Obama gives a shout out to non believers .....

Then we agree on that.

I have a problem with it when people mock others sacred beliefs. Is it hatred? I dunno, but it isn't kind. I can't understand why anyone would want to hurt someone else to begin with, but in such a sensitive place seems to me to border on a cruelty that if isn't hatred is a first cousin. It's very disrespectful and completely unnecessary. Have you noticed even when people bring up the FSM I don't treat it with any less dignity than other religions? I don't think anyone really takes it seriously, but it's not my place to judge, or to make someone else feel bad.

They are athiests.
What exactly is a religious book? Is is stuff like the Bible or Koran, or is it books telling you one person's interpretation of what the Bible or Koran are actually saying?

If the latter, I don't think it's any great loss.

It's because I move them all to the science fiction section.

Kidding! Or am I? :eusa_whistle:
wow---thinking you can get throught this life with no one hating you is asking a bit much ain't it ?

But isn't ridding the world of hate something Jesus strove for?

You're beginning to sound like a watered down version of Allie Baba.
There's no hate in saying that those who don't believe in heaven are going to hell. That's what non-believers and Christian haters don't get (ok, Anguille, you are the exception. I will send you edible flowers.) It's a belief. To take offense of it is as pointless as taking offense that buddhists think the life of an ant is sacred. It's not personal, it's the belief.

I believe in God, I believe in Jesus as the Savior, and I believe that those who don't believe will end up in hell. This includes my beloved family members who don't believe, and who I most certainly DON'T hate. I'm so sick of non-believers telling me that if I believe what I believe it's because I hate people. I don't hate people, I feel sorry for them. I even admire them for different things. I don't want anyone to go to hell. But I believe they will, all the same.

It's an example of the supreme arrogance of (most) atheists that they view that as "hatred". It's not personal, idiots. It's a general belief. I don't want you to go to hell. I certainly have nothing to do with sending you there. If I hated you I would encourage you NOT to believe, and would do everything I could to encourage you along your path to hell.

Get over yourselves. Just because somebody doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they hate you. And just because someone calls you an asshole doesn't mean they want you to go to hell, either. Nor does it mean they think you aren't American or whatever the hell it is you think you're being slighted about.

All I'm saying is you're being petty and ridiculous to proclaim your atheism from the rooftops, then get all butt hurt when your non-belief isn't listed among beliefs.

As I said, it's hypocritical.
I think the actions of many religious people over the last few years has tarnished the image of religion.

Look at all the people who call themselfs christians who called for the blood of children throughout these years of war.

Jesus himself would have been disgusted with them.

and i'm sure you've got evidence of this call for children's blood, right?

I think the actions of many religious people over the last few years has tarnished the image of religion.

Look at all the people who call themselfs christians who called for the blood of children throughout these years of war.

Jesus himself would have been disgusted with them.

That sword cuts both ways---there are the sins of the few who stain the many AND there are the many who condemn the whole for the sins of a few.
Allie has hijacked this thread for her own purposes, but even that can't ruin my happiness over what Obama has said.

Oh please. You're admitting you're happy atheism has been included in "Religions of the World".

For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus - and non-believers. We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth; and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass; that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace.

Here it is. Now read it carefully.

He is NOT just talking about religion.
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Oh please. You're admitting you're happy atheism has been included in "Religions of the World".


here's her OP.
...during his inaugural speech.

“We know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus — and non-believers.”



please point out the place where she says something about atheism being included in the "Religions of the World".

All I'm saying is you're being petty and ridiculous to proclaim your atheism from the rooftops, then get all butt hurt when your non-belief isn't listed among beliefs.

As I said, it's hypocritical.

First of all, I don't proclaim my atheism from any roof tops. I only tell people I'm an atheist if they ask about my religious beliefs or want me to pray with them or whatever. Or when it's relevant to a disscussion.

Second my butt doesn't hurt. I'm happy that Obama included non believers in his idea of what makes up the American public. I'm sorry that made you angry that he did or that I'm happy to have been recognized.
I'm not pissed off that he included non believers. I'm pissed off at asshole atheists who claim not to care what others believe, but have a fucking cow if anyone dares to refer to religion without including them in the referral. It's stupid. If you don't have a religion, WHY SHOULD YOU BE INCLUDED IN RELIGIOUS REFERENCES?

It's arrogant, self-aggrandizing, posturing bullshit. If you don't believe, you don't believe. Don't expect to be included amongst the believers. YOU DON'T BELIEVE. It's like saying "I have a lot in common with people who like Mangoes" and having potato lovers getting all uptight because they aren't mentioned. Why would they be mentioned? A potato isn't even fruit, and the reference is about mangoes and the people who like them.

Either have a faith, or don't. But don't wield your non-faith as a religion, and get pissy because it isn't INCLUDED in the listing of religions, or because you aren't included in references to the faithful. You don't believe, it's outside your realm of experience or you have removed yourself from that circle. Quit whining because you aren't still referenced every time somebody mentions faith. YOu are by your own admission, not among the faithful.

here you are

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