Obama the Loanshark's FBI Raid

And if it's found that Obama had a hand in the approval, it will not be good for he or his administration. Particularly seeing the relationship he had with said company.

WOW, I hope WorldNUTDaily, Breitbart, James O'Keefe, and Fox News don't hear about this...
They don't need too.....ABC news is all over it, and they are not being friendly to Obama about it.

Ya' see, Kimodumbass, this administration, too include Obama, have vehemently denied that they had any knowledge of the inner workings of the loan guarantee. That they had no idea there was possible questions about the companies fiscal health.....That has just been blown out of the water by the leak of these e-mails.

We're talking about a half billion dollars of taxpayers money pissed straight down the tubes, and a President who may have had full knowledge of the transaction, and it's obvious risks, and put pressure to have then guarantee given, despite the risks, out of political necessity.

But then, you're just a dumbass, so explaining anything to you, is moot.....Never mind.
We're talking about a half billion dollars of taxpayers money pissed straight down the tubes

Hell, that's chump change. Just ask George W. Bush.
Why would I ask Bush?..........A loan guarantee was turned down to this company during the Bush administration, for the exact same reasons Obama and his administration may have known about during this recent transaction...The company was not on solid footing, and had no business receiving a government backed guarantee, with a sweetheart interest rate. They were B minus credit rated, meaning they are not a worthy investment risk, whatsoever. Particularly when you're talking about a half billion friggin dollars.

You can sit here and joke until the cows come home, but this is serious shit for Obama and his administration. Particularly with the country in dire economic straights....It's not just a risk to his presidency, it's a major risk for his re-election hopes. He can't win without the independents. The independents are already moving away from him. They are not going to be happpy whatsoever if such blatant corruption is found, during this failing economy.......And these e-mails aren't looking good for him. It's a sure sign, they damn sure knew what was going on.
We're talking about a half billion dollars of taxpayers money pissed straight down the tubes

Hell, that's chump change. Just ask George W. Bush.
Why would I ask Bush?..........A loan guarantee was turned down to this company during the Bush administration, for the exact same reasons Obama and his administration may have known about during this recent transaction...The company was not on solid footing, and had no business receiving a government backed guarantee, with a sweetheart interest rate. They were B minus credit rated, meaning they are not a worthy investment risk, whatsoever. Particularly when you're talking about a half billion friggin dollars.

You can sit here and joke until the cows come home, but this is serious shit for Obama and his administration. Particularly with the country in dire economic straights....It's not just a risk to his presidency, it's a major risk for his re-election hopes. He can't win without the independents. The independents are already moving away from him. They are not going to be happpy whatsoever if such blatant corruption is found, during this failing economy.......And these e-mails aren't looking good for him. It's a sure sign, they damn sure knew what was going on.
sadly we will have to wait till 2012 to punish him!! there will be no impeachment hearings ......but the immediate good news is this further discredits his next stimulus scam !! and judging by what happened in the heavily democratic district that Weiner presided over this is just the beginning !!:clap2::clap2:
George W Obama, they're all the same guy, all owned by banks, most notably Goldman Sachs. Wake up America, most of our Stimulus money has gone to overseas bank INCLUDING some owned by the Bank of Libya. Oh wait a minute, that's treason, aren't we at war with Libya? Oh yeah, we're NOT at war we're just bombing them - for OUR nations defense? No, I don't think so. Don't believe me? Ron Paul has been trying to audit the Fed Reserve (Fed Reserve Transparency Act) for years and guess what? The little info they've actually handed over listed the BANK OF LIBYA among other banks of enemy nations!!!
Just search you tube - Ron Paul Fed Reserve audit - these are cspan videos, this is not opinion, it's FACT!
We're talking about a half billion dollars of taxpayers money pissed straight down the tubes

Hell, that's chump change. Just ask George W. Bush.

A... Please show us where Bush personally pusehd for money to be given to a particular company in this manner.

B... Please explain how if Bush did so, that makes it right, and acceptable, for Obama to do it.
Why would I ask Bush?..........A loan guarantee was turned down to this company during the Bush administration, for the exact same reasons Obama and his administration may have known about during this recent transaction...The company was not on solid footing, and had no business receiving a government backed guarantee, with a sweetheart interest rate. They were B minus credit rated, meaning they are not a worthy investment risk, whatsoever. Particularly when you're talking about a half billion friggin dollars.

"Fitch, gave Solyndra a B+ credit." From the article.

Bush Wars=2 trillion dollars based on false information and fear.
Specifically: "In the run-up to the Iraq war, Halliburton was awarded a $7 billion contract for which 'unusually' only Halliburton was allowed to bid." Wiki
The company Dick Cheney was CEO of was Halliburton.
Why would I ask Bush?..........A loan guarantee was turned down to this company during the Bush administration, for the exact same reasons Obama and his administration may have known about during this recent transaction...The company was not on solid footing, and had no business receiving a government backed guarantee, with a sweetheart interest rate. They were B minus credit rated, meaning they are not a worthy investment risk, whatsoever. Particularly when you're talking about a half billion friggin dollars.

