CDZ Obama - Just Lucky ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
There is a general consensus around the world that Obama was a good President. I suspect the view is a bit more mixed in the US where partisanship is king.

But was he that good ?

He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump.

How much credit should he get for that ? Do Bush and Trump make him look better because they are so bad ?

How good a President was Obama ?
There is a general consensus around the world that Obama was a good President. I suspect the view is a bit more mixed in the US where partisanship is king.

But was he that good ?

He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump.

How much credit should he get for that ? Do Bush and Trump make him look better because they are so bad ?

How good a President was Obama ?
Obama was a very mediocre president and one of little significance. He fundamentally lacked the courage of his convictions and his signature achievements (Iran nuc treaty and Obamacare) will be the primary reasosn of his inconsequence and lack of legacy.
There is a general consensus around the world that Obama was a good President. I suspect the view is a bit more mixed in the US where partisanship is king.

But was he that good ?

He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump.

How much credit should he get for that ? Do Bush and Trump make him look better because they are so bad ?

How good a President was Obama ?

Not good at all. No redeeming qualities.
There is a general consensus around the world that Obama was a good President. I suspect the view is a bit more mixed in the US where partisanship is king.

But was he that good ?

He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump.

How much credit should he get for that ? Do Bush and Trump make him look better because they are so bad ?

How good a President was Obama ?
/----/ "He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump " I reject your premise. Obozo took what should have been a 6 month mild recession and turned it into an 8 year long one. GDP was in the tank when Trump won. it has almost doubled since no thanks to Obozo.
There is a general consensus around the world that Obama was a good President. I suspect the view is a bit more mixed in the US where partisanship is king.

But was he that good ?

He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump.

How much credit should he get for that ? Do Bush and Trump make him look better because they are so bad ?

How good a President was Obama ?
/----/ "He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump " I reject your premise. Obozo took what should have been a 6 month mild recession and turned it into an 8 year long one. GDP was in the tank when Trump won. it has almost doubled since no thanks to Obozo.
View attachment 174744

That picture right there would be called domestic violence in modern American households.
There is a general consensus around the world that Obama was a good President. I suspect the view is a bit more mixed in the US where partisanship is king.

But was he that good ?

He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump.

How much credit should he get for that ? Do Bush and Trump make him look better because they are so bad ?

How good a President was Obama ?
He had the 2nd worst recovery in history, #1 was fdr. Obama copied fdrs terrible ideas and dragged the economy to a near stop. American desire to succeed was more powerful than a government trying to kill it, again.
There is a general consensus around the world that Obama was a good President. I suspect the view is a bit more mixed in the US where partisanship is king.

But was he that good ?

He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump.

How much credit should he get for that ? Do Bush and Trump make him look better because they are so bad ?

How good a President was Obama ?

An unmitigated disaster of the highest order
He had the 2nd worst recovery in history, #1 was fdr. Obama copied fdrs terrible ideas and dragged the economy to a near stop. American desire to succeed was more powerful than a government trying to kill it, again.

Thank God there were no WPA "work camps" this time. Something tells me they would not have been as productive.
Obama's legacy will be trying to turn the FBI into the corrupt Democratic Party's secret police
He had the 2nd worst recovery in history, #1 was fdr. Obama copied fdrs terrible ideas and dragged the economy to a near stop. American desire to succeed was more powerful than a government trying to kill it, again.

Thank God there were no WPA "work camps" this time. Something tells me they would not have been as productive.
not enough young people are willing to work hard.

all that free ride stuff has really overtaken them
There is a general consensus around the world that Obama was a good President. I suspect the view is a bit more mixed in the US where partisanship is king.

But was he that good ?

He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump.

How much credit should he get for that ? Do Bush and Trump make him look better because they are so bad ?

How good a President was Obama ?

1. The United States of America is not some sort of Dictatorship where the President runs everything.

The last two years of Bush final term Democrats control the House and Senate which mean Pelosi and Reid along with Bush were at the wheel when the economy fell apart.

2. States drive the economy and when States economies like California and Texas slow, well so does the rest of America.

3. President Obana was a idealist President that failed to keep some of his promises and handed America the ACA which made the insurance companies richer while putting the burden on the American worker.

Final note:

If Obama wanted to fix the healthcare system then he should have dusted off the Nixon\Kennedy plan and had it ran through Congress.

