Obama lied, people died


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
President Obama Falsely Claims Fast and Furious Program "Begun Under the Previous Administration"

Asked about the Fast and Furious program at the Univision forum on Thursday, President Obama falsely claimed that the program began under President George W. Bush.

"I think it's important for us to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration," the president said. "When Eric Holder found out about it, he discontinued it. We assigned a inspector general to do a thorough report that was just issued, confirming that in fact Eric Holder did not know about this, that he took prompt action and the people who did initiate this were held accountable."
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In actuality, the Fast and Furious program was started in October 2009, nine months into the Obama presidency.

Previous programs involving ATF agents allowing guns to "walk" across the border so as to trace them were run during the Bush presidency, but not this particular "field-initiated program."

White House officials did not respond to a request for comment after the falsehood was pointed out to them.

President Obama Falsely Claims Fast and Furious Program "Begun Under the Previous Administration" - Yahoo! News

the liar is still stuck on boooooosh

this guy should not be president.
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a border agent was killed because of this program and the guy can't even take responsibility for it and has to blame bush.

a border agent was killed because of this program and the guy can't even take responsibility for it and has to blame bush.


The agent was murdered due to the policy of interdiction and incarceration, aka the war on drugs. The policy of shooting bean bag shots at armed smugglers had something to do with it too. F&F, not so much as the smugglers would have had guns regardless of F&F.

Bat-poop crazy man.
a border agent was killed because of this program and the guy can't even take responsibility for it and has to blame bush.


The agent was murdered due to the policy of interdiction and incarceration, aka the war on drugs. The policy of shooting bean bag shots at armed smugglers had something to do with it too. F&F, not so much as the smugglers would have had guns regardless of F&F.

Bat-poop crazy man.
Very poor logic.

The border agent WAS shot with one of the guns from F&F. I could equally be said that he would be alive today if Holder and Obama had exercised proper and mature prudence in enacting such a program.
a border agent was killed because of this program and the guy can't even take responsibility for it and has to blame bush.


The agent was murdered due to the policy of interdiction and incarceration, aka the war on drugs. The policy of shooting bean bag shots at armed smugglers had something to do with it too. F&F, not so much as the smugglers would have had guns regardless of F&F.

Bat-poop crazy man.
Very poor logic.

The border agent WAS shot with one of the guns from F&F. I could equally be said that he would be alive today if Holder and Obama had exercised proper and mature prudence in enacting such a program.

BS. You may as well blame the manufacturers too. There is no lack of guns with in the Cartels and the men who opened fire and murdered the agent would have still been armed.
Am I the only one who finds the idiot liberal dumbocrats complete and total disregard for human life repulsive?

They've been murdering babies for years and sadly, would like to drastically increase those numbers.

Then Obama gets a border agent killed, and the left just deflects and defends him to the ends of the earth and beyond. They just say stupid shit like "Romney won't release his tax forms". I mean, a man DIED and they try to talk about Romney's tax forms.

Then Obama gets a warning 3 days in advance of our embassy being stormed, he takes no actions, and it ends with an ambassador, two former US Navy Seals, and one other person DEAD. When we bring this up, the idiot liberal dumbocrats deflect and defend again, claiming we're "only talking about this because of Romney's 47% comment". I mean, WTF?!?!? There are people DEAD. D-E-A-D... what is wrong with these fucking people? Their families are suffering the worst form of grief, and still they won't criticize Obama for anything.
blindpoo....apparently doesn't care obama lied

White House Spokesman Eric Schultz said, “The President was referring to the flawed tactic of gun-walking, which despite Republicans efforts to politicize this issue, began under the previous Administration and it was our Attorney General who ended it.

And as I explained F&F was not responsible for the agents death, the Cartels are.
Am I the only one who finds the idiot liberal dumbocrats complete and total disregard for human life repulsive?

They've been murdering babies for years and sadly, would like to drastically increase those numbers.

Then Obama gets a border agent killed, and the left just deflects and defends him to the ends of the earth and beyond. They just say stupid shit like "Romney won't release his tax forms". I mean, a man DIED and they try to talk about Romney's tax forms.

