Obama ... We Need to Overcome Our Religious Convictions?

I never said I was. I am a lapses Catholic at best.

And the fact is at this point YOUR side is working against Civil rights, the rights of people to practice their religion as they see fit.

YOUR side is the bully now.
I have seen no edicts promoting the cessation of all religious activities....

Argumentum ad absurdum.

Moonglow did not offer an argument, thus your effort to suggest you have a knowledge of informal logic is busted.

Wrong, he went to the extreme of "edicts" banning all religious activity as a defense for forcing people to choose between their morals and their livelyhood, i.e. he considers only total threats to religious action to be of a concern, hence argumentum ad absurdum.
So what restrictions on any religious activity in the US has occurred due to the gay marriage issue being settled?
Can you answer that or do you need to hide behind another Latin phrase?

It allows further use of PA laws to force people to accept gay marriage. Are you telling me that we will not see an increase in said lawsuits?

and its not religious activity, its punishing people for their religious beliefs.
It's not love to condone ungodly practices ....
Have you guys not ever heard of "tough love" - telling people things that they don't want to hear for THEIR BENEFIT? I'm not talking about FORCE, I'm talking about things spoken in LOVE and good will.

If I tell someone why they need Jesus and they say, look, I want to live my own life, I have heard about Jesus and no thanks, I'll go my own way, I'm not going to chase them down and badger them.

I will pray for them however.
It's like having children, you can kill yourself trying to mold them, yet they will form their own mold......If they do something you dislike, is it a reason to hate them? Considering that God has unconditional love for his creation, does he hate humans.. I doubt it if what is written is true...God hates your sin, yet does not hate the sinner..get it? Yet?
Argumentum ad absurdum.
You are arguing from the absurd, Marty. If you are a libertarian, you are incredibly bad at defending it.

I am a strict constructional federalist, with libertarian leanings.



Sorry I used words to big for you understand.
:) You are weak, just weak.

You have lost, go slink under that rock you came from.
PA laws are constitutional.

The issue is one of education, basically do business and MYOB.
You have lost, go slink under that rock you came from.
:lol: Such a constitutional federalist libertarian leaning moon worshipper, you.

I never said I was. I am a lapses Catholic at best.

And the fact is at this point YOUR side is working against Civil rights, the rights of people to practice their religion as they see fit.

YOUR side is the bully now.
I have seen no edicts promoting the cessation of all religious activities....

Argumentum ad absurdum.
Can you prove that gheys getting married will be the demise of organized religion? Or that it will in any way hinder the practice of a religion?

Again, argumentum ad absurdum, and it's already hindering it.
You again fail to assert any direct relationship...

We have already seen people question allowing tax exempt status for chruches due to this ruling, we will see an increase in people being sued for not providing services due to moral issues, and we will surely see more public shaming of people who do not agree with SSM as a legal construct.

It's the same tired trick all the time with progressives, proclaim a desire for equality and freedom while at the same time removing both from people they disagree with.
The issue was resolved not because of religion, the issue was resolved because of fairness in contractual law, which is what marriage is, a contract...
Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?
Where have you seen it? The only place I found it was on Freeperville.

I didn't hear the speech, but Jeb Bush said we need to show black people that they are cowards and sissies.

Was that a misquote?
Time to stop letting an ancient book of myths and fairy tales run your life and join the 21st century.

I disagree.

Personally, I could be classified as an agnostic because I admit that even though I doubt there's a "God," and I've seen nothing that makes me think that there is one, I don't know for certain that there isn't one.

However, other people are entitled to feel and believe differently. The line though (to me) is when they want their beliefs reflected in what are supposed to be secular laws.
I have seen no edicts promoting the cessation of all religious activities....

Argumentum ad absurdum.
Can you prove that gheys getting married will be the demise of organized religion? Or that it will in any way hinder the practice of a religion?

Again, argumentum ad absurdum, and it's already hindering it.
You again fail to assert any direct relationship...

We have already seen people question allowing tax exempt status for chruches due to this ruling, we will see an increase in people being sued for not providing services due to moral issues, and we will surely see more public shaming of people who do not agree with SSM as a legal construct.

It's the same tired trick all the time with progressives, proclaim a desire for equality and freedom while at the same time removing both from people they disagree with.
Same thing they said about inter-racial marriages, and co-ed dorms, and co-ed classes and co-ed military service....you people are trying to use psycho-biblical babble to defend censorship...
Speaking in the Rose Garden shortly after the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was announced, Obama stated that the progressives in society needs to ‘help’ those with deeply held religious beliefs overcome their convictions.

I did not listen to the speech, but have seen this here and there on the internet. Although, not on any of the major news agencies/papers (CNN,FOX, Washington Post, NY Times etc.)

What are your thoughts on his statement above? Is it misquoted?
Where have you seen it? The only place I found it was on Freeperville.

I didn't hear the speech, but Jeb Bush said we need to show black people that they are cowards and sissies.

Was that a misquote?
If Obama and JEB said those things, they better back the fuck up.
Time to stop letting an ancient book of myths and fairy tales run your life and join the 21st century.

I disagree.

Personally, I could be classified as an agnostic because I admit that even though I doubt there's a "God," and I've seen nothing that makes me think that there is one, I don't know for certain that there isn't one.

However, other people are entitled to feel and believe differently. The line though (to me) is when they want their beliefs reflected in what are supposed to be secular laws.

REALLY, where does it say our laws are suppose to be secular? just because you people claim that doesn't mean the rest of the country believes it

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