Obama a multi-task president


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama is being accused of campaigning instead of doing the business of the people. Obama when giving the State of the Union address, he was ordering the rescue of the Somalia captures. He was doing the work of the people when the was ordering the strike on Osama Bin Laden. Obama can pat his head and rub his stomach at the same time while walking a straight line. Wasn’t Romney running his business when he was Governor? Obama don’t really need to campaign, Romney, Newt, Santorum and Paul is doing it for him. They are doing a great job airing each other’s dirty laundry. They are knocking each other out of the ring and the last man standing will be Obama. Less about what Obama is doing and more about what you will do, when and how. Quirky little jokes about Obama will not get you elected.
Obama is a “multi-task” president. Something we are not use to having in past presidents. Except maybe Clinton who was doing the work of the people while doing Lewinsky.

We know what we have but don’t know what we will get and we have decided to keep what we have.
It's not exactly "multi-tasking" when you're giving the same old speech that you gave last year, Lil...

As for what Obama can and can't do? If he's such a "gifted" guy why does he need his teleprompters to talk to a class of 3rd graders?

Of course he did say he was working on his "jobs bill" while he was playing golf on Martha's Vineyard...oh, wait...that was the same old stimulus from 2009 given a new name! Gee, anyone notice a pattern here?
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Come on...be realistic

We are talking about a man who cannot speak unless it is written on a telepromter. Someone who only got through school because of affirmative action. Someone who bows to foreign kings

He is not capable of doing more than one thing at once
It's not exactly "multi-tasking" when you're giving the same old speech that you gave last year, Lil...

As for what Obama can and can't do? If he's such a "gifted" guy why does he need his teleprompters to talk to a class of 3rd graders?

You wouldn't have a link on that telepromter to third graders would ya?
It's not exactly "multi-tasking" when you're giving the same old speech that you gave last year, Lil...

As for what Obama can and can't do? If he's such a "gifted" guy why does he need his teleprompters to talk to a class of 3rd graders?

You wouldn't have a link on that telepromter to third graders would ya?

My bad...it was 6th graders.

It wasn't Affirmative Action that got him "through" school...it was Affirmative Action that got him INTO school.
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It's not exactly "multi-tasking" when you're giving the same old speech that you gave last year, Lil...

As for what Obama can and can't do? If he's such a "gifted" guy why does he need his teleprompters to talk to a class of 3rd graders?

You wouldn't have a link on that telepromter to third graders would ya?

My bad...it was 6th graders.

It wasn't Affirmative Action that got him "through" school...it was Affirmative Action that got him INTO school.

That's the problem when you get your news from right wing hate sites

snopes.com: Obama Uses Teleprompter for Speech to 6th Graders
Obama ran up record deficits, record unemployment, record poverty and got us our first ever downgrade...thats multi-tasking
You wouldn't have a link on that telepromter to third graders would ya?

My bad...it was 6th graders.

It wasn't Affirmative Action that got him "through" school...it was Affirmative Action that got him INTO school.

That's the problem when you get your news from right wing hate sites

snopes.com: Obama Uses Teleprompter for Speech to 6th Graders

Ah, that was a story covered on quite a few national news outlets, Winger...it wasn't something that I got from a "right wing hate site" because I don't get my news from those. I notice that you don't dispute the fact that Barack Obama has a love affair going with his teleprompters and tends to stumble quite often when he isn't using them. Nor that it was Affirmative Action that got him into Columbia and Harvard Law School.
My bad...it was 6th graders.

It wasn't Affirmative Action that got him "through" school...it was Affirmative Action that got him INTO school.

That's the problem when you get your news from right wing hate sites

snopes.com: Obama Uses Teleprompter for Speech to 6th Graders

Ah, that was a story covered on quite a few national news outlets, Winger...it wasn't something that I got from a "right wing hate site" because I don't get my news from those. I notice that you don't dispute the fact that Barack Obama has a love affair going with his teleprompters and tends to stumble quite often when he isn't using them. Nor that it was Affirmative Action that got him into Columbia and Harvard Law School.

The Obama needs a telepromter to speak to sixth graders was right wing propaganda that intentionally misrepresented news footage.

And no, Obama does not use a telepromter more than any other president and yes he does speak quite eloquently without it

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