Obamacare Going After 1099ers

Plenty of threads about the co-ops already and, as has already been pointed out in those threads, alternatives are available for those relying on the co-ops. The haphazard efforts of Red State governors to deny their people access to health insurance is the real failure here.

Of course alternatives are always available in the insurance industry. There always have been even before Obamacare ever reared its ugly head. The point is that all these folks will have to go elsewhere and get new coverage. It's a hassle for them. I've been with the same insurance company for twenty years - not just a couple. Obamacare is a disaster on all fronts.
I am writing this a person who employs 6 1099'ers. They just got letters from the ACHA or whatever you call it to tell them they HAD to show proof of APPROVED health care insurance OR buy into Obamacare.

Now I only have six private contractors {1099} and have no one on a 1040 because it cuts book keeping costs. A 1099 employer does NOT withold taxes
or social security and in my state even child support. That is up to the 1099er.

The sign up costs are ranging from 7 to 900 dollars with the monthlies at 4 to 500.
They CANNOT afford it. Now before you all chime in and say I should be paying more my insurance costs ARE higher because of who I hire.

See I do a lot of little insurance work, minor fire and flood repair and wind storm.
One person I hired did 18 months for selling pot because he got caught with a pound so nobody would hire him. And another had more then one to many DWI's so nobody would hire him. But I did and and my rates went up because of it.

So I am already paying extra for employing them. And the profit margin I make is not that big because I do it more because I am bored VS needing the money. So its cheaper to close shop and un-employ six people then it is to give raises or raise my rates.

They have got to get the money to keep the thing afloat. The penalties should begin to kick in this year and many folks are going to have to pay.

Yes, insurance companies will want payment of the premiums they charge for their product. And penalties will be required from those who decided "I'm gonna pay the penalty and not get insurance - that'll show Obama he's not the boss of me!"

It's the ostensible 1099 process described in the OP that's of interest to me.

Ah, last time I checked President Obama ISN'T the boss of us! He's our President and we're the boss of him.
Absolutely true, but that post was about the childish mentality with which some Americans approach...well, most things.

Don't read the legislation; repeat the lie that it's hidden away somewhere.
Don't find out what your state government is doing about it; keep calling the PPACA "health insurance."
And whatever you do, don't use the exchanges or even a calculator provided by a privately owned corporation like the Kaiser Family Foundation to find out for yourself what options you'd have to choose from insurers and tiers and what the premiums and deductibles would be.
Just keep calling the PPACA "a failure," all evidence to the contrary, and keep throwing tantrums.

The tantrums are fun to watch, but they won't stop the adults from continuing to provide accurate information.

It''s good to know my state governor has nothing at all to do with my health insurance. Neither does Obama.
I am writing this a person who employs 6 1099'ers. They just got letters from the ACHA or whatever you call it to tell them they HAD to show proof of APPROVED health care insurance OR buy into Obamacare.

Now I only have six private contractors {1099} and have no one on a 1040 because it cuts book keeping costs. A 1099 employer does NOT withold taxes
or social security and in my state even child support. That is up to the 1099er.

The sign up costs are ranging from 7 to 900 dollars with the monthlies at 4 to 500.
They CANNOT afford it. Now before you all chime in and say I should be paying more my insurance costs ARE higher because of who I hire.

See I do a lot of little insurance work, minor fire and flood repair and wind storm.
One person I hired did 18 months for selling pot because he got caught with a pound so nobody would hire him. And another had more then one to many DWI's so nobody would hire him. But I did and and my rates went up because of it.

So I am already paying extra for employing them. And the profit margin I make is not that big because I do it more because I am bored VS needing the money. So its cheaper to close shop and un-employ six people then it is to give raises or raise my rates.

Your business insurance has nothing to do with their health care insurance. You obviously pay crap to your subcontractors.
I am writing this a person who employs 6 1099'ers. They just got letters from the ACHA or whatever you call it to tell them they HAD to show proof of APPROVED health care insurance OR buy into Obamacare.

