Obama Campaign Attacking Stay At Home Mothers!!! Smooth Move!

You should have looked it up. Hilary Rosen is a paid democratic strategist who gave her unfortunate opinion on CNN where she appeared on behalf of obama and was questioned by a minor commentator.

Dem Strategist Blasted For Ann Romney Remarks

Where did you get the idea Rosen was not associated with the obama campaign? It's never been exactly concealed that she's a strategist for the obama campaign.

I did try to look it up, I could not find any information about whether the Romneys did or did not have a Nanny anywhere. Thus my question.

As far as Rosen being associated with the campaign goes:

Obama's campaign press secretary Ben LaBolt said Rosen does not have a formal role on the president's reelection campaign. Melanie Roussell, a spokeswoman for the Democratic National Committee, also said Rosen had no formal role at the organization.

Democrat defends Ann Romney comments amid firestorm – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

So, who said she was a "strategist for the Obama campaign"?
Raising a familily isn't WORK? Right. I'm sure your mother and millions of others would disagree with you.

Raising a family, without a nanny or a maid, is in fact hard work.

Which raises the question, did they have a nanny and a maid, or not?

Who cares? And WHY should you? Wealth envy much?

YOU know that's what this is all about...the wealth of a Presidential candidate...which is thier business. And this all fits into Obama's plan and his Class Warfare campaign.

Bet on it.
Raising a familily isn't WORK? Right. I'm sure your mother and millions of others would disagree with you.

My mother was a nurse before a housewife, and I don't want to hear economic advice from Anne Romney or her ridiculous vulture capitalist millionnaire brat husband either. Can you read?LOL!

Well? Good for her. I applaud her for doing it.

Now Do you still contend that a wife that stays home to rear children and support her husband while never holding a job outside the home isn't in the workforce?

Hint? They are.

And your wealth envy skirt is showing there sport, and thus the ROOT of the lef'ts contention...you guys out yourselves very well.

Good job! :clap2:

I just don't like a-hole hypocrite greedy lying flavor of the month PUB wealthy LOL who want to lower taxes on the bloated rich while ruining Medicare/aid and the nonrich. OUT OF TOUCH aristos...
Raising a familily isn't WORK? Right. I'm sure your mother and millions of others would disagree with you.

Raising a family, without a nanny or a maid, is in fact hard work.

Which raises the question, did they have a nanny and a maid, or not?

Rosen already apologized for her eroneous words...

The slip was that she said something that is a predominant opinion in the obama regime. She apologized for saying it, not for having the opinion in the first place.
Which raises another question, did she have cancer and multiple sclerosis or not?

Even if Ann Romney COULD work, she couldn't work.

Which wouldn't impact the veracity of the statement at all.

If you people want to take the approach that people should not be attacking a woman for not being able to take care of her kids, due to cancer, then that's fine and dandy.

I'll agree with you there.

However, the point that she would then have no insight into the lives of working women would be true. Would it not?
Raising a family, without a nanny or a maid, is in fact hard work.

Which raises the question, did they have a nanny and a maid, or not?

Rosen already apologized for her eroneous words...

The slip was that she said something that is a predominant opinion in the obama regime. She apologized for saying it, not for having the opinion in the first place.

What she should have said was ..." Iam sorry I got called out on it..."
My mother was a nurse before a housewife, and I don't want to hear economic advice from Anne Romney or her ridiculous vulture capitalist millionnaire brat husband either. Can you read?LOL!

Well? Good for her. I applaud her for doing it.

Now Do you still contend that a wife that stays home to rear children and support her husband while never holding a job outside the home isn't in the workforce?

Hint? They are.

And your wealth envy skirt is showing there sport, and thus the ROOT of the lef'ts contention...you guys out yourselves very well.

Good job! :clap2:

I just don't like a-hole hypocrite greedy lying flavor of the month PUB wealthy LOL who want to lower taxes on the bloated rich while ruining Medicare/aid and the nonrich. OUT OF TOUCH aristos...

I see...wealth Envy meme...again.
Who cares? And WHY should you? Wealth envy much?

YOU know that's what this is all about...the wealth of a Presidential candidate...which is thier business. And this all fits into Obama's plan and his Class Warfare campaign.

Bet on it.

Wealth envy?

