Obama Will Bring US Economic Misery And War With Russia


Jul 21, 2008
NYC Area
"I probably shouldn't have said all this because it dawned on me that the press is here," VP Candidate Joe Biden fumbled, as reported by ABC News today.

Furtively warning the faithful to hang tight during the rough waters that would hit soon, Biden inadvertently shared tell-tale glimpses of the Obama agenda. They tally uncannily with the gloomiest scenarios of war and misery under Obama in the books of politologist Webster G. Tarpley, Obama - the Postmodern Coup: Making of a Manchurian Candidate and Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography.

In Tarpley's analysis, Obama is the candidate of the Wall Street finance oligarchs, brought in to give a leftish face-lift to their project of squeezing the lemon abroad and at home. The photogenic Obama can impose austerities and mobilize military adventures that the tired, bankrupt old neocon politicians could never dream of.

continued here:
Biden Blurts Out Plan - Obama Will Bring US Economic Misery And War

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