Obama Mispronounces "Corpsman" At Prayer Breakfast

Note to Obama: The "P" and "S" are silent.

How could this brilliant orator make such a glaring error?

Will the Leftists mock Obama like they did Bush for his butchered English?

I'm certain they won't.

We don't have to, the right will do just fine mocking him on their own.
Weren't Libs in agony over Bush's handling of the language?

wasn't jeremiah wright a corpsman? saved lbj's life or someshit like that. you'd think in twenty years it would have come up in conversation.

Jeremiah Wright enlisted without being drafted, served in the Marines honorably, then the Navy Medical Corp where he was valedictorian. Served as part of the team that operated on LBJ and received three White House commendations.

In 1972, it was discovered that the US government had been using blacks, without their knowledge, keeping them infected with syphilis, letting their wives and children become infected for generations (Tuskegee Experiment) just to see what would happen. That, plus the Jim Crow laws and the march for Civil Rights changed his view of what America is all about.

Barrack Obama wasn't part of that generation. He feelings are entirely different. You can't blame the children for the sins of the father.

Funny thing about the "valedictorian". Many white wingers on this site said there is no valedictorian in the Navy Medical Corps, but when I posted links to white veterans who had died and had been valedictorian, they shut up. No apologies. Because it's all about the hate.
We went through this before sweetness, the Navy isn't college, they don't have 'valedictorains.'

You posted no links, and nobody 'shut up' you moronic half wit.
When speaking about the military and you call them what sounds like CORPSE MEN, people have a right to be offended.

He also calls the enemy "Tolly bon" which sounds so sweet they should be on the breakfast menu along with Cinnabon.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUH_sUg1Sbs]YouTube - Barack Obama Mispronounces Massachusetts....MASSATOOSITS[/ame]

One word - crucify him.

At the same breakfast, he called to task those morons who go on and on about his "faith" and his "citizenship".

The white wing Republican Party hates him. Hates him to the bone. They are scared of him, they have whipped themselves into a frenzy, and they hate him. No way around it.

When seven Senators can write a bill, and then vote against it in Congress just to keep it from looking like a tiny victory for the president of the United States (and I use the word "United" loosely), the hate is clear. No way around it. It's all about the hate.

that's two words, dr oppenheimer :rofl:


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FHV1K9uPt0&NR=1"]YouTube - LEAVE OBAMA ALONE! SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE DISSEDby OBAMA! (Pete Peterkin)[/ame]
Petty bs if you ask me.
Yes, but one has to admit that this frequency of uttering verbal gaffes makes a mockery of all these assertions coming from the Obamabots to the effect that he is so brilliant and such a great orator. Not to mention the double standard being applied here with respect to Bush's gaffes and the silly 'potatoe' incident with Dan Quayle.
I do not believe this is an issue of him not knowing the word and how to pronounce it.
I think it may be more of an issue of how, when he uses the teleprompter, he is strictly reading words and not speaking from his heart.

Was he using a teleprompter?
Note to Obama: The "P" and "S" are silent.

How could this brilliant orator make such a glaring error?

Will the Leftists mock Obama like they did Bush for his butchered English?

I'm certain they won't.

you are doing it right here. Obama is human, and everybody will make a mistake on words, especially those giving speeches all the time.

bushism happened constantly. An d not just mistating words, but complete and utter stupid comments.
When speaking about the military and you call them what sounds like CORPSE MEN, people have a right to be offended.

He also calls the enemy "Tolly bon" which sounds so sweet they should be on the breakfast menu along with Cinnabon.

And he claims they're in the country of "pock-ee-staan"
One word - crucify him.

At the same breakfast, he called to task those morons who go on and on about his "faith" and his "citizenship".

The white wing Republican Party hates him. Hates him to the bone. They are scared of him, they have whipped themselves into a frenzy, and they hate him. No way around it.

When seven Senators can write a bill, and then vote against it in Congress just to keep it from looking like a tiny victory for the president of the United States (and I use the word "United" loosely), the hate is clear. No way around it. It's all about the hate.

that's two words, dr oppenheimer :rofl:



Obama only mispoke ONE word. Are all you guys idiots?

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