Obama Becoming A Joke...

You know what's funny? Threads like this. If you always thought he was a joke. If he was NEVER good enough. If he never did anything right? You've really got nowhere to go.

Too bad y'all started from south of zero.

Being a pessimist must right royal SUCK.

Shoot no!! If you start at zero you have no where to go but up, well..........in most instances unless you're 0bama.
You know what's funny? Threads like this. If you always thought he was a joke. If he was NEVER good enough. If he never did anything right? You've really got nowhere to go.

Too bad y'all started from south of zero.

Being a pessimist must right royal SUCK.

Shoot no!! If you start at zero you have no where to go but up, well..........in most instances unless you're 0bama.
The Boob is just another idiotic ass making baseless assumptions in this thread.

I was a volunteer for Obama's Inauguration, so I wasn't in the camp she assumes we all are.

Idiots abound here.
Oops on you.

As I said, I smell an ass. :lol:
and it's yours dodge#6
Pssst: For someone who has even a basic understanding of logic, it's not a 'dodge' in the technical sense if it's an irrelevant question.

And, it is. That's why I asked if it mattered whether I was alive at the time. You then backpeddled when your idiocy was demonstrated to you and gave another condition - well read in the subject.

Then, I said that can't assume that neither of your assumptions - that I wasn't alive or that I am not well read in the subject - is true.

And, you continue with your irrelevance.

best dodge ever.
the point of the exercise was to find out if you were alive when carter was pres and you failed.
and it's yours dodge#6
Pssst: For someone who has even a basic understanding of logic, it's not a 'dodge' in the technical sense if it's an irrelevant question.

And, it is. That's why I asked if it mattered whether I was alive at the time. You then backpeddled when your idiocy was demonstrated to you and gave another condition - well read in the subject.

Then, I said that can't assume that neither of your assumptions - that I wasn't alive or that I am not well read in the subject - is true.

And, you continue with your irrelevance.

best dodge ever.
the point of the exercise was to find out if you were alive when carter was pres and you failed.
Does it matter?


Using your logic, unless someone was alive during a presidency, they cannot judge that presidency with any credibility.


And, in case you haven't guessed - I make it a practice not to engage in irrelevancies, unless I feel like being amused.

You deliver on that front. :thup:

Carter sucked as president (incompetent) and he sucks as a former president (classless).
Pssst: For someone who has even a basic understanding of logic, it's not a 'dodge' in the technical sense if it's an irrelevant question.

And, it is. That's why I asked if it mattered whether I was alive at the time. You then backpeddled when your idiocy was demonstrated to you and gave another condition - well read in the subject.

Then, I said that can't assume that neither of your assumptions - that I wasn't alive or that I am not well read in the subject - is true.

And, you continue with your irrelevance.

best dodge ever.
the point of the exercise was to find out if you were alive when carter was pres and you failed.
Does it matter?


Using your logic, unless someone was alive during a presidency, they cannot judge that presidency with any credibility.


And, in case you haven't guessed - I make it a practice not to engage in irrelevancies, unless I feel like being amused.

You deliver on that front. :thup:

Carter sucked as president (incompetent) and he sucks as a former president (classless).
dogma based.
There is a tie for first - Obama and Carter. I think Obama may have it by a nose, or more, at this point.

the worst president in my lifetime was baby bush.
followed by carter.

you people are such hacks you can't even get that right.
As you clearly didn't get it right, that makes you a hack.

Damn, it's fun calling others names for their tastes!


It's called arrogance. I personally call it "Unproven" arrogance.

Why? Because it is personal opinion. Jillian misses that. She thinks she knows what is correct and all else is incorrect.

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best dodge ever.
the point of the exercise was to find out if you were alive when carter was pres and you failed.
Does it matter?


Using your logic, unless someone was alive during a presidency, they cannot judge that presidency with any credibility.


And, in case you haven't guessed - I make it a practice not to engage in irrelevancies, unless I feel like being amused.

You deliver on that front. :thup:

Carter sucked as president (incompetent) and he sucks as a former president (classless).
dogma based.
Ah. According to YOU, only if I wasn't alive during his presidency or not well read in the subject.

And, you assume I wasn't either.

And, you would be wrong.

But, keep playing. :lol:
There is a tie for first - Obama and Carter. I think Obama may have it by a nose, or more, at this point.

