Occupy D.C. planning demonstration on K Street on 1-year anniversary

squeeze berry

Gold Member
Nov 9, 2010
Associated Press, Published: September 30 | Updated: Monday, October 1, 5:26 AM

WASHINGTON — Protesters affiliated with last year’s Occupy demonstrations in Washington are planning a series of events to mark the one-year anniversary of the protests.

Occupy D.C. participants say they plan to “shut down K Street” Monday morning, and they say traffic disruptions are possible.

Occupy DC planning demonstration on K Street on 1-year anniversary of McPherson occupation - The Washington Post

Oh, great. the protestors are going to disrupt the commutes of the woking class.

Hey OWSers.


Selfish pricks.
FBI monitored OWS...
FBI considered Occupy movement potential threat, documents say
Thu December 27, 2012 - The FBI extensively monitored the Occupy Wall Street movement around the United States, using counterterrorism agents and other resources, according to recently released FBI internal documents.
The heavily redacted documents indicate that FBI counterterrorism agents were in close communication with law enforcement agencies, businesses, universities and other organizations across the country about the Occupy Wall Street movement, even before Occupy Wall Street set up a camp in New York's Zuccotti Park in September 2011. In August 2011 the FBI informed New York Stock Exchange officials of a "planned Anarchist protest titled Occupy Wall Street" scheduled for September 17, 2011. The FBI also notified several New York businesses of the impending protests, according to the document.

The documents, released under a Freedom of Information Act request, contain references to an October 2011 FBI domestic terrorism briefing in Jacksonville, Florida, regarding the spread of the Occupy Wall Street movement and "the emergence of Occupy chapters in and around the North Florida area." FBI officials also recommended setting up tripwires with Occupy event organizers. The FBI was concerned that the Occupy venues could provide "an outlet for a lone offender exploiting the movement for reasons associated with general government dissatisfaction," according to the documents.

At a Joint Terrorism Task Force meeting in November 2011, FBI agents reported about Occupy Wall Street activities in Anchorage, Alaska, according to the documents. The documents also described instances from California, Colorado Mississippi, Virginia, and other states involving cooperation between the FBI and other agencies. FBI counterterrorism agents are traditionally tasked with investigating and curtailing both domestic and foreign terrorism threats.

The agency prepared surveillance and precautionary measures despite acknowledging that Occupy Wall Street organizers "did not condone the use of violence during their events" and, and that the organizers had called for peaceful protest, according to the documents. The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, which describes itself on its website as a Washington-based organization "dedicated to the defense of human and civil rights secured by law, the protection of free speech and dissent, and the elimination of prejudice and discrimination," obtained the documents through the Freedom of Information Act.

More FBI considered Occupy movement potential threat, documents say - CNN.com

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