Obama Imposed 75,000 Pages of New Regulations in 2014


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
We can only pray that at least some of them do some good. Who in the world can know what is in all 75000 pages? And what in the heck is the purpose of Congress?

Just in the last few weeks, the Obama administration has proposed or imposed over 1,200 new regulations on the American people that will add even more to the already crushing $2 trillion per year cost burden of the federal regulatory machine. According to data compiled from the federal government’s Regulations.gov website by the Daily Caller, most of the new regulatory schemes involve energy and the environment — 139 during a mere two-week period in December, to be precise. In all, the Obama administration foisted more than 75,000 pages of regulations on the United States in 2014, costing over $200 billion, on the low end, if new proposed rules are taken into account.

Obama Imposed 75 000 Pages of New Regulations in 2014
Is that alot?

I am thinking that it sounds like a lot since the Constitution is about 8,700 words.

I assume that many of them are needed. I just hope the rest doesn't screw up what appears to be, finally, economic growth.
Obama and his radical regime plans on strangling the life out of us one way or another

Hey you voted for the pukes
Obama and his radical regime plans on strangling the life out of us one way or another

Hey you voted for the pukes

Honestly, do you really think his objective is to " strangling the life our of us?" What would be his purpose in doing so? He certainly hasn't strangled the life out of the Health care industry which I thought was his objective.

I am not taking his side but I can't think of anything he has effectively strangled the life out of except maybe the electric coal industries. I am more then willing to listen to concrete examples.

I hope you weren't saying I voted for him. I am one of those Bible clinging gun toting white rednecks he talked about.
Obama and his radical regime plans on strangling the life out of us one way or another

Hey you voted for the pukes

Honestly, do you really think his objective is to " strangling the life our of us?" What would be his purpose in doing so? He certainly hasn't strangled the life out of the Health care industry which I thought was his objective.

I am not taking his side but I can't think of anything he has effectively strangled the life out of except maybe the electric coal industries. I am more then willing to listen to concrete examples.

I hope you weren't saying I voted for him. I am one of those Bible clinging gun toting white rednecks he talked about.

No I wasn't referring to you. What do you think all those regulations on TOP OF regulations do to a business and the people in the country? set them free?

sorry but it's just another way to put a stranglehold on business and give the Government more monies in their pockets all under the "guise" of being good for the people.
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Is that alot?

I am thinking that it sounds like a lot since the Constitution is about 8,700 words.

I assume that many of them are needed. I just hope the rest doesn't screw up what appears to be, finally, economic growth.

The Constitution is a framework of Government that sets up the organization of our Government. Its intent is to allow those Government bodies to write those regulations

The question is....In the most powerful nation on earth, a nation of over 300 million, a nation of emense wealth.....how many regulations are needed?
Obama and his radical regime plans on strangling the life out of us one way or another

Hey you voted for the pukes

Honestly, do you really think his objective is to " strangling the life our of us?" What would be his purpose in doing so? He certainly hasn't strangled the life out of the Health care industry which I thought was his objective.

I am not taking his side but I can't think of anything he has effectively strangled the life out of except maybe the electric coal industries. I am more then willing to listen to concrete examples.

I hope you weren't saying I voted for him. I am one of those Bible clinging gun toting white rednecks he talked about.

No I wasn't referring to you. What do you think all those regulations on TOP OF regulations do to a business and the people in the country? set them free?

sorry but it's just another way to put a stranglehold on business and give the Government more monies in their pockets all under the "guise" of being good for the people.

Not disagreeing just would like come concrete examples of the stranglehold. Or maybe the coal industry is example enough.

I do believe some regulation is needed. The Love Chanel is a prime example and some companies that are in the fracking business would be more then happy to dump their waste into our water supply. All regulation is not bad, in my opinion.

But I would say that the number issued by Obama and the timing of them makes one wonder.
Is that alot?

I am thinking that it sounds like a lot since the Constitution is about 8,700 words.

I assume that many of them are needed. I just hope the rest doesn't screw up what appears to be, finally, economic growth.

The Constitution is a framework of Government that sets up the organization of our Government. Its intent is to allow those Government bodies to write those regulations

The question is....In the most powerful nation on earth, a nation of over 300 million, a nation of emense wealth.....how many regulations are needed?

more on this this wonderful President who swears he cares about JOBS for all of you out there. We the people need to demand they DEFUND the EPA and a Dozen other out of control Government agencies like the IRS. They have been turned into separate tyrants
Obama Admin Publishes 1200 New Regs Ahead of New Year
By Emily Zanotti on 12.31.14 | 12:37PM
Happy New Year's Eve!
Okay, so yes, I know a lot of you are still busy writing me hate mail from yesterday. But before we end our year on the wrong note, let's remember who the real problem is here. And I don't mean every journalist who has taken the opportunity presented by Steve Scalise to encourage David Duke to re-enter the cultural gestalt. Tonight, while you're too busy getting wasted on cheap champagne and arguing with your Uber driver over surge pricing to notice, the Obama Administration will be busily printing up and presenting 1200 new regulations for Congressional approval.

The Obama administration is cramming like a college student trying to study for a final exam, publishing more than 1,200 new regulations in the last 15 days alone, according to data from Regulations.gov.

Energy and environment rules are the biggest category, with 139 published by the federal government in the last 15 days, according to Regulations.gov.

One of the most contentious new regulations is the EPA’s coal ash rule. The rule has been criticized by the coal industry and environmental groups — though for entirely different reasons — and has a price tag of up to $20.3 billion. The rule was finalized last Friday.
Believe it or not, printing and presenting only 1200 rules is actually considered slacking for the Obama Admin, but honestly, after all of the regulations they've printed and presented this year - all $200 billion worth of them - there really wasn't much left to regulate. Plus, according to sources, the Obama Admin regulatory plan for 2015 is a veritable masterpiece of governmental interference, and they'd prefer that you paid attention to that one.
So enjoy that hydraulic fracturing while you can, America. It's going to be a very interesting new year.

Obama Admin Publishes 1200 New Regs Ahead of New Year The American Spectator
We can only pray that at least some of them do some good. Who in the world can know what is in all 75000 pages? And what in the heck is the purpose of Congress?

Just in the last few weeks, the Obama administration has proposed or imposed over 1,200 new regulations on the American people that will add even more to the already crushing $2 trillion per year cost burden of the federal regulatory machine. According to data compiled from the federal government’s Regulations.gov website by the Daily Caller, most of the new regulatory schemes involve energy and the environment — 139 during a mere two-week period in December, to be precise. In all, the Obama administration foisted more than 75,000 pages of regulations on the United States in 2014, costing over $200 billion, on the low end, if new proposed rules are taken into account.

Obama Imposed 75 000 Pages of New Regulations in 2014

Your own link is fluff at best, offering no substantiation nor context.

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