Obamacare Repeal Might Have Just Died Tonight


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Rubes bamboozled once again

The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare and delay the implementation of the repeal — with a promise to come up with a terrific replacement later — is probably the party’s best way to destroy Obamacare. Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s also the best way to destroy the Republican majority in Congress.

Something big is happening in the Senate right now: The Republican plan, affirmed again today by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is facing dire peril from Republican defections. Republicans need a House majority, 50 Senate votes, and soon-to-be President Trump to pass repeal and delay.

If Republicans lose three Senate votes, that drops them to 49, and repeal and delay cannot pass. At least three Republican senators (in addition to all the Democrats) now oppose repeal and delay. Rand Paul, of all people, has demanded that Congress repeal Obamacare at the same time it passes a plan to replace it. Paul has announced that he spoke with Trump and secured his agreement on this. Trump has not said so himself, confining his comments to date to a vague assurance, “That’s all gonna work out.”

Obamacare Repeal Might Have Just Died Tonight
Rubes bamboozled once again

The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare and delay the implementation of the repeal — with a promise to come up with a terrific replacement later — is probably the party’s best way to destroy Obamacare. Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s also the best way to destroy the Republican majority in Congress.

Something big is happening in the Senate right now: The Republican plan, affirmed again today by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is facing dire peril from Republican defections. Republicans need a House majority, 50 Senate votes, and soon-to-be President Trump to pass repeal and delay.

If Republicans lose three Senate votes, that drops them to 49, and repeal and delay cannot pass. At least three Republican senators (in addition to all the Democrats) now oppose repeal and delay. Rand Paul, of all people, has demanded that Congress repeal Obamacare at the same time it passes a plan to replace it. Paul has announced that he spoke with Trump and secured his agreement on this. Trump has not said so himself, confining his comments to date to a vague assurance, “That’s all gonna work out.”

Obamacare Repeal Might Have Just Died Tonight
8 years of bitching and whining.....8 years spent on this, because god forbid, the worthless GOP focus on jobs and border security.....without Obama and ACA, in my gut, I don't think this party could survive with white idiots.....what would they do, who would they whine about????
It makes no sense to reinvent the wheel - to recreate healthcare legislation that took more than a year to put together, with significant input from the private sector, when all that needs to be done is fix the problems in the existing law.

The only reason I can think of for pushing "repeal/replace" is they hate Obama so much they want to actively destroy anything he sought to accomplish with little regard to the consequences.

It's like children turned loose and suddenly discovering they have power over their parents.
The GOP has had 7 years to put on paper their own GOP HC to replace-repeal the ACA........yet they have failed to deliver!!!! Just another GOP Over reach. The GOP once again prove they can't govern!!!!
Rubes bamboozled once again

The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare and delay the implementation of the repeal — with a promise to come up with a terrific replacement later — is probably the party’s best way to destroy Obamacare. Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s also the best way to destroy the Republican majority in Congress.

Something big is happening in the Senate right now: The Republican plan, affirmed again today by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is facing dire peril from Republican defections. Republicans need a House majority, 50 Senate votes, and soon-to-be President Trump to pass repeal and delay.

If Republicans lose three Senate votes, that drops them to 49, and repeal and delay cannot pass. At least three Republican senators (in addition to all the Democrats) now oppose repeal and delay. Rand Paul, of all people, has demanded that Congress repeal Obamacare at the same time it passes a plan to replace it. Paul has announced that he spoke with Trump and secured his agreement on this. Trump has not said so himself, confining his comments to date to a vague assurance, “That’s all gonna work out.”

Obamacare Repeal Might Have Just Died Tonight
Well when can we lose those seats? Oh yeah, In two years! Obama Care will be history by then.
Rubes bamboozled once again

The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare and delay the implementation of the repeal — with a promise to come up with a terrific replacement later — is probably the party’s best way to destroy Obamacare. Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s also the best way to destroy the Republican majority in Congress.

Something big is happening in the Senate right now: The Republican plan, affirmed again today by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is facing dire peril from Republican defections. Republicans need a House majority, 50 Senate votes, and soon-to-be President Trump to pass repeal and delay.