Now I only have six private contractors {1099} and have no one on a 1040 because it cuts book keeping costs. A 1099 employer does NOT withold taxes
or social security and in my state even child support. That is up to the 1099er.

The sign up costs are ranging from 7 to 900 dollars with the monthlies at 4 to 500.
They CANNOT afford it. Now before you all chime in and say I should be paying more my insurance costs ARE higher because of who I hire.

See I do a lot of little insurance work, minor fire and flood repair and wind storm.
One person I hired did 18 months for selling pot because he got caught with a pound so nobody would hire him. And another had more then one to many DWI's so nobody would hire him. But I did and and my rates went up because of it.

So I am already paying extra for employing them. And the profit margin I make is not that big because I do it more because I am bored VS needing the money. So its cheaper to close shop and un-employ six people then it is to give raises or raise my rates.

They have got to get the money to keep the thing afloat. The penalties should begin to kick in this year and many folks are going to have to pay.

Yes, insurance companies will want payment of the premiums they charge for their product. And penalties will be required from those who decided "I'm gonna pay the penalty and not get insurance - that'll show Obama he's not the boss of me!"

It's the ostensible 1099 process described in the OP that's of interest to me.

Ah, last time I checked President Obama ISN'T the boss of us! He's our President and we're the boss of him.
Absolutely true, but that post was about the childish mentality with which some Americans approach...well, most things.

Don't read the legislation; repeat the lie that it's hidden away somewhere.
Don't find out what your state government is doing about it; keep calling the PPACA "health insurance."
And whatever you do, don't use the exchanges or even a calculator provided by a privately owned corporation like the Kaiser Family Foundation to find out for yourself what options you'd have to choose from insurers and tiers and what the premiums and deductibles would be.
Just keep calling the PPACA "a failure," all evidence to the contrary, and keep throwing tantrums.

The tantrums are fun to watch, but they won't stop the adults from continuing to provide accurate information.

It''s good to know my state governor has nothing at all to do with my health insurance. Neither does Obama.
Just keep a weather eye on the Republicans in Congress. They really, really, really want to have your Medicare benefits for lunch. ;)
I am writing this a person who employs 6 1099'ers. They just got letters from the ACHA or whatever you call it to tell them they HAD to show proof of APPROVED health care insurance OR buy into Obamacare.

Now I only have six private contractors {1099} and have no one on a 1040 because it cuts book keeping costs. A 1099 employer does NOT withold taxes
or social security and in my state even child support. That is up to the 1099er.

The sign up costs are ranging from 7 to 900 dollars with the monthlies at 4 to 500.
They CANNOT afford it. Now before you all chime in and say I should be paying more my insurance costs ARE higher because of who I hire.

See I do a lot of little insurance work, minor fire and flood repair and wind storm.
One person I hired did 18 months for selling pot because he got caught with a pound so nobody would hire him. And another had more then one to many DWI's so nobody would hire him. But I did and and my rates went up because of it.

So I am already paying extra for employing them. And the profit margin I make is not that big because I do it more because I am bored VS needing the money. So its cheaper to close shop and un-employ six people then it is to give raises or raise my rates.

Also, if their record has nothing to do with the job at hand, you wouldn't even have a right to ask about it and your business insurance wouldn't raise because of this shit. Methinks you are being dishonest.
I am writing this a person who employs 6 1099'ers. They just got letters from the ACHA or whatever you call it to tell them they HAD to show proof of APPROVED health care insurance OR buy into Obamacare.

Now I only have six private contractors {1099} and have no one on a 1040 because it cuts book keeping costs. A 1099 employer does NOT withold taxes
or social security and in my state even child support. That is up to the 1099er.

The sign up costs are ranging from 7 to 900 dollars with the monthlies at 4 to 500.
They CANNOT afford it. Now before you all chime in and say I should be paying more my insurance costs ARE higher because of who I hire.

See I do a lot of little insurance work, minor fire and flood repair and wind storm.
One person I hired did 18 months for selling pot because he got caught with a pound so nobody would hire him. And another had more then one to many DWI's so nobody would hire him. But I did and and my rates went up because of it.