No, not really, I'd love to have a full-time nanny, but can quite afford it. I do pay someone to watch over my kids for part of the day though.

But the point is the claim made by Ms Rosen. If Mrs Romney had a nanny and a maid, then Ms Rosen's remarks, while callus, are in fact accurate.
My opinion is that if you have a record to be proud of, you don't have to attack other candidates wives for the choices they are making..:(

Which is why the Obama White House is pushing this whole "war on women" nonsense in the first place. They're desperate to make this discussion about anything but Barry's failed economic policies, his total abdication on making tough budget cuts, unemployment still being above 8% 3 years after he took office and trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see.

It's why the main stream media is pushing a non-story like Zimmerman/Martin and this absolute baloney about a conservative "war on women" when the American publics concerns are the economy, the deficit and JOBS. The struggle for Romney this year will be to keep the focus on what's really important and off of the side issues that the Democrats will try to divert the country's attention to.

Your so right.

What the hell has Barry got that he can run on??

He did give the order to kill UBL. The Seals did the work but he gave the order. One for Barry.

His crappy policies have done squat for the economy and jobs so no bragging rights there.

Guess that leaves racism and the GOP's supposed war on women.

Somehow I don't think the voting public is going to be paying much attention to that bs come Nov. They will however be looking at jobs and the economy and what its costing them to live.

Despite Barry and the DNC's best efforts its gonna be all about the economy stupid.

Obama has never run a business, only a campaign.

Till he does I won't say anything to him about how to run a campaign and he needs to STFU about how we run our businesses.

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"Ann Romney never worked a day in her life"

Didn't Republicans use the same argument against Obama?
Well? Good for her. I applaud her for doing it.

Now Do you still contend that a wife that stays home to rear children and support her husband while never holding a job outside the home isn't in the workforce?

Hint? They are.

And your wealth envy skirt is showing there sport, and thus the ROOT of the lef'ts contention...you guys out yourselves very well.

Good job! :clap2:

I just don't like a-hole hypocrite greedy lying flavor of the month PUB wealthy LOL who want to lower taxes on the bloated rich while ruining Medicare/aid and the nonrich. OUT OF TOUCH aristos...

I see...wealth Envy meme...again.

And there you have it - a total dupe of the Pub distraction plan- you have no CLUE what the Romneys are like, all we know is their POLICIES have been and will continue to be absolutely ruinous to the non rich and the country. MORON.

Change the channel, read some good books, and start being a good citizen. Start with my sig, dittohead.:D:D
Liberal lie: Conservative Money makes raising kids easy! What crap. Tell that to the Al Gore and the Prince he raised or the countless spoiled brat trust fund babies that constantly get in trouble, abuse drugs and refuse to work a day in their lives (Paris Hilton).

Romney's five sons have grown into everything you would want your kids to grow into.'

I digress. First, this useless Obama talking head says the Obama administration doesn't use the phrase 'War on Women' (which is an outright lie), rather the GOP made it up to well attack themselves :cuckoo: (because that makes perfect sense).

Did you listen to what she said?

It's nice that Mitten's wife can afford to stay at home. Most women can't. Most families depend on 2 incomes. That's because while things have been going up over the last 20 years or so..wages have not. Well not for the middle class. The top 1% have seen their compensation raise like as much as 400%. Most Americans will never make as much in their lifetimes..as Mittens has made in 1 year.

So..most people can't afford to have "stay at home" wives.

Thanks to conservatives.

Thank you Shallow we have a winner! Of course the liberal attack comes from one of the most clueless liberals on the board! The rich can stay home and raising kids is easy that teaches nothing about life's lessons. Tell that to Al Gore, I think his son was just arrested again for another drug charge!

Also foolish little man, the Romney's had their first kid in 1970, the second in 1971, third in 1975. During this time they were poor just out of college married couple renting a $75 a month basement apartment, scraping by like the rest of us!

Romney got a consult job after law school in 1975 and made decent money, but was part of the middle class!

Plenty of 'pitting' preceded Romney's profits | Deseret News

It wasn't until 1977 that be joined Bain & Company. He worked hard and making in the $100Ks. Upper middle class)

He finally stated his own company in 1983 (not his son's were 13, 12, 8, 5 & 2), but he didn't start to see real success from it until 1986 (his son's were 16, 15, 11, 8 & 5)!

