Obama Still Bragging About Getting Bin Laden Even While His Policies Crumble


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Yesterday Obama was in Vegas pounding his chest about how he personally got Osama Bin Laden and is destroying al Qaeda. Problem is al Qaeda is winning the war because of his policies. Ask anyone in the field that if you can't identify the enemy, can't even admit who it is in the first place, you're losing.

So while everyone is claiming that Obama is winning this election Obama is losing the war against terror. A war he refuses to even recognize.

We just went over 2000 American dead in Afghanistan. The debt went over $16 trillion during the DNC and in the weeks since has gone up another $65 billion. We're losing the war against debt and against terror but you wouldn't know it if you listened to Obama or his media friends.

Voting for this guy is asking for disaster. He lies about damned near everything and his supporters don't really care. They would rather see him remain there than think of the possibility of somebody else more responsible being in there. I can't help thinking that Obama supporters have taken leave of their senses. They see the same news I do, why the disconnect? It's like attending a football game and cheering every time the opposing team scores. The only thing that seems to matter is that the losing Quarterback is still running the team.

We continue to see Obama's policies of appeasement unraveling before our eyes. He armed rebels in Libya and they turned their guns against us. (Strange how one of the attacks used against Reagan was he armed Saddam) In Afghanistan the indigenous forces we trained and armed are using those skills and weapons against our own troops, yet Obama is pounding his chest about killing one senior citizen in a compound in Pakistan. It's pretty damned pathetic if you ask me. Anyone who's served would be as insulted as I am.

The guy is in way over his head so he figures he has to make the best of a really bad situation of his own making. He doesn't seem to heed lessons learned. His media is still propagandizing for him and allowing him to skate. Personally I'm getting tired of listening to the Romney campaign and the media ignoring the Elephant in the room. Yesterday Chris Wallace asked Paul Ryan why after all of the bad news in the economy and foreign affairs why is Obama still leading. Ryan said that it's because Obama is good at using deception and deflection. He won't admit that without a corrupt media helping him Obama wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell. Maybe Romney and Ryan will get with it and start calling like it is. That's what everyone is waiting for.

Start cutting this lying prick off at the knees you idiots.

Drop the Mr. Nice Guy approach.

If they don't get with it we're in for at least 4 more years of this Bull Shit.

No wonder Obama is lying about the Libyan AQ Attack being "Spontaneous", he plans on running on "I Killed bin Laden and defeated Al Qaeda"

Yesterday Obama was in Vegas pounding his chest about how he personally got Osama Bin Laden and is destroying al Qaeda. Problem is al Qaeda is winning the war because of his policies. Ask anyone in the field that if you can't identify the enemy, can't even admit who it is in the first place, you're losing.

So while everyone is claiming that Obama is winning this election Obama is losing the war against terror. A war he refuses to even recognize.

We just went over 2000 American dead in Afghanistan. The debt went over $16 trillion during the DNC and in the weeks since has gone up another $65 billion. We're losing the war against debt and against terror but you wouldn't know it if you listened to Obama or his media friends.

Voting for this guy is asking for disaster. He lies about damned near everything and his supporters don't really care. They would rather see him remain there than think of the possibility of somebody else more responsible being in there. I can't help thinking that Obama supporters have taken leave of their senses. They see the same news I do, why the disconnect? It's like attending a football game and cheering every time the opposing team scores. The only thing that seems to matter is that the losing Quarterback is still running the team.

We continue to see Obama's policies of appeasement unraveling before our eyes. He armed rebels in Libya and they turned their guns against us. (Strange how one of the attacks used against Reagan was he armed Saddam) In Afghanistan the indigenous forces we trained and armed are using those skills and weapons against our own troops, yet Obama is pounding his chest about killing one senior citizen in a compound in Pakistan. It's pretty damned pathetic if you ask me. Anyone who's served would be as insulted as I am.

The guy is in way over his head so he figures he has to make the best of a really bad situation of his own making. He doesn't seem to heed lessons learned. His media is still propagandizing for him and allowing him to skate. Personally I'm getting tired of listening to the Romney campaign and the media ignoring the Elephant in the room. Yesterday Chris Wallace asked Paul Ryan why after all of the bad news in the economy and foreign affairs why is Obama still leading. Ryan said that it's because Obama is good at using deception and deflection. He won't admit that without a corrupt media helping him Obama wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell. Maybe Romney and Ryan will get with it and start calling like it is. That's what everyone is waiting for.

Start cutting this lying prick off at the knees you idiots.

Drop the Mr. Nice Guy approach.

If they don't get with it we're in for at least 4 more years of this Bull Shit.


And you are still QQing.
our soldiers are dying in Afghanistan while he does nothing except apologize.....

after election he won't care that the Taliban take over the country....
Osama bin Laden is about as dead in the minds of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda as Lincoln and Kennedy are in the minds of Americans.

When Saddam Hussain was captured and eventually executed by his peers, George W. Bush was not gloating and bragging, he was a modest, dignified and serious adult, as a President should be.

Foreign concept to Obama.

Americans should expect to be reminded of the childish ball-spiking of Obama by more American embassies raided, more Americans abroad butchered, more Americans disrespected and America deemed to be weak and spineless.

The proper vote on November 6th could and WOULD change that.
Obama said this yesterday talking about the debates:

"I wish we could have a serious discussion........"

This is Obama trying to keep Romney from confronting him on his lies.

You want a serious discussion?

Problem is that would require you to be honest Mr. Obama.........

I doubt you can go 10 seconds without lying.
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Where is the proof he got OBL?

He didn't get OBL, Seal Team 6 did.

Did Obama trade an ambassador and three aides for one OBL as if a chess match?
If conservatives went after Obama for actual issues instead of the utter avalanche of idiotic issues and bullshit like this, people might actually listen to them. Going after Obama for nailing Osama is utterly one of the dumbest things I've heard out of the right wing in the last few years. Especially considering what a clusterfuck they were in the very same position.
If conservatives went after Obama for actual issues instead of the utter avalanche of idiotic issues and bullshit like this, people might actually listen to them. Going after Obama for nailing Osama is utterly one of the dumbest things I've heard out of the right wing in the last few years. Especially considering what a clusterfuck they were in the very same position.

Almost as bad as the liberals going after Romney's tan, huh? :eusa_whistle:
If conservatives went after Obama for actual issues instead of the utter avalanche of idiotic issues and bullshit like this, people might actually listen to them. Going after Obama for nailing Osama is utterly one of the dumbest things I've heard out of the right wing in the last few years. Especially considering what a clusterfuck they were in the very same position.

Don't you worry Obama ain't getting away with the disaster of 3 1/2 years. But it is extremely laughable what you have posted. It is the liberal left that would make the whole election over abortion and gay "rights." It ain't gonna work, I smell another Carter/Reagan election. Go Romney.
If conservatives went after Obama for actual issues instead of the utter avalanche of idiotic issues and bullshit like this, people might actually listen to them. Going after Obama for nailing Osama is utterly one of the dumbest things I've heard out of the right wing in the last few years. Especially considering what a clusterfuck they were in the very same position.

Don't you worry Obama ain't getting away with the disaster of 3 1/2 years. But it is extremely laughable what you have posted. It is the liberal left that would make the whole election over abortion and gay "rights." It ain't gonna work, I smell another Carter/Reagan election. Go Romney.

Yup, from Obama's own lips:
If you don't have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from. You make a big election about small things.-Obama

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