Obama Says Essentially For Us To Forget About $2 Gas

So, there is a plan to destroy the nations economy, by way of pricing the citizens out of the gasoline market place, and this before they could even afford to make the swap over to (as if everyone could just run down as soon as the new technology is available) and buy themselves a new car or radical new home, in which would meet new standards or be economicaly viable and/or favorable in the governments eyes, when the government offers no instant plan for the citizens to make this swap with ease, thus leaving them on their own to fall when they can no longer afford to keep up with what they could afford to keep up with, and way before all this idiocy took place or is taking place against them now?

Kiding me right? Is the government this stupid now in America, or is it something else altogether at play here? :cuckoo:
i notice both quotes come steve chu, where is the quote from Obama stating any of this? or are you just saying he is Obama's proxy?

so the GOP tried to do an end around, around the president and it was shot down. hmmmm would the right cry foul if the Dems would have done the same thing to try and get around Bush?
Steven Chu is the Energy Secretary. He serves at the pleasure of the President. Therefore his views are the views of the President.
Chu has been quoted as saying "we need to find a way to raise gas prices to the levels in Europe".
Such a draconian increase in fuel prices would absolutely crush the US economy.
You people on the left are so two faced. From one side you bitch and moan about this alleged conflict of the 1% vs the 99%. Then on the other side you cheerlead for high energy prices which would make it impossible for middle class people to afford to get to work.
Which is it?
Please spare me the horseshit about building high speed rail and other money losing mass transit schemes.
Have you any clue how many trillions of dollars would be needed to build a rail and mass transit system that mirrors what exists in Europe?
Do you really want to entrust the federal government to run this when it has shown it cannot run AMTRAK at break even? REALLY?
We have a rail system here. I loses so much money that at one time it was de-funded.
AMTRAK continues to bleed money. Travel is slow and inconvenient.
For example , a train trp from Miami to New York takes almost two days. Cross country travel 4 days. FOUR DAYS!!!! Absurd.

i dont cheer for high gas prices, but im smart enough to know they arent the presidents fault. its called the free market and capitalism.

"As America continues its game of high-speed rail hot potato, China has quietly finished laying the tracks for the longest bullet line in the world. Spanning more than 800 miles, the line will link the Chinese capital of Beijing with Shanghai, an economic hub on the east. Travel between the two cities will drop to four hours—down from 10—when train service begins in 2012.
As the BBC points out, five years ago China had no high-speed rail track to speak of. Today, at roughly 4,000 miles, China’s bullet train network is already the world’s most extensive. That total is set to double within two years, according to the World Bank, which would give China more high-speed mileage than the rest of the globe combined. The trains on the Beijing-Shanghai line, called the CRH380A, will travel up to 236 miles per hour, the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday, and they will be part of a national network expected to reach 9,700 miles by 2020."
China completes world's longest bullet train line - Democratic Underground

california is in the planning process of building a bullet train between LA and SF which will make the top in about 2 hours 40 mins as opposed to 6 -7 by car. are you saying you wouldnt take this if you could?

the rail system here is pathetic, hence why no one uses. AMTRAK is a joke and travels less than 100 mph.
So funny, the 'Conservatives' are always screaming about a 'free market' then when that market impacts them, they are screaming 'somebody do something about it'. Somebody, meaning the big bad government. The 'Conservatives' are so hypocrital. They simply cannot see the contradictions in their whines.

