ObamaCare Waiver List


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Don't you just love laws that don't apply to everybody, and the President's chosen few get to be exempt? Maybe this is 'social justice'.

The official list, direct from the government website:

Helping Americans Keep the Coverage They Have and Promoting Transparency | HHS.gov

I have yet to hear from any liberal why this law is so great if so many companies and now even four states have been given waivers from it. Shouldn't a fair law be applied to all?

I like Romney's idea- if he is elected President he will grant a waiver to all Americans. :lol:
Don't you just love laws that don't apply to everybody, and the President's chosen few get to be exempt? Maybe this is 'social justice'.

I have yet to hear from any liberal why this law is so great if so many companies and now even four states have been given waivers from it. Shouldn't a fair law be applied to all?

I like Romney's idea- if he is elected President he will grant a waiver to all Americans. :lol:

That leftwingers exempt themselves what they foist on everyone else is old news. Eg, BO supports the failed government schools, but sends his kids to elite private school. Big shot white leftists support "affirmative action" in universities, but know thei children will get in as legacies. Algore's giant house, planes, and fleet of vehicles burn enough energy to keep a small nuclear reactor busy. The late senator kennedy didn't want windmills in chesapeake bay wrecking his view, nor interfering with his sailboat outings. They're first class hypocrits.

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