Obama set to cut healthcare for military and retirees


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I guess closing the commissaries around the country isn't good enough, now Obama found another way to attack the military. He wants to cut medical benefits for active and retired military. Forget that the men and women of the military earned their measly benefits by enduring hardships that most civilians can't imagine. Separations from family and many risking their lives or even giving their lives for their country.

In order to shore up the enrollments on Obamacare, I suppose cutting the military off from benefits and forcing them to the exchanges might help some of the Obama supporters who have already tried signing up. No matter that military will likely end up paying higher premiums and deductibles, Obama doesn't give a shit.

Meanwhile, he is making a new law that would ultimately exempt unions from paying the tax for Obamacare.

The people who wrote the bill, supported the bill and passed the bill don't want anything to do with it. And who can blame them? Obamacare is a shitty law that is typical of what a tyrant would impose.

Congress has it's own special website to sign up for Cadillac plans, which are no doubt free to them since the tax payers usually foot the bill for their benefits. Don't think you'll ever see that website. It actually works and there are good deals to be had, but not for the peasants like you and me.

The military earned those benefits and it's wrong to take them away. Meanwhile, Obama says it's wrong to allow illegals and other people to go without. He's not making things better for everyone and never intended to. He just saw to it that millions would be forced to give up their affordable healthcare so a few others would have it instead.

Obama to cut medical benefits for active, retired military, not union workers - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com
This might be one of maobamas wet dreams but I don't see it making it through the house, but I won't take that for granted, I will be contacting my reps.
This might be one of maobamas wet dreams but I don't see it making it through the house, but I won't take that for granted, I will be contacting my reps.

Me, too. I hope he doesn't get out his executive order pen again.

But it's more than just military, listen to this horror story.

Deborah Cavallaro is a hard-working real estate agent in the Westchester suburb of Los Angeles who has been featured prominently on a round of news shows lately, talking about how badly Obamacare is going to cost her when her existing plan gets canceled and she has to find a replacement.

She says she’s angry at President Obama for having promised that people who like their health plans could keep them, when hers is getting canceled for not meeting Obamacare’s standards.

“Please explain to me,” she told Maria Bartiromo on CNBC Wednesday, “how my plan is a ‘substandard’ plan when … I’d be paying more for the exchange plans than I am currently paying by a wide margin.”
Bartiromo didn’t follow up with the guest, so Michael Hiltzik did. He discovered that Deborah Cavallaro has a pretty awful health plan, which costs $293 a month in premiums, along with a deductible of $5,000 a year and a limit of two doctor visits a year, each of which come with a $40 copay. If she sees her physician more than twice, she’s responsible for 100% of the costs.

Under “Obamacare,” she can sign up for a “silver” coverage plan for $333 a month with a vastly reduced deductible and no limits on the number of times she’s able to see her doctor. She can also sign up for a “bronze” plan and pay as little as $194 a month. She’d have the same deductible she has now, but she’d save on premiums and have no limits on the number of visits.

Under either plan, this woman would have fewer health care costs and greater security with coverage that couldn’t be taken away.
Yes but they need the panic now. And you're not supposed to actually check the date.
That article's almost 2 years old, Clementine.

But he is bringing it up again. Obamacare is in deep doo doo because not enough young people are signing up. The military is always a favored target. I should have looked harder for a more current link, though. Sorry about that.

He bought it up two years ago. He bought it up again one year ago. Now he's trying to eliminate Tricare by raising premiums and deductibles in hopes of phasing it out in the next few years. Same as cuts. The liberals claim that some try to deny woman having abortions by refusing to pay for them. Now Obama wants to deny military members affordable health care coverage by raising the rates to the point where they can't afford it and will be forced to go to the Obamacare website, where they can find more plans they can't afford, then go without insurance and pay the fines.


And, no, Politico, we don't need the panic. It's no secret at this point that the endgame is single payer health care. At some point, you libs should just give up the lies that are designed to ease us into socialism gently. The majority don't want it. I know libs hate it when any of the agenda is exposed, but tough shit. The only people who are panicking right now are those who lost their insurance and doctors only to discover that they can no longer afford any insurance. Don't tell them not to panic. Don't tell the cancer patient who lost his doctor and can't afford to buy insurance now not to panic. Some people literally have their lives ruined and for no reason. Now the cancer patient is being audited. Hell of a coincidence that an administration that abuses power appears to be seeking revenge on a patient who spoke out about how horrible the new law really is. I'm sure the libs will say there is no story there.

Stop the bullshit about what this law is doing to people and the fact the Dems are happily watching the chaos created by Obamacare just so they can come in and claim that single payer is the only way to fix things. It's coming.
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Why can we never end wars and close foreign bases first? Why do they always go straight for domestic bases, health care, and kicking people out? Both parties are guilty of this.

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