Obama Voters, The Real Failures

The prescient Michael Goodwin writes that Obama's ship is sinking....but with every nail he hammers into this coffin....remember that voters had a choice, and judged this ship seaworthy.

1."...rising clamor over the beheading of two Americans, and rapidly sinking polls, forced President Obama to reassure the nation last week he had a plan... [but] most military analysts believe the expanded airstrikes will not be a sufficient match for the size and weaponry of the terrorist army.

2. They miss the point. The disjointed speech wasn’t really about terrorism and launching a new war. It was about saving Obama’s presidency.... it may already be too late to save the SS Obama.

3. The whole second term has been a string of disasters, with the toxic brew of his Obamacare lies, middling economic growth and violent global breakdown casting doubt on the president’s stewardship. Six years into his tenure, nothing is going as promised.

4. ...the magic of his rhetoric is long gone, and not just because the public has tuned him out.
They’ve tuned him out because they’ve made up their minds about him. They no longer trust him and don’t think he’s a good leader.

5. ...findings turned up in a tsunami of recent polls that amount to a public vote of no confidence. They shook up the White House so much that the plan to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants was put on hold to try to protect Democratic candidates from voter wrath in November.

6. ...but it doesn’t change the basic calculation. The president’s problem is that he has been wrong about virtually every major issue.

7. His worldview, his politics, his prejudices, his habits — they’ve been a mismatch for the country and its needs. He has been a dud even in the one area where he seemed a lock to make things better, racial relations. Only 10 percent believe race relations have improved under him, while 35 percent said they are worse.....

8. Barack Obama was not ready to be president, and still isn’t. It is a fantasy to believe he’ll master the art in his final two years.
The lasting image will be his yukking it up on the golf course minutes after giving a perfunctory speech on the beheading of James Foley. It revealed him as hollow, both to America and the world, and there is no way to un-see the emptiness.

9. Obama’s fecklessness is so unique that our adversaries and enemies surely realize they will never face a weaker president.

10. Throw in the fact that Europe largely has scrapped its military might to pay for its welfare states, and the entire West is a diminished, confused opponent, ripe for the taking."
Obama s ship is sinking New York Post

Perhaps the first vote can be chalked up to best hopes....but the second election was a one question IQ test....and everyone who looked at this failure and pulled the Democrat lever....well....those are the real failures, and responsible for what we face today.

Let's hope that the failures who put this windbag back in office haven't doomed all of us!

Wake up pea brain, the GOP has an even worse approval rating...


Your post has nothing to do with the essence of the OP.

Once again....

Obama is a failure....

....and any who voted for him, especially the second time, is not only a failure, but is responsible for the results of every danger to which he has left Americans vulnerable.

If only you and every other Obama voter had been restricted as Shakespeare suggested, we'd all be a lot safer:

. “Let the doors be shut upon him, that he may play the
fool no where but in's own house.”

I don't see Obama as a failure. I see a failure to work together in Washington, fueled and orchestrated mostly by Republicans who have made it clear from the very beginning that their motivation was to make sure Obama fails.
If you liked what GW Bush did for 8 years, you could have kept it by electing McCain or Romney.

Obama's foreign policy gets called a disaster by the RWnuts mainly because 4 Americans died in Benghazi and 2 American journalists were killed by ISIS.

These are the same RWnuts who think 4000+ Americans dying in Iraq was worth something.
OP- Sure. Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, 30 years of screwing the nonrich and the country (see sig), a corrupt meltdown and world depression, and five years of mindless obstruction and bs propaganda, hater dupe.

1. "Thanks for 9/11..."

Had the Democrat rapist, Bill Clinton, done his job.....there might not have been a 9/11

"Bill Clinton, Hours Before 9/11 Attacks: 'I Could Have Killed' Osama bin Laden"
Bill Clinton Hours Before 9 11 Attacks I Could Have Killed Osama bin Laden - ABC News

Did I mention that he is a Democrat as well as an accomplished rapist?

2. "30 years of screwing the nonrich and the country"

Reminder, from Republican President Ronald Reagan: "
Real per-capita disposable income increased by 18% from 1982 to 1989, meaning the American standard of living increased by almost 20% in just seven years. The poverty rate declined every year from 1984 to 1989, dropping by one-sixth from its peak. The stock market more than tripled in value from 1980 to 1990, a larger increase than in any previous decade."
Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics Facts And Figures - Forbes

3. "...meltdown and world depression..."
From FDR and the Democrat Party:
a. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.