I think wilson should be first. After all it was his signature that got us to this finacial mess in the first place.

I think I agree with you...
...but for a dif reason....he wanted to 'cast off the Constitution,'...did away with checks and balances, removed blacks from govenment jobs.

This guy was the gran-daddy of all progresives.

BTW..I visited Wheatland, Buchanans' home....very nice mansion.

So...for me it's :

First two for crimes of commission, last two for crimes of omission.

I agree without wilson FDR and obama could never been able to do all they have done.
the worst president in my lifetime was baby bush.
followed by carter.

you people are such hacks you can't even get that right.
As you clearly didn't get it right, that makes you a hack.

Damn, it's fun calling others names for their tastes!


i changed it to be polite, actually. but if the shoe fits.

tastes? is that what you think picking the WORST president is. your guy gets us here and the guy whose being obstructed by your guys is the worst?

the only thing he's worst at is not punching schoolyard bullies in the face.


Why do you hit and run? Back up your declarations, one of the reasons why politicalchic is one of the best posters on the board is she backs up what she posts with facts, you rarely do. I don't get that kind of posting, they are wasted posts in my opinion
As you clearly didn't get it right, that makes you a hack.

Damn, it's fun calling others names for their tastes!


i changed it to be polite, actually. but if the shoe fits.

tastes? is that what you think picking the WORST president is. your guy gets us here and the guy whose being obstructed by your guys is the worst?

the only thing he's worst at is not punching schoolyard bullies in the face.


Why do you hit and run? Back up your declarations, one of the reasons why politicalchic is one of the best posters on the board is she backs up what she posts with facts, you rarely do. I don't get that kind of posting, they are wasted posts in my opinion

BEcause she can't. She is a shallow poseur who can't get further than "you're an idiot." Go back and look at her posts. Not a supporting fact or argument i any of them. And she claims to be a lawyer. Yeah, bald.
Well.......the definition of a joke in politics is when your own party cant run away from you fast enough.:2up:

Its like a slam dunk if you root for the other side like I do. Ive been watching this cheesedick tank for a good two years now........even stoped checking the polls by mid-summer. Its all good these days if you're a conservative that follows this stuff.......in fact, it doesnt get better: when the guys in power are taking a big old dump and you can just sit back and laugh while the k00ks on the internet try to spin things.......and you know that beneath the steely posterior, these fcukks are miserable. Especially the ones with the stratospheric post counts ( we all know who they are:funnyface:)

me smells a dodge!
Me smells an ass who got caught in a baseless assumption.

dodge #2 answer the question were you there or not
I was......I was 16 years old, and quite the liberal stoner when Reagan was elected. I was becoming politically aware. Realized Carter was an idiot, although he had SOME decent intentions........Joined the ARMY at 17, served under Reagan. Watched how he conducted himself. Saw how his conservative policies brought this great country back from the disaster that was Carter. Watched how many on the left embraced him for his straight forward way of conducting himself (You will NEVER hear a conservative identify themselves as "Obama conservatives", while you hear many dems identify themselves as "Reagan democrats")......Reagan turned me conservative, and you sure as hell as don't hear me bitching about my lot in life. I have very little to worry about, financially or otherwise....Why is that?......Because I took personal responsibility by the horns and ran with it, along with my conservative DEMOCRAT wife.

Face it, Obama is an abject failure. The liberal progressive agenda is an abject failure......There is no hope, there is no change. Obama sold you fools a phoney bill of goods, and your attempts to justify that inept fool, is completely laughable.
Me smells an ass who got caught in a baseless assumption.

dodge #2 answer the question were you there or not
I was......I was 16 years old, and quite the liberal stoner when Reagan was elected. I was becoming politically aware. Realized Carter was an idiot, although he had SOME decent intentions........Joined the ARMY at 17, served under Reagan. Watched how he conducted himself. Saw how his conservative policies brought this great country back from the disaster that was Carter. Watched how many on the left embraced him for his straight forward way of conducting himself (You will NEVER hear a conservative identify themselves as "Obama conservatives", while you hear many dems identify themselves as "Reagan democrats")......Reagan turned me conservative, and you sure as hell as don't hear me bitching about my lot in life. I have very little to worry about, financially or otherwise....Why is that?......Because I took personal responsibility by the horns and ran with it, along with my conservative DEMOCRAT wife.

