Obama quashed a DoJ investigation Chinese have stolen top secrets?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"Last month, we found out that two NASA facilities—Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, and Ames Research Center near San Francisco, California-were gorged with Chinese national engineers, who had access to top secret defense technology, who then took this information back to their handlers in communist China.

Congressman Frank R. Wolf, through information gathered from whistleblowers, not only found that secret defense information was stolen, but that the Obama administration, including DOJ, may have shut down the investigation.

According to a whistleblower speaking to Aviation Week, the Chinese nationals obtained high-level, cutting edge technology, including:
… Missile defense technology…High-performance rocket engines, fuel and oxidizer tanks from an “ASAT” (anti-satellite weapon), guidance and terrain-mapping systems from the Tomahawk cruise missile and a radar altimeter from the F-35…

Upon allegations that defense secrets at the Ames facility were breached, an FBI investigation was launched and completed, the information then being turned over to Assistant U.S. Attorney Gary Fry. Fry began to prepare indictments and convened a secret grand jury. However, literally minutes before Fry was to begin the proceedings, and without explanation, he was replaced by Assistant U.S. Attorney Elise Becker, and the investigation suddenly stalled.

According to Congressman Wolf, Department of Justice and White House officials intervened in the investigation to shut it down.

Congressman Wolf and other members of Congress put together a confidential report,
Destruction of NASA from the Inside: A Summary Report of Criminal and Political Activity, delivered to the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, which states that NASA has been hemorrhaging top secret technology not only China, but Saudi Arabia as well.

Eric Holder has of course denied that they quashed the investigation, but Congressman Wolf’s probe puts the DOJ right in the middle of what could be the biggest loss of U.S. technology since the Rosenbergs funneled information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union.
Nixon shut down the Watergate investigation to ensure his reelection. The Obama administration is alleged to have shut down the NASA investigation to ensure that the funneling of top secret defense technology to communist China continues.
Impeachment for “high crimes and misdemeanors” would be only the beginning…

Impeach Obama Campaign ? To Save America
Obama gettin' tough with China over cybercrime...
US Warns China on Cyber Security
March 12, 2013 - A senior White House official is calling on China to take "serious steps" to stop cybercrimes, saying the issue is a "growing challenge" to U.S.-China relations.
National Security Advisor Tom Donilon on Monday called on China to acknowledge the scope of the problem and engage in talks with the U.S. on acceptable behavior in cyberspace. Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said Tuesday that Beijing was open to talks, but insisted that China is a victim, not perpetrator of computer crimes. "What the Internet needs is not war, but rules and cooperation. China is willing, on the basis of the principles of mutual respect and mutual trust, to have constructive dialogue and cooperation on this issue with the international community, including the United States, to maintain the security, openness and peace of the Internet," he stated.

Several large U.S. technology companies, including Apple, Facebook, and Twitter, were hacked earlier this year. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post newspapers also say they were attacked by China-based hackers. Last month, U.S. Internet security group Mandiant accused the Chinese military of stealing large amounts of data from about 150 U.S. companies and organizations. China's defense ministry denied the charge, saying Mandiant's report lacked proof. It also returned the accusation, saying several Chinese military websites have been attacked by U.S.-based hackers. U.S. officials have increasingly criticized China-based computer hacking attempts. But they have been less pointed in making direct accusations against the Beijing government, instead hoping to use talks to solve the problem.

Duncan Clark, chairman of technology consultancy BDA, tells VOA that cautiously raising the issue with Beijing could bring good results. "I think letting them know that we know [about the hacking] is probably not a bad strategy. But interestingly, this [Mandiant report] wasn't something that came directly form the U.S. government. There has been debate about whether to do this, but it was helpful that this report came from a private sector player, in the sense that there's still some room for maneuvering there," said Clark.

More US Warns China on Cyber Security

See also:

Intelligence Chief: US Ability to Detect Threats Degraded
March 12, 2013 — The top U.S. intelligence official says automatic government spending cuts are reducing the nation’s ability to detect and respond to threats across the globe, from terrorist plots to the nuclear ambitions of North Korea and Iran. The comments were made in testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
National Intelligence Director James Clapper told senators Tuesday that budget sequestration is degrading America’s early warning apparatus for threats at home and abroad. “Let me now be blunt for you and the American people," he said. "Sequestration forces the intelligence community to reduce all intelligence activities and functions, without regard to impact on our mission.” Clapper said intelligence agencies will have to, in his words, “do less with less.” "We will reduce human, technical and counter-intelligence operations, resulting in fewer collection opportunities, while increasing the risk of strategic surprise [being attacked],” he said.