He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

b. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

c. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA

Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.

Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

d. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.

4. "....bs propaganda..."
From the Liberal mainstream media...

Looks like you shouldn't have gotten up this morning, huh, Blanko?
I bet there are days you feel it’s not even worth chewing through the restraints.

BS propaganda describes your post perfectly.
The prescient Michael Goodwin writes that Obama's ship is sinking....but with every nail he hammers into this coffin....remember that voters had a choice, and judged this ship seaworthy.

1."...rising clamor over the beheading of two Americans, and rapidly sinking polls, forced President Obama to reassure the nation last week he had a plan... [but] most military analysts believe the expanded airstrikes will not be a sufficient match for the size and weaponry of the terrorist army.

2. They miss the point. The disjointed speech wasn’t really about terrorism and launching a new war. It was about saving Obama’s presidency.... it may already be too late to save the SS Obama.

3. The whole second term has been a string of disasters, with the toxic brew of his Obamacare lies, middling economic growth and violent global breakdown casting doubt on the president’s stewardship. Six years into his tenure, nothing is going as promised.

4. ...the magic of his rhetoric is long gone, and not just because the public has tuned him out.
They’ve tuned him out because they’ve made up their minds about him. They no longer trust him and don’t think he’s a good leader.

5. ...findings turned up in a tsunami of recent polls that amount to a public vote of no confidence. They shook up the White House so much that the plan to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants was put on hold to try to protect Democratic candidates from voter wrath in November.

6. ...but it doesn’t change the basic calculation. The president’s problem is that he has been wrong about virtually every major issue.

7. His worldview, his politics, his prejudices, his habits — they’ve been a mismatch for the country and its needs. He has been a dud even in the one area where he seemed a lock to make things better, racial relations. Only 10 percent believe race relations have improved under him, while 35 percent said they are worse.....

8. Barack Obama was not ready to be president, and still isn’t. It is a fantasy to believe he’ll master the art in his final two years.
The lasting image will be his yukking it up on the golf course minutes after giving a perfunctory speech on the beheading of James Foley. It revealed him as hollow, both to America and the world, and there is no way to un-see the emptiness.

9. Obama’s fecklessness is so unique that our adversaries and enemies surely realize they will never face a weaker president.

10. Throw in the fact that Europe largely has scrapped its military might to pay for its welfare states, and the entire West is a diminished, confused opponent, ripe for the taking."
Obama s ship is sinking New York Post

Perhaps the first vote can be chalked up to best hopes....but the second election was a one question IQ test....and everyone who looked at this failure and pulled the Democrat lever....well....those are the real failures, and responsible for what we face today.

Let's hope that the failures who put this windbag back in office haven't doomed all of us!

Wake up pea brain, the GOP has an even worse approval rating...


Your post has nothing to do with the essence of the OP.

Once again....

Obama is a failure....

....and any who voted for him, especially the second time, is not only a failure, but is responsible for the results of every danger to which he has left Americans vulnerable.

If only you and every other Obama voter had been restricted as Shakespeare suggested, we'd all be a lot safer:

. “Let the doors be shut upon him, that he may play the
fool no where but in's own house.”

I don't see Obama as a failure. I see a failure to work together in Washington, fueled and orchestrated mostly by Republicans who have made it clear from the very beginning that their motivation was to make sure Obama fails.

In a nutshell, no truer words...
The prescient Michael Goodwin writes that Obama's ship is sinking....but with every nail he hammers into this coffin....remember that voters had a choice, and judged this ship seaworthy.

Both of the alternative choices were disasters waiting to happen.

A the very very worst, Obama was the least of 3 evils.

On that note, let's remind all that Obama voters, and you in particular, are disasters extant.

Name ANYTHING that Obama has done that was worse than Bush's decision to perpetrate a disaster in Iraq.

The prescient Michael Goodwin writes that Obama's ship is sinking....but with every nail he hammers into this coffin....remember that voters had a choice, and judged this ship seaworthy.

1."...rising clamor over the beheading of two Americans, and rapidly sinking polls, forced President Obama to reassure the nation last week he had a plan... [but] most military analysts believe the expanded airstrikes will not be a sufficient match for the size and weaponry of the terrorist army.

2. They miss the point. The disjointed speech wasn’t really about terrorism and launching a new war. It was about saving Obama’s presidency.... it may already be too late to save the SS Obama.

