Obama orders full review of elections hacking

No. Sanders has a clear commitment to uphold human rights, and there is no reason to think he is pro-Putin.

If your comment made any sense, then I ask why Trump made fun of Bush's war for oil, when it is clear he wants to do the same?

How could Sanders ideas be upholding human rights when, using old Soviet and Venezuela models, show things like long lines and even fighting

to get bread and toilet paper are the result of the failures of a socialist ideology?

Reason it fails: no motivation and drive in being given stuff. The drive and motivation of the greedy grocery store owner or restaurateur results in abundances of conveniences and disrributions like food and necessities. Hence the failure of Cuba, Venezuela, Soviet Union, and old China.
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Angry libs trying to undermine Trump before he even takes over, that's all it is.

Obama is pissed because he backed a bitch and the bitch lost. So now he needs something to blame.

So he goes to the old tried and true 'blame the Russians.' Kind of a funny position for a president that said Russia was not a threat to take.

The election is done get over it. No one is stealing the election.
Why are you protecting Putin?

One, I am over it. It's the Democrats who are not.
Two, I'm not protecting anybody. Why blame somebody that didn't have anything to do with the election?

What proof do you have that Putin didn't hack or interfere to *MY*country's election process?
And why is Trump bashing his own CIA then protecting Putin?

1. Again I ask, how do you prove somebody didn't do something? We had a bank robbery nearby, how do I prove that you didn't rob the bank???

2. You can't prove what somebody didn't do. You can only provide evidence if somebody did do something. Trump isn't protecting Putin because there is nothing yet to protect. He had nothing to do with our elections. The CIA works for DumBama. Of course Trump has every reason to suspect their loyalty to him.

1. Help yourself. Read my previous comments.
2. It was concluded by 17 agencies that Russians did the the hacking. Trump even invited them during campaign ( Russia if you are listening I hope you find the 33,000 emails).
Yes Trump is protecting Putin. Why are you denying that Trump is not protecting Putin? Dude It's all over world.
CIA works for the president his name is Barrack Obama not DumBama. For your information CIA always work for the POTUS not against it. CIA always loyal to the POTUS but because Trump is Putin puppet he is blasting his own intelligence agency.

It's not Trump's agency. As you stated, loyalty is to the sitting President.

And again I ask for proof of these 17 agencies. What 17 agencies? Are you including the post office or something? I want to see this so-called evidence. So far, nothing I read has any evidence against Russia or any hacking. Which states were hacked? How was it done? So Trump asked Russia if they hacked Hillary's emails. What does that have to do with the election?

Are you saying the CIA are lying? What proof do you have that they are lying?
Your questions are pure delusional.... I have to work for CIA in order for me to answer your questions.
What has to do with election? To help Trump.
Trump asked Russia to hack Hillary email? you can ask that to your messiah Trump and Putin. I can't answer that question.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Eliza Collins | USA TODAY
Updated 17 days ago
Donald Trump’s claim that the United States has "no idea" who is behind recent email hacks is just not true.

The fact-checking website Politifact says Hillary Clinton is correct when she says 17 federal intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia is behind the hacking.
“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.
Trump pushed back, saying that Clinton and the United States had “no idea whether it is Russia, China or anybody else.”
One, I am over it. It's the Democrats who are not.
Two, I'm not protecting anybody. Why blame somebody that didn't have anything to do with the election?

What proof do you have that Putin didn't hack or interfere to *MY*country's election process?
And why is Trump bashing his own CIA then protecting Putin?

1. Again I ask, how do you prove somebody didn't do something? We had a bank robbery nearby, how do I prove that you didn't rob the bank???

2. You can't prove what somebody didn't do. You can only provide evidence if somebody did do something. Trump isn't protecting Putin because there is nothing yet to protect. He had nothing to do with our elections. The CIA works for DumBama. Of course Trump has every reason to suspect their loyalty to him.

1. Help yourself. Read my previous comments.
2. It was concluded by 17 agencies that Russians did the the hacking. Trump even invited them during campaign ( Russia if you are listening I hope you find the 33,000 emails).
Yes Trump is protecting Putin. Why are you denying that Trump is not protecting Putin? Dude It's all over world.
CIA works for the president his name is Barrack Obama not DumBama. For your information CIA always work for the POTUS not against it. CIA always loyal to the POTUS but because Trump is Putin puppet he is blasting his own intelligence agency.

It's not Trump's agency. As you stated, loyalty is to the sitting President.

And again I ask for proof of these 17 agencies. What 17 agencies? Are you including the post office or something? I want to see this so-called evidence. So far, nothing I read has any evidence against Russia or any hacking. Which states were hacked? How was it done? So Trump asked Russia if they hacked Hillary's emails. What does that have to do with the election?