What the hell are you talking about?
There is a HUGE difference between government intervention in the marketplace (Bad idea) and advancing opportunity to affect change to stabilize the marketplace.
two very different things.
Us: "Can do"
Your side "Why should we?"
Liberals have but two ways of solving problems, neither of which have ever worked.
One...If there is a problem, take other's people's money and throw it at the problem.
Two....Do nothing, ignore it and hope the problem goes away.
Typically the liberal will come up with some outlandish pie in the sky idea that has no logical chance of working in order to score political points.
For example, in a speech delivered to workers in a Freightliner truck plant in suburban Charlotte, NC, Obama made a statement......Obama, promoting his energy policies in a politically prominent state that will host the Democratic National Convention, called on Congress to provide $1 billion in grants to local communities to encourage greater use of fuel-efficient technologies. The administration's goal is to make electric vehicles as affordable and convenient as gasoline-powered vehicles by 2020.
Obama urges shift to new energy technologies - Yahoo! News
Now on the surface that looks like a great idea...Peel back the layers of the onion. $1 billion is nothing. But politically it's a soundbite for the political ads.
"Encourage"....Please. Obama is DEMANDING.....He actually believes his own bullshit.
Basically with this statement: "We need to invest in the technology that will help us use less oil in our cars and our trucks, and our buildings, and our factories," Obama said. "That's the only solution to the challenge. Because as we start using less, that lowers the demand, prices come down." He is telling Americans to eat shit. He is telling us he has us where he wants us. He is going to do everything in his power to make use energy costs remain high and keep rising. Obama is trying to ram his idea of conservation down out throats. meanwhile the people are spending 25% more to fuel their autos and to heat their homes (where oil is the main heating source) than they were just six months ago.
Meanwhile NOTHING has been rolled out in a way of Obama's dream of an alternative.
He actaully bragged ( make me fucking laugh) that scientists were working on car batteries that could run for........two hundred miles :woohoo: per charge.....Really, Mr President? Yer going to allow us a whole 200 miles? And suppose I want to travel 700 miles today? Now it will take 3 days or you will charge me an arm and a leg for gas?
Tell me, is the the kind of country you want to live in?
The end of Obama's reign in the White House cannot come soon enough. Our economic survival and way of life hangs in the balance.
Steven Chu and the Obama administration are lying sacks of shit.....

Steven Chu in 2008...
Energy Secretary Chu Says Lower Gas Prices Are Not Obama's Goal - Investors.com
"somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe," which are in the neighborhood of $8 a gallon.

Steven Chu today...
Senate Blocks Bid To Speed Keystone Approval -- But Obama Loses Dems Despite Lobbying | Fox News
...Chu said Thursday that the administration "wants very much to do what we can to lower the price of gasoline."
i notice both quotes come steve chu, where is the quote from Obama stating any of this? or are you just saying he is Obama's proxy?

so the GOP tried to do an end around, around the president and it was shot down. hmmmm would the right cry foul if the Dems would have done the same thing to try and get around Bush?

He's the fucking Secretary of energy, you dip-shit. You honestly think he doesn't speak for the Obama administration???
its called the FREE MARKET! what do you want him to do? fix prices? cause thats socialist

Shall I post the Maxine Watters quote when she threatened to "socialize I mean nationalize your industry"...Or should I save you the embarassment from your post while you retract your statement?
Your side has been calling for government intervention in the markets( price fixing) for years now.
So please, don't post about things of which you posess little knowledge.

and Newt said he can give you $2.50 gas.

if you really want to bring down the price of gas, you would have to nationalize it and price fix. so what do you want, the free market or low gas prices?

i didnt know maxine watters spoke for the entire Obama administration. does this mean i can say Paul Ryan speaks for the entire GOP when is comes to dismantling medicare?

First, when Maxine Watters made her idiotic and emotionally charged statement, Obama was still a US Senator( Ahh the good old days).
Second, nobody mentioned Newt Gingrich. His name is not part of the discussion.
Third, there is no need for government price fixing.
Prices would fall if the federal government would get the hell out of the way of energy independence. We here in the US have hundreds of years of recoverable oil. The Obama admin has been doing everything in it's power to prevent that from happening.
Who thinks oil drillers and refiners want oil and gas prices lower?

Are you kidding?
Hey genius....Have you looked at the price of oil and energy stocks? If what you believe high oil and gas commodity and pump prices at record highs then one would believe those prices would result in higher profit margins. That would translate to higher stock values.
So why are oil company stock values not through the roof?
The fact is the costs of oil harvesting and refining are driven by federal regulations. Very expensive regulations. Add that to the fact that not a single permit to build an oil refinery in the US has been approved in over 30 years.
If any one entity is driving the commodities market price and the pump price ,it is the federal government.
You want $2 a gallon gas?

That's easy, for alot of you. Just go buy a vehicle that gets twice the gas mileage your current vehicle is getting.

It'll then cost you half the gas to drive the same amount, and thus your gas price goes from $4 to $2.

