Obama the Loanshark's FBI Raid


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
FBI agents executed search warrants Thursday morning at the headquarters of California solar firm Solyndra, which received a $535 million loan from the federal government before filing for bankruptcy last week. Source

The firm was publicly touted by Barack Obama, who praised them for their "successes" with green issues. He did not at any time tell the public their $535 million taxpayer dollars being loaned from stimulus funds was being given to a company that had a history of financial problems.

He also sent in the FBI with warrants, which means that other creditors who loaned Solyndra money on the strength of a tout from the bully pulpit will likely not get their money back.

Do you think it's right for the federal government to be in the loanshark business using the FBI to collect?
FBI agents executed search warrants Thursday morning at the headquarters of California solar firm Solyndra, which received a $535 million loan from the federal government before filing for bankruptcy last week. Source

The firm was publicly touted by Barack Obama, who praised them for their "successes" with green issues. He did not at any time tell the public their $535 million taxpayer dollars being loaned from stimulus funds was being given to a company that had a history of financial problems.

He also sent in the FBI with warrants, which means that other creditors who loaned Solyndra money on the strength of a tout from the bully pulpit will likely not get their money back.

Do you think it's right for the federal government to be in the loanshark business using the FBI to collect?

Nope. However, the Solyndra failure stinks to high heaven. There is definately cause for an investigation into who stole all that money. Then get it back and crucify them.
FBI agents executed search warrants Thursday morning at the headquarters of California solar firm Solyndra, which received a $535 million loan from the federal government before filing for bankruptcy last week. Source
The firm was publicly touted by Barack Obama, who praised them for their "successes" with green issues. He did not at any time tell the public their $535 million taxpayer dollars being loaned from stimulus funds was being given to a company that had a history of financial problems.

He also sent in the FBI with warrants, which means that other creditors who loaned Solyndra money on the strength of a tout from the bully pulpit will likely not get their money back.

Do you think it's right for the federal government to be in the loanshark business using the FBI to collect?

Nope. However, the Solyndra failure stinks to high heaven. There is definately cause for an investigation into who stole all that money. Then get it back and crucify them.
It's Fannie and Freddie all over again, except this time Obama called in the FBI to collect papers on his loansharking deal in behalf of the taxpayers of the USA.

The only trouble is, he aced out the private loan associations who are also lending victims and who also were not paid.

Can the Administration use the FBI to assume the bill collector's role with armed removal of their information? What is going to happen to the private industries who are getting stiffed as well?
When Government starts picking winners and losers by granting preferential loans, tax credits, and using regulatory schemes to punish or reward businesses, there is bound to be fraud, waste and abuse. The Solyndra representative visited the White House 20 times, then suddenly out of nowhere, they get a half a BILLION dollars from the Feds? This stinks to high heaven. Obama is the King of crony capitalism.
When Government starts picking winners and losers by granting preferential loans, tax credits, and using regulatory schemes to punish or reward businesses, there is bound to be fraud, waste and abuse. The Solyndra representative visited the White House 20 times, then suddenly out of nowhere, they get a half a BILLION dollars from the Feds? This stinks to high heaven. Obama is the King of crony capitalism.

Yeppers. My question is, why is the FBI being recruited in to do the loanshark end of the deal? Aren't the FBI supposed to investigate terrorists and such?

What has this nation become?
FBI agents executed search warrants Thursday morning at the headquarters of California solar firm Solyndra, which received a $535 million loan from the federal government before filing for bankruptcy last week. Source

The firm was publicly touted by Barack Obama, who praised them for their "successes" with green issues. He did not at any time tell the public their $535 million taxpayer dollars being loaned from stimulus funds was being given to a company that had a history of financial problems.

He also sent in the FBI with warrants, which means that other creditors who loaned Solyndra money on the strength of a tout from the bully pulpit will likely not get their money back.

Do you think it's right for the federal government to be in the loanshark business using the FBI to collect?

It depends if Solyndra signed a contract with the government, that they must produce a certain ammount of solar panels. If they have no contract then the government is covering it's tracks
FBI agents executed search warrants Thursday morning at the headquarters of California solar firm Solyndra, which received a $535 million loan from the federal government before filing for bankruptcy last week. Source
The firm was publicly touted by Barack Obama, who praised them for their "successes" with green issues. He did not at any time tell the public their $535 million taxpayer dollars being loaned from stimulus funds was being given to a company that had a history of financial problems.

