Democratic Establishment Member Donna Brazile: "GOP doesn’t have ‘guts’ to say Trump is unfit for office"

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Parody or Satire? You decide. Maybe a mixture of both?

Simply incredible. This woman is quoted as a reliable source all over the www, and by people on all sides of politics. She is a Democratic Establishment Member. She speaks truth as she sees it, and people from all stripes of ideologies follow her every move.

Brazile: GOP doesn’t have ‘guts’ to say Trump is unfit for office​

by Miranda Nazzaro - 12/17/23
And democrats don't have the guts to say Biden is unfit for office.

We can keep going back and forth all day long.

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