Black on Black racial insults tolerated?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Liberal talk show host Thaddeus Matthews leveled shocking racial insults on conservative candidate Charlotte Bergmann including the N word and the left barely noticed. Matthews is Black and so is Bergman. Is there a new media standard for racial insults? As long as both sides are Black and the victim is conservative the racist remarks are OK?
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Thanks to Soros's tax exempt Media Matters network, lefties can nit-pick out of context statements by (only) conservatives 24/7 but when a left wing radio host in Memphis dishes out about ten minutes of racial slurs to a conservative Black female candidate nobody wants to talk about it.
Lol....although it shouldn't be funny, it's starkly obvious that liberals
will play 'the black thing' doggedly.
Remember when liberal media wanted to document the tea party movement....
it conveniently and on purpose, never showed or interviewed one black
tea party participant.
Bigots will see racism in every thing......and maybe the odd code word too....:cuckoo:
That certain TP movement folks were racist is a fact. Get over it.

That certain leftwing radio folks play the racist card is a fact. Get over it.

Now to the point. We do not allow such language from anyone at our work place, and at the school district adults will be fired and student firmly disciplined for acting in such a matter.
That certain TP movement folks were racist is a fact. Get over it.

That certain leftwing radio folks play the racist card is a fact. Get over it.

Now to the point. We do not allow such language from anyone at our work place, and at the school district adults will be fired and student firmly disciplined for acting in such a matter.

Get over it? Why do we need to get over it? So you don't have to hurt your head arguing about it?
So that we don't allow uncultured douches dictate our work place or school cultures.

If people don't like it? They won't work for good places. They won't send their kids to good schools.

And the rest of us are so better off.
Blacks are allowed to call each other the N Word......whites are not

What's so hard about that?
Blacks are allowed to call each other the N Word......whites are not

What's so hard about that?

That's it? The left thinks a talk show host has the option to offend Black guests on the air with offensive racial insults any time he wants as long as he is Black? What if people don't know he is Black. Does the left think he has to announce his racial ethnicity first before he insults Black people? Would the left allow a white radio talk show host to use racial slurs if the guest was also white?
Professor walked into a small college library and overhead a young black man angrily tell a young black woman, "Shut up, ******, or I will bitch slap you." The professor dismissed the young woman, the young man started getting up, and the prof told him that if he raised his voice or his hand or did not sit down until the campus security showed up, it would end badly for the young student. Campus security escorted the young to the black female head of instruction for the campus.

No is exempt from common decency or the rules of private institutions or work places.
Just another example of a long-standing double-standard tolerated, no...actually encouraged, by the libtard left. As long as the black being insulted is a Conservative, they are fair game for the race-baiting haters on the Left.

We have no trouble slapping down the cons when they act equally stupid, and they do, sillywarrior. Quit whining, douche boy. Oh, it can't go two ways? Grow up.
Blacks are allowed to call each other the N Word......whites are not

What's so hard about that?

That's it? The left thinks a talk show host has the option to offend Black guests on the air with offensive racial insults any time he wants as long as he is Black? What if people don't know he is Black. Does the left think he has to announce his racial ethnicity first before he insults Black people? Would the left allow a white radio talk show host to use racial slurs if the guest was also white?

Yes blacks can call other blacks ******.

Yes a black talk show host can call another black a ******. If a white talk show host called a black person a ****** that host should be beaten within an inch of his/her life. That's just the world the world works.
Blacks are allowed to call each other the N Word......whites are not

What's so hard about that?

That's it? The left thinks a talk show host has the option to offend Black guests on the air with offensive racial insults any time he wants as long as he is Black? What if people don't know he is Black. Does the left think he has to announce his racial ethnicity first before he insults Black people? Would the left allow a white radio talk show host to use racial slurs if the guest was also white?

Yes blacks can call other blacks ******.

Yes a black talk show host can call another black a ******. If a white talk show host called a black person a ****** that host should be beaten within an inch of his/her life. That's just the world the world works.

Chris Rock justified it best

Fat girls can call each other fat and it is no big deal. If a skinny girl calls them fat, it is just plain mean

Poor people can joke about how poor they are. But if a rich person makes jokes about poor people, it is just plain mean

Same goes with the word n*gger
Blacks shoot each other in the ghetto and no one cares. Why should people care if they call each other nigga?
Blacks shoot each other in the ghetto and no one cares. Why should people care if they call each other nigga?

Because it happen to one of the conservatives' blacks and you don't mess with one of "their" blacks. Hahaha.
All the examples you lefties try to justify concern jokes and banter and a willing exchange of insults. Don't you even consider that a talk show host humiliated a Black female candidate with racial slurs? Are Black people so concerned with defending liberalism that they think it's funny for a Black woman to be humiliated in public? That's an incredible attitude.

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