Otherwise, quit complaining.

yeah, go buy some piece of shit, mini, fly weight, "smart" car that gets you twice the mileage right up until that minor fender bender that costs you your life.................

good luck with that..........lol
you could buy a prius or civic hybird...... no one if forcing you to drive a gas guzzler.

ever hear of personal responsibility? that good old GOP staple....
No YOU can buy one of those. We have the freedom to choose. We have the freedom to spend our money the way we see fit.
Tell me oh environmentally conscious one, what is a family to do? Cram their kids into one of these highway legal golf carts? What are we supposed to do when we have the need to carry something larger than a shoe box? Just say "oh forget it, I'll have to spend even more of my money to pay someone instead of doing it myself?"..
You people are full of shit. In fact you liberal elites are the biggest users of large vehicles. All of those suburban dwelling white moderates that voted Obama into office in 2008 are the number one demographic for mini-vans and SUV's.
you could buy a prius or civic hybird...... no one if forcing you to drive a gas guzzler.

ever hear of personal responsibility? that good old GOP staple....

Maybe you 1%-er liberals can afford to go out and by a new car whenever gas prices rise, but some people own their cars and in this 0bamaconomy, can't afford to saddle themselves with a car payment...

Do you even think before you post?
im not the one complaining about rising gas prices like you are. i made the decision 5 years ago when gas spiked to get a more fuel efficient car. thats called personal responsibility and planning ahead.

That's excellent for you... I'm sure you 1%-ers can afford to do that....

Can you tell me why a couple trying to make ends meet, living paycheck to paycheck in this rotten 0bamaconomy, would trade in their reliable paid-for car for a newer model, saddling themselves with a new car payment they can't afford? Can you ecplain how that would in any way shape or form be considered "personal responsibility"?

if youre that upset, why not protest the oil companies. or buy yourself a scooter. do you ever thing before you post either????
How did protesting the oil companies back in the Booooosh days work for you libs? Interesting that you're now ok with high gas prices with your dear leader in office, huh?

Brainless twit....
im not the one complaining about rising gas prices like you are. i made the decision 5 years ago when gas spiked to get a more fuel efficient car. thats called personal responsibility and planning ahead.

if youre that upset, why not protest the oil companies. or buy yourself a scooter. do you ever thing before you post either????

The only snag is all of the big-mouths in his administration that have been telling us they want the price to go up......including himself before he was elected.

It's one thing to say you understand our pain, it's yet another to act like you could care less at the same time.

do you not agree that without higher gas prices, no one will explore alternative energies?

this was the same discussion 5 years ago when gas spiked. there was a huge interest in hybrid cars and improving fuel efficiency. thus i made the decision back then that i would not be affect like i was before should gas prices rise. i know many people who made the same decision. now that gas prices have started to rise again, people are complaining because they went back to buying big trucks and SUV's.

maybe now people will take alternative and renewable energies seriously.

btw thats a terrible comic, since it refers to fundraising. if you wanted candidates to have the same amount of money, then you need to have election reform and have all candidate take public money in the same amount. otherwise, thats just capitalism at its finest.
Here's the problem..Obama has essentially told the American people to suck it up and deal. When asked about high gas prices, He said "we have to use less gas. That is how we can lower the price"....His words.
The issue of alternative fuels is moot.
Until a viable, readily available, affordable fuel that delivers the same or better fuel economy and the same or better performance becomes available, we have gasoline and diesel. And we have plenty of it.
It is our federal government that is mostly responsible for expensive fuel. And that is being done deliberately for purely political reasons.
The political cartoon uses irony to illustrate the frustration felt by many Americans who are sick of the notion of redistribution of wealth by government which takes from the producers and hands it over to the non-producers.
Now as for your so called fuel efficient car. Your use of a car is hypocritical. Since you do not support the use of fossil fuels you should not use them. If you talk the talk, you had better walk the walk. Otherwise keep your mouth shut and computer OFF.
Anyone who puts pressure on prices because they are demanding more of a product than they need to is part of the reason prices rise.

Are you honestly too ignorant to understand something that fundamental?
Who the fuck are you to decide what people "need"?
We're all supposed just run to the local car dealer and buy some cheaply made but very expensive econobox that would lose out on a collision with a house cat.
Look genius, there is not shortage of fossil fuels nor will there be for several hundred years. All that needs to be done is get you , the enviro nazis and the fucking federal government out of the way so this country can become an economic powerhouse once again.
As long as liberal/progressives have any say, this country will continue to circle the bowl.

oil production at its highest level in 8 years and dumbass over here thinks you can drill your way out of the situation.


