Obama hits Romney with new Medicare study


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Obama hits Romney with new Medicare study | US National Headlines | Comcast

Campaigning for a second day in Florida, where older voters and workers approaching retirement hold sway, Obama on Sunday was expected to highlight a study by a Democratic leaning group that concluded that on average a man or woman retiring at age 65 in 2023, would have to pay $59,500 more for health care over the length of their retirement under Romney's plan.

Romney spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg said the vice president's comments were "further proof that the Obama campaign is unable and unwilling to talk honestly or substantively about the most important issues driving the country."

Yea , an Obama care will be free to all...In Obama world everthing is free....Money will just fall out of your ass as you walk,no need to work ,obama will take care of you, right up to the time you move into a cardboard box.....
Obama hits Romney with new Medicare study | US National Headlines | Comcast

Campaigning for a second day in Florida, where older voters and workers approaching retirement hold sway, Obama on Sunday was expected to highlight a study by a Democratic leaning group that concluded that on average a man or woman retiring at age 65 in 2023, would have to pay $59,500 more for health care over the length of their retirement under Romney's plan.

They say Bill Clinton will be spending a few days in the middle of the week visiting Florida, as well. I'm assuming he'll be polishing his very understandable, very down-to-earth Medicare arguments.

Obama hits Romney with new Medicare study | US National Headlines | Comcast

Campaigning for a second day in Florida, where older voters and workers approaching retirement hold sway, Obama on Sunday was expected to highlight a study by a Democratic leaning group that concluded that on average a man or woman retiring at age 65 in 2023, would have to pay $59,500 more for health care over the length of their retirement under Romney's plan.

They say Bill Clinton will be spending a few days in the middle of the week visiting Florida, as well. I'm assuming he'll be polishing his very understandable, very down-to-earth Medicare arguments.


You mean "lies", right?
That Obama has to trot out the only president in the 20th century to be impeached shows his level of desperation. Team Obama will roll out Mediscare in FL. But the old folks aren't buying it. They know who has cut $500B from Medicare and who is proposing reforms to save it.
You mean "lies", right?


I doubt even you're buying your bullshit anymore. The right made the tactical error here in April 2011 when they began their assault on Medicare.

Who has cut $500B out of medicare to fund Obamacare?
People have little trust in Obama on Medicare. Rightly so.
Once this election is over you'll have to go back to bussing tables.
You mean "lies", right?


I doubt even you're buying your bullshit anymore. The right made the tactical error here in April 2011 when they began their assault on Medicare.

He's right you're wrong, Obama's lying.

Both the Romney/Ryan plan (which used to be called the Wyden/Ryan plan because it was a bi-partisan effort), and Obama's plan will cause seniors to pay more. It's just that one side or the other fiddles with the numbers, and omits certain factors to poke the other guy with.

Medicare and Medicaid cannot go on as is. Something will have to be done and someone's going to have to pay, either the beneficiaries, the healthcare providers, or the taxpayers. Both plans are basically the same.
Obama hits Romney with new Medicare study | US National Headlines | Comcast

Campaigning for a second day in Florida, where older voters and workers approaching retirement hold sway, Obama on Sunday was expected to highlight a study by a Democratic leaning group that concluded that on average a man or woman retiring at age 65 in 2023, would have to pay $59,500 more for health care over the length of their retirement under Romney's plan.

They say Bill Clinton will be spending a few days in the middle of the week visiting Florida, as well. I'm assuming he'll be polishing his very understandable, very down-to-earth Medicare arguments.


You mean "lies", right?
That Obama has to trot out the only president in the 20th century to be impeached shows his level of desperation. Team Obama will roll out Mediscare in FL. But the old folks aren't buying it. They know who has cut $500B from Medicare and who is proposing reforms to save it.

Really? Post the figures.

Answer this too. The GOP promises to end entitlements. What entitlements (if not social security and Medicare/Medicaid)?
I noticed that that no one is asking the Dem's where they came up with 6,400.00 more that Seniors would have to pay for Medicare.I think it's from the cost of closing the donut hole by Dem's estimates, not the cost of yearly premiums.
Does anyone have that information as to where that figure came from?
I could not find it.
They say Bill Clinton will be spending a few days in the middle of the week visiting Florida, as well. I'm assuming he'll be polishing his very understandable, very down-to-earth Medicare arguments.


You mean "lies", right?
That Obama has to trot out the only president in the 20th century to be impeached shows his level of desperation. Team Obama will roll out Medicare in FL. But the old folks aren't buying it. They know who has cut $500B from Medicare and who is proposing reforms to save it.

Really? Post the figures.

Answer this too. The GOP promises to end entitlements. What entitlements (if not social security and Medicare/Medicaid)?

Not end entitlements, reform entitlements. The large entitlements are part of why we are going broke. The congressional budget office says that they must be reformed and costs need to be brought down.
They have to be reformed and Dem's are not addressing this at all.

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