Obama Is Losing Gun Regulation As An Issue


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

In case you hadn't noticed, Obama is losing the gun debate. All of these scandals have taken the issue away from him. He cannot win it in the court of public opinion anymore because all of these new revelations of spying on private citizens and IRS abuse has taken the issue out of his hands, publically. He's going to have to resort to taking our civil liberties away in secret, like he has with everything else. Personally I think he likes it that way.

The Obama Administration is totally lawless. They could care less who they hurt in their "Lean Forward" movement which is essentially a coup. A complete takeover of the government by radical leftists. They can't use legislation to take our guns anymore. Now they have to do it like they've done everything else. By causing fear of what the government will do next.


After seeing the violence that a gun-free society can cause I don't think Obama can sell the idea to us anymore. Especially since he's turned out to be such a lying snake in the grass.


Yesterday in Santa Monica John Zawahri got into a beef with his parents, killed both of them, high jacked a car to the nearest college campus and started shooting students in a well known gun-free zone, once again proving that all gun-free zones protect us from is living out our lives peacefully.

Obama has lost this debate big-time.

Obama is losing nothing. He already lost. The time that he could have enacted gun legislation was right after Sandy Hook and every week that passes leads to a smaller chance that is going to happen. It is already too late and that is one of the reasons that you don’t hear about it anymore – they no longer want to trumpet an issue that they lost and the other side does not want to trumpet a victory that can so easily be used to drag them through the mud.
Obama has lost all Moral Authority( for me he never had it but he sure thought he did) thanks to his corrupt and dirty appointments...

he has no standing to go around lecturing others on ANYTHING..

He should just stay home, stop wasting our money with all his travels to give his sermons...people are TIRED of him already
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obama lost every issue. He cannot get more gun control. He cannot get amnesty through. The growing list of daily scandals is swamping his presidency. The biggest accomplishment of democrat move to gun control is a bid to split Colorado.
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obama lost every issue. He cannot get more gun control. He cannot get amnesty through. The growing list of daily scandals is swamping his presidency. The biggest accomplishment of democrat move to gun control is a bid to split Colorado.

people were warned if they elected a Junior Senator in Congress who was only a State Senator from Illinois of all places
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obama lost every issue. He cannot get more gun control. He cannot get amnesty through. The growing list of daily scandals is swamping his presidency. The biggest accomplishment of democrat move to gun control is a bid to split Colorado.

people were warned if they elected a Junior Senator in Congress who was only a State Senator from Illinois of all places

no kidding and the gov here, Dickenlooper is a complete commie joke....this guy is a far left boulder type.
US gun control is no longer an issue because when the congress goes home this summer the big-o is signing the UN gun control bill. By the time congress comes back he expects everyone to have forgotten about it and then it will pass without dissent.

It is our job to make sure that doesn't happen! You should start writing now not to pass the UN gun bill.
Write your representatives - all of them and keep writing until it is defeated next fall.
NOTHING can happen until Pubs are bounced in 2014....They ignored 85-90% on background checks...only dupes care about these "scandals"...
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NOTHING can happen until Pubs are bounced in 2014....They ignored 85-90% on background checks...only dupes care about these "scandals"...

Only a retard thinks that the background check regulations haven't already been changed.

Anyone who's tried to buy a gun since the election knows this.

New regulations from the White House went into effect in Dec. and it is already more difficult to buy guns. This issue is a red herring.
NOTHING can happen until Pubs are bounced in 2014....They ignored 85-90% on background checks...only dupes care about these "scandals"...

Only a retard thinks that the background check regulations haven't already been changed.

Anyone who's tried to buy a gun since the election knows this.

New regulations from the White House went into effect in Dec. and it is already more difficult to buy guns. This issue is a red herring.

Look what is happening in California? DOJ on deliberate slow-down. Kamala Harris is being sued

The Calguns Foundation, 7 Californians Sue Attorney General Kamala Harris, DOJ Over Gun Delays | Calguns FoundationCalguns Foundation

US gun control is no longer an issue because when the congress goes home this summer the big-o is signing the UN gun control bill. By the time congress comes back he expects everyone to have forgotten about it and then it will pass without dissent.

It is our job to make sure that doesn't happen! You should start writing now not to pass the UN gun bill.
Write your representatives - all of them and keep writing until it is defeated next fall.

Treaty law does not and never will override US law. That is a simple fact.

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