Obama: the US can no longer fight the world's battles

Seems to me that we're planning on selling some of our older carriers. Possibly to Saudi Arabia and/or Israel or India or Australia or Japan or Brazil. But most definitely to an ally in the Middle East as well as the Asia Pacific region.

We are?

Nope, we've haven't sold a carrier since the post- WWII era, and then we only sold the old crappy Independence-class carriers that the navy couldn't wait to be rid of. (They were light carriers built on cruiser hulls the Navy never liked.)

Our allies gave them back to us at the first oppurtunity...

List of aircraft carriers of the United States Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unlikely we'd sell any of the current ones because they are nuclear powered.
Obama: the US can no longer fight the world's battles

President plans to cut half a million troops and says US can't afford to wage two wars at once

The mighty American military machine that has for so long secured the country's status as the world's only superpower will have to be drastically reduced, Barack Obama warned yesterday as he set out a radical but more modest new set of priorities for the Pentagon over the next decade.

Click HERE to view 'America's shrinking military' graphic

After the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that defined the first decade of the 21st century, Mr Obama's blueprint for the military's future acknowledged that America will no longer have the resources to conduct two such major operations simultaneously.

The specifics of the new proposals, set out in a document entitled "Sustaining US Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense", have yet to be fleshed out. But they are likely to entail a reduction of up to 490,000 in a total military personnel now standing at some 1.6 million worldwide, as well as cuts in costly procurement programmes – some originally designed for a Cold War environment.

Obama: the US can no longer fight the world's battles - Americas - World - The Independent

I totally agree with Barack Obama on this as WE need not be the worlds police anymore. This sounds much like what I wanted anyways with the focus shifted to the pacific and out of the middle east. I want Obama to pull all of our troops out of the middle east and Africa...Close the fucking bases too. Refocus our military on national defense using the pacific as screwing around in a sand pit is a waste of time. This means keep our navy to make sure no nations can get here and put troops on the borders.

I'd cut the military to 400 billion per year. To hell with the middle east...We tried, but those people will never ever change. WE need to wash our hands of it. Obama is right!

No war with Iran or Pakistan. Let them rule the middle east if they so wish. What's it to us? :eusa_boohoo:

Between this and the improving economy, I'm starting to think Obama may get another 4 years.

I think Obama was just being kind.

What he meant to say was the US could no longer fight wars Republicans make up from thin air.
Obama: the US can no longer fight the world's battles

President plans to cut half a million troops and says US can't afford to wage two wars at once

The mighty American military machine that has for so long secured the country's status as the world's only superpower will have to be drastically reduced, Barack Obama warned yesterday as he set out a radical but more modest new set of priorities for the Pentagon over the next decade.

Click HERE to view 'America's shrinking military' graphic

After the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that defined the first decade of the 21st century, Mr Obama's blueprint for the military's future acknowledged that America will no longer have the resources to conduct two such major operations simultaneously.

The specifics of the new proposals, set out in a document entitled "Sustaining US Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense", have yet to be fleshed out. But they are likely to entail a reduction of up to 490,000 in a total military personnel now standing at some 1.6 million worldwide, as well as cuts in costly procurement programmes – some originally designed for a Cold War environment.


I totally agree with Barack Obama on this as WE need not be the worlds police anymore. This sounds much like what I wanted anyways with the focus shifted to the pacific and out of the middle east. I want Obama to pull all of our troops out of the middle east and Africa...Close the fucking bases too. Refocus our military on national defense using the pacific as screwing around in a sand pit is a waste of time. This means keep our navy to make sure no nations can get here and put troops on the borders.

I'd cut the military to 400 billion per year. To hell with the middle east...We tried, but those people will never ever change. WE need to wash our hands of it. Obama is right!

No war with Iran or Pakistan. Let them rule the middle east if they so wish. What's it to us? :eusa_boohoo:

Between this and the improving economy, I'm starting to think Obama may get another 4 years.