Are you saying the CIA are lying? What proof do you have that they are lying?
Your questions are pure delusional.... I have to work for CIA in order for me to answer your questions.
What has to do with election? To help Trump.
Trump asked Russia to hack Hillary email? you can ask that to your messiah Trump and Putin. I can't answer that question.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Eliza Collins | USA TODAY
Updated 17 days ago
Donald Trump’s claim that the United States has "no idea" who is behind recent email hacks is just not true.

The fact-checking website Politifact says Hillary Clinton is correct when she says 17 federal intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia is behind the hacking.
“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.
Trump pushed back, saying that Clinton and the United States had “no idea whether it is Russia, China or anybody else.”

Here's something a little more current.....
Exclusive: Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking - sources
Do you have other evidence that the fucking Russians didn't do the hacking?
Yes. Tons of it. But I am not at liberty to produce it at this particular point in time. My handler (Vladmr Vladimirovich Putin) thinks that such information would embarrass the American population unnecessarily.
How would one go about proving somebody didn't do something?
For the Bumble Club of Hillary Grove the fact that Putin congratulated Trump is enough proof for them that Putin was the culprit.
We patriotic Americans care. Who give a shit what Russians think.
If you really were a "patriotic American" you would care that your choice presidential candidate is a liar and a criminal.
You can say that again. Voting Trump is one thing........... but siding with foreign interests is just so fucking unpatriotic and a bunch of traitors.
Then you have this Glasnost trashing this country................. and his American followers love him for doing it.
My "followers" love me for telling the truth and getting to the most important issue .... Hitlery's criminal activities ...... and the glory for each and every REAL "patriotic American" that she was stopped in her tracks. What you are trying to do is a mini scenario of the Center Ring Hoax: Ignore Hillary's crimes by demonizing the messenger (whoever it might be) ..... and creating a smoke screen obscuring the fact that I am pro-American (in the pure sense of the word) by making absurd accusations that I am anti-American instead.
What proof do you have that Putin didn't hack or interfere to *MY*country's election process?
What proof do you have that Boy Scout Troop 33 from Boise, Idaho didn't hack or interfere to *YOUR* country's election process?
why is Trump bashing his own CIA then protecting Putin?
1). The CIA have been deceiving the American people, creating false wars based upon fake news for decades, and blowing flames up the American tax-payers asses to go to war with Russia, Iran, and China..
2). Putin has offered his hand in friendship, cooperation, and peace.
Please don't play dumb.
Now ain't that sumpin'! That's exactly what I've been meaning to say to you.
According to CIA and 16 other agencies concluded that Putin interfered into our election process.
Now it's your turn to disputes those finding.
According to CIA and umteen other agencies concluded that Saddam Hussein had WMD's up the ying-yang.
Now it's your turn to pretend those findings have no affect on the CIA's credibility.

.em ot klat ot deifilauq era uoy fi wonk uoy tel lliw I

I will let you know if you are qualified to talk to me.
Klaatu barada nikto. Now fetch me a glass of water so I can toss it in your face .... just to wash the egg off.

As I told you. Your opinion is nothing but backwards. I will let you know if you are qualified to talk to me. This is my country.
I only read the last part of your post. You want to throw egg to my face? I sense frustration and defeat. Dude grow the fuck up.
Klaatu barada nikto. Now fetch me a glass of water so I can toss it in your face .... just to wash the egg off.
As I told you. Your opinion is nothing but backwards. I will let you know if you are qualified to talk to me. This is my country. I only read the last part of your post. You want to throw egg to my face? I sense frustration and defeat. Dude grow the fuck up.
Your English comprehension is very poor. It's no wonder that you have no idea what is being discussed in this thread.
Klaatu barada nikto. Now fetch me a glass of water so I can toss it in your face .... just to wash the egg off.
As I told you. Your opinion is nothing but backwards. I will let you know if you are qualified to talk to me. This is my country. I only read the last part of your post. You want to throw egg to my face? I sense frustration and defeat. Dude grow the fuck up.
Your English comprehension is very poor. It's no wonder that you have no idea what is being discussed in this thread.

The guy claims to be a business leader but can't type a coherent sentence.
One, I am over it. It's the Democrats who are not.
Two, I'm not protecting anybody. Why blame somebody that didn't have anything to do with the election?

What proof do you have that Putin didn't hack or interfere to *MY*country's election process?
And why is Trump bashing his own CIA then protecting Putin?

1. Again I ask, how do you prove somebody didn't do something? We had a bank robbery nearby, how do I prove that you didn't rob the bank???

2. You can't prove what somebody didn't do. You can only provide evidence if somebody did do something. Trump isn't protecting Putin because there is nothing yet to protect. He had nothing to do with our elections. The CIA works for DumBama. Of course Trump has every reason to suspect their loyalty to him.

