Obama: Trump is unfit to be president

Obama: no idea how many states are in the USA, no idea how old the USA is, never heard of Judaical Review (How did he pass the Bar Exam?), but he's the Progressive Expert and Go-to Guy


Expert on being POTUS
So by your logic, Reagan was the best President ever, right?

Oh, did Obama run against Reagan? I didn't know that...
You don't get the point of the post, do you...
Obama would know, he had no experience at anything qualifying him to be president. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Obama held his own in 2008. You would think that a Senator with 28 years of experience would have mopped the floor with a young, inexperienced candidate

But Obama did his homework and studied up on the issues. He was able to openly defend his proposals both in interviews and the debates against a more experienced McCain

Trump is just too intellectually lazy

Obama would have lost to Mike Ditka
Demos had to play dirty to win Obama's state senate seat against Jack Ryan.
Did President 'LIE OF THE YEAR' really just try to claim someone else was 'unfit' to be President?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Did the guy who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 'potential' but runs his own drone assassination program that has reportedly murdered over 160 innocent civilians actually just try to claim someone else was 'unfit' to be President?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
This sums up Trump and his cult:


Hitlery HAS been lying about everything, and America is saying, "Does she ever tell the truth about anything?"
Well, that's good enough for me! Just heard it on MBNBC.

Obama is unfit to be President, so who gives a shit?

Fits like a glove.

So if Trump wins the electoral college, then he is fit to be President? Got it

Well, yeah. Fitness/unfitness isn’t based on personal opinions.

I’ll be happy to call him Mr. President if he does.

The man makes fun of handicapped people, thinks that he can ban people based on their religions, says people are unqualified for their job based on their heritage, insinuates women are on their period, and is a congenital liar

All of those are facts.

…if the American people wish to reward such behavior…that is their right.

Yes, Trump sucks. Yet you look at Hillary who's just as bad and suddenly it's OK to suck
Well, that's good enough for me! Just heard it on MBNBC.
No one has any doubts about what's good enough for you.

Obama on NBC, eh? Who woulda thunk!

Duh, it's a press conference with Singapore. It's probably being televised everywhere - except maybe Fox.

I saw it on FOX, but only for a moment, then the channel changed.

I didn't watch a second of the stuttering, bumbling big eared jackass

My channels flip whenever he comes on.
Did the Guy who welcomed to the WH and praised TWICE the racist terrorist group that called for the murder of all whites and cops, danced after the assassination of 5 cops, & taunted police after the assassination of their 5 buddies just try to say someone else was 'unfit' to be President?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Did the guy who promised to eliminate pork from government spending yet his 1st (failed) nearly $1 trillion economic bill signed contained over 5,000 pieces of DNC/self-benefitting DNC-ONLY PORK just try to claim someone else was 'unfit' to be President?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Obama would know, he had no experience at anything qualifying him to be president. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Obama held his own in 2008. You would think that a Senator with 28 years of experience would have mopped the floor with a young, inexperienced candidate

But Obama did his homework and studied up on the issues. He was able to openly defend his proposals both in interviews and the debates against a more experienced McCain

Trump is just too intellectually lazy

Hope and Change ring any bells??

I listened to that man speak and he is a good speaker.

A man who knows how to deliver a sermon.

He's also full of shit when he speaks. That's what I heard whenever I listened to him. I didn't believe what he said but obviously others did.

Hope and Change my ass.

Hope and Change seemed to work

Obama delivered on the majority of his promises......Universal Healthcare, rescuing the economy, getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, repealing the Bush tax cuts
Did the dumbass who declared a Syrian 'Red line', had it violated, backed down from his own threat - showing weakness to the world, then embarrassingly try to claim it was the WORLD'S 'red Line, not his, just try to claim another person was 'unfit' to be President?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Did the either liar or complete idiot who claimed the ACA would not cost a dime and would pay for itself - something no other government program in the history of the world has done - just claim someone else was 'unfit' to be President?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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