Obama blames the rise of the machines for high unemployment.

The President is not wrong. In just two years I've seen automation reduce the personnel size in my office by 30%.

That is not the reason we have high unemployment. Nor is it a contributing factor.

Now you guys can't have it both ways. Your all high on green or high tech energy. Don't you think that's gonna cost jobs as well as drive costs up because as we all know new tech always has a high price.

sure its a contributing factor IN A WAY.....we have a machine that does the work of aprox. 100 clerks.....the Mail Processing Center 5-6 years ago had something like 400 people working there.....now two machines later they are down to aprox 150- 200 people.....most of those people either just retired or took Early outs.....but no one has been hired since 07......because of Automation.....
The President is not wrong. In just two years I've seen automation reduce the personnel size in my office by 30%.

That is not the reason we have high unemployment. Nor is it a contributing factor.

Now you guys can't have it both ways. Your all high on green or high tech energy. Don't you think that's gonna cost jobs as well as drive costs up because as we all know new tech always has a high price.

sure its a contributing factor IN A WAY.....we have a machine that does the work of aprox. 100 clerks.....the Mail Processing Center 5-6 years ago had something like 400 people working there.....now two machines later they are down to aprox 150- 200 people.....most of those people either just retired or took Early outs.....but no one has been hired since 07......because of Automation.....

And 100 years ago most people worked in agriculture because it was labor intensive. 50 years ago the steel mills were thriving, in spite of not updating machinery that Germany and Japan had already brought online, which caused the demise of the steel industry in the US.
Its amazing how liberals continue to vilify technology. If these nutjobs had their way we'd be living in tents without electricity. They don't want nuclear energy, coal energy, oil energy....and now not even automation which make higher quality products, because 'hey that was once a union job!'
The President is full of shit! Obama is still trying to scapegoat his failure.

The plow & horse did not create permanent unemployment for farmers with hoes. The Steam Shovel did not do the same to ditch diggers & miners. There have been countless innovations throughout history that replace human labor. New jobs are always created by the advancements in lifestyles that outpaced the ones lost by labor replacing machine. If anything we have to many overeducated government dependent sissy's & to few blue collar workers to build oil pipelines & oil rigs, or operate drilling & mining equipment.

The only thing this country lacks is leadership.
I saw a story on this in the news earlier today. The president's point was absolutely correct.

It was not even close to correct.

Let us look closer at the examples of ATMs themselves. Despite the fact that there are ATMs in every grocery and convenience store, every bank, and scattered on city streets all over the country there are many times more bank branches now than there were when the ATM was first used. In fact, the BLS predicted an increase in tellers of 6% before the recession.


The facts do not support Obama's, or your, supposition. ATMs do not even eliminate jobs for tellers, they certainly cannot eliminate non teller jobs.
That is not the reason we have high unemployment. Nor is it a contributing factor.

Now you guys can't have it both ways. Your all high on green or high tech energy. Don't you think that's gonna cost jobs as well as drive costs up because as we all know new tech always has a high price.

sure its a contributing factor IN A WAY.....we have a machine that does the work of aprox. 100 clerks.....the Mail Processing Center 5-6 years ago had something like 400 people working there.....now two machines later they are down to aprox 150- 200 people.....most of those people either just retired or took Early outs.....but no one has been hired since 07......because of Automation.....

And 100 years ago most people worked in agriculture because it was labor intensive. 50 years ago the steel mills were thriving, in spite of not updating machinery that Germany and Japan had already brought online, which caused the demise of the steel industry in the US.

  • We need to keep the old technology and not innovate because we should always support unions.
  • We have to innovate because we are falling behind China.
No wonder progressives are crazy.
Obama is upset because the ATM rejected his card.

I particularly enjoyed Boehner's press release.

I didn’t do it.
President Obama says I’m to blame for high unemployment – part of the “structural” problems with the economy. Yes, he actually said my electronic brethren and I – who dispense cash and make lines move a little more quickly at the airport – are part of the reason 1.5 million fewer Americans have jobs than when the “stimulus” was enacted.
But before the president fingered us as responsible for job losses, he sought to take credit for the sluggish economy.
And even DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) said this morning that Democrats own the economy. I don’t. I’m just an ATM. I don’t own anything.
So if there are any “structural issues” with our faltering economy, as the president said, it’s likely because of his policies – not ATMs. For example:

I particularly liked this part.

SPENDING TOO MUCH: Democrats want to spend more of your money (and rack up more debt). I want you to spend it. The Democrats who run Washington spent almost a trillion dollars on a “stimulus” that didn’t work (and bragged about it during “Recovery Summer”) -- and they want to spend more! They haven’t passed a budget that spurs job growth and stops spending money we don’t have (note: Republicans have), and even worked with an army of lobbyists to fight spending cuts. You won’t catch me spending any of your money; I just want you to have it.

