Obama didn't get his way?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Sean Hannity Says If Obama Had His Way, Bin Laden Would Be Alive -- And He Can Prove It, With 'Tape'!

If ever there was a thread tailor made for this forum, this is it. I mean, were talking all the stuff you rw's love - lots of lies about President Obama and even more lies by the GObP/Repubs.

Yep, even though the pubs actually DO nothing but drink and play golf with their 1% cronies, they want to take credit for the president's accomplishments. And, they're more than willing to lie to to do it.

Hannity's job is to lie right along with them. And, won't Lushbo and Babby Huey Beck have a ball with this? They can pile on even more lies and you can all agree with them.

Have fun telling and retelling lies about who really sent the SEALS in to get bin Ladin.
Sean Hannity Says If Obama Had His Way, Bin Laden Would Be Alive -- And He Can Prove It, With 'Tape'!

If ever there was a thread tailor made for this forum, this is it. I mean, were talking all the stuff you rw's love - lots of lies about President Obama and even more lies by the GObP/Repubs.

Yep, even though the pubs actually DO nothing but drink and play golf with their 1% cronies, they want to take credit for the president's accomplishments. And, they're more than willing to lie to to do it.

Hannity's job is to lie right along with them. And, won't Lushbo and Babby Huey Beck have a ball with this? They can pile on even more lies and you can all agree with them.

Have fun telling and retelling lies about who really sent the SEALS in to get bin Ladin.
HanNITWITty is a major league :asshole:

But on another note, can HanNITWITty and Luntz get any phonier looking hair hats?
Sean Hannity Says If Obama Had His Way, Bin Laden Would Be Alive -- And He Can Prove It, With 'Tape'!

If ever there was a thread tailor made for this forum, this is it. I mean, were talking all the stuff you rw's love - lots of lies about President Obama and even more lies by the GObP/Repubs.

Yep, even though the pubs actually DO nothing but drink and play golf with their 1% cronies, they want to take credit for the president's accomplishments. And, they're more than willing to lie to to do it.

Hannity's job is to lie right along with them. And, won't Lushbo and Babby Huey Beck have a ball with this? They can pile on even more lies and you can all agree with them.

Have fun telling and retelling lies about who really sent the SEALS in to get bin Ladin.
Saw this on da teevee earlier.

The RePugs are just shaking with envy and rage. All their claptrap and swill about 'Obama's a failed President' isn't working, because, he's succeeding, time and time and time again.

If they think that stank is gonna fly with the American people...they've got another thing coming.

I believe Obama's win this year will make his last one look like kid's practice. Doesn't matter WHO they put up against him.
Sean Hannity Says If Obama Had His Way, Bin Laden Would Be Alive -- And He Can Prove It, With 'Tape'!

If ever there was a thread tailor made for this forum, this is it. I mean, were talking all the stuff you rw's love - lots of lies about President Obama and even more lies by the GObP/Repubs.

Yep, even though the pubs actually DO nothing but drink and play golf with their 1% cronies, they want to take credit for the president's accomplishments. And, they're more than willing to lie to to do it.

Hannity's job is to lie right along with them. And, won't Lushbo and Babby Huey Beck have a ball with this? They can pile on even more lies and you can all agree with them.

Have fun telling and retelling lies about who really sent the SEALS in to get bin Ladin.
Saw this on da teevee earlier.

The RePugs are just shaking with envy and rage. All their claptrap and swill about 'Obama's a failed President' isn't working, because, he's succeeding, time and time and time again.

If they think that stank is gonna fly with the American people...they've got another thing coming.

I believe Obama's win this year will make his last one look like kid's practice. Doesn't matter WHO they put up against him.

I cant comment on hannitys take, but we know the premise is true from the washington insiders take of the story.

Thank you Leon.
I cant comment on hannitys take, but we know the premise is true from the washington insiders take of the story.

Thank you Leon.
Why can't you, or won't you, comment on Hannity's take? Can you link to some of these insiders take of the story?

obama tried to justify not having that attack for 16 hours before he finally gave in.

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