Obama has a big problem

Obama has taken the pastor out of his campaign.

Why no complaints about the Pastor Hayden who McCain has accepted? He said the Catholic Church is a Whore. Oh, that's right you do believe it is a whore.

If you are comparing the Asian experience in America to the Black experience as being equal, you are full of sound and fury and quite a bit of bullshit.

Obama has risen above the inherent barriers of being a black in America. I guess he doesn't get credit in your eyes like the Asians?

--Inherent barrier? What would this be? How are blacks excluded from any right that the rest of us enjoy?
Obama has taken the pastor out of his campaign.

Why no complaints about the Pastor Hayden who McCain has accepted? He said the Catholic Church is a Whore. Oh, that's right you do believe it is a whore.

If you are comparing the Asian experience in America to the Black experience as being equal, you are full of sound and fury and quite a bit of bullshit.

Obama has risen above the inherent barriers of being a black in America. I guess he doesn't get credit in your eyes like the Asians?

Pastor Hayden wasn't Mccain's pastor.....LOL

Plus Obama has made comments in his book that are all too similar to Dr. Racist Wright's words.
Some things just don't matter. No matter how much displays the way they hate the American way,...somebody always has to make it sound otherwise. .....Sad but true!
It is not going away. CNN, FOX, and MSNBC all were talking it up. It is only a matter of time before someone finds a picture of Obama sitting listening to Wright.
A few weeks ago I was confident of a Democratic President in the WH in 2009. Now, I don't know...

I'll say this much:

McCain sure is lame, but I salivate at the thought of going up against either Hillary or Obama. The attack ads will write themselves.


Rev. Wright saying "God Damn America." Shot of Obama. Quote: "He's my spiritual mentor."

Paid for by McCain for President.
It's only a matter of time.

I can see it now. A video of Obama yelling "Amen" to the words of Pastor Wright.

Then cuts to John McCain, "I'm John McCain, and I approve this message."

End times are near, jeez this is a good reason for thos who enjoy life to vote for Obama.

This piece showcases some of the especially egregious anti-Jewish writings of Christians United For Israel founder John Hagee.


Max Blumenthal, at the 2007 Washignton DC CUFI Conference, confronts John Hagee with his written assertion that Jews themselves are to blame for the Holocaust.

End times are near, jeez this is a good reason for thos who enjoy life to vote for Obama.

This piece showcases some of the especially egregious anti-Jewish writings of Christians United For Israel founder John Hagee.


Max Blumenthal, at the 2007 Washignton DC CUFI Conference, confronts John Hagee with his written assertion that Jews themselves are to blame for the Holocaust.


LOL doesn't one's own words mean anything to you? Obama made similar statements in his book as his racist pastor. You have a weak argument that somebody that simply supports a canidate has the same weight as Obama and his racist pastor of 20 years.
I agree with Jreeves...the fact is, most Americans are not racist these days, and if we want to elect a racist (the minority) to the presidency, we're sending the wrong representation.
End times are near, jeez this is a good reason for thos who enjoy life to vote for Obama.

This piece showcases some of the especially egregious anti-Jewish writings of Christians United For Israel founder John Hagee.


Max Blumenthal, at the 2007 Washignton DC CUFI Conference, confronts John Hagee with his written assertion that Jews themselves are to blame for the Holocaust.


The thing is, you can find a million outrageous things Hagee says and it won't effect McCain's chance of winning the presidency. Not fair, but reality.
The thing is, you can find a million outrageous things Hagee says and it won't effect McCain's chance of winning the presidency. Not fair, but reality.

I disagree. The democrats have to stop taking the high road and follow Rove's tactics, not in the sense of making things up, but by hitting back hard on any issue. The majority of people only hear the highlights so it is critical the dems call out McCain for his past irrelevancies too. :evil:
I disagree. The democrats have to stop taking the high road and follow Rove's tactics, not in the sense of making things up, but by hitting back hard on any issue. The majority of people only hear the highlights so it is critical the dems call out McCain for his past irrelevancies too. :evil:

Care to post those "irrelevancies" for the rest of us?
If you are comparing the Asian experience in America to the Black experience as being equal, you are full of sound and fury and quite a bit of bullshit.

Obama has risen above the inherent barriers of being a black in America. I guess he doesn't get credit in your eyes like the Asians?

So I guess the Chinese coolies and imported prostitutes are just a figment of my imagination...

Obama doesn't get real credit for being black in the eyes of "real" black Americans either…although it's not been a real problem for him.

Is Obama Black Enough?
Hey, hate to be the bearer of BAD NEWS, but Obama has MANY problems, and they will grow with public inspection.

He will become the poster child for flaming candle.

Here today, gone tomorrow.............:eusa_hand:
"Senator Obama has said repeatedly that personal attacks such as this have no place in this campaign or our politics, whether they're offered from a platform at a rally or the pulpit of a church," said Bill Burton, a campaign spokesman.

Um, actually Senetor Obama, attacks on your character are exactly what the people need to know. First your wifes antics about how, "for the first time every she is actually proud of the U.S", undoubtibly due to the fact that an african american is running for president. Secondly, if you attended this church and had close relation with this radical race driven pastor, I'm going to go with the assumption that you stand by and agree with his views on being oppressed by the "Rich white man"!

Obviously Mr. Obama bin Senetor is going to deny and even bash sermons preached by his loved Pastor, but I bet he was singing his praises and amens when he was listening to the ol' racist's ramblings.

"My parents shared not only an improbable love, they shared an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation. They would give me an African name, Barack, or blessed, believing that in a tolerant America your name is no barrier to success".
Barack Obama 08':eusa_think:
I guess Obama hates his white mother?

Thread over

This should explain his mother.
Descended from a white American mother and black Kenyan father, the Illinois Democrat once wrote: “He was black as pitch, my mother white as milk.”

In his first memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” Obama observed that when people discover his mixed-race heritage, they make assumptions about “the mixed blood, the divided soul, the ghostly image of the tragic mulatto trapped between two worlds.”

Indeed, Obama acknowledges feeling tormented for much of his life by “the constant, crippling fear that I didn't belong somehow, that unless I dodged and hid and pretended to be something I wasn't, I would forever remain an outsider, with the rest of the world, black and white, always standing in judgment.”

Although Obama was raised by his mother, he identified more closely with the race of his father, who left the family when Obama was 2.

“I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites,” he wrote.

This should explain his mother.
Descended from a white American mother and black Kenyan father, the Illinois Democrat once wrote: “He was black as pitch, my mother white as milk.”

In his first memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” Obama observed that when people discover his mixed-race heritage, they make assumptions about “the mixed blood, the divided soul, the ghostly image of the tragic mulatto trapped between two worlds.”

Indeed, Obama acknowledges feeling tormented for much of his life by “the constant, crippling fear that I didn't belong somehow, that unless I dodged and hid and pretended to be something I wasn't, I would forever remain an outsider, with the rest of the world, black and white, always standing in judgment.”

Although Obama was raised by his mother, he identified more closely with the race of his father, who left the family when Obama was 2.

“I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites,” he wrote.


I disagree. The democrats have to stop taking the high road and follow Rove's tactics, not in the sense of making things up, but by hitting back hard on any issue. The majority of people only hear the highlights so it is critical the dems call out McCain for his past irrelevancies too. :evil:

It's got nothing to do with the high road. None of the candidates could survive amening a preacher that chanted God damn America. Not even McCain. The pandering to stupid religious whacko's is business as usual for the right in any other case.

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