Obama! Obama! We re all now OSAMA!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Crowds of Muslims chanting this across Cairo and much of the Muslim world, as they try to crash into American embassies and burn American flags. I thought president Hussein Obama was going to change Muslim attitudes with his "Message to the Muslim World" speech, in the beginning of his presidency? Also, so much for that false claim that "Muslims do not sympathize with Bin Laden and did not celebrate on 9-11" baloney.

EDIT: add link. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/17/w...-consulate-in-pakistan-and-one-dies.html?_r=1
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Crowds of Muslims chanting this across Cairo and much of the Muslim world, as they try to crash into American embassies and burn American flags. I thought president Hussein Obama was going to change Muslim attitudes with his "Message to the Muslim World" speech, in the beginning of his presidency? Also, so much for that false claim that "Muslims do not sympathize with Bin Laden and did not celebrate on 9-11" baloney.

Blood is now on Obama's hands. HE went into Libya without congress approval and now innocent people died because of Obama.. THe left cry about Iraq and Bush was the devil for going into there .. But they fail to remember the DEMS and the REP BOTH voted for that war.. Unlike Obama who bypassed Congress.. What is going on in Libya is Obama's fault and his fault alone. !!

That's what good lefties like to hear. Especially with an election coming up...

"Mr. Saeed said in his speech that the production crew of the video “must be hanged to set an example.”
Protesters held placards and shouted slogans against the United States government. One placard read, “O Obama, we are all Osama.” Another placard read, “Blasphemy is not freedom of expression, and its sentence is death.”
Crowds of Muslims chanting this across Cairo and much of the Muslim world, as they try to crash into American embassies and burn American flags. I thought president Hussein Obama was going to change Muslim attitudes with his "Message to the Muslim World" speech, in the beginning of his presidency? Also, so much for that false claim that "Muslims do not sympathize with Bin Laden and did not celebrate on 9-11" baloney.

Blood is now on Obama's hands. HE went into Libya without congress approval and now innocent people died because of Obama.. THe left cry about Iraq and Bush was the devil for going into there .. But they fail to remember the DEMS and the REP BOTH voted for that war.. Unlike Obama who bypassed Congress.. What is going on in Libya is Obama's fault and his fault alone. !!
He failed not only in Libya but every single foreign policy decision (or lack of) he's made has been a colossal failure. Hussein Obama = Jimmy Carter on steroids.

Tunisian Embassy Protesters Chanted: 'Obama, Obama, We Are All Osamas'
Business Insider ^ | Sep. 14, 2012, 8:40 PM | Joe Weisenthal

A chilling detail in this Reuters report on yesterday's protests at the US embassy in Tunisia from reporter Tarek Amara:

"Obama, Obama, we are all Osamas," they chanted, in reference to the slain al Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden.

The protesters pulled down the U.S. flag flying over the embassy, burned it, and replaced it with a black flag emblazoned with the Shahada, the Islamic declaration of faith.
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No no.. It's the 2 year old, 20 minute film..Liberals and the Main Sleaze Media said do.. You didn't see what you thought you saw..
So... Let me see if I have this straight...

Obama killed bin Laden, a hero to all these asshole Muslim radicals, a fate which was well deserved, but made him a martyr for their cause...

And now they're staging attacks against American bases, and screaming Bin Laden's name.

And you jackasses side with the Muslim radicals against Obama, to try and score political points.

Good work you traitorous bastards. Why do you hate America so much?
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If that attitude becomes more vocal and demonstrative, then it's going to put the campaign in quite a pickle to continue and use the killing of Osama as an advantage to making the US safer.
George W. Bush captured terrorists and set into motion everything to bring them to justice.

Obama was a vigilante who ordered to shoot first, rather than bring the offender to face justice.
Didn't they get obama's memo that it was all about the movie?
If they're going to make it abut movies then YouTube has a huge reserve of thousands of anti Islam movies, that tell the truth about Islam.
So... Let me see if I have this straight...

Obama killed bin Laden, a hero to all these asshole Muslim radicals, a fate which was well deserved, but made him a martyr for their cause...

And now they're staging attacks against American bases, and screaming Bin Laden's name.

And you jackasses side with the Muslim radicals against Obama, to try and score political points.

Good work you traitorous bastards. Why do you hate America so much?

Hey Mr. Delusional, no one is siding with Muslim radicals against Obama.
George W. Bush captured terrorists and set into motion everything to bring them to justice.

Obama was a vigilante who ordered to shoot first, rather than bring the offender to face justice.

America Hater.

Why do you love Osama Bin Laden? Is he your hero?
So... Let me see if I have this straight...

Obama killed bin Laden, a hero to all these asshole Muslim radicals, a fate which was well deserved, but made him a martyr for their cause...

And now they're staging attacks against American bases, and screaming Bin Laden's name.

And you jackasses side with the Muslim radicals against Obama, to try and score political points.

Good work you traitorous bastards. Why do you hate America so much?

We are really recognizing that the muslims are screaming Osama, and not "movie".
Hey Mr. Delusional, no one is siding with Muslim radicals against Obama.

Oh yes, they are.

These radical assholes are pissed because Obama killed Bin Laden.

And here you are blaming him because they're acting like spoiled children over it. Spoiled children with explosives and guns, that is.

The person I just responded to in my last post just complained that this is happening because Bin Laden didn't get a fair trial.

That's siding with the enemy against the President.

How does it feel to be an America hater?
and all the fucking democrats laughed when they threw shoes at President Bush,, great fun was had by all, now they fweelings is hurt cause they don't like obama either.. so how stupid can democrats get?
Hey Mr. Delusional, no one is siding with Muslim radicals against Obama.

Oh yes, they are.

These radical assholes are pissed because Obama killed Bin Laden.

And here you are blaming him because they're acting like spoiled children over it. Spoiled children with explosives and guns, that is.

The person I just responded to in my last post just complained that this is happening because Bin Laden didn't get a fair trial.

That's siding with the enemy against the President.

How does it feel to be an America hater?

Yes, well, when President Bush went after them you sided with the terrorists saying stupid shit like we're supposed to "win hearts and minds" well, how's that shit working out for you?
They aren't at all afraid of American rage are they? We should all be taking to the streets in one nationwide expression of blasphemy.

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