Then Obama gets a warning 3 days in advance of our embassy being stormed, he takes no actions, and it ends with an ambassador, two former US Navy Seals, and one other person DEAD. When we bring this up, the idiot liberal dumbocrats deflect and defend again, claiming we're "only talking about this because of Romney's 47% comment". I mean, WTF?!?!? There are people DEAD. D-E-A-D... what is wrong with these fucking people? Their families are suffering the worst form of grief, and still they won't criticize Obama for anything.

The War on Drugs is responsible for the agents (and many many more) death. Since the President is continuing with this fascist policy he does bear some responsiblity. But then again so does everyone who supports the War on Drugs.
blindpoo....apparently doesn't care obama lied

White House Spokesman Eric Schultz said, “The President was referring to the flawed tactic of gun-walking, which despite Republicans efforts to politicize this issue, began under the previous Administration and it was our Attorney General who ended it.

And as I explained F&F was not responsible for the agents death, the Cartels are.

bullshit...even liberal media ABC said obama lied. it did not start until 9 months after obama took office. obama lied, people died. and you're making excuses for him.
Am I the only one who finds the idiot liberal dumbocrats complete and total disregard for human life repulsive?

They've been murdering babies for years and sadly, would like to drastically increase those numbers.

Then Obama gets a border agent killed, and the left just deflects and defends him to the ends of the earth and beyond. They just say stupid shit like "Romney won't release his tax forms". I mean, a man DIED and they try to talk about Romney's tax forms.

Then Obama gets a warning 3 days in advance of our embassy being stormed, he takes no actions, and it ends with an ambassador, two former US Navy Seals, and one other person DEAD. When we bring this up, the idiot liberal dumbocrats deflect and defend again, claiming we're "only talking about this because of Romney's 47% comment". I mean, WTF?!?!? There are people DEAD. D-E-A-D... what is wrong with these fucking people? Their families are suffering the worst form of grief, and still they won't criticize Obama for anything.

The War on Drugs is responsible for the agents (and many many more) death. Since the President is continuing with this fascist policy he does bear some responsiblity. But then again so does everyone who supports the War on Drugs.

Stop with your dope fetish, noone cares about drug legalization, just what we need more stoners and people who can barely function
Project Gunrunner was started in 2006, called Operation Wide Receiver under Bush, called F&F under Obama and ENDED by Obama.

Deal with it.
Project Gunrunner was started in 2006, called Operation Wide Receiver under Bush, called F&F under Obama and ENDED by Obama.

Deal with it.

In actuality, the Fast and Furious program was started in October 2009, nine months into the Obama presidency.

deal with it
Project Gunrunner was started in 2006, called Operation Wide Receiver under Bush, called F&F under Obama and ENDED by Obama.

Deal with it.

In actuality, the Fast and Furious program was started in October 2009, nine months into the Obama presidency.

deal with it

So you're saying that Project Gunrunner was started in 2006 and was not called Operation Wide Receiver under Bush?


Project Gunrunner was started in 2006, called Operation Wide Receiver under Bush, called F&F under Obama and ENDED by Obama.

Deal with it.

In actuality, the Fast and Furious program was started in October 2009, nine months into the Obama presidency.

deal with it

So you're saying that Project Gunrunner was started in 2006 and was not called Operation Wide Receiver under Bush?



you made the claim, YOU prove it.

btw...why have you run away from your ryan heckler thread? is it because i pwned your ass?
And the ATF chief said NEITHER the Bush OR Obama administration knew about the gun walking program the idiots in AZ were up to. So ALL this is pure Pubcrappe. Does show how programs got out of control under the incompetent Booshies, including that GSA conference. And somehow got fixed under greater Obama transparency. Pub dupe Foxbots!
In actuality, the Fast and Furious program was started in October 2009, nine months into the Obama presidency.

deal with it

So you're saying that Project Gunrunner was started in 2006 and was not called Operation Wide Receiver under Bush?



you made the claim, YOU prove it.

btw...why have you run away from your ryan heckler thread? is it because i pwned your ass?

luddly runs away again


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