The national intelligence director provided an example. “Our cyber efforts will be impacted," he said. "This is an area where, you all know, we need to keep ahead of rapid technology advances to maintain and increase access to adversaries, as well as provide warning of a cyber attack against the U.S.” Clapper said the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks demonstrated the consequences of inadequate intelligence capabilities - a mistake he said the nation risks repeating. “Unfortunately, I have seen this movie before. Now, if we are not careful, we risk another damaging downward spiral,” he said.

Clapper said the timing of across-the-board budget cuts could not be worse for intelligence agencies. “In my almost 50 years in intelligence, I cannot recall a period in which we confront a more diverse array of threats, crises and challenges around the world. To me, this makes sequestration even more incongruous," he said. The national intelligence director urged Congress to give the intelligence community flexibility in implementing budget cuts to minimize their impact on national security.

Senators of both parties on the Intelligence Committee voiced support for the request. “We are committing to do everything within our power to ensure that the resources are there to allow you to continue to do what you are asked to do every single day,” said Republican Saxby Chambliss. The committee’s chairwoman, Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, said she will press the Senate to authorize greater budgeting flexibility for intelligence agencies. This week, the chamber is debating a bill to fund the U.S. government for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Intelligence Chief: US Ability to Detect Threats Degraded
Chinamens hackin' us onna interweb...
Hackers have been 'let off the leash' by Chinese government
20 Feb 2013 - Cybersecurity expert Dr James Lewis says China's central leadership have effectively "blessed" the hacking activities that stole massive amounts of information from military contractors, energy companies and other industries in the US.
China has frequently been accused of hacking, but the report by US security company Mandiant contains some of the most extensive and detailed accusations to date linking its military to a wave of cyberspying against US and other foreign companies and government agencies. Mandiant said it traced the hacking back to a neighbourhood in the outskirts of Shanghai that includes a 12-story office building run by Unit 61398 of the People's Liberation Army. The unit "has systematically stolen hundreds of terabytes of data from at least 141 organisations," since it began operations in 2006.

Dr James Lewis, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies: "I think the way it works is that China's central leadership blessed hacking. And cyber espionage. And they did this years ago. "So what they did is they let units like this off the leash, said go and hack, get Western technology. That would be a good thing. That's different from being in control. And in fact, one of the issues is having let groups like this off the leash, it might be hard for Beijing to get them back on."

Dr James Lewis added that the situation is complicated by the fact the China is "one of the most important relationships for the US". China's Foreign Ministry dismissed the report as "groundless," and the Defense Ministry denied any involvement in hacking attacks.

"Last month, we found out that two NASA facilities—Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, and Ames Research Center near San Francisco, California-were gorged with Chinese national engineers, who had access to top secret defense technology, who then took this information back to their handlers in communist China.

Congressman Frank R. Wolf, through information gathered from whistleblowers, not only found that secret defense information was stolen, but that the Obama administration, including DOJ, may have shut down the investigation.

According to a whistleblower speaking to Aviation Week, the Chinese nationals obtained high-level, cutting edge technology, including:
… Missile defense technology…High-performance rocket engines, fuel and oxidizer tanks from an “ASAT” (anti-satellite weapon), guidance and terrain-mapping systems from the Tomahawk cruise missile and a radar altimeter from the F-35…

Upon allegations that defense secrets at the Ames facility were breached, an FBI investigation was launched and completed, the information then being turned over to Assistant U.S. Attorney Gary Fry. Fry began to prepare indictments and convened a secret grand jury. However, literally minutes before Fry was to begin the proceedings, and without explanation, he was replaced by Assistant U.S. Attorney Elise Becker, and the investigation suddenly stalled.

According to Congressman Wolf, Department of Justice and White House officials intervened in the investigation to shut it down.