The Myth of Energy Independence: Why We Can't Drill Our Way to Oil Autonomy - Jordan Weissmann - Business - The Atlantic
Wesley Reisser: The US cannot drill its way to energy independence day | Environment | guardian.co.uk

In the most likely scenarios, North American oil production will get a big boost in the coming years. It just won't be enough for us to start waving goodbye to OPEC. The U.S. Energy Information Administration forecasts that the American oil production will reach 6.7 million barrels a day by 2020, up from 5.5 million in 2010, then drop back to 6.1 million by 2035. Canada's National Energy Board foresees future production doubling to 6.0 million barrels per day by that year. So we'd end up with about 12.1 million barrels a day, a bit more than half of what the United States currently chugs through on its own.

But let's not be realistic for a moment. Let's assume the U.S. and Canada did manage to drill enough oil that we could tell Saudi Arabia to take it's light sweet crude and shove it. What then? Well, we'd still be exposed to all the ugliness of the global oil market. American and Candadian crude would be priced just like everywhere else -- based on what the world's highest bidders are willing to pay for it. Americans would continue to pain at the pump whenever there was another war in the Middle East or African militants blew up a pipeline.

You should bow out of this thread now and save yourself any more embarrassment.
The fact is we do not have a production problem. We have a refining bottleneck. A problem created by federal regulations so draconian that it makes it nearly impossible for companies to turn a profit.
I don't give a shit what liberal pundit or other source you quote about oil production.
The answer is you have no clue what you are talking about.
The other fact you are missing is if there were a geo political crisis during which oil shipments were stopped, the US would be brought to it's knees. Yeah. And all because we have people like Obama in office calling the shots and idiots like you buying into his nonsense.
Nice try.
Whenever someone on here ( mostly libs) state they "heard", they then drive right off the credibility cliff.
You "heard"...:clap2:

Yeah, I heard it on a radio program. You don't agree? Then prove me wrong. Or just keep applauding your own ignorance. :dunno:
Then provide a link to the quote so we can hear it for ourselves. We don't prove negatives around here.
No link? You heard shit.
BTW any idiot knows gas prices are much higher in Europe. This is due to taxation.
The market price for gasoline is the same around the world. The Euros tax the shit out of it. Is it your conclusion that we here in the States should be paying upwards of $7 per gallon?

I didn't quote anybody, dipshit. I said that I heard on a talk show that one of the factors determining the difference in price between the US and Europe is that in the US, we subsidize big oil, which translates into lower gas prices compared to Europe, where they don't subsidize big oil. Like I said, you don't buy it? Then prove it wrong. I couldn't care less what you do. BTW, I noticed you couldn't dispute anything else in my post; so, you decided to focus on the one vague point I made. Hack.
i notice both quotes come steve chu, where is the quote from Obama stating any of this? or are you just saying he is Obama's proxy?

so the GOP tried to do an end around, around the president and it was shot down. hmmmm would the right cry foul if the Dems would have done the same thing to try and get around Bush?
Steven Chu is the Energy Secretary. He serves at the pleasure of the President. Therefore his views are the views of the President.
Chu has been quoted as saying "we need to find a way to raise gas prices to the levels in Europe".
Such a draconian increase in fuel prices would absolutely crush the US economy.
You people on the left are so two faced. From one side you bitch and moan about this alleged conflict of the 1% vs the 99%. Then on the other side you cheerlead for high energy prices which would make it impossible for middle class people to afford to get to work.
Which is it?
Please spare me the horseshit about building high speed rail and other money losing mass transit schemes.
Have you any clue how many trillions of dollars would be needed to build a rail and mass transit system that mirrors what exists in Europe?
Do you really want to entrust the federal government to run this when it has shown it cannot run AMTRAK at break even? REALLY?
We have a rail system here. I loses so much money that at one time it was de-funded.
AMTRAK continues to bleed money. Travel is slow and inconvenient.
For example , a train trp from Miami to New York takes almost two days. Cross country travel 4 days. FOUR DAYS!!!! Absurd.

i dont cheer for high gas prices, but im smart enough to know they arent the presidents fault. its called the free market and capitalism.

"As America continues its game of high-speed rail hot potato, China has quietly finished laying the tracks for the longest bullet line in the world. Spanning more than 800 miles, the line will link the Chinese capital of Beijing with Shanghai, an economic hub on the east. Travel between the two cities will drop to four hours—down from 10—when train service begins in 2012.
As the BBC points out, five years ago China had no high-speed rail track to speak of. Today, at roughly 4,000 miles, China’s bullet train network is already the world’s most extensive. That total is set to double within two years, according to the World Bank, which would give China more high-speed mileage than the rest of the globe combined. The trains on the Beijing-Shanghai line, called the CRH380A, will travel up to 236 miles per hour, the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday, and they will be part of a national network expected to reach 9,700 miles by 2020."
China completes world's longest bullet train line - Democratic Underground

california is in the planning process of building a bullet train between LA and SF which will make the top in about 2 hours 40 mins as opposed to 6 -7 by car. are you saying you wouldnt take this if you could?

the rail system here is pathetic, hence why no one uses. AMTRAK is a joke and travels less than 100 mph.
Didn't the chineese build our rail system years ago (out west etc.), in which we have for the most part now ?