So I am already paying extra for employing them. And the profit margin I make is not that big because I do it more because I am bored VS needing the money. So its cheaper to close shop and un-employ six people then it is to give raises or raise my rates.

They have got to get the money to keep the thing afloat. The penalties should begin to kick in this year and many folks are going to have to pay.

Yes, insurance companies will want payment of the premiums they charge for their product. And penalties will be required from those who decided "I'm gonna pay the penalty and not get insurance - that'll show Obama he's not the boss of me!"

It's the ostensible 1099 process described in the OP that's of interest to me.

Ah, last time I checked President Obama ISN'T the boss of us! He's our President and we're the boss of him.
Absolutely true, but that post was about the childish mentality with which some Americans approach...well, most things.

Don't read the legislation; repeat the lie that it's hidden away somewhere.
Don't find out what your state government is doing about it; keep calling the PPACA "health insurance."
And whatever you do, don't use the exchanges or even a calculator provided by a privately owned corporation like the Kaiser Family Foundation to find out for yourself what options you'd have to choose from insurers and tiers and what the premiums and deductibles would be.
Just keep calling the PPACA "a failure," all evidence to the contrary, and keep throwing tantrums.

The tantrums are fun to watch, but they won't stop the adults from continuing to provide accurate information.

With all due respect...if the ACA is so gosh darn wonderful, Arian...why did it's architects feel compelled to lie to us about it in order to get it passed?

It's my belief that Obama, Reid and Pelosi all pushed the ACA through even though they knew that it couldn't work as written and they did so because they believed that once you give Americans "free stuff" that they will never give it back. The ACA is awful legislation. The numbers simply don't work. The only reason it was passed is that liberals viewed it as one step towards government run healthcare. People like Jonathon Gruber knew full well that the ACA didn't work. He pushed the lies because he wants single payer and sees this as the way to get there.
Again, I'm not claiming it's "wonderful." I'm saying "It's what was left after x-number of Congressional attempts to, first, gut the bill before they would vote on it (and some still got the changes they demanded, then reneged and voted against it anyway) and, second, kill it once it became law."

Romneycare was proposed by the Cato Institute (which, interestingly, is now slamming it); the PPACA was built on Romneycare. And one of Romney's persistent talking points in '12 was how he was going to dismantle the PPACA.

So you can either look at the legislation itself: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/111/hr3590/text; or look at the results in terms of patient accessibility, impact on hospital costs, and impact on the economy as a whole; or you can buy into those cute little 15-second YouTube videos the
crowd keep posting because facts scare them.

Either way, no one here is saying the PPACA is "gosh darn wonderful." I, at least, am saying "It's better for more Americans than what used to be" and "It's a first step in eventually improving healthcare options for all Americans."
Another thought, OldStyle: Sometimes all that's needed is a little bit of information. Look at DarkFury's response in Post 107. :)
Again, I'm not claiming it's "wonderful." I'm saying "It's what was left after x-number of Congressional attempts to, first, gut the bill before they would vote on it (and some still got the changes they demanded, then reneged and voted against it anyway) and, second, kill it once it became law."

Romneycare was proposed by the Cato Institute (which, interestingly, is now slamming it); the PPACA was built on Romneycare. And one of Romney's persistent talking points in '12 was how he was going to dismantle the PPACA.

So you can either look at the legislation itself: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/111/hr3590/text; or look at the results in terms of patient accessibility, impact on hospital costs, and impact on the economy as a whole; or you can buy into those cute little 15-second YouTube videos the
crowd keep posting because facts scare them.

Either way, no one here is saying the PPACA is "gosh darn wonderful." I, at least, am saying "It's better for more Americans than what used to be" and "It's a first step in eventually improving healthcare options for all Americans."

You're saying that the ACA is better for middle class Americans than what they used to have? I beg to differ. It's better for people that are getting most of their healthcare premiums subsidized by the Federal Government. It's in no way better for the middle class or for young healthy Americans. They are the ones who will be paying the cost of giving those subsidies to the poor.