If Republicans lose three Senate votes, that drops them to 49, and repeal and delay cannot pass. At least three Republican senators (in addition to all the Democrats) now oppose repeal and delay. Rand Paul, of all people, has demanded that Congress repeal Obamacare at the same time it passes a plan to replace it. Paul has announced that he spoke with Trump and secured his agreement on this. Trump has not said so himself, confining his comments to date to a vague assurance, “That’s all gonna work out.”

Obamacare Repeal Might Have Just Died Tonight
Well when can we lose those seats? Oh yeah, In two years! Obama Care will be history by then.
And replace by what??? The GOP has had 7 years to come up with a replacement and they haven't done it YET!!! Hell you and your ignorant ilk do not know as we speak. Will this be a GOP Over Reach????
Rubes bamboozled once again

The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare and delay the implementation of the repeal — with a promise to come up with a terrific replacement later — is probably the party’s best way to destroy Obamacare. Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s also the best way to destroy the Republican majority in Congress.

Something big is happening in the Senate right now: The Republican plan, affirmed again today by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is facing dire peril from Republican defections. Republicans need a House majority, 50 Senate votes, and soon-to-be President Trump to pass repeal and delay.

If Republicans lose three Senate votes, that drops them to 49, and repeal and delay cannot pass. At least three Republican senators (in addition to all the Democrats) now oppose repeal and delay. Rand Paul, of all people, has demanded that Congress repeal Obamacare at the same time it passes a plan to replace it. Paul has announced that he spoke with Trump and secured his agreement on this. Trump has not said so himself, confining his comments to date to a vague assurance, “That’s all gonna work out.”

Obamacare Repeal Might Have Just Died Tonight
Well when can we lose those seats? Oh yeah, In two years! Obama Care will be history by then.
Hell in two years Trump could be on impeachment watch......our Trump will claim health problems and QUIT!!!
Rubes bamboozled once again

The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare and delay the implementation of the repeal — with a promise to come up with a terrific replacement later — is probably the party’s best way to destroy Obamacare. Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s also the best way to destroy the Republican majority in Congress.

Something big is happening in the Senate right now: The Republican plan, affirmed again today by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is facing dire peril from Republican defections. Republicans need a House majority, 50 Senate votes, and soon-to-be President Trump to pass repeal and delay.

If Republicans lose three Senate votes, that drops them to 49, and repeal and delay cannot pass. At least three Republican senators (in addition to all the Democrats) now oppose repeal and delay. Rand Paul, of all people, has demanded that Congress repeal Obamacare at the same time it passes a plan to replace it. Paul has announced that he spoke with Trump and secured his agreement on this. Trump has not said so himself, confining his comments to date to a vague assurance, “That’s all gonna work out.”

Obamacare Repeal Might Have Just Died Tonight
Well when can we lose those seats? Oh yeah, In two years! Obama Care will be history by then.
And replace by what??? The GOP has had 7 years to come up with a replacement and they haven't done it YET!!! Hell you and your ignorant ilk do not know as we speak. Will this be a GOP Over Reach????
They will have to pass it to find out what is in it. That's what happened with Obama Care, remember? So shut up and get in the back seat.
Rubes bamboozled once again

The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare and delay the implementation of the repeal — with a promise to come up with a terrific replacement later — is probably the party’s best way to destroy Obamacare. Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s also the best way to destroy the Republican majority in Congress.

Something big is happening in the Senate right now: The Republican plan, affirmed again today by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is facing dire peril from Republican defections. Republicans need a House majority, 50 Senate votes, and soon-to-be President Trump to pass repeal and delay.

If Republicans lose three Senate votes, that drops them to 49, and repeal and delay cannot pass. At least three Republican senators (in addition to all the Democrats) now oppose repeal and delay. Rand Paul, of all people, has demanded that Congress repeal Obamacare at the same time it passes a plan to replace it. Paul has announced that he spoke with Trump and secured his agreement on this. Trump has not said so himself, confining his comments to date to a vague assurance, “That’s all gonna work out.”