Obama: the US can no longer fight the world's battles

I would be more impressed if he had been more honest and stated "That we would no longer fight the multinational oil, weapons manufacturer, chemical, pharacutical and commodities corporations battles".
Wise move. Defense spending consumes too much of budget.

No shit, it's ridiculous.

Now we are setting up a worldwide network of drones.

We can hit anyone, anywhere.

Sure we can....

Um, no, not really. Drones are good for assassinating individuals who are clumsy and stuff, but when it comes to taking down an army, you need an actual army.

Which Obama is gutting.
Wise move. Defense spending consumes too much of budget.

No shit, it's ridiculous.

Now we are setting up a worldwide network of drones.

We can hit anyone, anywhere.

Sure we can....

Um, no, not really. Drones are good for assassinating individuals who are clumsy and stuff, but when it comes to taking down an army, you need an actual army.

Which Obama is gutting.

What threat is a army within the middle east, when we're surrounded by two oceans with the greatest navy on earth within them protecting us? Who cares if Iran takes over Iraq or Afigastan or what ever. Not worth it. We have our own resources! Let people on one side of our planet do what they want and we do what we want! What are we a empire? That's what we're if we don't stop acting like one.

This is the new policy Obama should adopt!

Like Ron Paul said: Why can't we mind our own damn business!
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Obama: the US can no longer fight the world's battles

President plans to cut half a million troops and says US can't afford to wage two wars at once

The mighty American military machine that has for so long secured the country's status as the world's only superpower will have to be drastically reduced, Barack Obama warned yesterday as he set out a radical but more modest new set of priorities for the Pentagon over the next decade.

Click HERE to view 'America's shrinking military' graphic

After the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that defined the first decade of the 21st century, Mr Obama's blueprint for the military's future acknowledged that America will no longer have the resources to conduct two such major operations simultaneously.

The specifics of the new proposals, set out in a document entitled "Sustaining US Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense", have yet to be fleshed out. But they are likely to entail a reduction of up to 490,000 in a total military personnel now standing at some 1.6 million worldwide, as well as cuts in costly procurement programmes – some originally designed for a Cold War environment.

Obama: the US can no longer fight the world's battles - Americas - World - The Independent

I totally agree with Barack Obama on this as WE need not be the worlds police anymore. This sounds much like what I wanted anyways with the focus shifted to the pacific and out of the middle east. I want Obama to pull all of our troops out of the middle east and Africa...Close the fucking bases too. Refocus our military on national defense using the pacific as screwing around in a sand pit is a waste of time. This means keep our navy to make sure no nations can get here and put troops on the borders.

I'd cut the military to 400 billion per year. To hell with the middle east...We tried, but those people will never ever change. WE need to wash our hands of it. Obama is right!

No war with Iran or Pakistan. Let them rule the middle east if they so wish. What's it to us? :eusa_boohoo:

Between this and the improving economy, I'm starting to think Obama may get another 4 years.

this is nothing new.................back when I was a Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the nation:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y06NSBBRtY]Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. - YouTube[/ame]
Obama: the US can no longer fight the world's battles

President plans to cut half a million troops and says US can't afford to wage two wars at once

The mighty American military machine that has for so long secured the country's status as the world's only superpower will have to be drastically reduced, Barack Obama warned yesterday as he set out a radical but more modest new set of priorities for the Pentagon over the next decade.

Click HERE to view 'America's shrinking military' graphic

After the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that defined the first decade of the 21st century, Mr Obama's blueprint for the military's future acknowledged that America will no longer have the resources to conduct two such major operations simultaneously.

The specifics of the new proposals, set out in a document entitled "Sustaining US Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense", have yet to be fleshed out. But they are likely to entail a reduction of up to 490,000 in a total military personnel now standing at some 1.6 million worldwide, as well as cuts in costly procurement programmes – some originally designed for a Cold War environment.

