Obama blames the rise of the machines for high unemployment.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmNyYYob8dg&feature=youtube_gdata_player]YouTube - ‪Obama Blames High Unemployment on the ATM and Automation #atmfacts‬‏[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ytyKiFBte4&feature=youtube_gdata_player]YouTube - ‪Obama claims atms are killing jobs‬‏[/ame]

Are you kidding? Look at all the jobs the machines create: invent, production, program with updates, maintain, market & sell, fill. Look at the money in production time they save us. All versus the 1 teller they "may" replace.
It's just sad that our president is so eager to excuse away his own inept policies that his excuse is just as pathetic as the results of his policies.
Here's my guess...someone told him that the main reason unemployment is still so high is that we're seeing a structural shift..a mismatch of available labor skills and the demand for skills. This is true.

Going on to specifically talk about ATMs and airline kiosks shows lack of understanding, however. While possibly a part of the problems, increased automation is not the main cause or, in my opinion, an important one.
I will not use the self checkouts at stores because they do eliminate local jobs.
they do create jobs in Tiawan and China where the hardware is made though.
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It's not even remotely related to the problem. These evil machines have been around for decades. Last time I checked they weren't recently invented to replace anyone. It's just reaching. It's a ridiculous distraction that the main steam media didn't even have the balls to call him on. I defy you to tell me the media isn't in his pocket after all the years of calling GWB stupid.
It's not even remotely related to the problem. These evil machines have been around for decades. Last time I checked they weren't recently invented to replace anyone. It's just reaching. It's a ridiculous distraction that the main steam media didn't even have the balls to call him on. I defy you to tell me the media isn't in his pocket after all the years of calling GWB stupid.

the media isn't in his pocket after all the years of calling GWB stupid.
How many humans have been replaced by sutomated Telephone systems.
Press 1 for the pharmacy, press 2 for lumber, press 3 to hear a duck quack, etc.
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The President is not wrong. In just two years I've seen automation reduce the personnel size in my office by 30%.

That is not the reason we have high unemployment. Nor is it a contributing factor.

Now you guys can't have it both ways. Your all high on green or high tech energy. Don't you think that's gonna cost jobs as well as drive costs up because as we all know new tech always has a high price.
How many humans have been replaced by sutomated Telephone systems.
Press 1 for the pharmacy, press 2 for lumber, press 3 to hear a duck quack, etc.

While there is some truth to this it just isn't relative to the current situation. Unless your wanting all those minimum wage jobs back to serve the unemployed. Who by the way need real jobs.
The President is not wrong. In just two years I've seen automation reduce the personnel size in my office by 30%.

That is not the reason we have high unemployment. Nor is it a contributing factor.

Now you guys can't have it both ways. Your all high on green or high tech energy. Don't you think that's gonna cost jobs as well as drive costs up because as we all know new tech always has a high price.

How can you logically say that it isn't a contributing factor when I just told you we have reduced our permanent staff as a direct result of automation?
The President is not wrong. In just two years I've seen automation reduce the personnel size in my office by 30%.

That is not the reason we have high unemployment. Nor is it a contributing factor.

Now you guys can't have it both ways. Your all high on green or high tech energy. Don't you think that's gonna cost jobs as well as drive costs up because as we all know new tech always has a high price.

How can you logically say that it isn't a contributing factor when I just told you we have reduced our permanent staff as a direct result of automation?

Because logically automation always replaces jobs. But that is not necessarily because your company had to do it to survive this downturn. Or are you seriously telling me your company wasn't going to advance technologically to keep pace with their competitors?
Did you even watch the first video?
My bank is hiring and yes it even has an atm.
How many humans have been replaced by sutomated Telephone systems.
Press 1 for the pharmacy, press 2 for lumber, press 3 to hear a duck quack, etc.
None. The menu just helps route calls to the correct person.
How many people have been replaced by robots on auto assembly lines?
How many ditch diggers haver been replaced by backhoes, pay loaders and bulldozers?
How many people have been replaced by automatic irrigation systems on golf courses or sod farms?
Please. With his words from yesterday, Obama just confirmed how out of touch he actually is.
The President is not wrong. In just two years I've seen automation reduce the personnel size in my office by 30%.

That is not the reason we have high unemployment. Nor is it a contributing factor.

Now you guys can't have it both ways. Your all high on green or high tech energy. Don't you think that's gonna cost jobs as well as drive costs up because as we all know new tech always has a high price.

How can you logically say that it isn't a contributing factor when I just told you we have reduced our permanent staff as a direct result of automation?

If you don't mind me asking, what kind of automation.
and a bit of pushback:

ATM industry not happy about Obama comments | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Seems not all the hardware is made in China:

By Philip Klein
Created Jun 15 2011 - 10:48am
ATM industry not happy about Obama comments
image/jpeg icon78526814.jpg

The Automated Teller Machine industry is not happy about President Obama's comments that the development of ATMs has cost jobs. Here's a sampling of some of the feedback I've been getting.

Mike Lee, CEO of the ATM Industry Association, emailed me the following response:

‘President Obama should never use ATMs as an example of how technology replaces human labor because ATMs today play a critical role in providing extensive employment in the ATM and cash-in-transit industries. In addition, ATMs provide an indispensible range of services to customers, including all-hours access to their own banked cash. With over 400,000 in America alone, ATMs have become the main distribution channel for the distribution of cash in all modern economies and cash remains by far the most popular form of payment by US consumers. The whole purpose of the invention of the ATM back in 1967 was to make cash available outside of bank hours, liberating citizens to access their banked money 24 x 7, a huge increase in convenience. Given these major roles of the ATM, it would be quite irrational to turn the clock back to the 1960s to a time before ATMs.​

Aimee Leeper, a spokeswoman for ATM manufacturer Triton Systems, which makes its machines in America and employees 200 people here, told me over the phone, "We're not in the business of taking American jobs. What I wish President Obama had thought of is that people want convenient access to their money. How crazy is that?"

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