The middle class was promised that the ACA would bring down their healthcare costs by an average of $2,500 a year per family. That was a bald faced lie. Their healthcare costs will be going up. Anyone who has 8th grade math skills has known that all along.
Another thought, OldStyle: Sometimes all that's needed is a little bit of information. Look at DarkFury's response in Post 107. :)

I consider myself to be well informed on the ACA, Arian I read it when it was finally released to the public and saw huge problems with the way it was written right from the start. I'm not basing my judgments on it on fear tactics...I'm basing my judgements on the legislation itself. To be quite blunt...if a private sector company ever put forth a program like the ACA...I'm quite sure that someone in the Justice Department would be charging them with fraud as we speak. They cooked the books to come up with their numbers...lied to us about it...and did so knowing that what they did would eventually become obvious.
Lots of companies abuse employees by calling them independent contractors when they do not fit the definition.

I wonder...

The payer of independent contractors has the right to control or direct ONLY the result of the work and not what will be done and how it will be done. The OP may be in violation.
Another thought, OldStyle: Sometimes all that's needed is a little bit of information. Look at DarkFury's response in Post 107. :)

I consider myself to be well informed on the ACA, Arian I read it when it was finally released to the public and saw huge problems with the way it was written right from the start. I'm not basing my judgments on it on fear tactics...I'm basing my judgements on the legislation itself. To be quite blunt...if a private sector company ever put forth a program like the ACA...I'm quite sure that someone in the Justice Department would be charging them with fraud as we speak. They cooked the books to come up with their numbers...lied to us about it...and did so knowing that what they did would eventually become obvious.

That whole "they lied about it" thing is like the "What difference does it make?" thing - sound bites taken out of context and played over and over and over and over and over, ad finitum, ad nauseam. The obsession with that repetition causes some people to mischaracterize the outcome as "Libs think it's all kittens and lollipops."

No one is saying, has said, or will say it's perfect. It isn't. It's what results when the same people who thought it was cool when it was called Romneycare did a 180 "because Obama" and started trying to pick it apart.

What's obvious to those who can distance themselves from Congressional antics and FAUXNews hysteria is that insurers can no longer cap coverage or refuse coverage for preexisting conditions, and that millions more people have access to health insurance than did before.

There are other, less obvious aspects: PPACA didn't harm economy, report says

But the biggest obstacle, as I see it, is calculatedly ignorant people who still (pretend?) to believe "Obamacare is insurance and it sucks."
Another thought, OldStyle: Sometimes all that's needed is a little bit of information. Look at DarkFury's response in Post 107. :)

I consider myself to be well informed on the ACA, Arian I read it when it was finally released to the public and saw huge problems with the way it was written right from the start. I'm not basing my judgments on it on fear tactics...I'm basing my judgements on the legislation itself. To be quite blunt...if a private sector company ever put forth a program like the ACA...I'm quite sure that someone in the Justice Department would be charging them with fraud as we speak. They cooked the books to come up with their numbers...lied to us about it...and did so knowing that what they did would eventually become obvious.

That whole "they lied about it" thing is like the "What difference does it make?" thing - sound bites taken out of context and played over and over and over and over and over, ad finitum, ad nauseam. The obsession with that repetition causes some people to mischaracterize the outcome as "Libs think it's all kittens and lollipops."

No one is saying, has said, or will say it's perfect. It isn't. It's what results when the same people who thought it was cool when it was called Romneycare did a 180 "because Obama" and started trying to pick it apart.

What's obvious to those who can distance themselves from Congressional antics and FAUXNews hysteria is that insurers can no longer cap coverage or refuse coverage for preexisting conditions, and that millions more people have access to health insurance than did before.

There are other, less obvious aspects: PPACA didn't harm economy, report says

But the biggest obstacle, as I see it, is calculatedly ignorant people who still (pretend?) to believe "Obamacare is insurance and it sucks."

