Obama: Islam Is A Religion Of Peace

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But what about CRUSADERS.

The Crusaders were 500 years before that, dipshit. Did you fail world history at your Islamic madrassa?

Plus, if it weren't for Muslim invasions into Christian Europe, the Europeans wouldn't have Crusaded to get their lands back.

True Story, MOHOMMOD. :cool:
Well, It was Islam which forced to European be united and don't kill each others, as they were killing each other before Islam.

Yeah, your savage ancestors invaded Europe, so they stopped fighting between each other and united to defeat the invaders. Which means, the Crusades started because of barbarian Islamic invaders. Got it?
You are really dummy. In the last Crusade to Holly Land and got defeated by the Great Salatin, King Salatin also assured to European Kings that don't worry about Holly Land. Muslim can look after Jesus PBUH birth place as good as Christian.

Yeah, so why did Muslims invade land that was holy to Jews and Christians? Dummy.

Also, Saladin was a Kurd. Why are Sunni Muslim animals killing Kurds? Seems like when there are no Jews and Christians around, Muslims just start killing each other.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.
Then why European king left the holly land because they learnt that Muslim can take care of the Holly land better than them.
But what about CRUSADERS.

The Crusaders were 500 years before that, dipshit. Did you fail world history at your Islamic madrassa?

Plus, if it weren't for Muslim invasions into Christian Europe, the Europeans wouldn't have Crusaded to get their lands back.

True Story, MOHOMMOD. :cool:
Well, It was Islam which forced to European be united and don't kill each others, as they were killing each other before Islam.

Yeah, your savage ancestors invaded Europe, so they stopped fighting between each other and united to defeat the invaders. Which means, the Crusades started because of barbarian Islamic invaders. Got it?
You are really dummy. In the last Crusade to Holly Land and got defeated by the Great Salatin, King Salatin also assured to European Kings that don't worry about Holly Land. Muslim can look after Jesus PBUH birth place as good as Christian.

And 800 years later the West entered the 21st Century by successfully landing on a comet doing 40,000 mph and 4 BILLION miles away. Meanwhile the Arab/Muslim Mideast took one look at modernity and retreated to the 7th Century.
What ever jews paid agent say they can not the facts.
The Crusaders were 500 years before that, dipshit. Did you fail world history at your Islamic madrassa?

Plus, if it weren't for Muslim invasions into Christian Europe, the Europeans wouldn't have Crusaded to get their lands back.

True Story, MOHOMMOD. :cool:
Well, It was Islam which forced to European be united and don't kill each others, as they were killing each other before Islam.

Yeah, your savage ancestors invaded Europe, so they stopped fighting between each other and united to defeat the invaders. Which means, the Crusades started because of barbarian Islamic invaders. Got it?
You are really dummy. In the last Crusade to Holly Land and got defeated by the Great Salatin, King Salatin also assured to European Kings that don't worry about Holly Land. Muslim can look after Jesus PBUH birth place as good as Christian.

And 800 years later the West entered the 21st Century by successfully landing on a comet doing 40,000 mph and 4 BILLION miles away. Meanwhile the Arab/Muslim Mideast took one look at modernity and retreated to the 7th Century.
What ever jews paid agent say they can not the facts.

Assuming you understood a word of my post, perhaps you can do better than WHINE about its truths and try to make an adult argument?
The Crusaders were 500 years before that, dipshit. Did you fail world history at your Islamic madrassa?

Plus, if it weren't for Muslim invasions into Christian Europe, the Europeans wouldn't have Crusaded to get their lands back.

True Story, MOHOMMOD. :cool:
Well, It was Islam which forced to European be united and don't kill each others, as they were killing each other before Islam.

Yeah, your savage ancestors invaded Europe, so they stopped fighting between each other and united to defeat the invaders. Which means, the Crusades started because of barbarian Islamic invaders. Got it?
You are really dummy. In the last Crusade to Holly Land and got defeated by the Great Salatin, King Salatin also assured to European Kings that don't worry about Holly Land. Muslim can look after Jesus PBUH birth place as good as Christian.

And 800 years later the West entered the 21st Century by successfully landing on a comet doing 40,000 mph and 4 BILLION miles away. Meanwhile the Arab/Muslim Mideast took one look at modernity and retreated to the 7th Century.
What ever jews paid agent say they can not the facts.

Sing for us, Rehmani baby!
The Crusaders were 500 years before that, dipshit. Did you fail world history at your Islamic madrassa?

Plus, if it weren't for Muslim invasions into Christian Europe, the Europeans wouldn't have Crusaded to get their lands back.