He also sent in the FBI with warrants, which means that other creditors who loaned Solyndra money on the strength of a tout from the bully pulpit will likely not get their money back.

Do you think it's right for the federal government to be in the loanshark business using the FBI to collect?

It depends if Solyndra signed a contract with the government, that they must produce a certain ammount of solar panels. If they have no contract then the government is covering it's tracks
Why is the FBI, hands full with terrorists wanting to get at us all, being sidetracked as a common loanshark functioning agency is my quesiton.

Oh, the $535 million (over half a billion) was given to this shaky outfit out of taxpayer money doled out by Obama as "stimulus."

It's a national scandal, far worse than Watergate. The question is, will the press notice?
The firm was publicly touted by Barack Obama, who praised them for their "successes" with green issues. He did not at any time tell the public their $535 million taxpayer dollars being loaned from stimulus funds was being given to a company that had a history of financial problems.

He also sent in the FBI with warrants, which means that other creditors who loaned Solyndra money on the strength of a tout from the bully pulpit will likely not get their money back.

Do you think it's right for the federal government to be in the loanshark business using the FBI to collect?

It depends if Solyndra signed a contract with the government, that they must produce a certain ammount of solar panels. If they have no contract then the government is covering it's tracks
Why is the FBI, hands full with terrorists wanting to get at us all, being sidetracked as a common loanshark functioning agency is my quesiton.

Oh, the $535 million (over half a billion) was given to this shaky outfit out of taxpayer money doled out by Obama as "stimulus."

It's a national scandal, far worse than Watergate. The question is, will the press notice?

This scandal has to wait in line there's about 5000 in front of it.
When Government starts picking winners and losers by granting preferential loans, tax credits, and using regulatory schemes to punish or reward businesses, there is bound to be fraud, waste and abuse. The Solyndra representative visited the White House 20 times, then suddenly out of nowhere, they get a half a BILLION dollars from the Feds? This stinks to high heaven. Obama is the King of crony capitalism.

Yeppers. My question is, why is the FBI being recruited in to do the loanshark end of the deal? Aren't the FBI supposed to investigate terrorists and such?

What has this nation become?

Oh, it's been going on for a very long time. The foundation for the corruption was laid before WWI.
The firm was publicly touted by Barack Obama, who praised them for their "successes" with green issues. He did not at any time tell the public their $535 million taxpayer dollars being loaned from stimulus funds was being given to a company that had a history of financial problems.

He also sent in the FBI with warrants, which means that other creditors who loaned Solyndra money on the strength of a tout from the bully pulpit will likely not get their money back.

Do you think it's right for the federal government to be in the loanshark business using the FBI to collect?

It depends if Solyndra signed a contract with the government, that they must produce a certain ammount of solar panels. If they have no contract then the government is covering it's tracks
Why is the FBI, hands full with terrorists wanting to get at us all, being sidetracked as a common loanshark functioning agency is my quesiton.

Oh, the $535 million (over half a billion) was given to this shaky outfit out of taxpayer money doled out by Obama as "stimulus."

It's a national scandal, far worse than Watergate. The question is, will the press notice?

The FBI is the investigative arm of the Department of Justice. It is their proper role to investigate here. Of course since this is a government handout deal, this is just window dressing. They'll make a big deal about how they couldn't find anything wrong but were very judicious.

Big scam.
It depends if Solyndra signed a contract with the government, that they must produce a certain ammount of solar panels. If they have no contract then the government is covering it's tracks
Why is the FBI, hands full with terrorists wanting to get at us all, being sidetracked as a common loanshark functioning agency is my quesiton.

Oh, the $535 million (over half a billion) was given to this shaky outfit out of taxpayer money doled out by Obama as "stimulus."

It's a national scandal, far worse than Watergate. The question is, will the press notice?