Obamacare Repeal Might Have Just Died Tonight
Well when can we lose those seats? Oh yeah, In two years! Obama Care will be history by then.
Hell in two years Trump could be on impeachment watch......our Trump will claim health problems and QUIT!!!
Nope, he might get bored after saving the economy in four years, and give Pence the reigns after that. You know something Obama failed at after 8 years trying.
Rubes bamboozled once again

The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare and delay the implementation of the repeal — with a promise to come up with a terrific replacement later — is probably the party’s best way to destroy Obamacare. Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s also the best way to destroy the Republican majority in Congress.

Something big is happening in the Senate right now: The Republican plan, affirmed again today by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is facing dire peril from Republican defections. Republicans need a House majority, 50 Senate votes, and soon-to-be President Trump to pass repeal and delay.

If Republicans lose three Senate votes, that drops them to 49, and repeal and delay cannot pass. At least three Republican senators (in addition to all the Democrats) now oppose repeal and delay. Rand Paul, of all people, has demanded that Congress repeal Obamacare at the same time it passes a plan to replace it. Paul has announced that he spoke with Trump and secured his agreement on this. Trump has not said so himself, confining his comments to date to a vague assurance, “That’s all gonna work out.”

Obamacare Repeal Might Have Just Died Tonight
Well when can we lose those seats? Oh yeah, In two years! Obama Care will be history by then.
And replace by what??? The GOP has had 7 years to come up with a replacement and they haven't done it YET!!! Hell you and your ignorant ilk do not know as we speak. Will this be a GOP Over Reach????
They will have to pass it to find out what is in it. That's what happened with Obama Care, remember? So shut up and get in the back seat.
So the GOP is going risk pissing off 22-30 million Americans who now have HC.......so they repeal the ACA to find out what's in it after 7 years.... good luck.
Rubes bamboozled once again

The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare and delay the implementation of the repeal — with a promise to come up with a terrific replacement later — is probably the party’s best way to destroy Obamacare. Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s also the best way to destroy the Republican majority in Congress.

Something big is happening in the Senate right now: The Republican plan, affirmed again today by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is facing dire peril from Republican defections. Republicans need a House majority, 50 Senate votes, and soon-to-be President Trump to pass repeal and delay.

If Republicans lose three Senate votes, that drops them to 49, and repeal and delay cannot pass. At least three Republican senators (in addition to all the Democrats) now oppose repeal and delay. Rand Paul, of all people, has demanded that Congress repeal Obamacare at the same time it passes a plan to replace it. Paul has announced that he spoke with Trump and secured his agreement on this. Trump has not said so himself, confining his comments to date to a vague assurance, “That’s all gonna work out.”

Obamacare Repeal Might Have Just Died Tonight
Well when can we lose those seats? Oh yeah, In two years! Obama Care will be history by then.
And replace by what??? The GOP has had 7 years to come up with a replacement and they haven't done it YET!!! Hell you and your ignorant ilk do not know as we speak. Will this be a GOP Over Reach????
They will have to pass it to find out what is in it. That's what happened with Obama Care, remember? So shut up and get in the back seat.
So the GOP is going risk pissing off 22-30 million Americans who now have HC.......so they repeal the ACA to find out what's in it after 7 years.... good luck.
Yeah and most cannot afford the deductible, republicans will repair the failed Obama Care.
Rubes bamboozled once again

The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare and delay the implementation of the repeal — with a promise to come up with a terrific replacement later — is probably the party’s best way to destroy Obamacare. Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s also the best way to destroy the Republican majority in Congress.

Something big is happening in the Senate right now: The Republican plan, affirmed again today by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is facing dire peril from Republican defections. Republicans need a House majority, 50 Senate votes, and soon-to-be President Trump to pass repeal and delay.

If Republicans lose three Senate votes, that drops them to 49, and repeal and delay cannot pass. At least three Republican senators (in addition to all the Democrats) now oppose repeal and delay. Rand Paul, of all people, has demanded that Congress repeal Obamacare at the same time it passes a plan to replace it. Paul has announced that he spoke with Trump and secured his agreement on this. Trump has not said so himself, confining his comments to date to a vague assurance, “That’s all gonna work out.”