Congressman Wolf and other members of Congress put together a confidential report,
Destruction of NASA from the Inside: A Summary Report of Criminal and Political Activity, delivered to the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, which states that NASA has been hemorrhaging top secret technology not only China, but Saudi Arabia as well.

Eric Holder has of course denied that they quashed the investigation, but Congressman Wolf’s probe puts the DOJ right in the middle of what could be the biggest loss of U.S. technology since the Rosenbergs funneled information about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union.
Nixon shut down the Watergate investigation to ensure his reelection. The Obama administration is alleged to have shut down the NASA investigation to ensure that the funneling of top secret defense technology to communist China continues.
Impeachment for “high crimes and misdemeanors” would be only the beginning…

Impeach Obama Campaign ? To Save America
The anti American obamaturd strikes again.
Obama goin' after Chinese hackers...
May 19,`14: WASHINGTON (AP) -- In a landmark case alleging international economic spying, the United States announced on Monday unprecedented cyber espionage charges against five Chinese military officials accused of hacking into U.S. companies to gain trade secrets.
The hackers targeted big-name makers of nuclear and solar technology, stealing confidential business information, sensitive trade secrets and internal communications for competitive advantage, according to a grand jury indictment. "Success in the international marketplace should be based solely on a company's ability to innovate and compete, not on a sponsor government's ability to spy and steal business secrets," Attorney General Eric Holder said at a news conference. The alleged targets are Alcoa World Alumina, Westinghouse Electric Co., Allegheny Technologies, U.S. Steel Corp., the United Steelworkers Union and SolarWorld. The indictment, which includes charges of trade-secret theft and economic espionage, was issued in Pittsburgh, where most of the companies are based.

The charges dramatize a longtime Obama administration goal to prosecute state-sponsored cyber threats, which U.S. officials say they have grappled with for years. A recent government report said that more than 40 Pentagon weapons programs and nearly 30 other defense technologies have been compromised by cyber intrusions from China. The cybersecurity firm Mandiant also has linked a secret Chinese military unit to years of cyberattacks against U.S. companies. The prosecution was announced on the heels of a separate worldwide operation over the weekend that resulted in the arrests of 97 people in 16 countries who are suspected of developing, distributing or using malicious software called BlackShades. The software allows criminals to gain surreptitious control of personal computers. "This is the new normal. This is what you're going to see on a recurring basis," Bob Anderson Jr., executive assistant director of the FBI's Criminal, Cyber Response and Services Division, said of the cyber espionage case.


Press materials are displayed on a table of the Justice Department in Washington, Monday, May 19, 2014, before Attorney General Eric Holder was to speak at a news conference. Holder was announcing that a U.S. grand jury has charged five Chinese hackers with economic espionage and trade secret theft, the first-of-its-kind criminal charges against Chinese military officials in an international cyber-espionage case.

In a statement, China's Foreign Ministry said the U.S. charges were based on "fabricated facts" and jeopardize China-U.S. "cooperation and mutual trust." "China is steadfast in upholding cybersecurity," said the statement. "The Chinese government, the Chinese military and their relevant personnel have never engaged or participated in cybertheft of trade secrets. The U.S. accusation against Chinese personnel is purely ungrounded and absurd." The indictment says that five hackers - members of the People's Liberation Army - worked from a building in Shanghai to steal proprietary information from the companies and the labor union, including communications that could have helped Chinese firms learn strategies and weaknesses of American companies involved in litigation with the Chinese government or Chinese firms.

The defendants are all believed to be in China and it was unclear whether they would ever be turned over to the U.S. for prosecution. But the Justice Department, publicizing the charges, identified all five by name and issued "wanted" posters. "For the first time, we are exposing the faces and names behind the keyboards in Shanghai used to steal from American businesses," said John Carlin, the head of the Justice Department's National Security Division. U.S. officials have previously asserted that China's army and China-based hackers have launched attacks on American industrial and military targets, often to steal secrets or intellectual property. China has said that it is the nation that faces a major threat from hackers, and the country's military is believed to be among the biggest targets of the NSA and U.S. Cyber Command.

To all concerned... I didn't create this thread.
I've notified the monitor but BEWARE... it appears there is a problem here that someone is creating threads under false premises!

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