This scandal has to wait in line there's about 5000 in front of it.
That may be, but this one involved the FBI. The last White House that used the FBI to acquire info on its enemies, the principals grew very, very forgetful in front of the Grand Jury assigned to it.
It depends if Solyndra signed a contract with the government, that they must produce a certain ammount of solar panels. If they have no contract then the government is covering it's tracks
Why is the FBI, hands full with terrorists wanting to get at us all, being sidetracked as a common loanshark functioning agency is my quesiton.

Oh, the $535 million (over half a billion) was given to this shaky outfit out of taxpayer money doled out by Obama as "stimulus."

It's a national scandal, far worse than Watergate. The question is, will the press notice?

The FBI is the investigative arm of the Department of Justice. It is their proper role to investigate here. Of course since this is a government handout deal, this is just window dressing. They'll make a big deal about how they couldn't find anything wrong but were very judicious.

Big scam.
The problem I have with that is it's not a national threat like terrorism is. The loan was made by the feds proffering bad loans off on Freddie and Fannie to leftist "friends" who have a tendency to not pay their bills back.

The FBI's hands are full with terrorists who could attack us at any given moment. Why divert our best antiterrorist people to cover Obama's bum for touting the company on the national media to give himself creds with the Greenies of his party.

That is (1) misuse of taxpayer funded political paybacks to a specific politician (2) disgusting use of the FBI, possibly not legal (3) it insures all collections will go disproportionally to the fed and not a drop to other creditors, of which the firm was already wavering against when Obama granted them half a billion dollars in taxpayer's money.

What a deal! One party wins, and the American people lose. This sucks gross lemons.
Why is the FBI, hands full with terrorists wanting to get at us all, being sidetracked as a common loanshark functioning agency is my quesiton.

Oh, the $535 million (over half a billion) was given to this shaky outfit out of taxpayer money doled out by Obama as "stimulus."

It's a national scandal, far worse than Watergate. The question is, will the press notice?

This scandal has to wait in line there's about 5000 in front of it.
That may be, but this one involved the FBI. The last White House that used the FBI to acquire info on its enemies, the principals grew very, very forgetful in front of the Grand Jury assigned to it.

ans the ATF is involved in operation fast and furious
This scandal has to wait in line there's about 5000 in front of it.
That may be, but this one involved the FBI. The last White House that used the FBI to acquire info on its enemies, the principals grew very, very forgetful in front of the Grand Jury assigned to it.

ans the ATF is involved in operation fast and furious
Isn't that where the feds diverted heinous weapons used to kill border agents?

Now, the FBI is recruited on a loansharking issue?

What will become of Homeland Security if all the security agencies are targeting people Obama despises?

Is this the societal chaos phase of organized change? I'm not liking Feds acting against citizens in a military way for stupid stuff the administration decides to do.
It depends if Solyndra signed a contract with the government, that they must produce a certain ammount of solar panels. If they have no contract then the government is covering it's tracks
Why is the FBI, hands full with terrorists wanting to get at us all, being sidetracked as a common loanshark functioning agency is my quesiton.

Oh, the $535 million (over half a billion) was given to this shaky outfit out of taxpayer money doled out by Obama as "stimulus."

It's a national scandal, far worse than Watergate. The question is, will the press notice?

The FBI is the investigative arm of the Department of Justice. It is their proper role to investigate here. Of course since this is a government handout deal, this is just window dressing. They'll make a big deal about how they couldn't find anything wrong but were very judicious.

Big scam.
Do you think so?
I wonder what Obama will do when the trail leads to him personally/ He will just have Holder deny it. And all will be well with the world again. The scapegoats are jailed. Obama gets off scot-free as does the Congress that allowed the funds to be disperesed in the first place.
Is this Barry's Haliburton???
No, it's something that hasn't come out until everyone is so into their candidate nobody will notice Obama used the FBI to cover his backside on a failed stimulus loan to the tune of half a billion dollars of taxpayer forkovers to people Obama touted as poster kids for the Green movement. They went belly up after getting $535 million. The company's name is Solyndra.

Right now, there are terrorist chatters coming out of Pakistan to get even with the USA yet more on 9/11's 10 year anniversary. I think the FBI attention should be all over that, yet, here they are, gathering paperwork for another stimulus scandal instead of eyeballing terrorists.

And I'm steamed.

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