Obamacare Repeal Might Have Just Died Tonight
Well when can we lose those seats? Oh yeah, In two years! Obama Care will be history by then.
Hell in two years Trump could be on impeachment watch......our Trump will claim health problems and QUIT!!!
Nope, he might get bored after saving the economy in four years, and give Pence the reigns after that. You know something Obama failed at after 8 years trying.
Meh! The GOP spent the last 8 years filibustering, sabotaging and obstructing the American People and President Obama!!!! What the fuck do you stupid incest ridden red state Trump voters think the Dems have planned for Trump!!! You stupid idiots.
Rubes bamboozled once again

The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare and delay the implementation of the repeal — with a promise to come up with a terrific replacement later — is probably the party’s best way to destroy Obamacare. Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s also the best way to destroy the Republican majority in Congress.

Something big is happening in the Senate right now: The Republican plan, affirmed again today by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is facing dire peril from Republican defections. Republicans need a House majority, 50 Senate votes, and soon-to-be President Trump to pass repeal and delay.

If Republicans lose three Senate votes, that drops them to 49, and repeal and delay cannot pass. At least three Republican senators (in addition to all the Democrats) now oppose repeal and delay. Rand Paul, of all people, has demanded that Congress repeal Obamacare at the same time it passes a plan to replace it. Paul has announced that he spoke with Trump and secured his agreement on this. Trump has not said so himself, confining his comments to date to a vague assurance, “That’s all gonna work out.”

Obamacare Repeal Might Have Just Died Tonight
Well when can we lose those seats? Oh yeah, In two years! Obama Care will be history by then.
Hell in two years Trump could be on impeachment watch......our Trump will claim health problems and QUIT!!!
Nope, he might get bored after saving the economy in four years, and give Pence the reigns after that. You know something Obama failed at after 8 years trying.
Meh! The GOP spent the last 8 years filibustering, sabotaging and obstructing the American People and President Obama!!!! What the fuck do you stupid incest ridden red state Trump voters think the Dems have planned for Trump!!! You stupid idiots.
Tell me, what did Obama not get that he wanted? Please tell me.
Rubes bamboozled once again

The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare and delay the implementation of the repeal — with a promise to come up with a terrific replacement later — is probably the party’s best way to destroy Obamacare. Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s also the best way to destroy the Republican majority in Congress.

Something big is happening in the Senate right now: The Republican plan, affirmed again today by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is facing dire peril from Republican defections. Republicans need a House majority, 50 Senate votes, and soon-to-be President Trump to pass repeal and delay.

If Republicans lose three Senate votes, that drops them to 49, and repeal and delay cannot pass. At least three Republican senators (in addition to all the Democrats) now oppose repeal and delay. Rand Paul, of all people, has demanded that Congress repeal Obamacare at the same time it passes a plan to replace it. Paul has announced that he spoke with Trump and secured his agreement on this. Trump has not said so himself, confining his comments to date to a vague assurance, “That’s all gonna work out.”

Obamacare Repeal Might Have Just Died Tonight
Well when can we lose those seats? Oh yeah, In two years! Obama Care will be history by then.
And replace by what??? The GOP has had 7 years to come up with a replacement and they haven't done it YET!!! Hell you and your ignorant ilk do not know as we speak. Will this be a GOP Over Reach????
They will have to pass it to find out what is in it. That's what happened with Obama Care, remember? So shut up and get in the back seat.
So the GOP is going risk pissing off 22-30 million Americans who now have HC.......so they repeal the ACA to find out what's in it after 7 years.... good luck.
Yeah and most cannot afford the deductible, republicans will repair the failed Obama Care.
They can't afford it because GOP Governors in red states "SABOTAGED" the ACA which increased premiums on their constituents.
Well when can we lose those seats? Oh yeah, In two years! Obama Care will be history by then.
And replace by what??? The GOP has had 7 years to come up with a replacement and they haven't done it YET!!! Hell you and your ignorant ilk do not know as we speak. Will this be a GOP Over Reach????
They will have to pass it to find out what is in it. That's what happened with Obama Care, remember? So shut up and get in the back seat.
So the GOP is going risk pissing off 22-30 million Americans who now have HC.......so they repeal the ACA to find out what's in it after 7 years.... good luck.
Yeah and most cannot afford the deductible, republicans will repair the failed Obama Care.
They can't afford it because GOP Governors in red states "SABOTAGED" the ACA which increased premiums on their constituents.
Bullshit, Obama Care was passed without one republican vote. Democrats own this 100%. You can't turn it around.
Rubes bamboozled once again