Didn't they build the thing super cheap, because they were almost slaved when building it ?

Can we truly (or) do we want to compete against modern day communist slavery, where as the chineese are almost forced to build stuff like that rail system they have ?

Are they forced to build such systems in a communist nation like China these days, or is it all volunteer ?

Where do we get such labor these days, when we don't do such things as we had once done in the past ? Do we get the Mexicans to slave away for 12 to 13 hours a day 7 days a week illegally, and for little pay and virtually no benefits etc. in order to build such a thing as is suggested, what to compete against a ghost ? If not, then just how do we do it these days, in order to keep the expense from being huge and out of this world if attempted? Would Americans be willing to work on such a project without Union representation or as contractors with little pay and no benefits these days? Doubtful, and I wouldn't want them to if that were the case either, so where would all these magic human laboring numbers come from for such a project... It will be interesting to see who it is, and how they are treated, and what they are paid in the situation when it all gets started, if it ever does get started.. Stay tunned I guess right?
Yeah, I heard it on a radio program. You don't agree? Then prove me wrong. Or just keep applauding your own ignorance. :dunno:
Then provide a link to the quote so we can hear it for ourselves. We don't prove negatives around here.
No link? You heard shit.
BTW any idiot knows gas prices are much higher in Europe. This is due to taxation.
The market price for gasoline is the same around the world. The Euros tax the shit out of it. Is it your conclusion that we here in the States should be paying upwards of $7 per gallon?

I didn't quote anybody, dipshit. I said that I heard on a talk show that one of the factors determining the difference in price between the US and Europe is that in the US, we subsidize big oil, which translates into lower gas prices compared to Europe, where they don't subsidize big oil. Like I said, you don't buy it? Then prove it wrong. I couldn't care less what you do. BTW, I noticed you couldn't dispute anything else in my post; so, you decided to focus on the one vague point I made. Hack.
Then you have no proof you heard it. In any event that subsidy thing is hogwash.

First, Europe has limited oil reserves. European nations import almost ALL of their consumable oil and fuel.
The majority of the pump prices paid by European drivers are in the form of taxes.
The lack of subsidies is immaterial.
Us oil companies are paltry. Oil Company “Subsidies” Clarified « Hot Air.
Fact is most of the money goes to small independent companies exploration outfits and geological firms.
Your argument is nonsense. The price we pay is unaffected by government giveaways.
To further debunk your silly argument.
Today the wholesale price of regular gas on the New York Mercantile Exchange closed at $3.31 per gallon. That is the market price. Here in the US typical pump price is about 70 cents to one dollar higher allowing for taxes, delivery charges and retailer profit.
The Euros pay the same price. Their final pump price is determined by taxes added by each nation. If what you say is true then the price of gas would be about the same throughout the continent. It isn't. There is about a $4 per gallon difference between the lowest and highest pump prices.
Please stop the subsidy crap. It's not true.
You can believe what you want. The facts say otherwise.
Yeah, I heard it on a radio program. You don't agree? Then prove me wrong. Or just keep applauding your own ignorance. :dunno:
Then provide a link to the quote so we can hear it for ourselves. We don't prove negatives around here.
No link? You heard shit.
BTW any idiot knows gas prices are much higher in Europe. This is due to taxation.
The market price for gasoline is the same around the world. The Euros tax the shit out of it. Is it your conclusion that we here in the States should be paying upwards of $7 per gallon?

I didn't quote anybody, dipshit. I said that I heard on a talk show that one of the factors determining the difference in price between the US and Europe is that in the US, we subsidize big oil, which translates into lower gas prices compared to Europe, where they don't subsidize big oil. Like I said, you don't buy it? Then prove it wrong. I couldn't care less what you do. BTW, I noticed you couldn't dispute anything else in my post; so, you decided to focus on the one vague point I made. Hack.
Dipshit? Hey...Fuck you.
If you're gonna hurl insults, go for the gold.
If you are going to post dumb stuff like "I heard" avoid the nonsense and quote the person who said it. Simple.

