Obama: Trump is unfit to be president

The guy who mocked Americans' concern for our national security and their safety, who bragged about how great his administration's vetting system was, who then gave a visa to a terrorist, allowed them into the country, only to have them murder 12 Americans in a terrorist attack is declaring someone else to be 'unfit' to be President?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
How's that one worked for you the last eight years....he managed to get elected twice in landslides

Yep, he got 100% of the dead voters, cartoon characters, illegals, votes discovered in trunks of cars and gas station restrooms, and hacked Diebold machines......a remarkable record by any standard. :slap:

The standard lame comeback

You wouldn't have any documentation on that would you?
This sums up Trump and his cult:


True, however the same thing applies to you Hillary worshipers.

You partisan lemmings don't care if your candidates lie, cheat, steal or rip the hearts out of small children and eat them raw; as long as you get to live your lives vicariously through them and indulge your fantasies of sharing in the power and dominance over others with your "team" you'll support whichever miscreant your party leaders choose to carry the flag.

The guy who mocked Americans' concern for our national security and their safety, who bragged about how great his administration's vetting system was, who then gave a visa to a terrorist, allowed them into the country, only to have them murder 12 Americans in a terrorist attack is declaring someone else to be 'unfit' to be President?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

How long was Obama in government before he became president? What has Trump ever been elected to?
Outside of a temperament that makes him unfit to hold the highest office in the world, Trump is just too unprepared on the issues

You would not expect a businessman to be knowledgeable about international issues, the economy, Congress, social programs ....but Trump has had a year to learn

He is still making basic factual mistakes. He should have spent the last year being prepped on the major issues and the impacts of his policies. Instead he has relied on bluster and simplistic slogans to get by

Almost Palin like

Yet you lick the boots of a man who has fucked up everything he has touched and support w woman who has been wrong on every single issue.

So, like, whatever.

Go Trump!

Unfit and woefully underprepared??

That describes the douchebag in the WH when he was elected. It still fits that asshole.

Hope and change.

Not hardly. Putin failed to adequately prepare his Trojan Horse Manchurian Candidate.

OMG You have got to be the dumbest fucking idiot it the world.

Good Lord. Grow a fucking brain you moron.
The guy who promised to run the most transparent administration 'evuh' and was just slammed for illegally refusing to comply with a record setting 70% of all FOIA requests to his administration is actually declaring he has the ability to define what is 'fit' or 'unfit' to be President?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
The guy who mocked Americans' concern for our national security and their safety, who bragged about how great his administration's vetting system was, who then gave a visa to a terrorist, allowed them into the country, only to have them murder 12 Americans in a terrorist attack is declaring someone else to be 'unfit' to be President?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

How long was Obama in government before he became president? What has Trump ever been elected to?

Douchebag was a part time Senator/Law Professor/Community organizer.

He started off as a lousy POTUS and he's still a lousy POTUS.
Obama would know, he had no experience at anything qualifying him to be president. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Obama held his own in 2008. You would think that a Senator with 28 years of experience would have mopped the floor with a young, inexperienced candidate

But Obama did his homework and studied up on the issues. He was able to openly defend his proposals both in interviews and the debates against a more experienced McCain

Trump is just too intellectually lazy
The guy who called the event where an Islamic Extremist - who called himself a 'soldier of Allah', had contacted Al Qaeida, & had threatened to behead his fellow officers if they refused to convert to Islam - who gunned down his fellow soldiers while screaming 'Allah Akbar' a case of 'workplace violence' is declaring someone else to be 'unfit' to be President?!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
The guy who sent his AG out to threaten Americans should they exercise their 1st Amendment Right after the terrorist he let into the country murdered 12 Americans in a terrorist attack is trying to claim anyone else is 'unfit' to be President?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Obama would know, he had no experience at anything qualifying him to be president. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Obama held his own in 2008. You would think that a Senator with 28 years of experience would have mopped the floor with a young, inexperienced candidate

But Obama did his homework and studied up on the issues. He was able to openly defend his proposals both in interviews and the debates against a more experienced McCain

Trump is just too intellectually lazy

Hope and Change ring any bells??

I listened to that man speak and he is a good speaker.

A man who knows how to deliver a sermon.

He's also full of shit when he speaks. That's what I heard whenever I listened to him. I didn't believe what he said but obviously others did.

Hope and Change my ass.
Just take out Trumps name and put Obama's in and you have a winner.

Nuh-Uh... Obama was eminently qualified to become President; he had years of community organizing and part of a U.S. Senate term under his belt, normally one would have to frequent the local lemonade stands to come across individuals with a resume so broad & deep.
Obama would know, he had no experience at anything qualifying him to be president. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Obama held his own in 2008. You would think that a Senator with 28 years of experience would have mopped the floor with a young, inexperienced candidate

But Obama did his homework and studied up on the issues. He was able to openly defend his proposals both in interviews and the debates against a more experienced McCain

Trump is just too intellectually lazy

Obama would have lost to Mike Ditka

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