1. Help yourself. Read my previous comments.
2. It was concluded by 17 agencies that Russians did the the hacking. Trump even invited them during campaign ( Russia if you are listening I hope you find the 33,000 emails).
Yes Trump is protecting Putin. Why are you denying that Trump is not protecting Putin? Dude It's all over world.
CIA works for the president his name is Barrack Obama not DumBama. For your information CIA always work for the POTUS not against it. CIA always loyal to the POTUS but because Trump is Putin puppet he is blasting his own intelligence agency.

It's not Trump's agency. As you stated, loyalty is to the sitting President.

And again I ask for proof of these 17 agencies. What 17 agencies? Are you including the post office or something? I want to see this so-called evidence. So far, nothing I read has any evidence against Russia or any hacking. Which states were hacked? How was it done? So Trump asked Russia if they hacked Hillary's emails. What does that have to do with the election?

Are you saying the CIA are lying? What proof do you have that they are lying?
Your questions are pure delusional.... I have to work for CIA in order for me to answer your questions.
What has to do with election? To help Trump.
Trump asked Russia to hack Hillary email? you can ask that to your messiah Trump and Putin. I can't answer that question.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Eliza Collins | USA TODAY
Updated 17 days ago
Donald Trump’s claim that the United States has "no idea" who is behind recent email hacks is just not true.

The fact-checking website Politifact says Hillary Clinton is correct when she says 17 federal intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia is behind the hacking.
“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.
Trump pushed back, saying that Clinton and the United States had “no idea whether it is Russia, China or anybody else.”

Aw, now there you see.......you left out the best part:

"The Clinton campaign has neither confirmed or denied the authenticity of the emails, though they have pushed back on certain emails and warned that stolen information could be altered."

So apparently, Hillary is not admitting those supposed emails are legitimate. Furthermore stating that it's all misinformation because the supposed hacker could have altered the emails. So were they hacked emails or not?
Klaatu barada nikto. Now fetch me a glass of water so I can toss it in your face .... just to wash the egg off.
As I told you. Your opinion is nothing but backwards. I will let you know if you are qualified to talk to me. This is my country. I only read the last part of your post. You want to throw egg to my face? I sense frustration and defeat. Dude grow the fuck up.
Your English comprehension is very poor. It's no wonder that you have no idea what is being discussed in this thread.
The guy claims to be a business leader but can't type a coherent sentence.
You're being too kind to him. He can claim anything he wants. He's still an wanker out of his depths.
Klaatu barada nikto. Now fetch me a glass of water so I can toss it in your face .... just to wash the egg off.
As I told you. Your opinion is nothing but backwards. I will let you know if you are qualified to talk to me. This is my country. I only read the last part of your post. You want to throw egg to my face? I sense frustration and defeat. Dude grow the fuck up.
Your English comprehension is very poor. It's no wonder that you have no idea what is being discussed in this thread.

Put that vodka down commie.
I challenged you on different categories but you declined because you are scared and coward. You don't have any talent or specialties except *BASHING* America and its citizens. That's all you got. So what is the point of reading your post? Nada.
You are so critical of our election and candidate when your Russia don't have any other candidates or political opponents because they are being assassinated by Putin. This is also the reason why you are so fascinated with Duterte.
Here in America (not your fucking Russia) we have the freedom to vote who we like to vote. In Russia you DONT have a choice. So start with hypocrite.
With your rotten behavior and attitude Russians can NEVER be our friends. You are a good example of that. If I were you....... You should behave and respect this country where you make a living and the hand out food that you shove in your mouth. Asshole. Russians are not our friends.

GOP leader McConnell stops short of saying hacking helped Trump: 'Russians are not our friend'

GOP leader McConnell stops short of saying hacking helped Trump: 'Russians are not our friend'
What proof do you have that Putin didn't hack or interfere to *MY*country's election process?
And why is Trump bashing his own CIA then protecting Putin?

1. Again I ask, how do you prove somebody didn't do something? We had a bank robbery nearby, how do I prove that you didn't rob the bank???

2. You can't prove what somebody didn't do. You can only provide evidence if somebody did do something. Trump isn't protecting Putin because there is nothing yet to protect. He had nothing to do with our elections. The CIA works for DumBama. Of course Trump has every reason to suspect their loyalty to him.

1. Help yourself. Read my previous comments.
2. It was concluded by 17 agencies that Russians did the the hacking. Trump even invited them during campaign ( Russia if you are listening I hope you find the 33,000 emails).
Yes Trump is protecting Putin. Why are you denying that Trump is not protecting Putin? Dude It's all over world.
CIA works for the president his name is Barrack Obama not DumBama. For your information CIA always work for the POTUS not against it. CIA always loyal to the POTUS but because Trump is Putin puppet he is blasting his own intelligence agency.

It's not Trump's agency. As you stated, loyalty is to the sitting President.

