Van Jones from the west coast for years. Trying to get him green creds.If you actually follow the "green money" you will see the initial flush of big buckolas going to interesting folks like the he former right hand man to Bernadine D (aka head of WU) in New York.

For those not following, Bernadine is actually the head of the WU. Billy is just a side kick. Sorry Bill but it's about time Bernie gets creds here.

Now back to Van Jones. What a freaking joke. More to come.
Americans tend to not really know what communism is, but on this thread they also don't know how to spell it, and in George W. Bush's mind, those two things make a trifecta...
and if you say he didn't you are insane !! when you get a job in the White House you can bet they know almost everything about you !! what school you went to,criminal history,jobs ect !!! so does it bother the left that Obama appointed a self proclaimed communist as his green jobs czar ??? how can the left defend this ?? and the only reason he was let go is because Obama is so arrogant he did not realize that American repubs ,and moderate dems would be outraged !! only his socialist left wing base didn't have a problem with VAN JONES !!

It bothers me that there are so many uneducated idiots that allowed a man like Barry to be in a position to make such preposterous decisions.


When you have the First Lady doing push ups on Jay Leno's show, you know it's freaking end times.

I've searched. So I know it's not a biblical sign, but I swear Matthew would have seen it and written about it if there was even a glimmer of prophecy about the First Lady doing one handed push ups.

I swear this is part of end times. :D Back to Revelations. It's less creepy than Michelle doing pushups.
Americans tend to not really know what communism is, but on this thread they also don't know how to spell it, and in George W. Bush's mind, those two things make a trifecta...

There are so many variations and interpretations of socialism I don't know where to begin.
You must be more specific.

You must not be vague.
Are y'all trying to make a return to the McCarthy era?

Oh yea - the patented lib ploy of McCarthyism any time anyone challenges the state of radical modern day politics.

Dude. Simple question. Are you? Do you think he was right to conduct that witch hunt?

For me, McCarthy had at least the decency not to burn people alive for disagreeing with the government.

Burned so many. Killed so many. Scarred so many. Yo Janet and Eric!!!!! You go....
Oh yea - the patented lib ploy of McCarthyism any time anyone challenges the state of radical modern day politics.

Dude. Simple question. Are you? Do you think he was right to conduct that witch hunt?

For me, McCarthy had at least the decency not to burn people alive for disagreeing with the government.

Burned so many. Killed so many. Scarred so many. Yo Janet and Eric!!!!! You go....

No, he just blacklisted them and took away their livelihood.

He was a vicious little man.
Dude. Simple question. Are you? Do you think he was right to conduct that witch hunt?

For me, McCarthy had at least the decency not to burn people alive for disagreeing with the government.

Burned so many. Killed so many. Scarred so many. Yo Janet and Eric!!!!! You go....

No, he just blacklisted them and took away their livelihood.

He was a vicious little man.

Oh really?

In the heart of LA's mountains and valleys lay the heart of a ranch dedicated to Hitler. McCarthy was bang on the money. Not only to dedicate this property. The American left wing bought tjos property and rocked it so they could be cool.

Where he would rule the planet from this safe haven. Millions spent on this. McCarthy was bang on the money.

Not science fiction. Truth child. Truth.
and if you say he didn't you are insane !! when you get a job in the White House you can bet they know almost everything about you !! what school you went to,criminal history,jobs ect !!! so does it bother the left that Obama appointed a self proclaimed communist as his green jobs czar ??? how can the left defend this ?? and the only reason he was let go is because Obama is so arrogant he did not realize that American repubs ,and moderate dems would be outraged !! only his socialist left wing base didn't have a problem with VAN JONES !!

Holey Shit !
For me, McCarthy had at least the decency not to burn people alive for disagreeing with the government.

Burned so many. Killed so many. Scarred so many. Yo Janet and Eric!!!!! You go....

No, he just blacklisted them and took away their livelihood.

He was a vicious little man.

Oh really?

In the heart of LA's mountains and valleys lay the heart of a ranch dedicated to Hitler. McCarthy was bang on the money. Not only to dedicate this property. The American left wing bought tjos property and rocked it so they could be cool.

Where he would rule the planet from this safe haven. Millions spent on this. McCarthy was bang on the money.

Not science fiction. Truth child. Truth.

I'm not a child anymore than you are.

And no - he wasn't. Too many innocents were caught in the crossfire.
and if you say he didn't you are insane !! when you get a job in the White House you can bet they know almost everything about you !! what school you went to,criminal history,jobs ect !!! so does it bother the left that Obama appointed a self proclaimed communist as his green jobs czar ??? how can the left defend this ?? and the only reason he was let go is because Obama is so arrogant he did not realize that American repubs ,and moderate dems would be outraged !! only his socialist left wing base didn't have a problem with VAN JONES !!

So what? Communism isn't illegal. Which is worse is your eyes: Atheist, Christian, Communist, or Muslim?

Christian communism is a form of religious communism centred on Christianity. It is a theological and political theory based upon the view that the teachings of Jesus Christ urge Christians to support communism as the ideal social system. Christian communists trace the origins of their practice to teachings in the New Testament, such as the Acts of the Apostles at chapter 2 and verses 42, 44 and 45:

42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and in fellowship ... 44 And all that believed were together, and had all things in common; 45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.
—King James Version​

Communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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and if you say he didn't you are insane !! when you get a job in the White House you can bet they know almost everything about you !! what school you went to,criminal history,jobs ect !!! so does it bother the left that Obama appointed a self proclaimed communist as his green jobs czar ??? how can the left defend this ?? and the only reason he was let go is because Obama is so arrogant he did not realize that American repubs ,and moderate dems would be outraged !! only his socialist left wing base didn't have a problem with VAN JONES !!

Welcome to the forum, Mr. Hannity.


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