Obama: the US can no longer fight the world's battles - Americas - World - The Independent

I totally agree with Barack Obama on this as WE need not be the worlds police anymore. This sounds much like what I wanted anyways with the focus shifted to the pacific and out of the middle east. I want Obama to pull all of our troops out of the middle east and Africa...Close the fucking bases too. Refocus our military on national defense using the pacific as screwing around in a sand pit is a waste of time. This means keep our navy to make sure no nations can get here and put troops on the borders.

I'd cut the military to 400 billion per year. To hell with the middle east...We tried, but those people will never ever change. WE need to wash our hands of it. Obama is right!

No war with Iran or Pakistan. Let them rule the middle east if they so wish. What's it to us? :eusa_boohoo:

Between this and the improving economy, I'm starting to think Obama may get another 4 years.

I think Obama was just being kind.

What he meant to say was the US could no longer fight wars Republicans make up from thin air.

And now that we are out of Iraq they are pounding their war drums to invade Iran
Wise move. Defense spending consumes too much of budget.

No shit, it's ridiculous.

Now we are setting up a worldwide network of drones.

We can hit anyone, anywhere.

Sure we can....

Um, no, not really. Drones are good for assassinating individuals who are clumsy and stuff, but when it comes to taking down an army, you need an actual army.

Which Obama is gutting.

We still have ten Divisions

Obama is rolling back the increases in the Army and Marines from the Iraq/Afghanistan wars
Who didn't see the Obama coming after our defense?

That's seems to be the one thing he can gleefully agree to cut.
The best way to insure we can't fight the world's battles is to make sure we can't fight our own either.
The best way to insure we can't fight the world's battles is to make sure we can't fight our own either.

Hell....for the last twenty years our own was by choice. Just think how many humans would still be alive and in their homes if we had stayed out of people's business who live half a planet away from where our business should be. If it were not for big oil we wouldn't have given a good goddam about anything in the middle east.

It's all a game anyway. This country made up it's mind to use theirs and save ours fifty years ago. Why Wouldn't We

We have been putting about 15% of all the middle eastern oil back into evacuated salt mines all over the middle part of this country for decades. When oil is mostly used up and we reali e it we will be the last man standing. Where would our military be without enough oil
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The best way to insure we can't fight the world's battles is to make sure we can't fight our own either.

Hell....for the last twenty years our own was by choice. Just think how many humans would still be alive and in their homes if we had stayed out of people's business who live half a planet away from where our business should be. If it were not for big oil we wouldn't have given a good goddam about the middle east.

you tell that to all the Korean war, WW1, WW2 vets..
The best way to insure we can't fight the world's battles is to make sure we can't fight our own either.

Hell....for the last twenty years our own was by choice. Just think how many humans would still be alive and in their homes if we had stayed out of people's business who live half a planet away from where our business should be. If it were not for big oil we wouldn't have given a good goddam about the middle east.

you tell that to all the Korean war, WW1, WW2 vets..

He WAS talking about those vets!
The best way to insure we can't fight the world's battles is to make sure we can't fight our own either.

Hell....for the last twenty years our own was by choice. Just think how many humans would still be alive and in their homes if we had stayed out of people's business who live half a planet away from where our business should be. If it were not for big oil we wouldn't have given a good goddam about the middle east.
Tell Obama to stop his moratorium on drilling and give approval on the Pipeline. Problem solved.
We still have ten Divisions

Obama is rolling back the increases in the Army and Marines from the Iraq/Afghanistan wars

10 Divisions isn't enough, and calling something a "division" when it doesn't have the strength a division had 20 years ago is just semantics.

When we fought Gulf War I, we had 16 Army divisions and 3 Marine divisions.

Now we are down to 10 and 1. This is a good thing, why?

But we are maintaining 11 carrier groups when our advesaries can't even feild one?
We built up our defense during WWII and maintained it because of the Soviet Cold War threat. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990 we were supposed to see a savings as we cut back our forces in response to a reduced threat

We have since built back up to previous levels. There is no current threat of the magnitude we faced WWII and Cold War and most major military forces are our allies. It is long over due to spread our policeman duties

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