President Barack Obama on Wednesday made fun of foes who promise "three-point plans for two dollar gas," aiming to deflect election year attacks sparked by rising gas prices.

"This is not the first time we've seen gas prices spike," Obama said, as drivers face pump prices averaging $3.80 a gallon across the country.

"The next time you hear some politician trotting out some three-point plan for $2 gas -- you let them know we know better," Obama told a supportive crowd.

"Tell them we're tired of hearing phony election-year promises that never come about."


Barry, get a clue. If it weren't for phoney election-year promises you'd have nothing to say.....ever.

But it seems like Obama is saying we might as well forget about $2/gal gas......at least as long as he's president.

Hate to tell ya skinflute, but you can probably forget about $2/gal gas... Until such a time that gas begins to become obsolete.

It ain't seeping out of the ground in Pennsylvania anymore. The low hanging fruit haveth been pluckethed...
You want $2 a gallon gas?

That's easy, for alot of you. Just go buy a vehicle that gets twice the gas mileage your current vehicle is getting.

It'll then cost you half the gas to drive the same amount, and thus your gas price goes from $4 to $2.

Otherwise, quit complaining.

yeah, go buy some piece of shit, mini, fly weight, "smart" car that gets you twice the mileage right up until that minor fender bender that costs you your life.................

good luck with that..........lol
You're saying that extra vehicle size will keep you healthy.

Then you are willing to pay that extra $30-$75 per tank, depending on which gas guzzler you drive, as a sort of per-tank health insurance?

That's fine, but don't bitch about the cost.
A few weeks ago Obama said he has no control over the price of gas.

Now he's gonna try to convince us he's doing everything in his power to control it.....but it is a hopeless cause........just deal with it.

Yes or no.

Domestic production at the present time is greater then when George W. Bush was President?

It's a binary questions. A simple yes or no..will do.

Yes or No, a binary question.... Did Obama attack Bush for a 4 trillion dollar deficit?

Yes or No, a binary question, did Obama blame Bush for high Gas Prices when Bush was President?
Why would you people think we can go back to 2.00 gas?

Can we go back to 2.00# steak? Can we go back to new cars for 5000 bucks?

That would mean we would be going back to 30 cent a gallon gas.
Only on the $5k cars. Steak was $2 when gas was in the $0.90 range.

What people do not remember, is that gas was in the $0.89-$0.99 per gallon range for a long time. Many years. There was long-term stability, and companies didn't have to factor in speculators and Chinese growth and India growth and major environmental fuck-ups from oil companies, and a hair-trigger Middle East, all arming themselves.

And yes - you Rightwingers have nothing to bitch about. You can thank Bush for a lot of this, going into Iraq to avenge daddy. If he had just done what America wanted him to do: get the people who attacked us, Saddam would still be keeping a lid on Iran and gas prices would be low and stable. Because Saddam didn't give a fuck how many of his soldiers he would have to sent if Iran started any shit. He proved that in the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s. He WAS their Huckleberry! But Dubya fucked that whole Mexican standoff right up, and screwed the pooch doing it, like the Neo-Con dumbass that he is.
im not the one complaining about rising gas prices like you are. i made the decision 5 years ago when gas spiked to get a more fuel efficient car. thats called personal responsibility and planning ahead.

if youre that upset, why not protest the oil companies. or buy yourself a scooter. do you ever thing before you post either????

The only snag is all of the big-mouths in his administration that have been telling us they want the price to go up......including himself before he was elected.

It's one thing to say you understand our pain, it's yet another to act like you could care less at the same time.

do you not agree that without higher gas prices, no one will explore alternative energies?

this was the same discussion 5 years ago when gas spiked. there was a huge interest in hybrid cars and improving fuel efficiency. thus i made the decision back then that i would not be affect like i was before should gas prices rise. i know many people who made the same decision. now that gas prices have started to rise again, people are complaining because they went back to buying big trucks and SUV's.

maybe now people will take alternative and renewable energies seriously.

btw thats a terrible comic, since it refers to fundraising. if you wanted candidates to have the same amount of money, then you need to have election reform and have all candidate take public money in the same amount. otherwise, thats just capitalism at its finest.

Yup. And it's also a terrible cartoon because taxes are used for the greater good, for the benefit of American society. Giving money to a citizen in order to advance their singular goal is antithetical to the purpose of taxes.

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