Obama care page 1001 ...SCARY AS HELL!!!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
Believe it or not in 2013 this law that has already been signed requires people to get an implant that contains personal information about your medical history and other personal information including your bank account !!! THIS IS NOT SOME CONSPIRACY THEORY !!!IT IS THE LAW OFF THE LAND !!! IT IS ON PAGE 1001 !!! WE HAVE TO FIGHT THIS LAW TOOTH AND NAIL !!!!:eek:
According to Greenbeard's link there is no page 1001!
There is no page 1001, nor is there a requirement for "implants" at all, let alone ones that contain your personal information.

I believe the OP is just a poor attempt at trolling.
According to Greenbeard's link there is no page 1001!

Given the fact there are more than 2300 pages to the Act, if there is no page 1001 in that link, it means he didn't give you a link to the full document, doesn't it? My how soon we forget about the fact this bill wasn't read by the people who rammed it down our throats against the will of the people because of the number of pages and the fact Democrats insisted on ramming it through as quickly as possible and without allowing the people of this country who would have to live by it any time to read it either.

Don't remember Pelosi saying they had to pass it so people could see what was IN it in one of the most breathtakingly ARROGANT statements I've ever heard from a scumbag politician? Which is typical of how leftwing extremists think they should be ruling over us peasants -just ram it down our throats against our will because they automatically know what is best for everyone at all times -because hey, they managed to get elected which means they are instant experts in everything and can run everyone's life better than the owner of that life possibly could - and not even let them know the specifics in it until after it has been forced on us like the fucking tyrants they are.

Turns out there IS a page 1001 but the creepiest pages occur between 1013-1020 and deal with the subject in even greater detail. I'm sure Democrats who put it in there would hasten to reassure us all (AFTER THE FACT of course since they not only didn't read it themselves but made sure we couldn't either), that it really doesn't mean government is requiring people to have radio transmitters implanted in their bodies. But the wording is such it leaves it open to very broad interpretations about "medical" devices and the necessary surveillance capabilities of such devices and what information these devices must transmit with a list of that information along with "and any other information deemed appropriate by the Secretary". Vague enough wording in the creepiest spots that in case they want to also ram forced implantation of radio transmitting devices down our throats against our will, those intent on abusing this section can point to it and potentially insist it is already the law.

I seriously doubt that is the intent in this section and while government hacks write their bills to put you to sleep in order to bury the trash, I can't find anything that says people MUST be implanted with anything - but the specific wording certainly leaves a great deal to be desired. This is where you know the lip service about invasion of privacy from the left is just that -lip service because this is a government setting up the framework and bureaucracy to take over something and start gathering massive amounts of information about citizens when it is actually is none of their fucking business.
Given the fact there are more than 2300 pages to the Act, if there is no page 1001 in that link, it means he didn't give you a link to the full document, doesn't it?

No, it means the law isn't 2,300 pages long at all. It's around 950 pages long. You've been had yet again.
According to Greenbeard's link there is no page 1001!

Given the fact there are more than 2300 pages to the Act, if there is no page 1001 in that link, it means he didn't give you a link to the full document, doesn't it? My how soon we forget about the fact this bill wasn't read by the people who rammed it down our throats against the will of the people because of the number of pages and the fact Democrats insisted on ramming it through as quickly as possible and without allowing the people of this country who would have to live by it any time to read it either.

Don't remember Pelosi saying they had to pass it so people could see what was IN it in one of the most breathtakingly ARROGANT statements I've ever heard from a scumbag politician? Which is typical of how leftwing extremists think they should be ruling over us peasants -just ram it down our throats against our will because they automatically know what is best for everyone at all times -because hey, they managed to get elected which means they are instant experts in everything and can run everyone's life better than the owner of that life possibly could - and not even let them know the specifics in it until after it has been forced on us like the fucking tyrants they are.

Turns out there IS a page 1001 but the creepiest pages occur between 1013-1020 and deal with the subject in even greater detail. I'm sure Democrats who put it in there would hasten to reassure us all (AFTER THE FACT of course since they not only didn't read it themselves but made sure we couldn't either), that it really doesn't mean government is requiring people to have radio transmitters implanted in their bodies. But the wording is such it leaves it open to very broad interpretations about "medical" devices and the necessary surveillance capabilities of such devices and what information these devices must transmit with a list of that information along with "and any other information deemed appropriate by the Secretary". Vague enough wording in the creepiest spots that in case they want to also ram forced implantation of radio transmitting devices down our throats against our will, those intent on abusing this section can point to it and potentially insist it is already the law.

I seriously doubt that is the intent in this section and while government hacks write their bills to put you to sleep in order to bury the trash, I can't find anything that says people MUST be implanted with anything - but the specific wording certainly leaves a great deal to be desired. This is where you know the lip service about invasion of privacy from the left is just that -lip service because this is a government setting up the framework and bureaucracy to take over something and start gathering massive amounts of information about citizens when it is actually is none of their fucking business.

You describe whats on these pages in such great detail, yet you don't link us to the actual document so we can read it ourselves.

This is inexcusable (unless the only copy of the document you have is your own perso al hard copy that is handwritten on a scroll, thus making scanning and digitizing difficult)

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