3. The whole second term has been a string of disasters, with the toxic brew of his Obamacare lies, middling economic growth and violent global breakdown casting doubt on the president’s stewardship. Six years into his tenure, nothing is going as promised.

4. ...the magic of his rhetoric is long gone, and not just because the public has tuned him out.
They’ve tuned him out because they’ve made up their minds about him. They no longer trust him and don’t think he’s a good leader.

5. ...findings turned up in a tsunami of recent polls that amount to a public vote of no confidence. They shook up the White House so much that the plan to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants was put on hold to try to protect Democratic candidates from voter wrath in November.

6. ...but it doesn’t change the basic calculation. The president’s problem is that he has been wrong about virtually every major issue.

7. His worldview, his politics, his prejudices, his habits — they’ve been a mismatch for the country and its needs. He has been a dud even in the one area where he seemed a lock to make things better, racial relations. Only 10 percent believe race relations have improved under him, while 35 percent said they are worse.....

8. Barack Obama was not ready to be president, and still isn’t. It is a fantasy to believe he’ll master the art in his final two years.
The lasting image will be his yukking it up on the golf course minutes after giving a perfunctory speech on the beheading of James Foley. It revealed him as hollow, both to America and the world, and there is no way to un-see the emptiness.

9. Obama’s fecklessness is so unique that our adversaries and enemies surely realize they will never face a weaker president.

10. Throw in the fact that Europe largely has scrapped its military might to pay for its welfare states, and the entire West is a diminished, confused opponent, ripe for the taking."
Obama s ship is sinking New York Post

Perhaps the first vote can be chalked up to best hopes....but the second election was a one question IQ test....and everyone who looked at this failure and pulled the Democrat lever....well....those are the real failures, and responsible for what we face today.

Let's hope that the failures who put this windbag back in office haven't doomed all of us!

Wake up pea brain, the GOP has an even worse approval rating...


Your post has nothing to do with the essence of the OP.

Once again....

Obama is a failure....

....and any who voted for him, especially the second time, is not only a failure, but is responsible for the results of every danger to which he has left Americans vulnerable.

If only you and every other Obama voter had been restricted as Shakespeare suggested, we'd all be a lot safer:

. “Let the doors be shut upon him, that he may play the
fool no where but in's own house.”

In other word, " I refuse to admit that if Pres. Obama is a sinking ship, by that same matrix I refuse to admit that the GOP is sitting on the sea bottom..."

Why use 'other words,' you dunce......Goodwin said it quite well.

You can attempt to tap dance around it....

...but it is Barack Obama (peace be on him) whose policies are in effect, and therefore responsible for all of the domestic and foreign policy catastrophes under which we all suffer.

If only Obama voters suffered, that would be a comedy.
The fact that the rest of us suffer as well, that is a tragedy.

In more words, you once again started a stupid post based on an opinion piece because you are too stupid to post your own moronic opinion with what you would consider facts...

Quite possibly the stupidest political fellatio artist on the internet.
The prescient Michael Goodwin writes that Obama's ship is sinking....but with every nail he hammers into this coffin....remember that voters had a choice, and judged this ship seaworthy.

1."...rising clamor over the beheading of two Americans, and rapidly sinking polls, forced President Obama to reassure the nation last week he had a plan... [but] most military analysts believe the expanded airstrikes will not be a sufficient match for the size and weaponry of the terrorist army.

2. They miss the point. The disjointed speech wasn’t really about terrorism and launching a new war. It was about saving Obama’s presidency.... it may already be too late to save the SS Obama.

3. The whole second term has been a string of disasters, with the toxic brew of his Obamacare lies, middling economic growth and violent global breakdown casting doubt on the president’s stewardship. Six years into his tenure, nothing is going as promised.

4. ...the magic of his rhetoric is long gone, and not just because the public has tuned him out.
They’ve tuned him out because they’ve made up their minds about him. They no longer trust him and don’t think he’s a good leader.

5. ...findings turned up in a tsunami of recent polls that amount to a public vote of no confidence. They shook up the White House so much that the plan to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants was put on hold to try to protect Democratic candidates from voter wrath in November.

6. ...but it doesn’t change the basic calculation. The president’s problem is that he has been wrong about virtually every major issue.

