OBAMA calls for "leadership"--THEY need to do something--LOL


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
OMG--I can't believe what I just watched. Barack Obama's news conference today regarding the economy and the debt ceiling problem.

Our Harvard graduate--community organizer--most intellectual President of all time--states--"that they--the CONGRESS has spent the money"--and that THEY--need to show some LEADERSHIP-and fix this mess.

Since Jan. 1-- Barack Obama has gone golfing 17 times--and has been to 33 fundraisers--and today was out getting some basketball tea-shirt with his name and number on it.

Of course--raising taxes was his theme--but I sure don't know how he's going to fix this mess with raising taxes?

There are 18,000 babyboomers entering social security/medicare DAILY which will continue for the next 15 years. Resulting in another 64 TRILLION in unfunded liabilites on top of the 14.3 trillion we're at now. Which equates to $534,000.00 per household in America to pay this tab.

Currently the federal government is borrowing .43 cents on every dollar it spends.

$1 billion dollars.jpg

1 billion dollars--$100.00 bills stacked on palets.

$trillion dollars.jpg

1 trillion dollars--$100.00 bills stacked on palets. (NOTE) how small the man is in this chart.

Now for you Obama voters--can you decide how your going to tax the crap out of people to get 73 of the above 1 trillion dollar chart to pay this tab--and then would you call your President on the Golf Course--the fundraiser event or the Sports complex so you can show some leadership of your own?

You voted for it--You got it.
Well if "they" don't do it he will have to get more involved. Then of course he won't have time to:
Defend obamacare
Golf 19 times in 2 months
Defend a non war war
Send his wife off on extravagant vacations
Sue Arizona
Pretend like he likes Mexicans
Demonize republicans
Give pointless speeches
Blame corporate jets
Blame ATMs
Demonize republicans
Find excuses to do his job
Not enforce fair and proper voter laws
Give pointless speeches
Excuse away high unemployment
Demonize the rich

Did I mention campaign? Cause that's all his speeches are now.
There are 18,000 babyboomers entering social security/medicare DAILY which will continue for the next 15 years. Resulting in another 64 TRILLION in unfunded liabilites on top of the 14.3 trillion we're at now. Which equates to $534,000.00 per household in America to pay this tab.

Really? 98,550,000 boomers? Want to double check that number maybe?
he didn't mention the two trillion he pissed away. did ya notice that?
There are 18,000 babyboomers entering social security/medicare DAILY which will continue for the next 15 years. Resulting in another 64 TRILLION in unfunded liabilites on top of the 14.3 trillion we're at now. Which equates to $534,000.00 per household in America to pay this tab.

Really? 98,550,000 boomers? Want to double check that number maybe?

Well--YEAH--the baby boomer generation is the LARGEST in the HISTORY of the United States. Welcome to reality.
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he didn't mention the two trillion he pissed away. did ya notice that?

I think it's more than 2 trillion on his watch now. Bush left with 10 trillion and we're now at 14.3 trillion. You know all those "shovel ready" projects--that weren't as shovel ready as he thought?

We're borrowing .43 cents on every dollar they spend right now.
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Well if "they" don't do it he will have to get more involved. Then of course he won't have time to:
Defend obamacare
Golf 19 times in 2 months
Defend a non war war
Send his wife off on extravagant vacations
Sue Arizona
Pretend like he likes Mexicans
Demonize republicans
Give pointless speeches
Blame corporate jets
Blame ATMs
Demonize republicans
Find excuses to do his job
Not enforce fair and proper voter laws
Give pointless speeches
Excuse away high unemployment
Demonize the rich

Did I mention campaign? Cause that's all his speeches are now.

Our Harvard Graduate--community organizer--most intellectual President ever--and now professional Golfer--is missing in action.

And he asked for 3.5 trillion for the 2012 budget,which got voted down.
And he says congress spent it?
And he asked for 3.5 trillion for the 2012 budget,which got voted down.
And he says congress spent it?

Yeah he did--it's always someone else's fault. You should know that by now. And according to what he stated today--it's THEY'RE problem and THEY need to fix it.

This is Barack Obama at his best.

$donkey stimulus.jpg
…the CONGRESS has spent the money"--and that THEY--need to show some LEADERSHIP-and fix this mess.

Certainly the House, since the GOP was responsible for the December 2007 recession.

Otherwise Congress is constitutionally mandated and authorized to take the lead with regard to taxing and spending issues, not the Executive.
Blaming it on "Them" is the closest he can come to voting "Present"

True--I hate to admit my age--but even Jimmy Carter would have taken this situation a little more seriously. So that makes Barack Obama now the worst and Jimmy Carter needs some kind of an award right for being demoted to 2nd place in the last 100 years. Carter has held the title since he left office.
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There are 18,000 babyboomers entering social security/medicare DAILY which will continue for the next 15 years. Resulting in another 64 TRILLION in unfunded liabilites on top of the 14.3 trillion we're at now. Which equates to $534,000.00 per household in America to pay this tab.

Really? 98,550,000 boomers? Want to double check that number maybe?

Do you want to read the post, because 98,550,000 is a number that doesn't appear until your post.
…the CONGRESS has spent the money"--and that THEY--need to show some LEADERSHIP-and fix this mess.

Certainly the House, since the GOP was responsible for the December 2007 recession.

Otherwise Congress is constitutionally mandated and authorized to take the lead with regard to taxing and spending issues, not the Executive.

The House HAS taken the lead and you democrats in the Senate REFUSE to do anything. So much for that claim.
I think someone needs to tell the President that he is the leader of this nation. I honestly gave him more credit than this and assumed that someone who went to Harvard would know that the President of the United States was our Leader. But perhaps he really isnt as intelligent as I previously thought. I mean I've been willing to attribute alot of his gaffes to being misstatements. But maybe he is in reality not that bright. I just don't see how the leader of the free world wouldn't realize that he is the person who is supposed to be showing leadership in this nation.

Also, someone might to point out that Paul Ryan has provided an excellent plan and budget for addressing our budget problems. At least it's a good start to a plan. I've yet to see a President's plan for spending cuts.

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