Face it, Obama is an abject failure. The liberal progressive agenda is an abject failure......There is no hope, there is no change. Obama sold you fools a phoney bill of goods, and your attempts to justify that inept fool, is completely laughable.

You know I love ya Wicked but Im going to disagree. Obama has not been a failure at all in my view. In under three years, he has reminded independents why you dont place a progressive in charge of anything. That the whole "Hope and Change" mantra came with it is just a further blessing moving forward. All by himself, he has blown up the lifetime dreams of progressives, just like Carter did. Independents wont be duped again for a long, long time.........

Its a beautiful thing Wicked...........as sweet as it gets. We'll be toasting this guy in a little over a year.:up:
1. [Democrat] President Obama will blame House Republican leader Eric Cantor for blocking his jobs package when he speaks later today in Mesquite, Texas
Obama to blast Cantor for blocking jobs bill

2.President Barack Obama has traveled the country to rally support for his jobs legislation and prodding Congress to take up the bill immediately.

Senate Minority [Republican] Leader Mitch McConnell’s response? Sure.

Read more: Mitch McConnell: Let's just vote on Obama jobs bill - Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

3. [Democrat Leader ]Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it.
Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

So...how long before President Obama's pic appears in the dictionary definition of incompetent?

in·com·pe·tent/inˈkämpətənt/Noun: An incompetent person.
Adjective: Not having the necessary skills to do something successfully. More »
Wikipedia - Dictionary.com - Answers.com - Merriam-Webster

Have you not watched NBC News or read the NY Times lately?

Obama is doing the best he can despite the resistance of the GOP.

Sadly, most dont know the truth. Look at the Cantor thread. Most arent even aware that Reid cant muster up enough in his own party for the bill to be voted on.
But it is Cantors fault.

And the people believe it.

Obama plays his supporters as the fools. I wonder what it is like to continually defend a man that sees you as a fool.

Obama does this all the time. Look what he said to the black caucas for evidence of that.

Obama Loses his Cool at Black Caucus Dinner - YouTube

Democrats depend on ignorance to get elected.
dodge #2 answer the question were you there or not
I was......I was 16 years old, and quite the liberal stoner when Reagan was elected. I was becoming politically aware. Realized Carter was an idiot, although he had SOME decent intentions........Joined the ARMY at 17, served under Reagan. Watched how he conducted himself. Saw how his conservative policies brought this great country back from the disaster that was Carter. Watched how many on the left embraced him for his straight forward way of conducting himself (You will NEVER hear a conservative identify themselves as "Obama conservatives", while you hear many dems identify themselves as "Reagan democrats")......Reagan turned me conservative, and you sure as hell as don't hear me bitching about my lot in life. I have very little to worry about, financially or otherwise....Why is that?......Because I took personal responsibility by the horns and ran with it, along with my conservative DEMOCRAT wife.

Face it, Obama is an abject failure. The liberal progressive agenda is an abject failure......There is no hope, there is no change. Obama sold you fools a phoney bill of goods, and your attempts to justify that inept fool, is completely laughable.

You know I love ya Wicked but Im going to disagree. Obama has not been a failure at all in my view. In under three years, he has reminded independents why you dont place a progressive in charge of anything. That the whole "Hope and Change" mantra came with it is just a further blessing moving forward. All by himself, he has blown up the lifetime dreams of progressives, just like Carter did. Independents wont be duped again for a long, long time.........

Its a beautiful thing Wicked...........as sweet as it gets. We'll be toasting this guy in a little over a year.:up:
No argument here, brother!:cool:
Americans Favor Jobs Plan Proposals, Including Taxing Rich

Now that the American people are weighing in, looks like the Republicans are running scared. Instead of listening to Mitch and Paul and John, try listening to those people Obama is talking too.

On the news, they said Congress is getting swamped with emails, up more than 500% than a year ago.
1. [Democrat] President Obama will blame House Republican leader Eric Cantor for blocking his jobs package when he speaks later today in Mesquite, Texas
Obama to blast Cantor for blocking jobs bill

2.President Barack Obama has traveled the country to rally support for his jobs legislation and prodding Congress to take up the bill immediately.

Senate Minority [Republican] Leader Mitch McConnell’s response? Sure.