Obama had two years where he could have gotten immigration reform done and did not because then it took a wedge issue off the table that Democrats love to use during election years.

Finally, Obama drone usage is looked at with negative views and if you disagree please by all means read Al-Jazeera for their opinion on the matter!

So why Obama a good President?

No but he was not the worst and Trump has done little to be the worst except his comments on Twitter!
There is a general consensus around the world that Obama was a good President. I suspect the view is a bit more mixed in the US where partisanship is king.

But was he that good ?

He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump.

How much credit should he get for that ? Do Bush and Trump make him look better because they are so bad ?

How good a President was Obama ?
I was a fan of Obummer at the start. He held a lot of promise. He ended up not doing much but stayed the course somewhat. Disappointing overall. C+
There is a general consensus around the world that Obama was a good President. I suspect the view is a bit more mixed in the US where partisanship is king.

But was he that good ?

He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump.

How much credit should he get for that ? Do Bush and Trump make him look better because they are so bad ?

How good a President was Obama ?
I was a fan of Obummer at the start. He held a lot of promise. He ended up not doing much but stayed the course somewhat. Disappointing overall. C+
/——/ I give Obozo the same grade he got in college, D-
There is a general consensus around the world that Obama was a good President. I suspect the view is a bit more mixed in the US where partisanship is king.

But was he that good ?

He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump.

How much credit should he get for that ? Do Bush and Trump make him look better because they are so bad ?

How good a President was Obama ?

He didn't save anything, in fact, he slowed down our recovery. He gave 155 billion dollars to Iran who is now using that money to build their nuke and to fund terrorists around the world, and pretty much destablized the world while he was in the states......he helped increase our violent crime rate by attacking our police forces and supporting the racist black lives matter groups......and he turned the IRS, the FBI, the State Department and the Department of Justice into weapons against his political enemies......

he is a vile man, who associated with racists and terrorists.....and he was a horrible President...
Unprepared to lead the country, unprepared to address and meet the challenges that faced the nation. Nothing more than a back bench liberal community organizer and follower of Saul Alinsky that could not see the forest for the trees.
There is a general consensus around the world that Obama was a good President. I suspect the view is a bit more mixed in the US where partisanship is king.

But was he that good ?

He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump.

How much credit should he get for that ? Do Bush and Trump make him look better because they are so bad ?

How good a President was Obama ?
/----/ "He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump " I reject your premise. Obozo took what should have been a 6 month mild recession and turned it into an 8 year long one. GDP was in the tank when Trump won. it has almost doubled since no thanks to Obozo.
View attachment 174744
Quote) Guess you did not have any stock, own a home, or other property. if you had you could never say, "it should have been a mild recession lasting 6 months" Go look up what was happening with Wall street & banks the months be for Obama took office.
Obama was no good, extremely weak abroad so that our foreign policy still is in trouble. That apologize-for-America tour!!

At a time of Muslim terrorism, why oh why did people elect a prez who is a Muslim? It's just wrong.

But he was the new, shiny object that came along at just the right moment: when America had to contemplate Hillary Clinton as president. As we have seen, whenever that happens, she loses, however strange her opponents many seem. Barack Hussein Obama, despite his awful name and worse history, came along at exactly the right time for his own promotion.
There is a general consensus around the world that Obama was a good President. I suspect the view is a bit more mixed in the US where partisanship is king.

But was he that good ?

He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump.

How much credit should he get for that ? Do Bush and Trump make him look better because they are so bad ?

How good a President was Obama ?
/----/ "He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump " I reject your premise. Obozo took what should have been a 6 month mild recession and turned it into an 8 year long one. GDP was in the tank when Trump won. it has almost doubled since no thanks to Obozo.
View attachment 174744
Quote) Guess you did not have any stock, own a home, or other property. if you had you could never say, "it should have been a mild recession lasting 6 months" Go look up what was happening with Wall street & banks the months be for Obama took office.
/—-/ I’ve owned stock and a home since 1978 and rental property for 15 years. Got any other wrong assumptions I can mock?
There is a general consensus around the world that Obama was a good President. I suspect the view is a bit more mixed in the US where partisanship is king.

But was he that good ?

He inherited a basket case from Bush and was able to save the country. And then he handed it on to Trump.

How much credit should he get for that ? Do Bush and Trump make him look better because they are so bad ?

How good a President was Obama ?
Obama was, and still is, a traitor.

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