And again I ask for proof of these 17 agencies. What 17 agencies? Are you including the post office or something? I want to see this so-called evidence. So far, nothing I read has any evidence against Russia or any hacking. Which states were hacked? How was it done? So Trump asked Russia if they hacked Hillary's emails. What does that have to do with the election?

Are you saying the CIA are lying? What proof do you have that they are lying?
Your questions are pure delusional.... I have to work for CIA in order for me to answer your questions.
What has to do with election? To help Trump.
Trump asked Russia to hack Hillary email? you can ask that to your messiah Trump and Putin. I can't answer that question.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Eliza Collins | USA TODAY
Updated 17 days ago
Donald Trump’s claim that the United States has "no idea" who is behind recent email hacks is just not true.

The fact-checking website Politifact says Hillary Clinton is correct when she says 17 federal intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia is behind the hacking.
“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.
Trump pushed back, saying that Clinton and the United States had “no idea whether it is Russia, China or anybody else.”

Aw, now there you see.......you left out the best part:

"The Clinton campaign has neither confirmed or denied the authenticity of the emails, though they have pushed back on certain emails and warned that stolen information could be altered."

So apparently, Hillary is not admitting those supposed emails are legitimate. Furthermore stating that it's all misinformation because the supposed hacker could have altered the emails. So were they hacked emails or not?

All I can say is............... I just have to rely on what CIA are telling us and wait for the conclusion of the investigations.
1. Again I ask, how do you prove somebody didn't do something? We had a bank robbery nearby, how do I prove that you didn't rob the bank???

2. You can't prove what somebody didn't do. You can only provide evidence if somebody did do something. Trump isn't protecting Putin because there is nothing yet to protect. He had nothing to do with our elections. The CIA works for DumBama. Of course Trump has every reason to suspect their loyalty to him.

1. Help yourself. Read my previous comments.
2. It was concluded by 17 agencies that Russians did the the hacking. Trump even invited them during campaign ( Russia if you are listening I hope you find the 33,000 emails).
Yes Trump is protecting Putin. Why are you denying that Trump is not protecting Putin? Dude It's all over world.
CIA works for the president his name is Barrack Obama not DumBama. For your information CIA always work for the POTUS not against it. CIA always loyal to the POTUS but because Trump is Putin puppet he is blasting his own intelligence agency.

It's not Trump's agency. As you stated, loyalty is to the sitting President.

And again I ask for proof of these 17 agencies. What 17 agencies? Are you including the post office or something? I want to see this so-called evidence. So far, nothing I read has any evidence against Russia or any hacking. Which states were hacked? How was it done? So Trump asked Russia if they hacked Hillary's emails. What does that have to do with the election?

Are you saying the CIA are lying? What proof do you have that they are lying?
Your questions are pure delusional.... I have to work for CIA in order for me to answer your questions.
What has to do with election? To help Trump.
Trump asked Russia to hack Hillary email? you can ask that to your messiah Trump and Putin. I can't answer that question.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Eliza Collins | USA TODAY
Updated 17 days ago
Donald Trump’s claim that the United States has "no idea" who is behind recent email hacks is just not true.

The fact-checking website Politifact says Hillary Clinton is correct when she says 17 federal intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia is behind the hacking.
“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.
Trump pushed back, saying that Clinton and the United States had “no idea whether it is Russia, China or anybody else.”

Aw, now there you see.......you left out the best part:

"The Clinton campaign has neither confirmed or denied the authenticity of the emails, though they have pushed back on certain emails and warned that stolen information could be altered."

So apparently, Hillary is not admitting those supposed emails are legitimate. Furthermore stating that it's all misinformation because the supposed hacker could have altered the emails. So were they hacked emails or not?

All I can say is............... I just have to rely on what CIA are telling us and wait for the conclusion of the investigations.

So what's the worst they can find, that the emails were hacked by Russia? Then what?

Now you would have to prove it had anything to do with the election outcome which is impossible. Logically, I would doubt they did. What voter is going to actually vote for Hil-Liar, read about these emails, and then change their mind?

I mean seriously...........the woman setup a server in her basement for the ability to erase evidence which she did. She totally lied about Benghazi, destroyed evidence subpoenaed by the US Congress, lied to Congress under oath repeatedly, was under an FBI criminal investigation, shady dealings with her so-called charity with foreigners, unbelievably made millions and millions of dollars just for speeches, and you think it was the emails that changed anybody's mind?
Ummmm duh ummm,
Obama is worried about who released emails that his gov't covered up by not prosecuting Hillary, but is not concerned about the Personal info stolen from his Healthcare web site or worse 5he hacked IRS debacle. And they wonder why the people were PO'd & voted them out.
They are tooooo stupid to be given a Walmart greeters job let alone public office.
1. Why did he wait so long to do anything?

2. Why did he only begin complaining after Hillary lost?

The Russians were seeking to choose a US President and they were successful. Now I suppose we should move along and forget about it...? Right?

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