Read more: Mitch McConnell: Let's just vote on Obama jobs bill - Seung Min Kim - POLITICO.com

3. [Democrat Leader ]Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it.
Reid blocks vote on jobs bill while Obama blasts House for not voting on it | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

So...how long before President Obama's pic appears in the dictionary definition of incompetent?

in·com·pe·tent/inˈkämpətənt/Noun: An incompetent person.
Adjective: Not having the necessary skills to do something successfully. More »
Wikipedia - Dictionary.com - Answers.com - Merriam-Webster

Have you not watched NBC News or read the NY Times lately?

Obama is doing the best he can despite the resistance of the GOP.

Sadly, most dont know the truth. Look at the Cantor thread. Most arent even aware that Reid cant muster up enough in his own party for the bill to be voted on.
But it is Cantors fault.

And the people believe it.

Obama plays his supporters as the fools. I wonder what it is like to continually defend a man that sees you as a fool.

Obama does this all the time. Look what he said to the black caucas for evidence of that.

Obama Loses his Cool at Black Caucus Dinner - YouTube

Democrats depend on ignorance to get elected.

Cain said blacks were "brainwashed". Guess he's just another Republican who thinks blacks are stupid.
Me smells an ass who got caught in a baseless assumption.

dodge #2 answer the question were you there or not
I was......I was 16 years old, and quite the liberal stoner when Reagan was elected. I was becoming politically aware. Realized Carter was an idiot, although he had SOME decent intentions........Joined the ARMY at 17, served under Reagan. Watched how he conducted himself. Saw how his conservative policies brought this great country back from the disaster that was Carter. Watched how many on the left embraced him for his straight forward way of conducting himself (You will NEVER hear a conservative identify themselves as "Obama conservatives", while you hear many dems identify themselves as "Reagan democrats")......Reagan turned me conservative, and you sure as hell as don't hear me bitching about my lot in life. I have very little to worry about, financially or otherwise....Why is that?......Because I took personal responsibility by the horns and ran with it, along with my conservative DEMOCRAT wife.

Face it, Obama is an abject failure. The liberal progressive agenda is an abject failure......There is no hope, there is no change. Obama sold you fools a phoney bill of goods, and your attempts to justify that inept fool, is completely laughable.
I was 16 also.. not politically motived, my dad was a lifer in the Marines my mother is a life long repub..so there not much you can tell me about conservatism that I don't already know.
as to Reagan he was your first pres you (and I) were eligible to vote for.
my experience of Ronald Reagan was he ass fucked the nation for 8 years.
as did bush 2.
as to taking responsibility I "worked" (no grants ,no scholarships) my way through college, got a MFA(technical) met my wife "A republican" who also has an MFA.
our life was doing just fine until Bush 2.
when Obama fucks up as bad as Bush2(he'd need four more years to even start)then we'll talk about failure.
dodge #2 answer the question were you there or not
I was......I was 16 years old, and quite the liberal stoner when Reagan was elected. I was becoming politically aware. Realized Carter was an idiot, although he had SOME decent intentions........Joined the ARMY at 17, served under Reagan. Watched how he conducted himself. Saw how his conservative policies brought this great country back from the disaster that was Carter. Watched how many on the left embraced him for his straight forward way of conducting himself (You will NEVER hear a conservative identify themselves as "Obama conservatives", while you hear many dems identify themselves as "Reagan democrats")......Reagan turned me conservative, and you sure as hell as don't hear me bitching about my lot in life. I have very little to worry about, financially or otherwise....Why is that?......Because I took personal responsibility by the horns and ran with it, along with my conservative DEMOCRAT wife.

Face it, Obama is an abject failure. The liberal progressive agenda is an abject failure......There is no hope, there is no change. Obama sold you fools a phoney bill of goods, and your attempts to justify that inept fool, is completely laughable.
I was 16 also.. not politically motived, my dad was a lifer in the Marines my mother is a life long repub..so there not much you can tell me about conservatism that I don't already know.
as to Reagan he was your first pres you (and I) were eligible to vote for.
my experience of Ronald Reagan was he ass fucked the nation for 8 years.
as did bush 2.
as to taking responsibility I "worked" (no grants ,no scholarships) my way through college, got a MFA(technical) met my wife "A republican" who also has an MFA.
our life was doing just fine until Bush 2.
when Obama fucks up as bad as Bush2(he'd need four more years to even start)then we'll talk about failure.

Bull shit and double bullshit

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