7. His worldview, his politics, his prejudices, his habits — they’ve been a mismatch for the country and its needs. He has been a dud even in the one area where he seemed a lock to make things better, racial relations. Only 10 percent believe race relations have improved under him, while 35 percent said they are worse.....

8. Barack Obama was not ready to be president, and still isn’t. It is a fantasy to believe he’ll master the art in his final two years.
The lasting image will be his yukking it up on the golf course minutes after giving a perfunctory speech on the beheading of James Foley. It revealed him as hollow, both to America and the world, and there is no way to un-see the emptiness.

9. Obama’s fecklessness is so unique that our adversaries and enemies surely realize they will never face a weaker president.

10. Throw in the fact that Europe largely has scrapped its military might to pay for its welfare states, and the entire West is a diminished, confused opponent, ripe for the taking."
Obama s ship is sinking New York Post

Perhaps the first vote can be chalked up to best hopes....but the second election was a one question IQ test....and everyone who looked at this failure and pulled the Democrat lever....well....those are the real failures, and responsible for what we face today.

Let's hope that the failures who put this windbag back in office haven't doomed all of us!

Great article. And exhibit #1 are the idiot liberals on USMB. Even they still cling to Obama lies most of America's liberals have already seen through.
The prescient Michael Goodwin writes that Obama's ship is sinking....but with every nail he hammers into this coffin....remember that voters had a choice, and judged this ship seaworthy.

Both of the alternative choices were disasters waiting to happen.

A the very very worst, Obama was the least of 3 evils.

On that note, let's remind all that Obama voters, and you in particular, are disasters extant.

Name ANYTHING that Obama has done that was worse than Bush's decision to perpetrate a disaster in Iraq.


He was born Black......
The prescient Michael Goodwin writes that Obama's ship is sinking....but with every nail he hammers into this coffin....remember that voters had a choice, and judged this ship seaworthy.

Both of the alternative choices were disasters waiting to happen.

A the very very worst, Obama was the least of 3 evils.

On that note, let's remind all that Obama voters, and you in particular, are disasters extant.

Name ANYTHING that Obama has done that was worse than Bush's decision to perpetrate a disaster in Iraq.


Yoooo moron. Show me evidence WMD wasn't moved out of Iraq.
Ah good ole intervention and Blow-back. Things the right want nothing to hear about because then they would have to accept blame in the current mess we are in. Easier to just Blame the current Potus and wipe their hands of it.
Historically the current POTUS is always to blame.

After all, that's why he decided to run. Isn't it?

If he didn't want to be responsible he should have stayed a Senator.
The prescient Michael Goodwin writes that Obama's ship is sinking....but with every nail he hammers into this coffin....remember that voters had a choice, and judged this ship seaworthy.

Both of the alternative choices were disasters waiting to happen.

A the very very worst, Obama was the least of 3 evils.

On that note, let's remind all that Obama voters, and you in particular, are disasters extant.

Name ANYTHING that Obama has done that was worse than Bush's decision to perpetrate a disaster in Iraq.


Yoooo moron. Show me evidence WMD wasn't moved out of Iraq.

Prove a negative? LOL, you're mentally retarded.


Bush's declaration against interests in December of 2005 when he said there weren't any WMD's in Iraq.
The prescient Michael Goodwin writes that Obama's ship is sinking....but with every nail he hammers into this coffin....remember that voters had a choice, and judged this ship seaworthy.

Both of the alternative choices were disasters waiting to happen.

A the very very worst, Obama was the least of 3 evils.

On that note, let's remind all that Obama voters, and you in particular, are disasters extant.

Name ANYTHING that Obama has done that was worse than Bush's decision to perpetrate a disaster in Iraq.


He was born Black......

...in Kenya.

btw...the question remains. Someone name anything Obama has done that was worse than Bush's decision to invade Iraq.
The prescient Michael Goodwin writes that Obama's ship is sinking....but with every nail he hammers into this coffin....remember that voters had a choice, and judged this ship seaworthy.

Both of the alternative choices were disasters waiting to happen.

A the very very worst, Obama was the least of 3 evils.

On that note, let's remind all that Obama voters, and you in particular, are disasters extant.

Name ANYTHING that Obama has done that was worse than Bush's decision to perpetrate a disaster in Iraq.


He was born Black......

...in Kenya.

btw...the question remains. Someone name anything Obama has done that was worse than Bush's decision to invade Iraq.