Did you even read that article you just cited? The report basically says that we don't know how badly the ACA is going to hurt the economy and jobs because major parts of it have been held off until now. The provisions in the ACA which are going to cost jobs and slow the economy are kicking in now. Obama and the Democrats did that on purpose...they gave America the good parts of the ACA...and hid the true costs by postponing them for several years.

The ACA isn't insurance...it's really badly written legislation that was rammed through because the Democrats lost huge in the midterms and they were stuck with what they had gotten passed in the Senate. As this all unfolds, Arian...people like you are going to be stuck defending something that simply doesn't work! I'm just waiting for the first liberal who declares straight faced that since the ACA is failing...that what we REALLY need to do is a single payer system! That's coming within four years in my estimation.
And I'm mystified by your contention that Hillary Clinton's "What difference does it make!" speech was somehow taken out of context. She said it and she meant it. She was pissed because she was being asked to defend policy decisions made by her State Department that were so out of touch with what was happening in Libya that it's impossible TO defend them!
"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator. Now, honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get to the best information. The IC has a process, I understand, going with the other committees to explain how these talking points came out. But you know, to be clear, it is, from my perspective, less important today looking backwards as to why these militants decided they did it than to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we’ll figure out what was going on in the meantime."
Did you even read that article you just cited? The report basically says that we don't know how badly the ACA is going to hurt the economy and jobs because major parts of it have been held off until now. The provisions in the ACA which are going to cost jobs and slow the economy are kicking in now. Obama and the Democrats did that on purpose...they gave America the good parts of the ACA...and hid the true costs by postponing them for several years.

The ACA isn't insurance...it's really badly written legislation that was rammed through because the Democrats lost huge in the midterms and they were stuck with what they had gotten passed in the Senate. As this all unfolds, Arian...people like you are going to be stuck defending something that simply doesn't work! I'm just waiting for the first liberal who declares straight faced that since the ACA is failing...that what we REALLY need to do is a single payer system! That's coming within four years in my estimation.

ACA was written because there is no competition in the insurance industry. You can thank Reagan for that.
Did you even read that article you just cited? The report basically says that we don't know how badly the ACA is going to hurt the economy and jobs because major parts of it have been held off until now. The provisions in the ACA which are going to cost jobs and slow the economy are kicking in now. Obama and the Democrats did that on purpose...they gave America the good parts of the ACA...and hid the true costs by postponing them for several years.

The ACA isn't insurance...it's really badly written legislation that was rammed through because the Democrats lost huge in the midterms and they were stuck with what they had gotten passed in the Senate. As this all unfolds, Arian...people like you are going to be stuck defending something that simply doesn't work! I'm just waiting for the first liberal who declares straight faced that since the ACA is failing...that what we REALLY need to do is a single payer system! That's coming within four years in my estimation.

ACA was written because there is no competition in the insurance industry. You can thank Reagan for that.

A lot of your competition has left the building: Big federal Obamacare exchange will have fewer health plans
Did you even read that article you just cited? The report basically says that we don't know how badly the ACA is going to hurt the economy and jobs because major parts of it have been held off until now. The provisions in the ACA which are going to cost jobs and slow the economy are kicking in now. Obama and the Democrats did that on purpose...they gave America the good parts of the ACA...and hid the true costs by postponing them for several years.

The ACA isn't insurance...it's really badly written legislation that was rammed through because the Democrats lost huge in the midterms and they were stuck with what they had gotten passed in the Senate. As this all unfolds, Arian...people like you are going to be stuck defending something that simply doesn't work! I'm just waiting for the first liberal who declares straight faced that since the ACA is failing...that what we REALLY need to do is a single payer system! That's coming within four years in my estimation.

ACA was written because there is no competition in the insurance industry. You can thank Reagan for that.

A lot of your competition has left the building: Big federal Obamacare exchange will have fewer health plans
Which means that some of the Red State governors who denied their citizens a state exchange may find themselves on the ropes come reelection time.

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