Plenty of 'pitting' preceded Romney's profits | Deseret News

After that Romney's Bain Capital went on to make him tens of millions of dollars. Yet for a good chunk of the time, the Romney's were raising their children from modest beginnings and in middle (later upper middle) class settings!

Lastly I would bet 100 to 1 that VAST VAST majority of stay at home moms are from MIDDLE CLASS families. Heck even if you did it by percentage, but I bet the percentage of stay at home moms in the middle class beats the upper class!


Mitt Romney was never poor.
This was denounced quickly by Obamas peeps. Rightfully so.

But yet? The DNC is airing ADS using the term 'War On Women'

This episode was the latest installment they had to defend themselves on.

They got caught and had to distence themselves. Hillary Rosen said the Democrats aren't using the term...but yet she launched an attack and is now butthurt she got caught.

She has been to the WhiteHouse once a month since Obama was inaugurated...SHE is part of his 'team'.

Democrats Now Say They Never Said ‘War Against Women’?

Here is Michelle Malkin weighing in...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXoH8vE6mkM"]"War on stay-at-home Moms" -- Michelle Malkin -- Fox & Friends -- 4-12-12 - YouTube[/ame]
"Ann Romney never worked a day in her life"

Didn't Republicans use the same argument against Obama?


See where it got us?

$1trillion annual deficits, 8% unemployment and its going to be 4 years without a budget

Another $1.2 Trillion Debt Ceiling fight? Another possible Credit downgrade looming?
We don't need economic advice from someone who's never worked. Nor do we need another spoiled brat son of a multimillionnaire. OUT OF TOUCH before we even get to his policies of the month. TOTAL PUBCRAPPE. ps- Ryan is a FIFTH generation multimillionnaire brat.

I know- Class Warfare- funny how the rich have almost tripled their wealth under Voodoo while ruining the nonrich and the country...and thanks for the worst wars ever, the Depression, and stalling the recovery for politics and power.

I see Palin had spent $0.00 on other candidates out of he Fund for Other Candidates, just for help on her BS self promotion. You dupes must be very proud...

Stupidity like this should be weaponized

Hilarious coming from you. You wouldn't recognize truth if it was attached to a 2x4 and smashed into your face LOL.

Guess you would know......you're an expert in the subject.

Bet you've been hit by lots of 2X4s.

Are you Larry, Curly, or Moe?
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Did you listen to what she said?

It's nice that Mitten's wife can afford to stay at home. Most women can't. Most families depend on 2 incomes. That's because while things have been going up over the last 20 years or so..wages have not. Well not for the middle class. The top 1% have seen their compensation raise like as much as 400%. Most Americans will never make as much in their lifetimes..as Mittens has made in 1 year.

So..most people can't afford to have "stay at home" wives.

Thanks to conservatives.

Thank you Shallow we have a winner! Of course the liberal attack comes from one of the most clueless liberals on the board! The rich can stay home and raising kids is easy that teaches nothing about life's lessons. Tell that to Al Gore, I think his son was just arrested again for another drug charge!

Also foolish little man, the Romney's had their first kid in 1970, the second in 1971, third in 1975. During this time they were poor just out of college married couple renting a $75 a month basement apartment, scraping by like the rest of us!

Romney got a consult job after law school in 1975 and made decent money, but was part of the middle class!

Plenty of 'pitting' preceded Romney's profits | Deseret News

It wasn't until 1977 that be joined Bain & Company. He worked hard and making in the $100Ks. Upper middle class)

He finally stated his own company in 1983 (not his son's were 13, 12, 8, 5 & 2), but he didn't start to see real success from it until 1986 (his son's were 16, 15, 11, 8 & 5)!

Plenty of 'pitting' preceded Romney's profits | Deseret News

After that Romney's Bain Capital went on to make him tens of millions of dollars. Yet for a good chunk of the time, the Romney's were raising their children from modest beginnings and in middle (later upper middle) class settings!

Lastly I would bet 100 to 1 that VAST VAST majority of stay at home moms are from MIDDLE CLASS families. Heck even if you did it by percentage, but I bet the percentage of stay at home moms in the middle class beats the upper class!


Mitt Romney was never poor.

You mean being raised by an Automotive CEO and Governor is not poverty?

It is if you are Republican

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