Trust me, a factual reply will remain non-existent.
The prescient Michael Goodwin writes that Obama's ship is sinking....but with every nail he hammers into this coffin....remember that voters had a choice, and judged this ship seaworthy.

Both of the alternative choices were disasters waiting to happen.

A the very very worst, Obama was the least of 3 evils.

On that note, let's remind all that Obama voters, and you in particular, are disasters extant.

Name ANYTHING that Obama has done that was worse than Bush's decision to perpetrate a disaster in Iraq.


Yoooo moron. Show me evidence WMD wasn't moved out of Iraq.

Prove a negative? LOL, you're mentally retarded.


Bush's declaration against interests in December of 2005 when he said there weren't any WMD's in Iraq.


Now wake the fuck up.
The prescient Michael Goodwin writes that Obama's ship is sinking....but with every nail he hammers into this coffin....remember that voters had a choice, and judged this ship seaworthy.

1."...rising clamor over the beheading of two Americans, and rapidly sinking polls, forced President Obama to reassure the nation last week he had a plan... [but] most military analysts believe the expanded airstrikes will not be a sufficient match for the size and weaponry of the terrorist army.

2. They miss the point. The disjointed speech wasn’t really about terrorism and launching a new war. It was about saving Obama’s presidency.... it may already be too late to save the SS Obama.

3. The whole second term has been a string of disasters, with the toxic brew of his Obamacare lies, middling economic growth and violent global breakdown casting doubt on the president’s stewardship. Six years into his tenure, nothing is going as promised.

4. ...the magic of his rhetoric is long gone, and not just because the public has tuned him out.
They’ve tuned him out because they’ve made up their minds about him. They no longer trust him and don’t think he’s a good leader.

5. ...findings turned up in a tsunami of recent polls that amount to a public vote of no confidence. They shook up the White House so much that the plan to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants was put on hold to try to protect Democratic candidates from voter wrath in November.

6. ...but it doesn’t change the basic calculation. The president’s problem is that he has been wrong about virtually every major issue.

7. His worldview, his politics, his prejudices, his habits — they’ve been a mismatch for the country and its needs. He has been a dud even in the one area where he seemed a lock to make things better, racial relations. Only 10 percent believe race relations have improved under him, while 35 percent said they are worse.....

8. Barack Obama was not ready to be president, and still isn’t. It is a fantasy to believe he’ll master the art in his final two years.
The lasting image will be his yukking it up on the golf course minutes after giving a perfunctory speech on the beheading of James Foley. It revealed him as hollow, both to America and the world, and there is no way to un-see the emptiness.

9. Obama’s fecklessness is so unique that our adversaries and enemies surely realize they will never face a weaker president.

10. Throw in the fact that Europe largely has scrapped its military might to pay for its welfare states, and the entire West is a diminished, confused opponent, ripe for the taking."
Obama s ship is sinking New York Post

Perhaps the first vote can be chalked up to best hopes....but the second election was a one question IQ test....and everyone who looked at this failure and pulled the Democrat lever....well....those are the real failures, and responsible for what we face today.

Let's hope that the failures who put this windbag back in office haven't doomed all of us!

Wake up pea brain, the GOP has an even worse approval rating...


Your post has nothing to do with the essence of the OP.

Once again....

Obama is a failure....

....and any who voted for him, especially the second time, is not only a failure, but is responsible for the results of every danger to which he has left Americans vulnerable.

If only you and every other Obama voter had been restricted as Shakespeare suggested, we'd all be a lot safer:

. “Let the doors be shut upon him, that he may play the
fool no where but in's own house.”

I don't see Obama as a failure. I see a failure to work together in Washington, fueled and orchestrated mostly by Republicans who have made it clear from the very beginning that their motivation was to make sure Obama fails.
The prescient Michael Goodwin writes that Obama's ship is sinking....but with every nail he hammers into this coffin....remember that voters had a choice, and judged this ship seaworthy.

Both of the alternative choices were disasters waiting to happen.

A the very very worst, Obama was the least of 3 evils.

On that note, let's remind all that Obama voters, and you in particular, are disasters extant.

Name ANYTHING that Obama has done that was worse than Bush's decision to perpetrate a disaster in Iraq.


Refusing to leave a force in Iraq.

He threw away all gains, and cleared the way for the Caliphate.
The real "failures" of the world are the sorry bastards who spend all day blaming someone else for either real or imagined problems.

I true winner thinks only of how great the world can be with just a little bit of effort.

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