Obama no longer commands respect


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
hard hitting and the truth....from the WashingtonCompost, shocking but...
links in article at site


By Jennifer Rubin, Published: August 30 at 11:00 amE-mail the writer

Mark your calendar: Aug. 28, 2013. That was the day the roof fell in on President Obama. Our closest ally, Congress, the media and our military demonstrated their utter contempt for him. He has tried to avoid the world and U.S. involvement in it, so, naturally, his sudden call to arms (however weak and unsatisfactory) has provoked waves of skepticism.

In Britain, Prime Minister David Cameron was “deserted by rebels in his own Conservative Party [and] lost a parliamentary vote for provisional authorization for military action in Syria.” The White House vowed to go it alone, an ironic outcome for Obama, who berated his predecessor for failing to work with multi-lateral bodies.

President Bush, if you recall, assembled a coalition of the willing for Iraq, involving not only the United States and Britain, but also 47 other countries. Obama apologists can blame Iraq or President Bush all they like for the Parliament’s rejection, but it is Obama who has refused to address the public and continually signaled his lack of concern for the outcome in Syria. This is as much his defeat as it is Cameron’s.

Republicans and Democrats in Congress are pleading with the president to explain his rationale and the extent of his commitment. Again, the irony is hard to miss. The president contends he has all the executive power he needs to act without congressional authorization. John Yoo, the Bush Justice Department lawyer who wrote the controversial memos on enhanced interrogation techniques, tries to explain to grouchy Republicans that the Constitution leaves it to Congress to authorize war but allows the president to act as needed as commander in chief.

In my view, Obama and Yoo are right about the Constitution, but Congress is justified in insisting the president explain himself. Both parties lack understanding of his policy (or whether he even has one) and don’t trust his judgment. He failed to make the case because he did not want to involve the United States in Syria (he ends wars, you see) and does not seem convinced of the strategic importance of Syria.

all of it with COMMENTS at..
Obama no longer commands respect
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An ooddity is obama's intractable refusal to explain himself to the public. He doesn't have to, you understand. He's the king, the emperor and his rulership is on its way out.
hard hitting and the truth....from the WashingtonCompost, shocking but...
links in article at site


By Jennifer Rubin, Published: August 30 at 11:00 amE-mail the writer

Mark your calendar: Aug. 28, 2013. That was the day the roof fell in on President Obama. Our closest ally, Congress, the media and our military demonstrated their utter contempt for him. He has tried to avoid the world and U.S. involvement in it, so, naturally, his sudden call to arms (however weak and unsatisfactory) has provoked waves of skepticism.

In Britain, Prime Minister David Cameron was “deserted by rebels in his own Conservative Party [and] lost a parliamentary vote for provisional authorization for military action in Syria.” The White House vowed to go it alone, an ironic outcome for Obama, who berated his predecessor for failing to work with multi-lateral bodies.

President Bush, if you recall, assembled a coalition of the willing for Iraq, involving not only the United States and Britain, but also 47 other countries. Obama apologists can blame Iraq or President Bush all they like for the Parliament’s rejection, but it is Obama who has refused to address the public and continually signaled his lack of concern for the outcome in Syria. This is as much his defeat as it is Cameron’s.

Republicans and Democrats in Congress are pleading with the president to explain his rationale and the extent of his commitment. Again, the irony is hard to miss. The president contends he has all the executive power he needs to act without congressional authorization. John Yoo, the Bush Justice Department lawyer who wrote the controversial memos on enhanced interrogation techniques, tries to explain to grouchy Republicans that the Constitution leaves it to Congress to authorize war but allows the president to act as needed as commander in chief.

In my view, Obama and Yoo are right about the Constitution, but Congress is justified in insisting the president explain himself. Both parties lack understanding of his policy (or whether he even has one) and don’t trust his judgment. He failed to make the case because he did not want to involve the United States in Syria (he ends wars, you see) and does not seem convinced of the strategic importance of Syria.

all of it with COMMENTS at..
Obama no longer commands respect

Congress learnt from "Iraq" and "Afghanistan".

Obama still commands respect, he's just made a few mistakes is all.
He of course is not really running the USA show you know.
An ooddity is obama's intractable refusal to explain himself to the public. He doesn't have to, you understand. He's the king, the emperor and his rulership is on its way out.

Not long to go now, in reality, until Obama and family leave in the chopper as Bush did.
The nation seems to already be in next election mode.
Our beloved Pres. Obama will go down in history as one of the most influential presidents to ever occupy the White House.

And eventually join the Mount Rushmore pantheon of past great presidents like Washington and Lincoln. ..

BTW Sunni Man.

Look at the picture you are posting, it wasn't shopped to show support for Obama. I think Washington is about to come out and smack Obama in the Face. Lincoln looks like he's going to hit him in the back of the head. Teddy holds his head down in shame. Jefferson looks to the skies thinking HEAVEN HELP US.
^^^^ The 4 vaunted past presidents are in complete awe of Obama and his outstanding achievements on behalf of our nation and it's citizens.

Besides, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for, "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples" after only 11 days in office.

So don't be a hater. .. :cool:
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He commanded more respect than the two GOP candidates that ran against. Recieved the majority of the votes of American Citizens that voted.
He commanded more respect than the two GOP candidates that ran against. Recieved the majority of the votes of American Citizens that voted.

Do you libs ever grow up, his approvals are in the crapper with THE PEOPLE in this country, yet this is still thrown in people's face like IT still means crap..

gawd, grow up
Hiter won his election. So did Mohammed Morsi, Saddam Hussein was elected, frequently as was Hosni Mubarak. Mao Zedong won election with a landslide. George Bush won election in the US twice, just like Mao obama!

Winning elections is not governing the country and that's where obama failed. Democrats seem to feel that because obama won, twice, it means that democrats will win every election from here on. The country has elected a dictatorship, like the other did, and will never be permitted to change their minds.

If we stretch the facts to grant that at some point, obama had respect, it's clear he doesn't any more. At one time Britian was an ally of the United States. It isn't any more. At one time we had a strong economy, obama saw to it that we don't any more. Things change.

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