Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture

Obama throws Bush under the bus......accuses him of torture
Obama can't throw Bush under the bus, as this would imply that they were on the same side. What he's really doing is bringing up Bush and rehashing events that occurred over a decade ago in the hopes that it would somehow magically distract attention away from him and his shortcomings.
Let's turn Bush et al over to the Hague now.

We will have to do so eventually.
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney

The problem is that Obama continues to protect Bush from legal jeopardy.

Wikileaks: Obama Administration Secretly Worked To Prevent Prosecution of War Crimes By The Bush Administration | JONATHAN TURLEY
Ya see you don't seem to understand the use of the phrase "throw him under the bus". It's only used with friends and even relatives such "Obama threw his (white) grandmother under the bus when he said she was racist". Obama didn't "throw former president Bush under the bus", he did what he always does and accused republicans to cover his own ass when he gets in trouble. It's possible that Barry Hussein ordered the CIA to break the law and illegally hack the senate intelligence computer to dig up dirt on Bush. That might be still another scandal.
Anything that complies with the Geneva Convention

Which part of the Geneva Convention applies to radical jihadist who are neither non combatants or uniformed solider's in a nations armed forces?

Article 75

The following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever, whether committed by civilian or by military agents:

Which one of those are radical jihadist? There not civilian and not part of any military.
Serious question. Has any U.S. president ever allowed a previous president to be prosecuted? Don't they all protect each other from legal harm?
New UN Report Highlights How US Drone Policy Violates International Law

The report provides a framework to help states ensure their fatal drone strikes are conducted in line with existing international law. Evaluating US drone strike policy in light of these recommendations, it is clear that the United States is not currently in line with international law concerning targeted killings, first and foremost regarding transparency.

The recommendations include an exhortation for states to be transparent about not just their use of drones, but how they develop them and acquire them as well.

[States] must publicly disclose the legal basis for the use of drones, operational responsibility, criteria for targeting, impact (including civilian casualties), and information about alleged violations, investigations and prosecutions.

The Obama Administration is in clear violation of this recommendation. The United States’ first fatal drone strike killed an American citizen in 2002. But it wasn’t until May of 2013 that the Obama Administration acknowledged that drone strikes have killed at least 4 Americans. In fact, Obama joked about killing a Jonas Brother with a Predator drone while refusing to formally acknowledge the drone war in Pakistan to the press.

The Obama Administration has actually blocked lawsuits brought by the American Civil Liberties Union and Center for Constitutional Rights to delve into, for instance, how targeting American citizens for death without a trial does not violate the Constitution. The administration has consistently shot down Freedom of Information Act lawsuits which request the documents which would explain the legal basis for targeting and killing people.
Let's turn Bush et al over to the Hague now.

We will have to do so eventually.

Since Obama did the same and worse, drones, are you ready to turn Obama over to the Hague?

Without rounding up & torturing civilians, Obama killed 10 times more terrorist than Bush with a 5 times lower collateral damage to innocent civilians. Bush let Bin Laden go at Torra Borra Afghanistan. Obama killed the Bin Laden terrorist.

Obama's doing what Obama does best- Campaigning!! It never ends.....

I think Obama would make an excellent forum troll. :thup:
Let's turn Bush et al over to the Hague now.

We will have to do so eventually.

Since Obama did the same and worse, drones, are you ready to turn Obama over to the Hague?

Without rounding up & torturing civilians, Obama killed 10 times more terrorist than Bush with a 5 times lower collateral damage to innocent civilians. Bush let Bin Laden go at Torra Borra Afghanistan. Obama killed the Bin Laden terrorist.


All your stats are utter BS. Do you have one shred of evidence that OBL was killed by Obama? When in the fuk did Obama go and kill anyone other then ordering the deaths of US citizens? If Bush is a war criminal, Obama is a bigger one.
Obama: U.S. 'crossed a line,' tortured after 9/11 - CNN.com

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama acknowledged Friday that the United States "crossed a line" and tortured al Qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The comments at a White House news conference were the President's strongest on the controversial subject since he came into office denouncing what he described as the Bush years of torturing alleged terrorists, also known as "enhanced interrogation."
"When we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe and I think any fair-minded person would believe were torture, we crossed a line," Obama said. "And that needs to be ... understood and accepted. And we have to, as a country, take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don't do it again in the future."

About time our country stopped covering for the abuses of Bush/Cheney

Blah....Blah...Blah....Blame Bush....Blah.....Blah....Blah Damn fool trying to deflect again. :cuckoo:
Let's turn Bush et al over to the Hague now.

We will have to do so eventually.

Since Obama did the same and worse, drones, are you ready to turn Obama over to the Hague?

Without rounding up & torturing civilians, Obama killed 10 times more terrorist than Bush with a 5 times lower collateral damage to innocent civilians. Bush let Bin Laden go at Torra Borra Afghanistan. Obama killed the Bin Laden terrorist.


You left out some key facts there first being the Navy Seals killed Bin Laden not Obama he ordered the go ahead on the mission which I have given him due credit for doing as for the drone strikes they program did not start till the late 90s and from then up till the 9-11 attacks it was used for spying and surveillance not as an attack weapon. After that they did start to redo the drones for attack purposes but it takes time to get everything needed to do this set up in place and working right Obama got the broken in ready to go version of the attack drone from the Bush administration which to his credit he has used effectively.
Not only did it lower US down to the outlaws level, it doesn't work:

Sorry, Dick Cheney: Torture doesn't work - The Week


Ryan Cooper 28, the author of the article you've posted the link to, was about 15 in 2001.

Essentially, he knows almost nothing about living through the event.

Yet he is able to quote "one U.S. official," and you drop trow, bend over, and let him ride you like a pony.

Frankly I give Obama more credit for placing the events and the aftermath in context. Essentially he put in perspective an adult assessment that desperate times called for desperate measures. The controlled release of the documents surrounding government activities during a crisis demonstrate Obama acting in a non-partisan and very presidential manner.
Conservative are inherently fearful people, so it's no wonder the Bush Administration rushed to torture. It's the same fear that makes rightwingers radical gun nuts.

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