Obama Panders Middle Class Tax Cuts

no those tax cuts were designed to be temporary.

remember you fucking liar

they were supposed to be to help the economy after 911.

Now you fucking liars pretend they were intended to be there forever

And if you want them to expire then let them expire for everyone not just some people
shrub's prescrition drug benefit program and the DHL etc, etc, etc.

This statement is a good example of why Leftists are such assholes.


Bush campaign promised a $120 billion prescription drug benefit.

The Democrats rejected it in Congress, demanding a $900 billion prescription drug benefit.

After much wrangling and demogoguing by Democrats, the Republicans finally relented and adopted Blanche Lincoln's (Democrat Senator) $400 billion prescription drug legislation.

As usual, the Republcians biggest failure was trying to compromise with Democrats, because as we see by leftwing losers, Republicans get blamed for it.

I'm not denying that the HC bill wil cost money. How am I tossing BS? Either way it was a plan that could have been better funded with those tax dollars than with borrowed money from China.

Spinn until you get dizy. The truth will wait for you.
no those tax cuts were designed to be temporary.

remember you fucking liar

they were supposed to be to help the economy after 911.

Now you fucking liars pretend they were intended to be there forever

And if you want them to expire then let them expire for everyone not just some people

I've already agreed they need to sunset for everyone.

I didn't feel particularly pinched when Clinton was in office and frankly we were in a better place then so yeah sunset them for all.
Oh yeah this has never been on Obama's radar bofore . . .Oh wait, yes it has. Repeatedly.

All the rightists want to do is protect their billionaires, you know the job creators who don;t seem to be creating too many jobs . . .well not here in teh USA at least. Plenty going elsewhere, thank you free trade! :(

No, trust us


If you cut taxes on job creators they REALLY, really will create jobs this time

Trust us

It works, it's just that businesses don't TRUST creating or hiring under Obama and his comrades of REGULATORS
get rid of him folks
Oh yeah this has never been on Obama's radar bofore . . .Oh wait, yes it has. Repeatedly.

All the rightists want to do is protect their billionaires, you know the job creators who don;t seem to be creating too many jobs . . .well not here in teh USA at least. Plenty going elsewhere, thank you free trade! :(

No, trust us


If you cut taxes on job creators they REALLY, really will create jobs this time

Trust us

It works, it's just that businesses don't TRUST creating or hiring under Obama and his comrades of REGULATORS
get rid of him folks

Another excuse.

In other words:

WHAAAAAAA! we got our way but . . .but . . . It's obama's fault! :eusa_boohoo:
links in article at site


Obama Prepares to Drop Tax-Increase Bomb On Job Creators

by John Nolte9 Jul 2012, 6:00 AM PDT70post a comment

President Obama is obviously panicked. Last month Obama and his supporters spent a lot more than Mitt Romney, but even with that cash advantage and the media on their side, the polls haven't budged. Moreover, the President and his campaign have been running around frantically trying to find something that will stick to Romney, be it provable lies about his outsourcing and outright smears involving offshore accounts. Still, Obama can't get above 47% and Romney hasn't even started campaigning in earnest or spending the $160 million he has on hand.

Today, in yet another desperate attempt to win a news cycle as opposed to do his job and what’s best for the country,
Obama will use the high-profile setting of the Rose Garden to call for a huge tax increase on those making $250,000 or more, which will, of course, hit who knows how many small business owners. Naturally, Obama and his Media Palace Guards will spin today's announcement as a call to keep in place the Bush-era tax cuts for those making under $250,000 a year (a middle class tax cut), but it's really a call to raise taxes on our nation's job creators.

In other words, as the economy and job growth stalls, Obama will effectively propose taking money away from those institutions that represent America's engine of job creation. Back in 2008, when Obama first started prattling on about how a tax increase on those making over $250,000 would only hurt a small percentage of small businesses, using numbers from the Small Business Administration, Rush Limbaugh did a memorable job proving how untrue that was.

Regardless, as a general rule, there is no worse time to raise taxes than when the economy is slowing (as it is now). Taking money out of the private sector as though the government can somehow spend it better is a formula for economic suicide. But to take money directly away from those who create jobs in this country is grossly irresponsible, though, for this president, not at all surprising.

all of it here
Obama Prepares to Drop Tax-Increase Bomb on Job Creators
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I keep seeing people say that tax cuts on the wealthy will promote job growth.

Its just, from my understanding, the wealthy have been enjoying tax cuts for the past DECADE.
If thats true, then by 2012 we should have a shit ton of jobs!....oh wait...nvm.
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No, trust us


If you cut taxes on job creators they REALLY, really will create jobs this time

Trust us

It works, it's just that businesses don't TRUST creating or hiring under Obama and his comrades of REGULATORS
get rid of him folks

We all know they'll say, "it works" but can they actually explain how?

I would genuinely like to know, as it isn't as simple as most think, and no one will explain it.

When did a tax cut on the rich not result in a commensurate economic boom which led to record jobs and record Federal tax receipts?

When Coolidge did it?

When JFK did it?

When Reagan did it?

When Bush did it?
The Republicans actually want to raise taxes on the poor while cutting them for the rich

there are no taxs being raised,UNLESS they expire....

The Republicans ar targeting the poor for tax increases in two ways

1. Running up the rhetoric on the unfairness of 47% do ot pay taxes
2.Advocating fat taxes that slash taxes on the wealth while raising them on the poor

if the present tax cuts in place stays there is no decrease in those tax brackets etc for anyone, it will be wash...you have a problem with thinking critically and you are all over the place.

so again, the bush tax cuts for the rich, weren't just for the rich? yes, or no?
It works, it's just that businesses don't TRUST creating or hiring under Obama and his comrades of REGULATORS
get rid of him folks

We all know they'll say, "it works" but can they actually explain how?

