“obama needs to lead”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
All leaders has followers and no one wants to follow Obama so how the hell is he supposed to lead? Especially when they all want to be chiefs and no one wants to be the Indians. They want to lead and want Obama to follow their leads.
Obama leads from behind.

Obama may be moving toward something resembling a doctrine. One of his advisers described the president’s actions in Libya as “leading from behind.”

— Ryan Lizza, the New Yorker, May 2 issue
All leaders has followers and no one wants to follow Obama so how the hell is he supposed to lead? Especially when they all want to be chiefs and no one wants to be the Indians. They want to lead and want Obama to follow their leads.

He just won re election by resounding numbers. Surely all those Dems want to get behind him, right?
Leaders lead and they don't whine , bitch and cry when they don't get their way.

Obama is no more than a whiny little bitch boy.
All leaders has followers and no one wants to follow Obama so how the hell is he supposed to lead? Especially when they all want to be chiefs and no one wants to be the Indians. They want to lead and want Obama to follow their leads.

He just won re election by resounding numbers. Surely all those Dems want to get behind him, right?

The only problem is there is a great divide between the image and the man, marketing won the image the election the man has proven himself to be an incompetent POS.
He needs to continue to treat congress like the whinny little snotty brats they are. He may have whined in his first term trying to get along with them and it got him no where and nothing so now he is kicking their butts and enjoying every minute of it. And Congress need to do it's job and legislate. Congress went into deadlock the minute Obama took office.
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He's never led anything, this was his first management experience...

I didnt vote for this shit, others did
Wow, why doesn't he lead the nation like he lead the Harvard Law Review?

Can we hear about his leadership skills from his college and law review days?
He's not a leader, yet you people STILL voted for him..

how sad is that

Being a traditional "leader" just isn't in this guy's DNA. I think he's most comfortable on the stump, otherwise he'd rather be at his desk.

The Dems can only complain so much about the criticism. Look at the background check bill -- Obama couldn't even get some members of his own party to vote for it. That should have been a slam dunk, and that's a pretty clear indictment right there.

Obama is a puppet for whoever it is that is pulling his strings in the shadows

this is what we should be worried about..who is pulling his strings.

plus if he leads that could take time from his golf and parties him AND the little MaBell Obama throws EVERY WEEK
Obama hates the republicans and is giving them the government he believes they deserve. If he cared about you people he would arrange "accidents" for the worst traitors in the GOP. I'm sure he could. He just doesn't give a rat shit about you people any more.
Sorry Gramma, nobody follows whiny, petulant people.

The man thtinks he is king and cannot understand why everyone doesb't just roll over when he makes a decree.

Can you say lame duck?

Leaders lead and they don't whine , bitch and cry when they don't get their way.

Obama is no more than a whiny little bitch boy.

You just prove my point.:eusa_whistle:
Obama hates the republicans and is giving them the government he believes they deserve. If he cared about you people he would arrange "accidents" for the worst traitors in the GOP. I'm sure he could. He just doesn't give a rat shit about you people any more.

Tim russet
Andy briebart
Coroner doing Briebarts autopsy
Obama's gay lovers

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Obama hates the republicans and is giving them the government he believes they deserve. If he cared about you people he would arrange "accidents" for the worst traitors in the GOP. I'm sure he could. He just doesn't give a rat shit about you people any more.

Tim russet
Andy briebart
Coroner doing Briebarts autopsy
Obama's gay lovers

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Way to make yourself look crazier than usual. :clap2:

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