The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare and delay the implementation of the repeal — with a promise to come up with a terrific replacement later — is probably the party’s best way to destroy Obamacare. Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s also the best way to destroy the Republican majority in Congress.

Something big is happening in the Senate right now: The Republican plan, affirmed again today by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is facing dire peril from Republican defections. Republicans need a House majority, 50 Senate votes, and soon-to-be President Trump to pass repeal and delay.

If Republicans lose three Senate votes, that drops them to 49, and repeal and delay cannot pass. At least three Republican senators (in addition to all the Democrats) now oppose repeal and delay. Rand Paul, of all people, has demanded that Congress repeal Obamacare at the same time it passes a plan to replace it. Paul has announced that he spoke with Trump and secured his agreement on this. Trump has not said so himself, confining his comments to date to a vague assurance, “That’s all gonna work out.”

Obamacare Repeal Might Have Just Died Tonight
Well when can we lose those seats? Oh yeah, In two years! Obama Care will be history by then.
Hell in two years Trump could be on impeachment watch......our Trump will claim health problems and QUIT!!!
Nope, he might get bored after saving the economy in four years, and give Pence the reigns after that. You know something Obama failed at after 8 years trying.
Shit.....have you not seen Trump's cabinet picks of crooks from wall street and the criminals of Golden Sachs all returning to bankrupt the economy!!! How will these bastards SAVE THE ECONOMY!!!!!! Gosh you and your ilk are dumb as fuck if you think that will happen.
Rubes bamboozled once again

The Republican plan to repeal Obamacare and delay the implementation of the repeal — with a promise to come up with a terrific replacement later — is probably the party’s best way to destroy Obamacare. Unfortunately for Republicans, it’s also the best way to destroy the Republican majority in Congress.

Something big is happening in the Senate right now: The Republican plan, affirmed again today by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is facing dire peril from Republican defections. Republicans need a House majority, 50 Senate votes, and soon-to-be President Trump to pass repeal and delay.

If Republicans lose three Senate votes, that drops them to 49, and repeal and delay cannot pass. At least three Republican senators (in addition to all the Democrats) now oppose repeal and delay. Rand Paul, of all people, has demanded that Congress repeal Obamacare at the same time it passes a plan to replace it. Paul has announced that he spoke with Trump and secured his agreement on this. Trump has not said so himself, confining his comments to date to a vague assurance, “That’s all gonna work out.”

Obamacare Repeal Might Have Just Died Tonight
Well when can we lose those seats? Oh yeah, In two years! Obama Care will be history by then.
Hell in two years Trump could be on impeachment watch......our Trump will claim health problems and QUIT!!!
Nope, he might get bored after saving the economy in four years, and give Pence the reigns after that. You know something Obama failed at after 8 years trying.
What the fuck are you talking about? Bush handed President Obama an economy headed straight down. Went clear down to 6500. Now, we are close to 20,000. And the unemployment is at a 10 year low.

Are there people having a hard time? Yes, because brain dead jobs are now being done by machines. And there are far more brain dead 'Conservatives' than there are jobs of that type left. Yet there are over 5.8 million jobs going begging in this nation. Technical jobs that need training. Yet the GOP opposes training our young people for these jobs. And the incoming President seems not to have a clue about this.

Now, having been handed a solid economy, let us see what the orange clown and the GOP has done with the economy by the end of 2019. My bet is that it will be down by 25%. Possibly more, if a trade war is started.

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