I would genuinely like to know, as it isn't as simple as most think, and no one will explain it.

When did a tax cut on the rich not result in a commensurate economic boom which led to record jobs and record Federal tax receipts?

When Coolidge did it?

When JFK did it?

When Reagan did it?

When Bush did it?

Well las t time for one.

Bush? The smae Bush who lost more jobs in a single month than we have gotten back in all 3/12 years of Obama?

We are trying to claw our way out of a hole that Bush policies created and you propose we dig it deeper? Genius!:eusa_hand:

Next you will deflect with how it was the poor who caused the crash right? :lol:
here, for the challenged.....



Two weeks ago Congress's Joint Committee on Taxation reported that 53% of the income tax increases that Mr. Obama would extract starting next year comes from business. Those are the businesses that aren't hiring people as they wait out the tax and other policy uncertainties.

you want to do this in this economic environment? good luck.
here, for the challenged.....


Review & Outlook: Democrats and the Tax Cliff - WSJ.com

Two weeks ago Congress's Joint Committee on Taxation reported that 53% of the income tax increases that Mr. Obama would extract starting next year comes from business. Those are the businesses that aren't hiring people as they wait out the tax and other policy uncertainties.

you want to do this in this economic environment? good luck.

Yup. I'm sure the economy will take off like a rocket. NOT.

Really. Some people who think they are smart just don't have the brains God gave a pea.

Perhaps Barry should read a little history and see what worked for other presidents.

I'm fairly sure he's smart enough, being a Harvard Law Professor and all, to figure out how to copy a winning strategy and run with it.

Then again. Mayby he doesn't give a shit. Never mind.
Obama to push extension of middle-class tax cuts | Financial Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama is launching a push to extend tax cuts for the middle class, as he seeks to shift the election-year economic debate away from the dismal jobs market and toward the issue of tax fairness.

Obama ,a mans man, he now tries to deflect his miserable record , at this point I would vote for Charlie Brown if it would remove this guy from office...

View attachment 19930

Funny how righties bitch when they think Obama is raising taxes on the middle class - and then bitch when they think he's lowering them. Its almost like you guys just hate him and don't care what he does.
In other words, as the economy and job growth stalls, Obama will effectively propose taking money away from those institutions that represent America's engine of job creation.

That's not vague enough. How about we just shorten it to "Obama ... BAD!"

Obama will use the high-profile setting of the Rose Garden to call for a huge tax increase on those making $250,000 or more, which will, of course, hit who knows how many small business owners.

Yeah, right, all those SMALL businesses that profit more than 250k a year. Lord Almighty, Breitbart thinks you're dumb as rocks. Are you?
Obama to push extension of middle-class tax cuts | Financial Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama is launching a push to extend tax cuts for the middle class, as he seeks to shift the election-year economic debate away from the dismal jobs market and toward the issue of tax fairness.

Obama ,a mans man, he now tries to deflect his miserable record , at this point I would vote for Charlie Brown if it would remove this guy from office...

View attachment 19930

Funny how righties bitch when they think Obama is raising taxes on the middle class - and then bitch when they think he's lowering them. Its almost like you guys just hate him and don't care what he does.

When did he say he was lowering taxes????
We all know they'll say, "it works" but can they actually explain how?

I would genuinely like to know, as it isn't as simple as most think, and no one will explain it.

When did a tax cut on the rich not result in a commensurate economic boom which led to record jobs and record Federal tax receipts?

When Coolidge did it?

When JFK did it?

When Reagan did it?

When Bush did it?

Well las t time for one.

Bush? The smae Bush who lost more jobs in a single month than we have gotten back in all 3/12 years of Obama?

We are trying to claw our way out of a hole that Bush policies created and you propose we dig it deeper? Genius!:eusa_hand:

Next you will deflect with how it was the poor who caused the crash right? :lol:


We hit record number of jobs and record Federal tax receipts two years in a row after the Bush Tax cuts.

You are O for 1.

How about the other times?

Coolidge? JFK? Reagan?
Don't fall for the lie people..He's not calling for just extending tax cuts for the middle class

Obama is calling for RAISING TAXES on the job creators. mom and pop businesses who barley make over 250.000 a year
When did a tax cut on the rich not result in a commensurate economic boom which led to record jobs and record Federal tax receipts?

When Coolidge did it?

When JFK did it?

When Reagan did it?

When Bush did it?

Well las t time for one.

Bush? The smae Bush who lost more jobs in a single month than we have gotten back in all 3/12 years of Obama?

We are trying to claw our way out of a hole that Bush policies created and you propose we dig it deeper? Genius!:eusa_hand:

Next you will deflect with how it was the poor who caused the crash right? :lol:


We hit record number of jobs and record Federal tax receipts two years in a row after the Bush Tax cuts.

You are O for 1.

How about the other times?

Coolidge? JFK? Reagan?

Unsustainable jobs built on a bubble, huge borrowing of foreign money to pay for two wars and DHS - you really defending fighting wars on borrowed cash and the DHS? Seriously?

When the bubble popped - then record setting job losses under GWB. Just because his cut happened to coincide with the bubble growing and a huge increase of GOVERNMENT jobs does not mean the tax cuts created the job growth. Borrowing and huge jumps in Government employment did that sweetie!

I am not disputing that reagan managed to grow the economy . . .of course he turned us from a lender nation to a debtor nation to do it.

As for JFK and COolidge, they are before my time and I have not researched their tax policies nor job growth in their admins so I'll have to take your word for it.

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