"Fitch, gave Solyndra a B+ credit." From the article.

Bush Wars=2 trillion dollars based on false information and fear.
Specifically: "In the run-up to the Iraq war, Halliburton was awarded a $7 billion contract for which 'unusually' only Halliburton was allowed to bid." Wiki
The company Dick Cheney was CEO of was Halliburton.

The Clinton Adminstration gave Haliburton lucrative contracts when Cheney was there... So I guess I'm having a hard time seeing the problem.

Overall, yeah, I have a problem paying through the nose to these contractors because the government won't draft enough people to do the job.

But let's not make scandals that aren't there...
Watched Brets show last night and this was under discussion by the panel.

Price, Waterhouse Coopers eval was that the company wasn't on good footing yet the stimulus money went throught anyway.

George Kaiser and other investers also loaned them another 75 million with the proviso that they were first in line for payment if the company went into bankrupcy.

Did Barry know all about it?? Don't know but he sure was pushing his green agenda and a shitload of taxpayer money just went down the sewer.

DOJ is on top of this. The FBI is already investigating. They have gone to the offices and homes of all the major players in the company. They have confiscated loads of computers laptops and anything else they need.

Will be very interesting to see what they discover.
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I think this overall shows the problem with Government "Stimulus".

The decision was not made on whether this would produce a rate of return, it was based on emotional factors. "Why, it's solar energy! We're saving the planet!"

Forget that the technology wasn't there to make it feasible. That it was producing energy at 6 cents a watt when the going rate is 3 cents a watt.
Why would I ask Bush?..........A loan guarantee was turned down to this company during the Bush administration, for the exact same reasons Obama and his administration may have known about during this recent transaction...The company was not on solid footing, and had no business receiving a government backed guarantee, with a sweetheart interest rate. They were B minus credit rated, meaning they are not a worthy investment risk, whatsoever. Particularly when you're talking about a half billion friggin dollars.

"Fitch, gave Solyndra a B+ credit." From the article.

Bush Wars=2 trillion dollars based on false information and fear.
Specifically: "In the run-up to the Iraq war, Halliburton was awarded a $7 billion contract for which 'unusually' only Halliburton was allowed to bid." Wiki
The company Dick Cheney was CEO of was Halliburton.

Are you idiots still bleating about Halliburton? :lol:

You do know, don't you, that Clinton gave them no-bid contracts, right?
"This is not right. This is not good," said Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., who chairs the House committee that is examining the loan. "It makes you sick to your stomach. This is taxpayer money."

yet billions lost in Iraq are overlooked by republicans.
The White House also noted to ABC News that the Bush administration was the first to consider Solyndra's application and that some executives at the company have a history of donating to Republicans. The results of the Congressional probe shared Tuesday with ABC News show that less than two weeks before President Bush left office, on January 9, 2009, the Energy Department's credit committee made a unanimous decision not to offer a loan commitment to Solyndra.

The White House also noted to ABC News that the Bush administration was the first to consider Solyndra's application and that some executives at the company have a history of donating to Republicans. The results of the Congressional probe shared Tuesday with ABC News show that less than two weeks before President Bush left office, on January 9, 2009, the Energy Department's credit committee made a unanimous decision not to offer a loan commitment to Solyndra.


Well what? the Bush admin correctly reviewed the info and determined it a bad investment.
Gee, what's to get excited about in this kind of email content:

...Congressional probe shared Tuesday with ABC News show that less than two weeks before President Bush left office, on January 9, 2009, the Energy Department's credit committee made a unanimous decision not to offer a loan commitment to Solyndra.

Even after Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, analysts in the Energy Department and in the Office of Management and Budget were repeatedly questioning the wisdom of the loan. In one exchange, an Energy official wrote of "a major outstanding issue" -- namely, that Solyndra's numbers showed it would run out of cash in September 2011.

C'mon rest of the lamestream media. Here's your chance to distance yourselves from the clown you ass kissed all the way to the White House.
This is the most damning....
The results of the Congressional probe shared Tuesday with ABC News show that less than two weeks before President Bush left office, on January 9, 2009, the Energy Department's credit committee made a unanimous decision not to offer a loan commitment to Solyndra.

Even after Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, analysts in the Energy Department and in the Office of Management and Budget were repeatedly questioning the wisdom of the loan. In one exchange, an Energy official wrote of "a major outstanding issue" -- namely, that Solyndra's numbers showed it would run out of cash in September 2011.

Based upon reading the entire article, it appears that somebody in the White House exerted serious pressure to get this gigantic loan approved - even after the Bush WH turned it down. The worst part is that they did it all for a photo-op. A $ half billion $ photo-op.

Dilettante, fool, criminal, negligent....pick an adjective- they all stink.
I really didn't think this was a big issue but has the layers are starting to uncover the shit's starting to smell even worse.

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