Boehner Mocks Obama for Pinning Unemployment on ATMs | CNSnews.com
In part, he's right.

And this trend where techology makes human workers redundant is NOT going away, either. In fact, it's only going to get worse (or better depending on whther you're benefiting from it or have lost your job to it)

15 years ago I had 6 part time workers and myself working on Rosetta.

Those people worked on scanning and cleaning images, plus one "engineer" whose sole job was to help us get and stay online

Collectively they put in about 180 hours a week. (admittedly, I put in about 80 hours a week then)

Now what they did, then, I and an engineer I have on retainer do all that work PLUS much more, too in about 20 hours a week.

I'd guesstimate that in my little project we have enjoyed about a 900% increase in efficiency in the last ten years.
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In part, he's right.

And this trend where techology makes human workers reducdant is NOT going away, either.

15 years ago I had 6 part time workers and myself working on Rosetta.

Those people worked on scanning and cleaning images, plus one "engineer" whose sole job was to help us get and stay online

Collectively they put in about 80 hours a week.

Now what they did, I and an engineer I have on retainer do all that work PLUS much more, too in about 20 hours a week.

I'd guesstimate that in my little project we have enjoyed about a 500% increase in efficiency in the last ten years.

And increasing efficiency does mean less jobs. Or less pay for the same job.
A mixed bag when viewed in an overall view.
Of course as efficiency rises so does the stock market though.
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Here's my guess...someone told him that the main reason unemployment is still so high is that we're seeing a structural shift..a mismatch of available labor skills and the demand for skills. This is true.

Going on to specifically talk about ATMs and airline kiosks shows lack of understanding, however. While possibly a part of the problems, increased automation is not the main cause or, in my opinion, an important one.

You are absolutely right and of course our fearless leader as always is right.Everyone knows that ATM machines and airline kiosks are made by aliens on another planet and flown in.

Humans don't make these machines nor do they service them.There is absolutely no human involvement in these machines at all.No one designs them,tests them,builds them,installs therm,or maintains them,or repairs them.It's all done by magic.

At the end of the day whenever this President makes a dumb ass comment like this it just shows why we need to get this guy out of office. :(
It's not even remotely related to the problem. These evil machines have been around for decades. Last time I checked they weren't recently invented to replace anyone. It's just reaching. It's a ridiculous distraction that the main steam media didn't even have the balls to call him on. I defy you to tell me the media isn't in his pocket after all the years of calling GWB stupid.

Or course it is..

And you haven't been checking very well. Recently airports rolled out kiosk checkins that replace counter people. Try calling a bank or your cable company for service..you get an automated menu. In my industry off the top of my head I can come up with applications that have cost a good number of jobs:

TIDAL - Job scheduler. Trading applications and after hour processing are done through automation (replacing computer operators).
UTP - Universal Trading Platform - Trading is now done through automation through the use of "Matching Engines" (which replace brokers) and "Market Makers" which (replaces specialists).
PUPPET - Maintains Operating System Integrity (Replacing system administrators).
RUBY ON RAILS - Allows for rapid development of applications through the use of visio like interfaces ( replacing software coders ).
ABINITIO - Like ruby on rails but specifically for trading applications ( replacing coders ).

Add in most major corporations are provisioning more money for automation then they are for new hires. One of the major reasons for this..is they don't want to be responsible for health care.

Automation, in itself, is a very good thing. But technology should be something that enhances the human ability to be productive..not replace it.
Here's my guess...someone told him that the main reason unemployment is still so high is that we're seeing a structural shift..a mismatch of available labor skills and the demand for skills. This is true.

Going on to specifically talk about ATMs and airline kiosks shows lack of understanding, however. While possibly a part of the problems, increased automation is not the main cause or, in my opinion, an important one.

You are absolutely right and of course our fearless leader as always is right.Everyone knows that ATM machines and airline kiosks are made by aliens on another planet and flown in.

Humans don't make these machines nor do they service them.There is absolutely no human involvement in these machines at all.No one designs them,tests them,builds them,installs therm,or maintains them,or repairs them.It's all done by magic.

At the end of the day whenever this President makes a dumb ass comment like this it just shows why we need to get this guy out of office. :(

Once installed..you've eliminated a good number of well paying jobs. The initial cost and upkeep of the kiosks are less then having a body or two in it's place.
How many humans have been replaced by sutomated Telephone systems.
Press 1 for the pharmacy, press 2 for lumber, press 3 to hear a duck quack, etc.
None. The menu just helps route calls to the correct person.
How many people have been replaced by robots on auto assembly lines?
How many ditch diggers haver been replaced by backhoes, pay loaders and bulldozers?
How many people have been replaced by automatic irrigation systems on golf courses or sod farms?
Please. With his words from yesterday, Obama just confirmed how out of touch he actually is.

That's completely and utterly incorrect.

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