True Story, MOHOMMOD. :cool:
Well, It was Islam which forced to European be united and don't kill each others, as they were killing each other before Islam.

Yeah, your savage ancestors invaded Europe, so they stopped fighting between each other and united to defeat the invaders. Which means, the Crusades started because of barbarian Islamic invaders. Got it?
You are really dummy. In the last Crusade to Holly Land and got defeated by the Great Salatin, King Salatin also assured to European Kings that don't worry about Holly Land. Muslim can look after Jesus PBUH birth place as good as Christian.

Yeah, so why did Muslims invade land that was holy to Jews and Christians? Dummy.

Also, Saladin was a Kurd. Why are Sunni Muslim animals killing Kurds? Seems like when there are no Jews and Christians around, Muslims just start killing each other.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.
Then why European king left the holly land because they learnt that Muslim can take care of the Holly land better than them.

Since I imagine Rehmani considers himself a good Muslim, perhaps he can tell us why the Muslims keep on persecuting the Christians in the Middle East. After all, we are aware of the fact that the Mohammed's gang left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded the surrounding countries, forcing many of the Christians to convert and killing so many who refused. Now today the descendents of these early Christians (let us remember that so many have already fled these countries because of the Muslim animosity toward them) can't even practice their religion in peace and many of their churches have been destroyed.
Well, It was Islam which forced to European be united and don't kill each others, as they were killing each other before Islam.

Yeah, your savage ancestors invaded Europe, so they stopped fighting between each other and united to defeat the invaders. Which means, the Crusades started because of barbarian Islamic invaders. Got it?
You are really dummy. In the last Crusade to Holly Land and got defeated by the Great Salatin, King Salatin also assured to European Kings that don't worry about Holly Land. Muslim can look after Jesus PBUH birth place as good as Christian.

And 800 years later the West entered the 21st Century by successfully landing on a comet doing 40,000 mph and 4 BILLION miles away. Meanwhile the Arab/Muslim Mideast took one look at modernity and retreated to the 7th Century.
What ever jews paid agent say they can not the facts.

Sing for us, Rehmani baby!

You beat me to it!
Well, It was Islam which forced to European be united and don't kill each others, as they were killing each other before Islam.

Yeah, your savage ancestors invaded Europe, so they stopped fighting between each other and united to defeat the invaders. Which means, the Crusades started because of barbarian Islamic invaders. Got it?
You are really dummy. In the last Crusade to Holly Land and got defeated by the Great Salatin, King Salatin also assured to European Kings that don't worry about Holly Land. Muslim can look after Jesus PBUH birth place as good as Christian.

And 800 years later the West entered the 21st Century by successfully landing on a comet doing 40,000 mph and 4 BILLION miles away. Meanwhile the Arab/Muslim Mideast took one look at modernity and retreated to the 7th Century.
What ever jews paid agent say they can not the facts.

Sing for us, Rehmani baby!

They're not camel jockeys ... they're camels. Can anyone envision a time when those "people" will land a craft on a comet? Ever?
Sir Winston Churchill: :clap2:

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!
Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia
in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many
countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods
of commerce and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the
Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and
refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan
law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as
a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the
faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion
paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde
force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant
and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising
fearless warriors at every step, and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the
strong arms of science, the science against which it (Islam) has vainly struggled,
the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”
If you just come out from your scary Islamic phobia mind, you will notice that world has change and no wonder current change come through Europe but Europe change through Islam, if you can think honestly.

Rehmani-----since you cannot manage to make any sense at all-----why not try to learn something before posting---you are incessant in proving yourself an idiot
Look your sense not working, before Islam European were killing each other.

There was the Reformation, Rehmani, something that the Muslims should have so that they will stop killing each other. Plus, if there was no Islam, there would certainly be more Christians living in the Middle East.
They aren't the enemy of GP's enemies but rather Nazi George is just a goosestepper who finds the Israeli/Arab conflict a convenient place to express his hate for Jooos. He's finally out of that closet.
My enemies are those who profit from war and private debt and exempt Jews from fundamental standards of morality and international law...trolls like you, in other words.:argue:
They aren't the enemy of GP's enemies but rather Nazi George is just a goosestepper who finds the Israeli/Arab conflict a convenient place to express his hate for Jooos. He's finally out of that closet.
My enemies are those who profit from war and private debt and exempt Jews from fundamental standards of morality and international law...trolls like you, in other words.:argue:

That's a lame attempt at cloaking your hate in self-serving sanctimony ... a common Nazi tactic. You outta your closet ya goosesteppin' slug. Seig Heil!
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That's a lame attempt at cloaking your hate in self-serving sanctimony ... a common Nazi tactic. You outta your closet ya goosesteppin' slug. Seig Heil!
"Until the time of general armistice of the 1948 war, the situation had changed to the point that Israel had taken over 77 percent of the Palestinian land with a substantial amount of the good soil, classified in the British Mandate as among the three types of soils present.

"The expropriation was also made to the privately owned land by the Arabs where 80% of it was confiscated by the Israelis with another 40 percent taken away from the Palestinians.

"According to an estimate, the total loss resulting from the unjust land acquisition by the Zionists reached up to 7.43 billion pounds."
All good Nazis would approve.
How did the Zionists acquire land in Palestine
They aren't the enemy of GP's enemies but rather Nazi George is just a goosestepper who finds the Israeli/Arab conflict a convenient place to express his hate for Jooos. He's finally out of that closet.
My enemies are those who profit from war and private debt and exempt Jews from fundamental standards of morality and international law...trolls like you, in other words.:argue:

Persons who would be enemies to you, Georgie----are persons who have the discernment to understand the filth
which you are
There are countless instances where Obama deserves criticism, this isn't one of them in my opinion.
Obama is a dupe for the the "Religion of Peace".

funny... baby bush was the one who turned iraq into a fundie state.... and forced elections in gaza which netted us hamas.

this president got out of israel's way when they needed to clean out gaza.

who is the dupe again?

No one forced elections in gaza, it was all of Palestine that voted on who would be their next government and the Palestinians chose hamas the terrorists. You need to start researching your information better and seeing that the first elections time was up so another election had to be held. Since then hamas has refused to hold any more elections and have become dictators.
That's a lame attempt at cloaking your hate in self-serving sanctimony ... a common Nazi tactic. You outta your closet ya goosesteppin' slug. Seig Heil!
"Until the time of general armistice of the 1948 war, the situation had changed to the point that Israel had taken over 77 percent of the Palestinian land with a substantial amount of the good soil, classified in the British Mandate as among the three types of soils present.

"The expropriation was also made to the privately owned land by the Arabs where 80% of it was confiscated by the Israelis with another 40 percent taken away from the Palestinians.

"According to an estimate, the total loss resulting from the unjust land acquisition by the Zionists reached up to 7.43 billion pounds."
All good Nazis would approve.
How did the Zionists acquire land in Palestine

Who gave the land to the arab muslims, show the treaties signed that stated this is arab muslim land in Palestine. Because the only one I can find specifically says that the land is not arab muslims.
From Jillian
no. it says he isn't a bigot and and can separate terrorists from other muslims.

I really do not believe that Obama's deference to the scummy
king of Saudi Arabia was all that significant-----he was just doing "their etiquette"------but I also see no evidence that his
ability to discern who is what ------in the Ummah is any better
than anyone else in Washington-------the record of the
"DISCERNMENT" is dismal
That's a lame attempt at cloaking your hate in self-serving sanctimony ... a common Nazi tactic. You outta your closet ya goosesteppin' slug. Seig Heil!
"Until the time of general armistice of the 1948 war, the situation had changed to the point that Israel had taken over 77 percent of the Palestinian land with a substantial amount of the good soil, classified in the British Mandate as among the three types of soils present.

"The expropriation was also made to the privately owned land by the Arabs where 80% of it was confiscated by the Israelis with another 40 percent taken away from the Palestinians.

"According to an estimate, the total loss resulting from the unjust land acquisition by the Zionists reached up to 7.43 billion pounds."
All good Nazis would approve.
How did the Zionists acquire land in Palestine

Who gave the land to the arab muslims, show the treaties signed that stated this is arab muslim land in Palestine. Because the only one I can find specifically says that the land is not arab muslims.

Georgie resorts to the ISLAMO NAZI BIG LIE-----which is-----all land not privately owned by jews in Palestine -----was
PRIVATELY OWNED BY ARAB MUSLIMS---------big big big lie------the fact is that jews owned something like 7% of the land ------by PURCHASE -------and---arab muslims virtually
ZERO------well ----a fraction of a percent. Most of the land
was simply not privately owned-----neither is the GRAND CANYON. In order to understand this silly lie---one has to
know the islamo concept of "MUSLIM LAND"-------where ever a muslim ever murdered, raped, pillaged, ensaved, or defecated is MUSLIM LAND FOREVER -----which is why

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